Beispiel #1
 public override bool RequiresTransactionForAuditEntities(SingleStatementQueryAction actionToStart)
     // if we have entities of our own, we have to tell the caller that so it can create a transaction
     return(_toUpdate.Count > 0 &&
            (actionToStart == SingleStatementQueryAction.ExistingEntityUpdate ||
             actionToStart == SingleStatementQueryAction.NewEntityInsert));
 /// <summary>
 /// Method which returns true if this auditor expects to have audit entities to persist and therefore needs a transaction.
 /// This method is called in the situation when there's no transaction going on though one should be started right before the single-statement action
 /// in the case if the auditor has entities to save afterwards. It's recommended to return true if the auditor might have audit entities
 /// to persist after an entity save/delete/direct update/direct delete of entities. Default: true
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actionToStart">The single statement action which is about to be started.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// true if a transaction should be started prior to the action to perform (entity save/delete/direct update/direct delete of entities)
 /// false otherwise.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>If false is returned and GetAuditEntitiesToSave returns 1 or more entities, a new transaction is started to save these audit entities
 /// which means that this transaction isn't re-tryable if this transaction might fail.
 /// In no entity-based audition (text file for example) where no transaction is required. This method should return false. This avoids the creation
 /// of unnecessary transactions.</remarks>
 public override bool RequiresTransactionForAuditEntities(SingleStatementQueryAction actionToStart)