Beispiel #1
        void input_FrameAdded(Frame rame, EventArgs args)
            if (mConfig.Frame == null || rame.Name.Equals(mConfig.Frame))
                mFrame = rame;

                List <ITouchSource> sources = new List <ITouchSource>();
                if (mOverlayPlugin != null)
                    sources.Add(new OverlayTouchSource(mOverlayPlugin[rame.Name]));

                mL      = new VerticalAxis(sources.ToArray());
                mR      = new VerticalAxis(sources.ToArray());
                mLeftX  = new TwoDAxis(mL, true, false);
                mLeftY  = new TwoDAxis(mL, false, false);
                mRightX = new TwoDAxis(mR, true, true);
                mRightY = new TwoDAxis(mR, false, true);
                mSingle = new VerticalAxis(sources.ToArray());

                mL.W        = mConfig.LeftW;
                mL.H        = mConfig.LeftH;
                mL.PaddingH = mConfig.LeftPaddingH;
                mL.PaddingV = mConfig.LeftPaddingV;

                mR.W        = mConfig.RightW;
                mR.H        = mConfig.RightH;
                mR.PaddingH = mConfig.RightPaddingH;
                mR.PaddingV = mConfig.RightPaddingV;

                mSingle.W        = mConfig.SingleW;
                mSingle.H        = mConfig.SingleH;
                mSingle.PaddingH = mConfig.SinglePaddingH;
                mSingle.PaddingV = mConfig.SinglePaddingV;

                mSinglePos = mConfig.SinglePos;

                mL.SizeChanged      += OnChange;
                mR.SizeChanged      += OnChange;
                mSingle.SizeChanged += OnChange;


                Core input = rame.Core;

                if (Enabled)
                    Enabled = true;
        protected override void InitConfig()
            LeftW          = Get("Left", "W", .35f, "The width of the left control circle.");
            LeftH          = Get("Left", "H", .8f, "The height of the left control circle.");
            LeftPaddingH   = Get("Left", "PaddingH", .05f, "The padding to the left of the left control circle.");
            LeftPaddingV   = Get("Left", "PaddingV", .1f, "The padding above the left control circle.");
            RightW         = Get("Right", "W", .35f, "The width of the right control circle.");
            RightH         = Get("Right", "H", .8f, "The height of the right control circle.");
            RightPaddingH  = Get("Right", "PaddingH", .05f, "The padding to the left of the right control circle.");
            RightPaddingV  = Get("Right", "PaddingV", .1f, "The padding above the right control circle.");
            SingleW        = Get("Single", "W", .15f, "The width of the single axis control section.");
            SingleH        = Get("Single", "H", .8f, "The height of the single axis control section.");
            SinglePaddingH = Get("Single", "PaddingH", .05f, "The padding to the left of the single axis control section.");
            SinglePaddingV = Get("Single", "PaddingV", .1f, "The padding above the single axis control section.");
            Frame          = GetStr("Window", null, "The window which is a touch screen.");
            Opacity        = Get("Opacity", .01f, "How opaque the input window should be.");

            //SinglePos = (SinglePos) Enum.Parse(typeof(SinglePos), Get("Single", "Position", "Right", "Where the single axis is positioned (Left, Right or Centre)."));
            SinglePos = GetEnum <SinglePos>("Single", "Position", SinglePos.Right, "Where the single axis is positioned (Left, Right or Centre).", LogManager.GetLogger("Touchscreen"));
        protected override void InitConfig()
            LeftW = Get("Left", "W", .35f, "The width of the left control circle.");
            LeftH = Get("Left", "H", .8f, "The height of the left control circle.");
            LeftPaddingH = Get("Left", "PaddingH", .05f, "The padding to the left of the left control circle.");
            LeftPaddingV = Get("Left", "PaddingV", .1f, "The padding above the left control circle.");
            RightW = Get("Right", "W", .35f, "The width of the right control circle.");
            RightH = Get("Right", "H", .8f, "The height of the right control circle.");
            RightPaddingH = Get("Right", "PaddingH", .05f, "The padding to the left of the right control circle.");
            RightPaddingV = Get("Right", "PaddingV", .1f, "The padding above the right control circle.");
            SingleW = Get("Single", "W", .15f, "The width of the single axis control section.");
            SingleH = Get("Single", "H", .8f, "The height of the single axis control section.");
            SinglePaddingH = Get("Single", "PaddingH", .05f, "The padding to the left of the single axis control section.");
            SinglePaddingV = Get("Single", "PaddingV", .1f, "The padding above the single axis control section.");
            Frame = GetStr("Window", null, "The window which is a touch screen.");
            Opacity = Get("Opacity", .01f, "How opaque the input window should be.");

            //SinglePos = (SinglePos) Enum.Parse(typeof(SinglePos), Get("Single", "Position", "Right", "Where the single axis is positioned (Left, Right or Centre)."));
            SinglePos = GetEnum<SinglePos>("Single", "Position", SinglePos.Right, "Where the single axis is positioned (Left, Right or Centre).", LogManager.GetLogger("Touchscreen"));
        void input_FrameAdded(Frame rame, EventArgs args)
            if (mConfig.Frame == null || rame.Name.Equals(mConfig.Frame)) {
                mFrame = rame;

                List<ITouchSource> sources = new List<ITouchSource>();
                if (mOverlayPlugin != null)
                    sources.Add(new OverlayTouchSource(mOverlayPlugin[rame.Name]));

                mL = new VerticalAxis(sources.ToArray());
                mR = new VerticalAxis(sources.ToArray());
                mLeftX = new TwoDAxis(mL, true, false);
                mLeftY = new TwoDAxis(mL, false, false);
                mRightX = new TwoDAxis(mR, true, true);
                mRightY = new TwoDAxis(mR, false, true);
                mSingle = new VerticalAxis(sources.ToArray());

                mL.W = mConfig.LeftW;
                mL.H = mConfig.LeftH;
                mL.PaddingH = mConfig.LeftPaddingH;
                mL.PaddingV = mConfig.LeftPaddingV;

                mR.W = mConfig.RightW;
                mR.H = mConfig.RightH;
                mR.PaddingH = mConfig.RightPaddingH;
                mR.PaddingV = mConfig.RightPaddingV;

                mSingle.W = mConfig.SingleW;
                mSingle.H = mConfig.SingleH;
                mSingle.PaddingH = mConfig.SinglePaddingH;
                mSingle.PaddingV = mConfig.SinglePaddingV;

                mSinglePos = mConfig.SinglePos;

                mL.SizeChanged += OnChange;
                mR.SizeChanged += OnChange;
                mSingle.SizeChanged += OnChange;


                Core input = rame.Core;

                if (Enabled)
                    Enabled = true;