Beispiel #1
 public static string DoOperation(string s)
         string[] operands  = GetOperands(s);     //получить операнды
         string   operation = GetOperation(s)[0]; //получить операцию
         string   res       = "";
         if (operation == "=")                    //если число отрицательное, минус относится к числу, а не к операции
             operation  = operation.Remove(operation.Length - 1);
             operation += "+"; //при вычитании прибавляется отрицательное число
         if (operation == "+" || operation == "-" || operation == "*" || operation == "/" || operation == "mod" || operation == "div" || operation == "^")
             res = DoubleOperation[operation](double.Parse(operands[0]), double.Parse(operands[1])).ToString();
             res = SingleOperation[operation](double.Parse(operands[0])).ToString();
         return(res); //вычислить и получить строку
Beispiel #2
 public static string DoOperation(string s) // Возвращает ответ в виде строки
         string[] operands  = GetOperands(s);
         string   operation = GetOperation(s)[0];
         string   answer    = "";
         if (operation == "reverse" || operation == "Sqrt" || operation == "division" || operation == "expX" ||
             operation == "sin" || operation == "Cos" || operation == "tg" || operation == "Sqr" || operation == "factor")
             answer = SingleOperation[operation](double.Parse(operands[0])).ToString();
         else if (operation == "π" || operation == "e")
             answer = Print(s);
             answer = DoubleOperation[operation](double.Parse(operands[0]), double.Parse(operands[1])).ToString();
         string answer = "Ошибка";
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Operation       op   = (a, b) => a + b;
            SingleOperation mult = a => a * a;
            int             x    = 3;
            int             y    = 5;
            int             z    = 1;

            Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", x, y, op(x, y));
            Console.WriteLine("{0}^2 = {1}", x, mult(x));
            Equels e = (a, b) =>
                if (a == b)

            Console.WriteLine("{0} == {1} - {2}", x, y, e(x, y));

            Operation3El op3el = (op2, c) => op(x, y) + z;

            Console.WriteLine("({0} + {1}) + {2} = {3}", x, y, z, op3el(op, z));
Beispiel #4
 private void Run(Action <SingleOperation> action, SingleOperation operation)
Beispiel #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MailChimpReports reports = new MailChimpReports();

                //var x = reports.getoverviewbycampaignasync("3709ea682b").result;
                //var x2 = reports.getoverviewbycampaignasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //var x3 = reports.getadviceasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //var x4 = reports.getclickdetailsasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //var x5 = reports.getclickdetailbylinkidasync("e6e1eb2be8", "6defea2fac").result;
                //var x6 = reports.getalllsubscribersinfoasync("e6e1eb2be8", "6defea2fac").result;

                ////subscriber_hash= the md5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member’s email address
                //// var x7 =reports.getspecificsubscriberinfoasync("e6e1eb2be8", "e6e1eb2be8", string subscriber_hash);
                //var x8 = reports.getdomainperformanceasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //var x9 = reports.geteepurlactivityasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //var x10 = reports.getemailactivityasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //// var x11 = reports.getemailactivitybysubscriberasync("e6e1eb2be8",);
                //var x12 = reports.gettoplocationasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //var x13 = reports.getrecipientsinfoasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                ////   var x14= reports.getspecificcampaignrecipientasync("e6e1eb2be8");
                //var x15 = reports.getreportforchildcampaignasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //var x16 = reports.getunsubscriberlistasync("e6e1eb2be8").result;
                //  var x17 =getunsubscriberinfoasync("e6e1eb2be8", string subscriber_hash)

                //var k = reports.getoverviewasync().result;
                //var clickdetails = reports.getclickdetailsasync("3709ea682b").result;

                //var x = reports.getoverviewbycampaignasync("3709ea682b").result;
                //var performance = x.timeseries;
                //List<Timesery> listOfPerfmance = performance.ToList<Timesery>();
                //var templates = new MailChimpTemplates();

                //var z = reports.GetOverviewByCampaignAsync("3709ea682b").Result;

                //  var f = templates.GetTemplatesAsync().Result;

                //var k = templates.DeleteATemplateAsync("18085").Result;
                //var kk = templates.GetSpecificTemplateAsync("18085").Result;

                #region CampaignCreation
                //MailChimpCampaigns campaign = new MailChimpCampaigns();
                //MCCampaignsOverview overview = new MCCampaignsOverview();

                //Recipients recipients = new Recipients()
                //    list_id = "0a84a63afc"

                //Settings campaignSettings = new Settings()
                //    subject_line = "Schedule Mail Subject ",
                //    title = "Schedule Mail!!! ",
                //    from_name = "Shahriar Hossain",
                //    reply_to = "*****@*****.**",
                //    template_id = 18073,
                //    authenticate = true,
                //    auto_footer = false
                //Tracking campaignTracking = new Tracking()
                //    opens = true,
                //    html_clicks = true,
                //    text_clicks = true

                //ResultWrapper<Campaign> campaignCreationResult = overview.CreateCampaignAsync(Enum.CampaignType.regular, recipients, campaignSettings, campaignTracking).Result;

                //if (campaignCreationResult.HasError == false)
                //    ContentTemplate template = new ContentTemplate()
                //    {
                //        id = "18073"
                //    };

                //    ContentSetting cSetting = new ContentSetting();
                //    string path = @"C:\Users\Wahid\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MailChimp.Api.Net\MailChimp.Api.Net\EmailTemplates\raw_email_01.txt";
                //    FileParser parser = new FileParser();
                //    cSetting.html = parser.EmailParser(path);

                //    MCCampaignContent campaignContent = new MCCampaignContent();
                //    var setContentStatus = campaignContent.SetCampaignContentAsync(, cSetting).Result;

                //    MCCampaignsCheckList mccheckList = new MCCampaignsCheckList();
                //    var checkListResult = mccheckList.GetCampaignContentAsync(;

                //    if (checkListResult.is_ready)
                //    {
                //        var sendStatus = overview.SendCampaignAsync(;
                //    }
                //    String.Format("Best of Luck :p !");
                #endregion CampaignCreation

                #region Add single people to a List
                //MailChimpList lists = new MailChimpList();
                //MCMember member = new MCMember()
                //    email_address = String.Format("*****@*****.**"),
                //    email_type = "html",
                //    language = "English",
                //    status = SubscriberStatus.subscribed.ToString()
                //var x = lists.AddMember(member, "0a84a63afc").Result;
                #endregion Add people to List

                #region Add multiple members in list with single call
                RootBatch batchObj = new RootBatch();
                MCMember  member   = new MCMember();
                for (int i = 828; i < 833; i++)
                    member.email_address = String.Format("Rifat{0}", i);
                    member.email_type    = "html";
                    member.language      = "English";
                    member.status        = SubscriberStatus.subscribed.ToString();

                    var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,

                        Converters = new List <JsonConverter>
                            new IsoDateTimeConverter()
                                DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

                    var myContentJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(member, settings);

                    SingleOperation singleOpt = new SingleOperation();
                    singleOpt.method       = "POST";
                    singleOpt.path         = String.Format("/{0}/{1}/{2}", TargetTypes.lists, "0a84a63afc", SubTargetType.members);
                    singleOpt.operation_id = String.Format("{0}", i);
                    singleOpt.body         = myContentJson;


                MailChimpBatch goBatch     = new MailChimpBatch();
                var            batchResult = goBatch.PostBatchOperationAsync(batchObj).Result;
                #endregion Add multiple members in list with single call

                #region Get Batch Result for By ID
                var    batchId     =;
                string newFileName = "";
                if (batchId != null)
                    var result = goBatch.GetBatchReportById(batchId).Result;

                    if (result.errored_operations > 0)
                        string detailsReportForIssueTrackingURL = result.response_body_url.ToString();
                        newFileName = @"E:\" + batchId + ".tar.gz";
              , newFileName);
                        string detailSuccessReportURL = result.response_body_url.ToString();
                #endregion Get Batch Result for By ID

                #region decompress tar.gz
                string logDirectory      = @"E:\MailChimpLog";
                string extractedFileName = "";
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newFileName))
                    while (true)
                        if (File.Exists(newFileName))
                            using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(newFileName))
                                var reader = ReaderFactory.Open(stream);
                                while (reader.MoveToNextEntry())
                                    if (!reader.Entry.IsDirectory)
                                        extractedFileName = reader.Entry.Key;
                                        extractedFileName = extractedFileName.Substring(2);
                                        reader.WriteEntryToDirectory(logDirectory, ExtractOptions.ExtractFullPath | ExtractOptions.Overwrite);
                            string expectedFileName = String.Format("{0}.json", batchId);

                                Path.Combine(logDirectory, extractedFileName),
                                Path.Combine(logDirectory, expectedFileName));
                #endregion decompress tar.gz

                #region CreateNewList
                //MailChimpList myList = new MailChimpList();
                //Contact ct = new Contact()
                //    city = "Dhaka",
                //    address1 = "This is address1",
                //    address2 = "This is address2",
                //    company = "desme",
                //    country = "Bangladesh",
                //    phone = "017777",
                //    state = "NA",
                //    zip = "96000"

                //CampaignDefaults cd = new CampaignDefaults()
                //    from_email = "*****@*****.**",
                //    from_name = "Shahriar",
                //    language = "English",
                //    subject = "This is a subject"

                //var res = myList.CreateListAsync("mySecondTmpList", ct, "You gave me permission ", cd, false, ListVisibility.prv).Result;

                #endregion CreateNewList

                #region CampaignScheduler
                //MailChimpCampaigns campaign = new MailChimpCampaigns();
                //MCCampaignsOverview overview = new MCCampaignsOverview();

                //Recipients recipients = new Recipients()
                //    list_id = "0a84a63afc"

                //Settings campaignSettings = new Settings()
                //    subject_line = "Schedule Mail Subject ",
                //    title = "Schedule Mail!!! ",
                //    from_name = "Shahriar Hossain",
                //    reply_to = "*****@*****.**",
                //    template_id = 18073,
                //    authenticate = true,
                //    auto_footer = false
                //Tracking campaignTracking = new Tracking()
                //    opens = true,
                //    html_clicks = true,
                //    text_clicks = true

                //ResultWrapper<Campaign> campaignCreationResult = overview.CreateCampaignAsync(Enum.CampaignType.regular, recipients, campaignSettings, campaignTracking).Result;

                //if (campaignCreationResult.HasError == false)
                //    ContentTemplate template = new ContentTemplate()
                //    {
                //        id = "18073"
                //    };

                //    ContentSetting cSetting = new ContentSetting();
                //    string path = @"C:\Users\Wahid\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MailChimp.Api.Net\MailChimp.Api.Net\EmailTemplates\raw_email_01.txt";
                //    FileParser parser = new FileParser();
                //    cSetting.html = parser.EmailParser(path);

                //    MCCampaignContent campaignContent = new MCCampaignContent();
                //    var setContentStatus = campaignContent.SetCampaignContentAsync(, cSetting).Result;

                //    MCCampaignsCheckList mccheckList = new MCCampaignsCheckList();
                //    var checkListResult = mccheckList.GetCampaignContentAsync(;

                //    if (checkListResult.is_ready)
                //    {
                //        DateTime dt = new DateTime(2016, 01, 29, 10, 28, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                //        var schedule = campaign.ScheduleCampaignAsync(, dt).Result;
                //    }
                //    String.Format("Best of Luck :p !");

                #endregion CampaignScheduler

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
