Beispiel #1
        public override void Init(Game game, GUIData data)
            Color = Color.White;

            var skin = new Skin(data.GreyImageMap, data.GreyMap);
            var text = new Text(data.GreySpriteFont, Color.Black);

            Gui = new Gui(game, skin, text)
                Widgets = new Widget[] {
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 0), "Button"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 1), "Skin"),

                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 2), "Change Label", buttonEvent : delegate(Widget widget) {
                        ((Button)widget).Label = _label.Value;
                    _label = new SingleLineTextBox(220, 10 + (40 * 2), 100, 10),

                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 4), "TextPadding = 25", 25),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 5), "TextPadding = 25")
                        TextPadding = 25
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 6), "Change TextPadding", buttonEvent : delegate(Widget widget) {
                        int value;
                        if (int.TryParse(_padding.Value, out value))
                            ((Button)widget).TextPadding = value;
                    _padding = new SingleLineTextBox(220, 10 + (40 * 6), 100, 10),

                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 8), 200, "Width = 200"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 9), "Width = 200")
                        Width = 200
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 10), "Change Width", buttonEvent : delegate(Widget widget) {
                        int value;
                        if (int.TryParse(_width.Value, out value))
                            ((Button)widget).Width = value;
                    _width = new SingleLineTextBox(220, 10 + (40 * 10), 100, 10)
Beispiel #2
        public override void Init(Game1 game)
            Color = Color.White;

            var skin = new Skin(game.GreyImageMap, game.GreyMap);
            var text = new Text(game.GreySpriteFont, Color.Black);

            var testSkin = new Skin(game.TestImageMap, game.TestMap);
            var testText = new Text(game.TestSpriteFont, Color.Black);

            var testSkins = new[] { new Tuple<string, Skin>("testSkin", testSkin) };
            var testTexts = new[] { new Tuple<string, Text>("testText", testText) };

            _gui = new Gui(game, skin, text, testSkins, testTexts) {
                Widgets = new Widget[] {

                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 0), "Button"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 1), "Skin") { Skin = "testSkin", Text = "testText" },

                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 2), "Change Label", buttonEvent: delegate(Widget widget) {
                        ((Button)widget).Label = _label.Value;
                    _label = new SingleLineTextBox(220, 10 + (40 * 2), 100, 10),

                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 4), "TextPadding = 25", 25),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 5), "TextPadding = 25") { TextPadding = 25 },
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 6), "Change TextPadding", buttonEvent: delegate(Widget widget) {
                        int value;
                        if (int.TryParse(_padding.Value, out value)) {
                            ((Button)widget).TextPadding = value;
                    _padding = new SingleLineTextBox(220, 10 + (40 * 6), 100, 10),

                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 8), 200, "Width = 200"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 9), "Width = 200") { Width = 200 },
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 10), "Change Width", buttonEvent: delegate(Widget widget) {
                        int value;
                        if (int.TryParse(_width.Value, out value)) {
                            ((Button)widget).Width = value;
                    _width = new SingleLineTextBox(220, 10 + (40 * 10), 100, 10)

Beispiel #3
        public override void OnResize()

            _gui.Widgets = new Widget[0];

            int serverListHeight = SpaceGame.Instance.GetHeight() - Constants.BUTTON_HEIGHT - 1;

            IP = ServerIP?.Value ?? "";

            ServerList = new Panel(0, 0, SpaceGame.Instance.GetWidth(), serverListHeight);
            ConnectButton = new Button(0, serverListHeight, 100, "Connect");
            RefreshButton = new Button(100, serverListHeight, 100, "Refresh", Refresh);
            ServerIP = new SingleLineTextBox(200, serverListHeight, 250, 15) { Value = IP };

Beispiel #4
        // ================================================================================
        // Interface
        // ================================================================================

        public override void OnInit()
            int leftcolumn = 120;

            Gui.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                panel_Control      = new Elements.Window(4, 4 + 24, leftcolumn, 84),
                panel_ChunksList   = new Elements.Window(4, 4 + 28 + 84, leftcolumn, 592 - 28 - 84),
                panel_CurrentChunk = new Elements.Window(leftcolumn + 8, 4 + 24, 800 - leftcolumn - 12, 592 - 24),

            panel_Control.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                lblTileSetCount = new Label(8, 14, string.Empty),
                new Button(leftcolumn - 82, 4, 32, "+", click_AddChunk),
                new Button(leftcolumn - 46, 4, 32, "-", click_RemoveChunk),
                cmbTilesets = new ComboBox(4, 40, leftcolumn - 30, string.Empty)
                    OnSelectionChanged = cmbTilesets_SelectionChanged

            panel_ChunksList.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                lstChunks = new Elements.ListBox <Data.Chunk>(0, 0, panel_ChunksList.InputArea.Width, panel_ChunksList.InputArea.Height)
                    OnSelectionChanged = lstChunks_OnSelectionChanged

            panel_CurrentChunk.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                new Label(14, 12, "Chunk name:"),
                txtChunkName = new SingleLineTextBox(100, 8, 200, 20, txtChunkName_ValueChanged),

Beispiel #5
        // ================================================================================
        // Initialization
        // ================================================================================

        public override void OnInit()
            int leftcolumn = 120;

            // Add panels: Control, List, CurrentSprite, and TileGfx
            Gui.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                panel_Control       = new Window(4, 4 + 24, leftcolumn, 84),
                panel_List          = new Window(4, 4 + panel_Control.Area.Bottom, leftcolumn, 592 - 28 - panel_Control.Area.Height),
                panel_CurrentSprite = new Window(leftcolumn + 8, 4 + 24, 800 - leftcolumn - 12, 592 - 24 - 4 - 276),
                panel_TileGfx       = new Window(leftcolumn + 8, 4 + panel_CurrentSprite.Area.Bottom, panel_CurrentSprite.Area.Width, 276)

            panel_Control.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                lblSpriteCount = new Label(8, 14, string.Empty),
                new Button(leftcolumn - 82, 4, 32, "+", click_AddSprite),
                new Button(leftcolumn - 46, 4, 32, "-", click_RemoveSprite)

            panel_List.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                lstSprites = new ListBox <Sprite>(0, 0, panel_List.InputArea.Width, panel_List.InputArea.Height)
                    OnSelectionChanged = lstSprites_OnSelectionChanged

            panel_CurrentSprite.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                new Label(8, 8, "Name:"),
                txtSpriteName = new SingleLineTextBox(52, 4, 136, 16)
                    OnValueChanged = txtSpriteName_OnValueChanged
                lblSpriteDataByte     = new Label(8, 30, string.Empty),
                lblSpriteMetaDataSize = new Label(8, 46, string.Empty)

            int y_offset = 32;

            panel_CurrentSprite.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                new Label(8, y_offset + 12 + 24 + 4, "Sprite size:"),
                cmbSpriteSize = new ComboBox(8 + 88, y_offset + 8 + 24, 78, string.Empty, dropDownItems: new List <ComboBox.DropDownItem>()
                    new ComboBox.DropDownItem("8x8"), new ComboBox.DropDownItem("16x16"),
                    new ComboBox.DropDownItem("24x24"), new ComboBox.DropDownItem("32x32")
                    OnSelectionChanged = cmbSpriteSize_OnSelectionChanged
                new Label(8, y_offset + 20 + 48 + 4, "Extra frames:"),
                cmbExtraFrames = new ComboBox(8 + 88, y_offset + 18 + 48, 78, string.Empty, dropDownItems: new List <ComboBox.DropDownItem>()
                    new ComboBox.DropDownItem("0"), new ComboBox.DropDownItem("1"), new ComboBox.DropDownItem("2"), new ComboBox.DropDownItem("3"),
                    new ComboBox.DropDownItem("4"), new ComboBox.DropDownItem("8"), new ComboBox.DropDownItem("16"), new ComboBox.DropDownItem("16*")
                    OnSelectionChanged = cmbExtraFrames_OnSelectionChanged
                chkHasWalkSprites = new CheckBox(8, y_offset + 28 + 72, "Has Walk Sprites")
                    OnToggle = chkHasWalkSprites_OnToggle
                chkHasExtendedSprites = new CheckBox(8, y_offset + 32 + 96, "Has Extended Sprites")
                    OnToggle = chkHasExtendedSprites_OnToggle

            panel_TileGfx.AddWidgets(new Widget[] {
                scrTileGfxPages = new ScrollBars()

            lstMetaSpriteLabels = new List <Label>();
            lstMetaSprites      = new List <MetaTile>();


            if (State.SelectedSprite >= 0 && State.SelectedSprite < State.Data.Sprites.Count)
                lstSprites.SelectedIndex = State.SelectedSprite;
                lstSprites.SelectedIndex = State.SelectedSprite = 0;
        public override void Init(Game game, GUIData data)
            Color = new Color(244, 246, 250);

            var beaker = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("beaker");

            var skin = new Skin(data.GreyImageMap, data.GreyMap);
            var text = new Text(data.GreySpriteFont, Color.Black);

            Gui = new Gui(game, skin, text)
                Widgets = new Widget[] {
                    //By default the Button is as wide as the width of the label plus the edge of the button graphic
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 0), "Button"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 1), "Wide Button"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 2), "T"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 3), 120, "Width 120"),
                    //Button will resized to fit if the specified width is smaller than the width of the text
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 4), 20, "Width 20"),
                    //The optional padding argument causes the button to be as wide as the label + (padding * 2)
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 5), "5 Padding", 5),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 6), "10 Padding", 10),

                    //The ToggleButton behaves similarly to the Button but toggles between being
                    //pressed or released each time its clicked.
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 0), "Button"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 1), "Wide Button"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 2), "T"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 3), 120, "Width 120"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 4), 20, "Width 20"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 5), "5 Padding", 5),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 6), "10 Padding", 10),

                    //Standard old checkbox
                    new CheckBox(300, 10, "Check Box"),

                    //Standard old radio button
                    //Only one radio buttons in the same group can have a value of true
                    new RadioButton(300, 40, "GRP", "Group GRP"),
                    new RadioButton(300, 70, "GRP", "Group GRP"),
                    new RadioButton(300, 100, "GRP", "Group GRP"),

                    //Slider allowing anologue selection. Value is the percent selected between 0 and 1 inclusive.
                    _slider = new Slider(300, 130, 200, delegate(Widget slider) {
                        _sliderLabel.Value = "Value = " + ((Slider)slider).Value;
                    _sliderLabel = new Label(300, 160, "Value = 0"),

                    _singleLineTextBox = new SingleLineTextBox(300, 180, 100, 10),
                    new Button(410, 177, 100, "Change", delegate {
                        var result = 0.0f;
                        if (float.TryParse(_singleLineTextBox.Value, out result))
                            _slider.Value = result;

                    //Combo box allowing that expands to allow the user to select one of the items in the DropDownItem List.
                    new ComboBox(300, 210, "Pick a Color", 2, CardinalDirection.North, new List <ComboBox.DropDownItem> { //The padding argument behaves the same as for the Button
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Violet", null, delegate { Color = Color.Violet; }),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Tomato", null, delegate { Color = Color.Tomato; }),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("YellowGreen", null, delegate { Color = Color.YellowGreen; }),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("LightSkyBlue", null, delegate { Color = Color.LightSkyBlue; })
                    new ComboBox(300, 250, 131, "Holder Text", CardinalDirection.South, new List <ComboBox.DropDownItem> {
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 1"),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 2"),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 3"),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 4"),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 5")

                    //For labels with icons the label is centered in the height of the icon
                    new Label(450, 10, "Research"),
                    new Label(450, 40, beaker, "Research"),
                    new Label(450, 70, beaker, "Research", 4), //Use the optional field for padding

                    //ScrollBars no longer have borders so nest them in panels if you need them.
                    //Panels have a min size of twice the renderers border width.
                    new Panel(10, 300, 220, 220)
                        Children = new Widget[] {
                            new ScrollBars {
                                Children = new Widget[] {
                                    new CheckBox(10, 10, "Button"),
                                    new CheckBox(210, 10, "Button"),
                                    new CheckBox(10, 210, "Button"),
                                    new CheckBox(210, 210, "Button")

                    //TextBoxs no longer have borders so nest them in panels if you need them.
                    new Panel(240, 300, 400, 400)
                        Children = new Widget[] {
                            new TextBox(2, 800)
                                Value = "This is a textbox!"

                    new SingleLineTextBox(10, 525, 120, 10), //Basic Test
                    new SingleLineTextBox(10, 550, 120, 10)
                        Value = "0123456789"
                    },                                                                //Test with default value
                    new SingleLineTextBox(10, 575, 120, 10)
                        Value = "0123456789"
                    }                                                                //Test with specified font
        public override void Init(Game1 game)
            Color = Color.White;

            var beaker = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("beaker");

            var skin = new Skin(game.GreyImageMap, game.GreyMap);
            var text = new Text(game.GreySpriteFont, Color.Black);

            var testSkin = new Skin(game.TestImageMap, game.TestMap);
            var testText = new Text(game.TestSpriteFont, Color.Black);

            var testSkins = new[] { new Tuple<string, Skin>("testSkin", testSkin) };
            var testTexts = new[] { new Tuple<string, Text>("testText", testText) };

            _gui = new Gui(game, skin, text, testSkins, testTexts) {
                Widgets = new Widget[] {
                    //By default the Button is as wide as the width of the label plus the edge of the button graphic
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 0), "Button") { Skin = "testSkin", Text = "testText" },
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 1), "Wide Button"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 2), "T"),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 3), 120, "Width 120"),
                    //Button will resized to fit if the specified width is smaller than the width of the text
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 4), 20, "Width 20"),
                    //The optional padding argument causes the button to be as wide as the label + (padding * 2)
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 5), "5 Padding", 5),
                    new Button(10, 10 + (40 * 6), "10 Padding", 10),

                    //The ToggleButton behaves similarly to the Button but toggles between being
                    //pressed or released each time its clicked.
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 0), "Button"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 1), "Wide Button"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 2), "T"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 3), 120, "Width 120"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 4), 20, "Width 20"),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 5), "5 Padding", 5),
                    new ToggleButton(150, 10 + (40 * 6), "10 Padding", 10),

                    //Standard old checkbox
                    new CheckBox(300, 10, "Check Box"),

                    //Standard old radio button
                    //Only one radio buttons in the same group can have a value of true
                    new RadioButton(300, 40, "GRP", "Group GRP"),
                    new RadioButton(300, 70, "GRP", "Group GRP"),
                    new RadioButton(300, 100, "GRP", "Group GRP"),

                    //Slider allowing anologue selection. Value is the percent selected between 0 and 1 inclusive.
                    _slider = new Slider(300, 130, 200, delegate(Widget slider) {
                        _sliderLabel.Value = "Value = " + ((Slider)slider).Value;
                    _sliderLabel = new Label(300, 160, "Value = 0"),

                    _singleLineTextBox = new SingleLineTextBox(300, 180, 100, 10),
                    new Button(410, 177, 100, "Change", delegate {
                        var result = 0.0f;
                        if (float.TryParse(_singleLineTextBox.Value, out result)) {
                            _slider.Value = result;

                    //Combo box allowing that expands to allow the user to select one of the items in the DropDownItem List.
                    new ComboBox(300, 210, "Pick a Color", 2, CardinalDirection.North, new List<ComboBox.DropDownItem> { //The padding argument behaves the same as for the Button
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Violet", null, delegate { Color = Color.Violet; }),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Tomato", null, delegate { Color = Color.Tomato; }),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("YellowGreen", null, delegate { Color = Color.YellowGreen; }),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("LightSkyBlue", null, delegate { Color = Color.LightSkyBlue; })
                    new ComboBox(300, 250, 131, "Holder Text", CardinalDirection.South, new List<ComboBox.DropDownItem> {
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 1"),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 2"),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 3"),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 4"),
                        new ComboBox.DropDownItem("Test 5")

                    //For labels with icons the label is centered in the height of the icon
                    new Label(450, 10, "Research"),
                    new Label(450, 40, beaker, "Research"),
                    new Label(450, 70, beaker, "Research", 4), //Use the optional field for padding

                    //ScrollBars no longer have borders so nest them in panels if you need them.
                    //Panels have a min size of twice the renderers border width.
                    new Panel(10, 300, 220, 220) {
                        Children = new Widget[] {
                            new ScrollBars {
                                Children = new Widget[] {
                                    new CheckBox(10, 10, "Button"),
                                    new CheckBox(210, 10, "Button"),
                                    new CheckBox(10, 210, "Button"),
                                    new CheckBox(210, 210, "Button")

                    //TextBoxs no longer have borders so nest them in panels if you need them.
                    new Panel(240, 300, 400, 400) {
                        Children = new Widget[] {
                            new TextBox(2, 800) { Value = "This is a textbox!" }

                    new SingleLineTextBox(10, 525, 120, 10), //Basic Test
                    new SingleLineTextBox(10, 550, 120, 10) { Value = "0123456789" }, //Test with default value
                    new SingleLineTextBox(10, 575, 120, 10) { Value = "0123456789", Text = "testText" } //Test with specified font
Beispiel #8
        public override void Init(Game1 game)
            Color           = Color.White;
            skin            = new Skin(game.GreyImageMap, game.GreyMap);
            text            = new Text(game.GreySpriteFont, Color.Chartreuse);
            AttributeColour = Color.OrangeRed;
            resizeNeeded    = false;

            Attributes = GameManager.NewPlayer;

            gui = new Gui(game, skin, text);
            gui.AddText("Nixie", new Text(game.Nixie, AttributeColour));

            CharCreatePanel = new Panel(1, 1, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 3, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 10);
            CharCreatePanel.AddWidget(new Label(1, 6, "NAME"));
            NameBox       = new SingleLineTextBox(50, 0, 150, 15);
            NameBox.Value = GameManager.NewPlayerName;


            AttributePanel     = new Panel(1, 50, CharCreatePanel.Area.Width - 10, 70);
            IndAttributePanels = new Panel[6];

            Panel PanelSTR = new Panel(1, 1, AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6, AttributePanel.Area.Height - 10);

            LabelSTRVAL      = new Label(1, 1, Convert.ToString(Attributes.Strength));
            LabelSTRVAL.Text = "Nixie";
            Label LabelSTR = new Label(1, 35, "STR");

            IndAttributePanels[0] = PanelSTR;

            Panel PanelDEX = new Panel((AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6) * 1, 1, AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6, AttributePanel.Area.Height - 10);
            Label LabelDEX = new Label(1, 35, "DEX");

            LabelDEXVAL      = new Label(1, 1, Convert.ToString(Attributes.Dexterity));
            LabelDEXVAL.Text = "Nixie";
            IndAttributePanels[1] = PanelDEX;

            Panel PanelCHA = new Panel((AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6) * 2, 1, AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6, AttributePanel.Area.Height - 10);
            Label LabelCHA = new Label(1, 35, "CHA");

            LabelCHAVAL      = new Label(1, 1, Convert.ToString(Attributes.Charisma));
            LabelCHAVAL.Text = "Nixie";
            IndAttributePanels[2] = PanelCHA;

            Panel PanelINT = new Panel((AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6) * 3, 1, AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6, AttributePanel.Area.Height - 10);
            Label LabelINT = new Label(1, 35, "INT");

            LabelINTVAL      = new Label(1, 1, Convert.ToString(Attributes.Intelligence));
            LabelINTVAL.Text = "Nixie";
            IndAttributePanels[3] = PanelINT;

            Panel PanelCON = new Panel((AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6) * 4, 1, AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6, AttributePanel.Area.Height - 10);
            Label LabelCON = new Label(1, 35, "CON");

            LabelCONVAL      = new Label(1, 1, Convert.ToString(Attributes.Constitution));
            LabelCONVAL.Text = "Nixie";
            IndAttributePanels[4] = PanelCON;

            Panel PanelAGE = new Panel(((AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6) * 5) - 5, 1, AttributePanel.Area.Width / 6, AttributePanel.Area.Height - 10);
            Label LabelAGE = new Label(1, 35, "AGE");

            LabelAGEVAL      = new Label(1, 1, Convert.ToString(Attributes.Age));
            LabelAGEVAL.Text = "Nixie";

            IndAttributePanels[5] = PanelAGE;



            Panel[] CharModArray = new Panel[3];

            Panel SpeciesSelect = new Panel(10, 125, CharCreatePanel.Area.Width - 30, 325);

            SpeciesSelect.AddWidget(new Label(1, 100, "Select:"));

            Panel ClassSelect = new Panel(10, 125, CharCreatePanel.Area.Width - 30, 325);

            ClassSelect.AddWidget(new Button(-5, SpeciesSelect.Area.Height / 2, 10, "<", delegate { SpeciesSelect.Visible = true; ClassSelect.Visible = false; }));
            ClassSelect.Visible = false;

            Panel PerkSelect = new Panel(10, 125, CharCreatePanel.Area.Width - 30, 325);

            PerkSelect.AddWidget(new Button(-10, (SpeciesSelect.Area.Height / 2) - 10, 10, "<", delegate { ClassSelect.Visible = true; PerkSelect.Visible = false; }));
            PerkSelect.Visible = false;

            CharModArray[0] = SpeciesSelect;
            CharModArray[1] = ClassSelect;
            CharModArray[2] = PerkSelect;


            SpeciesSelect.AddWidget(new Button(-5, SpeciesSelect.Area.Height / 2, 10, "<", delegate { }));

            Console.WriteLine("Character Creation screen initialised");