Beispiel #1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public bool Transformation(QsCompilation compilation, out QsCompilation transformed)
            // random "diagnostic" to check if diagnostics loading works
            this.GeneratedDiagnostics = new List <IRewriteStep.Diagnostic>()
                new IRewriteStep.Diagnostic
                    Severity = CodeAnalysis.DiagnosticSeverity.Info,
                    Message  = "Invokation of the Q# compiler extension for C# generation to demonstrate execution on the simulation framework.",

            var success      = true;
            var outputFolder = this.AssemblyConstants.TryGetValue(ReservedKeywords.AssemblyConstants.OutputPath, out var path) ? path : null;
            var allSources   = GetSourceFiles.Apply(compilation.Namespaces) // also generate the code for referenced libraries...
                                                                            // ... except when they are one of the packages that currently still already contains the C# code (temporary workaround):
                               .Where(s => !Path.GetFileName(s).StartsWith("Microsoft.Quantum"));

            foreach (var source in allSources)
                var content = SimulationCode.generate(source, CodegenContext.Create(compilation.Namespaces));
                    CompilationLoader.GeneratedFile(source, outputFolder ?? this.Name, ".g.cs", content);
                    success = false;
            transformed = compilation;
        private static void GenerateFromBinary(string outputFolder, string pathToBinary)
            CompilationLoader.ReadBinary(pathToBinary, out var syntaxTree);
            var allSources = GetSourceFiles.Apply(syntaxTree); // also generate the code for referenced libraries

            foreach (var source in allSources)
                var content = SimulationCode.generate(source, syntaxTree);
                CompilationLoader.GeneratedFile(source, outputFolder, ".g.cs", content);
Beispiel #3
        private static void GenerateFromBinary(string outputFolder, string pathToBinary)
            var syntaxTree = CompilationLoader.ReadBinary(pathToBinary).ToArray();
            var allSources = GetSourceFiles.Apply(syntaxTree).Where(file => file.Value.EndsWith(".qs"));

            foreach (var source in allSources)
                var content = SimulationCode.generate(source, syntaxTree);
                CompilationLoader.GeneratedFile(source, outputFolder, ".g.cs", content);
        public bool Transformation(QsCompilation compilation, out QsCompilation transformed)
            var success    = true;
            var allSources = GetSourceFiles.Apply(compilation.Namespaces) // also generate the code for referenced libraries...
                                                                          // ... except when they are one of the packages that currently still already contains the C# code (temporary workaround):
                             .Where(s => !Path.GetFileName(s.Value).StartsWith("Microsoft.Quantum"));

            foreach (var source in allSources)
                var content = SimulationCode.generate(source, compilation.Namespaces);
                try { CompilationLoader.GeneratedFile(source, this.OutputFolder ?? this.Name, ".g.cs", content); }
                catch { success = false; }
            transformed = compilation;
        public bool Transformation(QsCompilation compilation, out QsCompilation transformed)
            var context = CodegenContext.Create(compilation, _assemblyConstants);
            var sources = GetSourceFiles.Apply(compilation.Namespaces);

            foreach (var source in sources.Where(s => !s.Value.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                var content = SimulationCode.generate(source, context);
                GeneratedFiles.Add(source.Value, content);

            if (!compilation.EntryPoints.IsEmpty)
                var callable = context.allCallables.First(c => c.Key == compilation.EntryPoints.First()).Value;
                var content  = EntryPoint.generate(context, callable);
                NonNullable <string> entryPointName = NonNullable <string> .New(callable.SourceFile.Value + ".EntryPoint");

                GeneratedFiles.Add(entryPointName.Value, content);

            transformed = compilation;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the corresponding .net core assembly from the Q# syntax tree.
        /// </summary>
        private static AssemblyInfo BuildAssembly(Uri[] fileNames, QsCompiler.SyntaxTree.QsNamespace[] syntaxTree, IEnumerable <MetadataReference> references, QSharpLogger logger, string targetDll)
            if (logger.HasErrors)

            logger.LogDebug($"Compiling the following Q# files: {string.Join(",", fileNames.Select(f => f.LocalPath))}");

                // Generate C# simulation code from Q# syntax tree and convert it into C# syntax trees:
                var trees = new List <SyntaxTree>();
                NonNullable <string> GetFileId(Uri uri) => CompilationUnitManager.TryGetFileId(uri, out var id) ? id : NonNullable <string> .New(uri.AbsolutePath);

                foreach (var file in fileNames)
                    var sourceFile = GetFileId(file);
                    var code       = SimulationCode.generate(sourceFile, syntaxTree);
                    var tree       = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code, encoding: UTF8Encoding.UTF8);
                    logger.LogDebug($"Generated the following C# code for {sourceFile.Value}:\n=============\n{code}\n=============\n");

                // Compile the C# syntax trees:
                var options = new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary, optimizationLevel: OptimizationLevel.Debug);

                var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(

                // Generate the assembly from the C# compilation:
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                    EmitResult result = compilation.Emit(ms);

                    if (!result.Success)
                        IEnumerable <Diagnostic> failures = result.Diagnostics.Where(diagnostic =>
                                                                                     diagnostic.IsWarningAsError ||
                                                                                     diagnostic.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error);

                        logger.LogError("IQS000", "Could not compile Roslyn dll from working folder.");

                        foreach (Diagnostic diagnostic in failures)
                            logger.LogError(diagnostic.Id, diagnostic.GetMessage());

                        logger.LogDebug($"Assembly successfully generated. Caching at {targetDll}.");
                        var data = ms.ToArray();

                            File.WriteAllBytes(targetDll, data);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            logger.LogError("IQS001", $"Unable to save assembly cache: {e.Message}.");

                        return(new AssemblyInfo(Assembly.Load(data), targetDll, syntaxTree));
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.LogError("IQS002", $"Unexpected error compiling assembly: {e.Message}.");
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the corresponding .net core assembly from the Q# syntax tree.
        /// </summary>
        private AssemblyInfo BuildAssembly(ImmutableDictionary <Uri, string> sources, CompilerMetadata metadata, QSharpLogger logger, string dllName)
            logger.LogDebug($"Compiling the following Q# files: {string.Join(",", sources.Keys.Select(f => f.LocalPath))}");

            var qsCompilation = this.UpdateCompilation(sources, metadata.QsMetadatas, logger);

            if (logger.HasErrors)

                // Generate C# simulation code from Q# syntax tree and convert it into C# syntax trees:
                var trees = new List <SyntaxTree>();
                NonNullable <string> GetFileId(Uri uri) => CompilationUnitManager.TryGetFileId(uri, out var id) ? id : NonNullable <string> .New(uri.AbsolutePath);

                foreach (var file in sources.Keys)
                    var sourceFile = GetFileId(file);
                    var code       = SimulationCode.generate(sourceFile, CodegenContext.Create(qsCompilation.Namespaces));
                    var tree       = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code, encoding: UTF8Encoding.UTF8);
                    logger.LogDebug($"Generated the following C# code for {sourceFile.Value}:\n=============\n{code}\n=============\n");

                // Compile the C# syntax trees:
                var options = new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary, optimizationLevel: OptimizationLevel.Debug);

                var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(

                // Generate the assembly from the C# compilation:
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                    using (var bsonStream = new MemoryStream())
                        using var writer = new BsonDataWriter(bsonStream)
                                  CloseOutput = false
                        var fromSources = qsCompilation.Namespaces.Select(ns => FilterBySourceFile.Apply(ns, s => s.Value.EndsWith(".qs")));
                        Json.Serializer.Serialize(writer, new QsCompilation(fromSources.ToImmutableArray(), qsCompilation.EntryPoints));

                        var resourceDescription = new ResourceDescription
                            resourceName: QsCompiler.ReservedKeywords.DotnetCoreDll.ResourceName,
                            dataProvider: () => new MemoryStream(bsonStream.ToArray()),
                            isPublic: true

                        var result = compilation.Emit(ms, manifestResources: new[] { resourceDescription });

                        if (!result.Success)
                            IEnumerable <Diagnostic> failures = result.Diagnostics.Where(diagnostic =>
                                                                                         diagnostic.IsWarningAsError ||
                                                                                         diagnostic.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error);

                            logger.LogError("IQS000", "Could not compile Roslyn dll from working folder.");

                            foreach (Diagnostic diagnostic in failures)
                                logger.LogError(diagnostic.Id, diagnostic.GetMessage());

                            logger.LogDebug($"Assembly successfully generated. Caching at {dllName}.");
                            var data = ms.ToArray();

                                File.WriteAllBytes(dllName, data);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                logger.LogError("IQS001", $"Unable to save assembly cache: {e.Message}.");

                            return(new AssemblyInfo(Assembly.Load(data), dllName, fromSources.ToArray()));
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.LogError("IQS002", $"Unexpected error compiling assembly: {e.Message}.");