int GetManhattenDistance(SimplifiedNode a_nodeA, SimplifiedNode a_nodeB)
        int ix = Mathf.Abs(a_nodeA.iGridX - a_nodeB.iGridX); //x1-x2
        int iy = Mathf.Abs(a_nodeA.iGridY - a_nodeB.iGridY); //y1-y2

        return(ix + iy);                                     //Return the sum
    //Find path function for Iohannis
    public void iFindPath(Vector3 a_StartPos, Vector3 a_TargetPos)
        //Vector3[] direction = new Vector3[0];
        SimplifiedNode StartNode  = GridReference.NodeFromWorldPoint(a_StartPos);                                                               //Gets the node closest to the starting position
        SimplifiedNode TargetNode = GridReference.NodeFromWorldPoint(a_TargetPos);                                                              //Gets the node closest to the target position

        List <SimplifiedNode>    OpenList   = new List <SimplifiedNode>();                                                                      //List of nodes for the open list
        HashSet <SimplifiedNode> ClosedList = new HashSet <SimplifiedNode>();                                                                   //Hashset of nodes for the closed list

        OpenList.Add(StartNode);                                                                                                                //Add the starting node to the open list to begin the program

        while (OpenList.Count > 0)                                                                                                              //Whilst there is something in the open list
            SimplifiedNode CurrentNode = OpenList[0];                                                                                           //Create a node and set it to the first item in the open list
            for (int i = 1; i < OpenList.Count; i++)                                                                                            //Loop through the open list starting from the second object
                if (OpenList[i].FCost < CurrentNode.FCost || OpenList[i].FCost == CurrentNode.FCost && OpenList[i].ihCost < CurrentNode.ihCost) //If the f cost of that object is less than or equal to the f cost of the current node
                    CurrentNode = OpenList[i];                                                                                                  //Set the current node to that object
            OpenList.Remove(CurrentNode);             //Remove that from the open list
            ClosedList.Add(CurrentNode);              //And add it to the closed list

            if (CurrentNode == TargetNode)            //If the current node is the same as the target node
                iGetFinalPath(StartNode, TargetNode); //Calculate the final path
                //      veorica.GetComponent<Veorica>().nrPath++;
                //    veorica.GetComponent<Veorica>().direction = RetracePath(StartNode, TargetNode);

            foreach (SimplifiedNode NeighborNode in GridReference.GetNeighboringNodes(CurrentNode))  //Loop through each neighbor of the current node
                if (!NeighborNode.bIsWall || ClosedList.Contains(NeighborNode))                      //If the neighbor is a wall or has already been checked
                    continue;                                                                        //Skip it
                int MoveCost = CurrentNode.igCost + GetManhattenDistance(CurrentNode, NeighborNode); //Get the F cost of that neighbor

                if (MoveCost < NeighborNode.igCost || !OpenList.Contains(NeighborNode))              //If the f cost is greater than the g cost or it is not in the open list
                    NeighborNode.igCost     = MoveCost;                                              //Set the g cost to the f cost
                    NeighborNode.ihCost     = GetManhattenDistance(NeighborNode, TargetNode);        //Set the h cost
                    NeighborNode.ParentNode = CurrentNode;                                           //Set the parent of the node for retracing steps

                    if (!OpenList.Contains(NeighborNode))                                            //If the neighbor is not in the openlist
                        OpenList.Add(NeighborNode);                                                  //Add it to the list
    public Vector3[] RetracePath(SimplifiedNode startNode, SimplifiedNode endNode)
        List <SimplifiedNode> path        = new List <SimplifiedNode>();
        SimplifiedNode        currentNode = endNode;

        while (currentNode != startNode)
            currentNode = currentNode.ParentNode;
        Vector3[] waypoints = SimplifyPath(path);
Beispiel #4
    //Function that gets the neighboring nodes of the given node.
    public List <SimplifiedNode> GetNeighboringNodes(SimplifiedNode a_NeighborNode)
        List <SimplifiedNode> NeighborList = new List <SimplifiedNode>(); //Make a new list of all available neighbors.
        int icheckX;                                                      //Variable to check if the XPosition is within range of the node array to avoid out of range errors.
        int icheckY;                                                      //Variable to check if the YPosition is within range of the node array to avoid out of range errors.

        //Check the right side of the current node.
        icheckX = a_NeighborNode.iGridX + 1;
        icheckY = a_NeighborNode.iGridY;
        if (icheckX >= 0 && icheckX < iGridSizeX)              //If the XPosition is in range of the array
            if (icheckY >= 0 && icheckY < iGridSizeY)          //If the YPosition is in range of the array
                NeighborList.Add(NodeArray[icheckX, icheckY]); //Add the grid to the available neighbors list
        //Check the Left side of the current node.
        icheckX = a_NeighborNode.iGridX - 1;
        icheckY = a_NeighborNode.iGridY;
        if (icheckX >= 0 && icheckX < iGridSizeX)              //If the XPosition is in range of the array
            if (icheckY >= 0 && icheckY < iGridSizeY)          //If the YPosition is in range of the array
                NeighborList.Add(NodeArray[icheckX, icheckY]); //Add the grid to the available neighbors list
        //Check the Top side of the current node.
        icheckX = a_NeighborNode.iGridX;
        icheckY = a_NeighborNode.iGridY + 1;
        if (icheckX >= 0 && icheckX < iGridSizeX)              //If the XPosition is in range of the array
            if (icheckY >= 0 && icheckY < iGridSizeY)          //If the YPosition is in range of the array
                NeighborList.Add(NodeArray[icheckX, icheckY]); //Add the grid to the available neighbors list
        //Check the Bottom side of the current node.
        icheckX = a_NeighborNode.iGridX;
        icheckY = a_NeighborNode.iGridY - 1;
        if (icheckX >= 0 && icheckX < iGridSizeX)              //If the XPosition is in range of the array
            if (icheckY >= 0 && icheckY < iGridSizeY)          //If the YPosition is in range of the array
                NeighborList.Add(NodeArray[icheckX, icheckY]); //Add the grid to the available neighbors list

        return(NeighborList);//Return the neighbors list.
    // get final path function for iohannis
    void iGetFinalPath(SimplifiedNode a_StartingNode, SimplifiedNode a_EndNode)
        List <SimplifiedNode> FinalPath   = new List <SimplifiedNode>(); //List to hold the path sequentially
        SimplifiedNode        CurrentNode = a_EndNode;                   //Node to store the current node being checked

        while (CurrentNode != a_StartingNode)                            //While loop to work through each node going through the parents to the beginning of the path
            FinalPath.Add(CurrentNode);                                  //Add that node to the final path
            CurrentNode = CurrentNode.ParentNode;                        //Move onto its parent node

        if (CurrentNode == a_StartingNode)

        FinalPath.Reverse();                                       //Reverse the path to get the correct order

        iohannis.GetComponent <Iohannis>().iFinalPath = FinalPath; //Set the final path
        //    Debug.LogError("The final path assigned is: " + FinalPath);
        //   veorica.GetComponent<Veorica>().FinalPath[veorica.GetComponent<Veorica>().nrPath] = FinalPath;
    void GetFinalPath(SimplifiedNode a_StartingNode, SimplifiedNode a_EndNode)
        List <SimplifiedNode> FinalPath   = new List <SimplifiedNode>(); //List to hold the path sequentially
        SimplifiedNode        CurrentNode = a_EndNode;                   //Node to store the current node being checked

        while (CurrentNode != a_StartingNode)                            //While loop to work through each node going through the parents to the beginning of the path
            FinalPath.Add(CurrentNode);                                  //Add that node to the final path
            CurrentNode = CurrentNode.ParentNode;                        //Move onto its parent node

        if (CurrentNode == a_StartingNode)

        FinalPath.Reverse();//Reverse the path to get the correct order

        // veorica.GetComponent<Veorica>().vFinalPath = FinalPath;//Set the final path

        //uncomment this to use for pathfinding scene
        GridReference.FinalPath = FinalPath;
Beispiel #7
    void CreateGrid()
        NodeArray = new SimplifiedNode[iGridSizeX, iGridSizeY];                                                                                            //Declare the array of nodes.
        Vector3 bottomLeft = transform.position - Vector3.right * vGridWorldSize.x / 2 - Vector3.forward * vGridWorldSize.y / 2;                           //Get the real world position of the bottom left of the grid.

        for (int x = 0; x < iGridSizeX; x++)                                                                                                               //Loop through the array of nodes.
            for (int y = 0; y < iGridSizeY; y++)                                                                                                           //Loop through the array of nodes
                Vector3 worldPoint = bottomLeft + Vector3.right * (x * fNodeDiameter + fNodeRadius) + Vector3.forward * (y * fNodeDiameter + fNodeRadius); //Get the world co ordinates of the bottom left of the graph
                bool    Wall       = true;                                                                                                                 //Make the node a wall

                //If the node is not being obstructed
                //Quick collision check against the current node and anything in the world at its position. If it is colliding with an object with a WallMask,
                //The if statement will return false.
                if (Physics.CheckSphere(worldPoint, fNodeRadius, WallMask))
                    Wall = false;//Object is not a wall

                NodeArray[x, y] = new SimplifiedNode(Wall, worldPoint, x, y);//Create a new node in the array.