internal virtual SimpleTensor RandomBinaryTensor()
            double       range  = 1.0 / (4.0 * numHid);
            SimpleTensor tensor = SimpleTensor.Random(numHid * 2, numHid * 2, numHid, -range, range, rand);

        private static SimpleTensor GetTensorGradient(SimpleMatrix deltaFull, SimpleMatrix leftVector, SimpleMatrix rightVector)
            int          size  = deltaFull.GetNumElements();
            SimpleTensor Wt_df = new SimpleTensor(size * 2, size * 2, size);
            // TODO: combine this concatenation with computeTensorDeltaDown?
            SimpleMatrix fullVector = NeuralUtils.Concatenate(leftVector, rightVector);

            for (int slice = 0; slice < size; ++slice)
                Wt_df.SetSlice(slice, fullVector.Scale(deltaFull.Get(slice)).Mult(fullVector.Transpose()));
        private static double ScaleAndRegularizeTensor(TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleTensor> derivatives, TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleTensor> currentMatrices, double scale, double regCost)
            double cost = 0.0;

            // the regularization cost
            foreach (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry <string, string, SimpleTensor> entry in currentMatrices)
                SimpleTensor D = derivatives.Get(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey());
                D = D.Scale(scale).Plus(entry.GetValue().Scale(regCost));
                derivatives.Put(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey(), D);
                cost += entry.GetValue().ElementMult(entry.GetValue()).ElementSum() * regCost / 2.0;
 public virtual void VectorToParams(double[] theta)
     NeuralUtils.VectorToParams(theta, binaryTransform.ValueIterator(), binaryClassification.ValueIterator(), SimpleTensor.IteratorSimpleMatrix(binaryTensors.ValueIterator()), unaryClassification.Values.GetEnumerator(), wordVectors.Values.GetEnumerator
        public virtual double[] ParamsToVector()
            int totalSize = TotalParamSize();

            return(NeuralUtils.ParamsToVector(totalSize, binaryTransform.ValueIterator(), binaryClassification.ValueIterator(), SimpleTensor.IteratorSimpleMatrix(binaryTensors.ValueIterator()), unaryClassification.Values.GetEnumerator(), wordVectors.Values
         * // An example of how you could read in old models with readObject to fix the serialization
         * // You would first read in the old model, then reserialize it
         * private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
         * throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
         * {
         * ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = in.readFields();
         * binaryTransform = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(fields.get("binaryTransform", null));
         * // transform binaryTensors
         * binaryTensors = TwoDimensionalMap.treeMap();
         * TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, edu.stanford.nlp.rnn.SimpleTensor> oldTensors = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(fields.get("binaryTensors", null));
         * for (String first : oldTensors.firstKeySet()) {
         * for (String second : oldTensors.get(first).keySet()) {
         * binaryTensors.put(first, second, new SimpleTensor(oldTensors.get(first, second).slices));
         * }
         * }
         * binaryClassification = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(fields.get("binaryClassification", null));
         * unaryClassification = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(fields.get("unaryClassification", null));
         * wordVectors = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(fields.get("wordVectors", null));
         * if (fields.defaulted("numClasses")) {
         * throw new RuntimeException();
         * }
         * numClasses = fields.get("numClasses", 0);
         * if (fields.defaulted("numHid")) {
         * throw new RuntimeException();
         * }
         * numHid = fields.get("numHid", 0);
         * if (fields.defaulted("numBinaryMatrices")) {
         * throw new RuntimeException();
         * }
         * numBinaryMatrices = fields.get("numBinaryMatrices", 0);
         * if (fields.defaulted("binaryTransformSize")) {
         * throw new RuntimeException();
         * }
         * binaryTransformSize = fields.get("binaryTransformSize", 0);
         * if (fields.defaulted("binaryTensorSize")) {
         * throw new RuntimeException();
         * }
         * binaryTensorSize = fields.get("binaryTensorSize", 0);
         * if (fields.defaulted("binaryClassificationSize")) {
         * throw new RuntimeException();
         * }
         * binaryClassificationSize = fields.get("binaryClassificationSize", 0);
         * if (fields.defaulted("numUnaryMatrices")) {
         * throw new RuntimeException();
         * }
         * numUnaryMatrices = fields.get("numUnaryMatrices", 0);
         * if (fields.defaulted("unaryClassificationSize")) {
         * throw new RuntimeException();
         * }
         * unaryClassificationSize = fields.get("unaryClassificationSize", 0);
         * rand = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(fields.get("rand", null));
         * op = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(fields.get("op", null));
         * op.classNames = op.DEFAULT_CLASS_NAMES;
         * op.equivalenceClasses = op.APPROXIMATE_EQUIVALENCE_CLASSES;
         * op.equivalenceClassNames = op.DEFAULT_EQUIVALENCE_CLASS_NAMES;
         * }
        /// <summary>
        /// Given single matrices and sets of options, create the
        /// corresponding SentimentModel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Given single matrices and sets of options, create the
        /// corresponding SentimentModel.  Useful for creating a Java version
        /// of a model trained in some other manner, such as using the
        /// original Matlab code.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Sentiment.SentimentModel ModelFromMatrices(SimpleMatrix W, SimpleMatrix Wcat, SimpleTensor Wt, IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> wordVectors, RNNOptions op)
            if (!op.combineClassification || !op.simplifiedModel)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can only create a model using this method if combineClassification and simplifiedModel are turned on");
            TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleMatrix> binaryTransform = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();

            binaryTransform.Put(string.Empty, string.Empty, W);
            TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleTensor> binaryTensors = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();

            binaryTensors.Put(string.Empty, string.Empty, Wt);
            TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleMatrix> binaryClassification = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();
            IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> unaryClassification = Generics.NewTreeMap();

            unaryClassification[string.Empty] = Wcat;
            return(new Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Sentiment.SentimentModel(binaryTransform, binaryTensors, binaryClassification, unaryClassification, wordVectors, op));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method to call for assigning labels and node vectors
        /// to the Tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is the method to call for assigning labels and node vectors
        /// to the Tree.  After calling this, each of the non-leaf nodes will
        /// have the node vector and the predictions of their classes
        /// assigned to that subtree's node.  The annotations filled in are
        /// the RNNCoreAnnotations.NodeVector, Predictions, and
        /// PredictedClass.  In general, PredictedClass will be the most
        /// useful annotation except when training.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual void ForwardPropagateTree(Tree tree)
            SimpleMatrix nodeVector;
            // initialized below or Exception thrown // = null;
            SimpleMatrix classification;

            // initialized below or Exception thrown // = null;
            if (tree.IsLeaf())
                // We do nothing for the leaves.  The preterminals will
                // calculate the classification for this word/tag.  In fact, the
                // recursion should not have gotten here (unless there are
                // degenerate trees of just one leaf)
                log.Info("SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: We reached leaves in forwardPropagate: " + tree);
                throw new AssertionError("We should not have reached leaves in forwardPropagate");
                if (tree.IsPreTerminal())
                    classification = model.GetUnaryClassification(tree.Label().Value());
                    string       word       = tree.Children()[0].Label().Value();
                    SimpleMatrix wordVector = model.GetWordVector(word);
                    nodeVector = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanh(wordVector);
                    if (tree.Children().Length == 1)
                        log.Info("SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: Non-preterminal nodes of size 1: " + tree);
                        throw new AssertionError("Non-preterminal nodes of size 1 should have already been collapsed");
                        if (tree.Children().Length == 2)
                            string       leftCategory  = tree.Children()[0].Label().Value();
                            string       rightCategory = tree.Children()[1].Label().Value();
                            SimpleMatrix W             = model.GetBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory);
                            classification = model.GetBinaryClassification(leftCategory, rightCategory);
                            SimpleMatrix leftVector     = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetNodeVector(tree.Children()[0]);
                            SimpleMatrix rightVector    = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetNodeVector(tree.Children()[1]);
                            SimpleMatrix childrenVector = NeuralUtils.ConcatenateWithBias(leftVector, rightVector);
                            if (model.op.useTensors)
                                SimpleTensor tensor    = model.GetBinaryTensor(leftCategory, rightCategory);
                                SimpleMatrix tensorIn  = NeuralUtils.Concatenate(leftVector, rightVector);
                                SimpleMatrix tensorOut = tensor.BilinearProducts(tensorIn);
                                nodeVector = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanh(W.Mult(childrenVector).Plus(tensorOut));
                                nodeVector = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanh(W.Mult(childrenVector));
                            log.Info("SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: Tree not correctly binarized: " + tree);
                            throw new AssertionError("Tree not correctly binarized");
            SimpleMatrix predictions = NeuralUtils.Softmax(classification.Mult(NeuralUtils.ConcatenateWithBias(nodeVector)));
            int          index       = GetPredictedClass(predictions);

            if (!(tree.Label() is CoreLabel))
                log.Info("SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: No CoreLabels in nodes: " + tree);
                throw new AssertionError("Expected CoreLabels in the nodes");
            CoreLabel label = (CoreLabel)tree.Label();

            label.Set(typeof(RNNCoreAnnotations.Predictions), predictions);
            label.Set(typeof(RNNCoreAnnotations.PredictedClass), index);
            label.Set(typeof(RNNCoreAnnotations.NodeVector), nodeVector);
        private static SimpleMatrix ComputeTensorDeltaDown(SimpleMatrix deltaFull, SimpleMatrix leftVector, SimpleMatrix rightVector, SimpleMatrix W, SimpleTensor Wt)
            SimpleMatrix WTDelta       = W.Transpose().Mult(deltaFull);
            SimpleMatrix WTDeltaNoBias = WTDelta.ExtractMatrix(0, deltaFull.NumRows() * 2, 0, 1);
            int          size          = deltaFull.GetNumElements();
            SimpleMatrix deltaTensor   = new SimpleMatrix(size * 2, 1);
            SimpleMatrix fullVector    = NeuralUtils.Concatenate(leftVector, rightVector);

            for (int slice = 0; slice < size; ++slice)
                SimpleMatrix scaledFullVector = fullVector.Scale(deltaFull.Get(slice));
                deltaTensor = deltaTensor.Plus(Wt.GetSlice(slice).Plus(Wt.GetSlice(slice).Transpose()).Mult(scaledFullVector));
        private void BackpropDerivativesAndError(Tree tree, TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleMatrix> binaryTD, TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleMatrix> binaryCD, TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleTensor> binaryTensorTD, IDictionary
                                                 <string, SimpleMatrix> unaryCD, IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> wordVectorD, SimpleMatrix deltaUp)
            if (tree.IsLeaf())
            SimpleMatrix currentVector = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetNodeVector(tree);
            string       category      = tree.Label().Value();

            category = model.BasicCategory(category);
            // Build a vector that looks like 0,0,1,0,0 with an indicator for the correct class
            SimpleMatrix goldLabel = new SimpleMatrix(model.numClasses, 1);
            int          goldClass = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetGoldClass(tree);

            if (goldClass >= 0)
                goldLabel.Set(goldClass, 1.0);
            double       nodeWeight  = model.op.trainOptions.GetClassWeight(goldClass);
            SimpleMatrix predictions = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetPredictions(tree);
            // If this is an unlabeled class, set deltaClass to 0.  We could
            // make this more efficient by eliminating various of the below
            // calculations, but this would be the easiest way to handle the
            // unlabeled class
            SimpleMatrix deltaClass = goldClass >= 0 ? predictions.Minus(goldLabel).Scale(nodeWeight) : new SimpleMatrix(predictions.NumRows(), predictions.NumCols());
            SimpleMatrix localCD    = deltaClass.Mult(NeuralUtils.ConcatenateWithBias(currentVector).Transpose());
            double       error      = -(NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyLog(predictions).ElementMult(goldLabel).ElementSum());

            error = error * nodeWeight;
            RNNCoreAnnotations.SetPredictionError(tree, error);
            if (tree.IsPreTerminal())
                // below us is a word vector
                unaryCD[category] = unaryCD[category].Plus(localCD);
                string word = tree.Children()[0].Label().Value();
                word = model.GetVocabWord(word);
                //SimpleMatrix currentVectorDerivative = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(currentVector);
                //SimpleMatrix deltaFromClass = model.getUnaryClassification(category).transpose().mult(deltaClass);
                //SimpleMatrix deltaFull = deltaFromClass.extractMatrix(0, model.op.numHid, 0, 1).plus(deltaUp);
                //SimpleMatrix wordDerivative = deltaFull.elementMult(currentVectorDerivative);
                //wordVectorD.put(word, wordVectorD.get(word).plus(wordDerivative));
                SimpleMatrix currentVectorDerivative = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(currentVector);
                SimpleMatrix deltaFromClass          = model.GetUnaryClassification(category).Transpose().Mult(deltaClass);
                deltaFromClass = deltaFromClass.ExtractMatrix(0, model.op.numHid, 0, 1).ElementMult(currentVectorDerivative);
                SimpleMatrix deltaFull      = deltaFromClass.Plus(deltaUp);
                SimpleMatrix oldWordVectorD = wordVectorD[word];
                if (oldWordVectorD == null)
                    wordVectorD[word] = deltaFull;
                    wordVectorD[word] = oldWordVectorD.Plus(deltaFull);
                // Otherwise, this must be a binary node
                string leftCategory  = model.BasicCategory(tree.Children()[0].Label().Value());
                string rightCategory = model.BasicCategory(tree.Children()[1].Label().Value());
                if (model.op.combineClassification)
                    unaryCD[string.Empty] = unaryCD[string.Empty].Plus(localCD);
                    binaryCD.Put(leftCategory, rightCategory, binaryCD.Get(leftCategory, rightCategory).Plus(localCD));
                SimpleMatrix currentVectorDerivative = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(currentVector);
                SimpleMatrix deltaFromClass          = model.GetBinaryClassification(leftCategory, rightCategory).Transpose().Mult(deltaClass);
                deltaFromClass = deltaFromClass.ExtractMatrix(0, model.op.numHid, 0, 1).ElementMult(currentVectorDerivative);
                SimpleMatrix deltaFull      = deltaFromClass.Plus(deltaUp);
                SimpleMatrix leftVector     = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetNodeVector(tree.Children()[0]);
                SimpleMatrix rightVector    = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetNodeVector(tree.Children()[1]);
                SimpleMatrix childrenVector = NeuralUtils.ConcatenateWithBias(leftVector, rightVector);
                SimpleMatrix W_df           = deltaFull.Mult(childrenVector.Transpose());
                binaryTD.Put(leftCategory, rightCategory, binaryTD.Get(leftCategory, rightCategory).Plus(W_df));
                SimpleMatrix deltaDown;
                if (model.op.useTensors)
                    SimpleTensor Wt_df = GetTensorGradient(deltaFull, leftVector, rightVector);
                    binaryTensorTD.Put(leftCategory, rightCategory, binaryTensorTD.Get(leftCategory, rightCategory).Plus(Wt_df));
                    deltaDown = ComputeTensorDeltaDown(deltaFull, leftVector, rightVector, model.GetBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory), model.GetBinaryTensor(leftCategory, rightCategory));
                    deltaDown = model.GetBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory).Transpose().Mult(deltaFull);
                SimpleMatrix leftDerivative  = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(leftVector);
                SimpleMatrix rightDerivative = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(rightVector);
                SimpleMatrix leftDeltaDown   = deltaDown.ExtractMatrix(0, deltaFull.NumRows(), 0, 1);
                SimpleMatrix rightDeltaDown  = deltaDown.ExtractMatrix(deltaFull.NumRows(), deltaFull.NumRows() * 2, 0, 1);
                BackpropDerivativesAndError(tree.Children()[0], binaryTD, binaryCD, binaryTensorTD, unaryCD, wordVectorD, leftDerivative.ElementMult(leftDeltaDown));
                BackpropDerivativesAndError(tree.Children()[1], binaryTD, binaryCD, binaryTensorTD, unaryCD, wordVectorD, rightDerivative.ElementMult(rightDeltaDown));
        protected internal override void Calculate(double[] theta)
            SentimentCostAndGradient.ModelDerivatives derivatives;
            if (model.op.trainOptions.nThreads == 1)
                derivatives = ScoreDerivatives(trainingBatch);
                // TODO: because some addition operations happen in different
                // orders now, this results in slightly different values, which
                // over time add up to significantly different models even when
                // given the same random seed.  Probably not a big deal.
                // To be more specific, for trees T1, T2, T3, ... Tn,
                // when using one thread, we sum the derivatives T1 + T2 ...
                // When using multiple threads, we first sum T1 + ... + Tk,
                // then sum Tk+1 + ... + T2k, etc, for split size k.
                // The splits are then summed in order.
                // This different sum order results in slightly different numbers.
                MulticoreWrapper <IList <Tree>, SentimentCostAndGradient.ModelDerivatives> wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper <IList <Tree>, SentimentCostAndGradient.ModelDerivatives>(model.op.trainOptions.nThreads, new SentimentCostAndGradient.ScoringProcessor(this
                // use wrapper.nThreads in case the number of threads was automatically changed
                foreach (IList <Tree> chunk in CollectionUtils.PartitionIntoFolds(trainingBatch, wrapper.NThreads()))
                derivatives = new SentimentCostAndGradient.ModelDerivatives(model);
                while (wrapper.Peek())
                    SentimentCostAndGradient.ModelDerivatives batchDerivatives = wrapper.Poll();
            // scale the error by the number of sentences so that the
            // regularization isn't drowned out for large training batchs
            double scale = (1.0 / trainingBatch.Count);

            value      = derivatives.error * scale;
            value     += ScaleAndRegularize(derivatives.binaryTD, model.binaryTransform, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regTransformMatrix, false);
            value     += ScaleAndRegularize(derivatives.binaryCD, model.binaryClassification, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regClassification, true);
            value     += ScaleAndRegularizeTensor(derivatives.binaryTensorTD, model.binaryTensors, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regTransformTensor);
            value     += ScaleAndRegularize(derivatives.unaryCD, model.unaryClassification, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regClassification, false, true);
            value     += ScaleAndRegularize(derivatives.wordVectorD, model.wordVectors, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regWordVector, true, false);
            derivative = NeuralUtils.ParamsToVector(theta.Length, derivatives.binaryTD.ValueIterator(), derivatives.binaryCD.ValueIterator(), SimpleTensor.IteratorSimpleMatrix(derivatives.binaryTensorTD.ValueIterator()), derivatives.unaryCD.Values.GetEnumerator
                                                        (), derivatives.wordVectorD.Values.GetEnumerator());
Beispiel #11
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string basePath         = "/user/socherr/scr/projects/semComp/RNTN/src/params/";
            int    numSlices        = 25;
            bool   useEscapedParens = false;

            for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < args.Length;)
                if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[argIndex], "-slices"))
                    numSlices = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[argIndex + 1]);
                    argIndex += 2;
                    if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[argIndex], "-path"))
                        basePath  = args[argIndex + 1];
                        argIndex += 2;
                        if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[argIndex], "-useEscapedParens"))
                            useEscapedParens = true;
                            argIndex        += 1;
                            log.Info("Unknown argument " + args[argIndex]);
            SimpleMatrix[] slices = new SimpleMatrix[numSlices];
            for (int i = 0; i < numSlices; ++i)
                slices[i] = LoadMatrix(basePath + "bin/Wt_" + (i + 1) + ".bin", basePath + "Wt_" + (i + 1) + ".txt");
            SimpleTensor tensor = new SimpleTensor(slices);

            log.Info("W tensor size: " + tensor.NumRows() + "x" + tensor.NumCols() + "x" + tensor.NumSlices());
            SimpleMatrix W = LoadMatrix(basePath + "bin/W.bin", basePath + "W.txt");

            log.Info("W matrix size: " + W.NumRows() + "x" + W.NumCols());
            SimpleMatrix Wcat = LoadMatrix(basePath + "bin/Wcat.bin", basePath + "Wcat.txt");

            log.Info("W cat size: " + Wcat.NumRows() + "x" + Wcat.NumCols());
            SimpleMatrix combinedWV = LoadMatrix(basePath + "bin/Wv.bin", basePath + "Wv.txt");

            log.Info("Word matrix size: " + combinedWV.NumRows() + "x" + combinedWV.NumCols());
            File vocabFile = new File(basePath + "vocab_1.txt");

            if (!vocabFile.Exists())
                vocabFile = new File(basePath + "words.txt");
            IList <string> lines = Generics.NewArrayList();

            foreach (string line in IOUtils.ReadLines(vocabFile))
            log.Info("Lines in vocab file: " + lines.Count);
            IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> wordVectors = Generics.NewTreeMap();

            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < lines.Count && i_1 < combinedWV.NumCols(); ++i_1)
                string[] pieces = lines[i_1].Split(" +");
                if (pieces.Length == 0 || pieces.Length > 1)
                wordVectors[pieces[0]] = combinedWV.ExtractMatrix(0, numSlices, i_1, i_1 + 1);
                if (pieces[0].Equals("UNK"))
                    wordVectors[SentimentModel.UnknownWord] = wordVectors["UNK"];
            // If there is no ",", we first try to look for an HTML escaping,
            // then fall back to "." as better than just a random word vector.
            // Same for "``" and ";"
            CopyWordVector(wordVectors, "&#44", ",");
            CopyWordVector(wordVectors, ".", ",");
            CopyWordVector(wordVectors, "&#59", ";");
            CopyWordVector(wordVectors, ".", ";");
            CopyWordVector(wordVectors, "&#96&#96", "``");
            CopyWordVector(wordVectors, "''", "``");
            if (useEscapedParens)
                ReplaceWordVector(wordVectors, "(", "-LRB-");
                ReplaceWordVector(wordVectors, ")", "-RRB-");
            RNNOptions op = new RNNOptions();

            op.numHid = numSlices;
            op.lowercaseWordVectors = false;
            if (Wcat.NumRows() == 2)
                op.classNames         = new string[] { "Negative", "Positive" };
                op.equivalenceClasses = new int[][] { new int[] { 0 }, new int[] { 1 } };
                // TODO: set to null once old models are updated
                op.numClasses = 2;
            if (!wordVectors.Contains(SentimentModel.UnknownWord))
                wordVectors[SentimentModel.UnknownWord] = SimpleMatrix.Random(numSlices, 1, -0.00001, 0.00001, new Random());
            SentimentModel model = SentimentModel.ModelFromMatrices(W, Wcat, tensor, wordVectors, op);

Beispiel #12
 public bool isMetric(SimpleTensor t)
     return(nameManager.isKroneckerOrMetric(t.GetName()) &&
            IndicesUtils.haveEqualStates(t.GetIndices()[0], t.GetIndices()[1]));
Beispiel #13
  * Returns {@code true} if specified tensor is a metric or a Kronecker tensor
  * @param t tensor
  * @return {@code true} if specified tensor is a metric or a Kronecker tensor
 public bool IsKroneckerOrMetric(SimpleTensor t)
Beispiel #14
  * Returns {@code true} if specified tensor is a metric tensor
  * @param t tensor
  * @return {@code true} if specified tensor is a metric tensor
 public bool IsMetric(SimpleTensor t)
     return(nameManager.IsKroneckerOrMetric(t.Name) &&
            IndicesUtils.haveEqualStates(t.Indices[0], t.Indices[1]));