private async Task PrivateChooseNumberAsync(SimpleNumber number)
     if (BasicData.MultiPlayer)
         await Network !.SendAllAsync("choosenumber", number.Value);
     await ProcessChosenNumberAsync(number);
 public bool CanChooseNumber(SimpleNumber thisNumber) //done.
     if (thisNumber.Used == true)
         throw new BasicBlankException("It should not have considered this number because it was already used.");
     return(SaveRoot !.HintList.Any(items => items == thisNumber.Value));
        async Task IMiscDataNM.MiscDataReceived(string status, string content)
            switch (status) //can't do switch because we don't know what the cases are ahead of time.
            case "choosenumber":
                SimpleNumber thisNumber = SingleInfo !.NumberList.Single(x => x.Value == int.Parse(content));
                await ProcessChosenNumberAsync(thisNumber);


                throw new BasicBlankException($"Nothing for status {status}  with the message of {content}");
 public async Task ProcessChosenNumberAsync(SimpleNumber thisNumber)
     _gameContainer.Command.ManuelFinish = true; //try this.
     thisNumber.IsSelected     = true;
     CountdownVMData.ShowHints = false;
     if (Test !.NoAnimations == false)
         await Delay !.DelaySeconds(1); //so you can see the results.
     thisNumber.Used       = true;
     thisNumber.IsSelected = false;
     await EndTurnAsync();