public MainMenuState( StateManager manager_, GraphicsDevice device_, FontManager fontManager_, InputController <SimpleMenu> controller_) : base(manager_) { menu = new SimpleMenu(device_, fontManager_, new Vector2(512.0f, 300.0f)); menu.OnSelected += new SimpleMenu.MenuEntryCallBack(this.OnMenuSeletection); controller = controller_; scrollDirection = new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f); scrollDistance = 0.0f; emitter = new SmokeEmitter ( Manager.ParticleSystem.Content.Load <Texture2D>("particle_puff"), 1.5f, Color.Orange, Color.DarkGray, 1.0f, 500 ); Vector2 direction = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f); Vector2 position = new Vector2(526.0f, 125.0f); emitter.Direction = direction; emitter.Position = position; Manager.ParticleSystem.AddEmitter(emitter); }
private static List <SimpleMenu> GetAllMenus(List <SimpleModule> allModule, Configs ConfigInfo) { var localizer = new ResourceManagerStringLocalizerFactory(Options.Create <LocalizationOptions>(new LocalizationOptions { ResourcesPath = "Resources" }), new Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFactory()).Create(typeof(KnifeZ.Virgo.Core.CoreProgram)); var menus = new List <SimpleMenu>(); if (ConfigInfo.IsQuickDebug) { menus = new List <SimpleMenu>(); var areas = allModule.Where(x => x.NameSpace != "KnifeZ.Virgo.Admin.Api").Select(x => x.Area?.AreaName).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var area in areas) { var modelmenu = new SimpleMenu { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), PageName = area ?? localizer["Sys.DefaultArea"] }; menus.Add(modelmenu); var pages = allModule.Where(x => x.NameSpace != "KnifeZ.Virgo.Admin.Api" && x.Area?.AreaName == area).SelectMany(x => x.Actions).Where(x => x.MethodName.ToLower() == "index").ToList(); foreach (var page in pages) { var url = page.Url; menus.Add(new SimpleMenu { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), ParentId = modelmenu.ID, PageName = page.Module.ActionDes == null ? page.Module.ModuleName : page.Module.ActionDes.Description, Url = url }); } } } else { try { using (var dc = ConfigInfo.Connections.Where(x => x.Key.ToLower() == "default").FirstOrDefault().CreateDC()) { menus.AddRange(dc?.Set <FrameworkMenu>() .OrderBy(x => x.DisplayOrder) .Select(x => new SimpleMenu { ID = x.ID, ParentId = x.ParentId, PageName = x.PageName, Url = x.Url, DisplayOrder = x.DisplayOrder, ShowOnMenu = x.ShowOnMenu, Icon = x.ICon, }) .ToList()); } } catch { } } return(menus); }
public IEnumerable <SimpleMenu> PostMenuListV2([FromHeader] string AppCode, [FromHeader] string CompanyCode, [FromHeader] string DeviceSyncDate = "1900-01-01 00:00:00") { string UpperCaseCC = CompanyCode.Trim().ToUpper(); DateTime LastSyncDate = DateTime.Parse(DeviceSyncDate); List <SimpleMenu> ListOfMenus = new List <SimpleMenu>(); CreatorEntities db = new CreatorEntities(); List <ClientMenus> Listcm = db.ClientMenus.Where(c => c.ClientApps.Clients.Code == UpperCaseCC) .Where(ca => ca.ClientApps.Apps.AppCode == AppCode) .Where(csc => System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlFunctions.DateDiff("MINUTE", csc.ChangeDate, LastSyncDate) < 0) .ToList(); foreach (ClientMenus cmitem in Listcm) { SimpleMenu cm = new SimpleMenu(); cm.ID = cmitem.ID; cm.Name = cmitem.Name; cm.Side = (bool)cmitem.SideMenu; cm.Bottom = (bool)cmitem.BottomMenu; cm.Slide = (bool)cmitem.ScrollPage; cm.Action = cmitem.MenuAction; cm.Order = (int)cmitem.MenuOrder; if ((cmitem.ImageReference != null) && (cmitem.HeadingReference != null)) { if ((cmitem.ImageReference != "") && (File.Exists(CreatorAPI.Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPath + "\\" + cmitem.ImageReference) == false)) { int StartIndex = cmitem.ImageReference.IndexOf("_") + 1; int CopyLenght = cmitem.ImageReference.Length - (StartIndex); string OriginalFilename = cmitem.ImageReference.Substring(StartIndex, CopyLenght); File.Copy(CreatorAPI.Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPath + "\\" + OriginalFilename, CreatorAPI.Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPath + "\\" + cmitem.ImageReference); } cm.Icon = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(CreatorAPI.Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPath + "\\" + cmitem.ImageReference)); if ((cmitem.HeadingReference != "") && (File.Exists(CreatorAPI.Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPath + "\\" + cmitem.HeadingReference) == false)) { int StartIndex = cmitem.HeadingReference.IndexOf("_") + 1; int CopyLenght = cmitem.HeadingReference.Length - (StartIndex); string OriginalFilename = cmitem.HeadingReference.Substring(StartIndex, CopyLenght); File.Copy(CreatorAPI.Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPath + "\\" + OriginalFilename, CreatorAPI.Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPath + "\\" + cmitem.HeadingReference); } cm.Header = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(CreatorAPI.Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPath + "\\" + cmitem.HeadingReference)); } else { cm.Icon = ""; cm.Header = ""; } cm.Updated = ((DateTime)cmitem.ChangeDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); ListOfMenus.Add(cm); } return(ListOfMenus); }
public void SetActiveMenu(SimpleMenu menu, bool setHistory) { //close current menu operation. history = currentMenu; currentMenu.CloseMenu(); currentMenu = menu; //open new menu currentMenu.OpenMenu(history); }
public void ConstructorShouldCreateList_Input1() { string option1 = "Menu option one"; testMenu = new SimpleMenu( option1 ); Assert.AreEqual(option1, testMenu.menuOptions[0]); }
public void ConstructorShouldCreateList_Input2() { testMenu = new SimpleMenu( option1, option2 ); Assert.AreEqual(option1, testMenu.menuOptions[0]); Assert.AreEqual(option2, testMenu.menuOptions[1]); }
public void Init(SimpleMenu menu, GameObject mapCreationCan) { if (initialized) { return; } _menu = menu; enabled = true; initialized = true; _map = new GameObject("map"); _mapCreationCanGO = mapCreationCan; }
private void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { if (menuStack.Count > 0) { menuStack.Peek().OnBackPressed(); } else { // TODO: change me SimpleMenu.Show(); } } }
static void Main() { var meny = new SimpleMenu(@"main.bgr", ConsoleColor.Black, 1, 1, '*'); var musicForStart = new Audio(@"Logo.mp3"); var musicForEnd = new Audio(@"Game Over.mp3"); musicForStart.Play(); Console.Title = "ITLabs - Checkers v1.0"; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WindowWidth = 90; Console.WindowHeight = 30; meny.AddItem(41, 16, "S T A R T"); meny.AddItem(41, 18, " E X I T"); var choose = meny.StartMenu(); var game = new Game(); switch (choose) { case 1: Console.Clear(); musicForStart.Stop(); game.Start(); while (!game.IsGameOver()) { game.FindCheckersWithTakes(); game.SetMove(); game.SwitchPlayer(); } game.ClearMessageBar(); Console.SetCursorPosition(50, 10); Console.Write("Game Over"); musicForEnd.Play(); Console.ReadLine(); break; case 2: Environment.Exit(0); break; } }
public void OnMenuSeletection(SimpleMenu menu, int itemIndex) { switch (itemIndex) { case 2: { menuVisual.IsVisible = false; // call this to avoid exiting previous state // we save this state instead to return to it Manager.SetRawState(new MessageBoxState( Manager, "Are you sure you want to exit?", this, new MessageBoxGamePadController( new MessageBoxGamePadController.OnAccept(this.OnAcceptExit), new MessageBoxGamePadController.OnCancel(this.OnCancelExit))), true, false); break; } } }
public void OpenMenu(SimpleMenu nHistory) { if (nHistory != null) { history = nHistory; } Clamp(); if (snapToIndexZeroOnEnable) { cursorIndex = 0; } SetCursorPosition(true); if (!enableOnOpen) { return; } this.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public override void Load(IContentLoader loader) { var logoTexture = loader.Load <Texture2D>(ContentPaths.LOGO_START_SCREEN); logo = new ImageElement(logoTexture, new ImageElementSettings { HorizontalAlignment = ImageHorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = ImageVerticalAlignment.Center, }) { Position = base.Game.ScreenCenter + new Vector2(0, -100) }; menu = new SimpleMenu(ContentPaths.FONT_UI_GENERAL, new Dictionary <string, Action>() { { "Start Game", () => StartGame?.Invoke(this, null) }, { "Exit Game", () => ExitGame?.Invoke(this, null) } }) { Position = base.Game.ScreenCenter }; menu.Load(loader); }
public void SetActiveMenu(SimpleMenu menu) { //record history by default SetActiveMenu(menu, true); }
public PlayerMenuInfo(Player player, SimpleMenu menu) { Player = player; Menu = menu; }
private static void UseMenu() { SimpleMenu menu = new SimpleMenu(); menu.RunCollageMenu(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { SimpleMenu mainMenu = new SimpleMenu( "Add", "Quit" ); SimpleMenu delimeterOptions = new SimpleMenu( "No customer delimeter", "Custom char delimeter", "Custom delimeter of variable length" ); bool flag = true; while (flag) { Console.WriteLine(); mainMenu.ShowMenuOptions(); string selection = Console.ReadLine(); switch (selection) { case "1": // Selected Add Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Please enter two numbers to add: "); string input = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); delimeterOptions.ShowMenuOptions(); string delimMenuOption = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); switch (delimMenuOption) { case "1": // No Delim option try { List <double> nums = InputParser.ParseTextToDouble(input); double result = Operation.Add(nums); Console.WriteLine($"Result: {result:N2}\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; default: Console.Write("Please enter delimeter(s) separated by a space: "); string delimString = Console.ReadLine(); string[] delimOptions = delimString.Split(' '); Console.WriteLine(); try { List <double> nums = InputParser.ParseTextToDouble(input, delimOptions); double result = Operation.Add(nums); Console.WriteLine($"Result: {result:N2}\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; } break; default: flag = false; Console.WriteLine(); break; } } }
public MenuVisual(SimpleMenu menu_) : base(null) { menu = menu_; }
public OptionsMenu() { AdminUser manager = new AdminUser(); bool firstChoise = true; int select; while (firstChoise) { bool correctNum = false; do { Console.WriteLine("1.Application Login\n2.Login As Super Admin\n3.Create Account\n0.Close Application"); Console.WriteLine("================="); Console.WriteLine("Select from Menu:"); bool isNum = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out select); if (select < 0 || select > 3) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("Your choose it's out of range."); Console.ResetColor(); break; } else { correctNum = true; } } while (!correctNum); switch (select) { case 1: //This bool become true only if username and pass it's correct //otherwise still ask insert username and pass bool c = false; do { string user = CreateUser("Give", "username"); string pass = CreateUser("Give", "password"); AccessId x = manager.Login(user, pass); if (x != 0 && x != AccessId.Admin) { Console.WriteLine($"Welcome {user}"); switch (x) { case AccessId.Simple: SimpleMenu simpleMenu = new SimpleMenu(user); break; case AccessId.Basic: BasicMenu basicMenu = new BasicMenu(user); break; case AccessId.Edit: EditMenu editMenu = new EditMenu(user); break; case AccessId.Delete: DeleteMenu deleteMenu = new DeleteMenu(user); break; } c = true; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("Your username or password it's incorrect.Try again."); Console.ResetColor(); } } while (!c); break; case 2: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0," + Console.WindowWidth / 2 + "}", "Admin Login Form")); string userAdmin = CreateUser("Give", "username"); string password = CreateUser("Give", "password"); AccessId adm = manager.Login(userAdmin, password); if (adm == AccessId.Admin) { Console.WriteLine($"Welcome {userAdmin}\n"); bool take = false; do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("1.Create a user\n2.View the user of system\n3.Delete a user\n4.Update a user\n0.Log Out"); int val; string email; bool n = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out val); switch (val) { case 1: try { userAdmin = CreateUser("Give", "username"); password = CreateUser("Give", "password"); email = CreateUser("Give", "email"); manager.Register(userAdmin, password, email); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press any button to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } break; case 2: manager.ViewUser(); break; case 3: try { int userId; bool id = int.TryParse(CreateUser("Give", "user id"), out userId); User a = new User() { Id = userId }; manager.DeleteUser(a); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press any button to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("1.Change Password\n2.Change Access id\n3.Change email"); int takeVal, _id; bool _take = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out takeVal); string success, _email; AccessId e; switch (takeVal) { case 1: try { _take = int.TryParse(CreateUser("Give", "user id"), out _id); password = CreateUser("Give", "password"); manager.UpdateUser(_id, password); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press any button to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } break; case 2: try { bool _successBool = false; _take = int.TryParse(CreateUser("Give", "user id"), out _id); do { success = CreateUser("Give", "access id"); if (!ValidAccessId(success)) { Console.WriteLine("Not valid access id"); } else { _successBool = true; } } while (!_successBool); e = (AccessId)Enum.Parse(typeof(AccessId), success); manager.UpdateUser(_id, e); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press any button to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } break; case 3: try { _take = int.TryParse(CreateUser("Give", "user id"), out _id); _email = CreateUser("Give", "email"); manager.UpdateEmail(_id, _email); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press any button to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } break; } break; case 0: Environment.Exit(0); break; } Console.WriteLine("Do you want to continue?(Y/N)"); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer == "Y" || answer == "y") { take = false; } else { take = true; manager.Logout(); } } while (!take); } else { Console.WriteLine("You enter invalid details!"); Environment.Exit(0); } break; case 3: string usernameOne, passOne, emailOne; bool first = false; bool second = false; bool third = false; do { usernameOne = CreateUser("Give", "username").Trim(); var x = manager.ExistUser(usernameOne); if (!x) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("The username already exist."); Console.ResetColor(); } else if (usernameOne == "" || usernameOne.Length < 6 || usernameOne.Length > 12 || !x) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("The username must be between 6 and 12 characters."); Console.ResetColor(); first = false; } else { first = true; } } while (!first); do { passOne = CreateUser("Give", "password"); bool isValidPass = Regex.IsMatch(passOne, passPattern); if (!isValidPass) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("The password must contain between 8 and 15 characters." + "Also must contain 2 letters,one special character and one number."); Console.ResetColor(); second = false; } else { second = true; } } while (!second); do { emailOne = CreateUser("Give", "email").Trim(); bool isValidEmail = Regex.IsMatch(emailOne, emailPattern); if (!isValidEmail) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("The email doesn't have the correct format."); Console.ResetColor(); } else { third = true; } } while (!third); try { bool p = manager.Register(usernameOne, passOne, emailOne); if (p) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.WriteLine("Your account create succesfully."); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine($"Your username: {usernameOne}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press any button to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Do you want to continue? Y/N"); string yourChoose = Console.ReadLine(); if (yourChoose == "Y" || yourChoose == "y") { firstChoise = true; } else { firstChoise = false; manager.Logout(); } break; case 0: Environment.Exit(0); break; } } Console.ReadKey(); }