Beispiel #1
        void AnimateToPanel(IMemberPanel fromPanel, CGPoint fromPanelEndPos, IMemberPanel toPanel)
            ScrollView.SetContentOffset(CGPoint.Empty, true);

            // animate OUT the from panel (sending it to its endPos)
            SimpleAnimator_PointF fromPanelAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF(fromPanel.GetRootView( ).Layer.Position.ToPointF( ), fromPanelEndPos.ToPointF( ), .33f,
                                                                            delegate(float percent, object value)
                fromPanel.GetRootView( ).Layer.Position = (PointF)value;


            // animate IN the toPanel (which we know goes to 0,0 )
            SimpleAnimator_PointF toPanelAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF(toPanel.GetRootView( ).Layer.Position.ToPointF( ), CGPoint.Empty.ToPointF( ), .33f,
                                                                          delegate(float percent, object value)
                toPanel.GetRootView( ).Layer.Position = (PointF)value;
                ActivePanel = toPanel;

                ViewDidLayoutSubviews( );

Beispiel #2
        public void PresentAnimated(int workingFamilyId, bool browsingPeople, FamilyInfoViewController.OnBrowsePeopleCompleteDelegate onComplete)
            KeyboardAdjustManager.Activate( );

            WorkingFamilyId = workingFamilyId;

            OnCompleteDelegate = onComplete;

            // default to false
            RemoveFromOtherFamilies = false;

            // always begin at the SearchPanel
            SearchPanel.GetRootView( ).Layer.Position = CGPoint.Empty;

            PeoplePanel.GetRootView( ).Layer.Position = new CGPoint(MainPanel.Bounds.Width, 0);

            // use the provided bool to set the correct panel visible
            PeoplePanel.GetRootView( ).Hidden = !browsingPeople;

            ActivePanel = SearchPanel;

            View.Hidden = false;

            // animate the background to dark
            BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity = 0;

            SimpleAnimator_Float alphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float(BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity, Settings.DarkenOpacity, .33f,
                                                                      delegate(float percent, object value)
                BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity = (float)value;
            }, null);


            // animate in the main panel
            MainPanel.Layer.Position = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint((View.Bounds.Width - MainPanel.Bounds.Width) / 2, View.Bounds.Height);

            // animate UP the main panel
            nfloat visibleHeight = Parent.GetVisibleHeight( );
            PointF endPos        = new PointF((float)(View.Bounds.Width - MainPanel.Bounds.Width) / 2,
                                              (float)(visibleHeight - MainPanel.Bounds.Height) / 2);

            SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF(MainPanel.Layer.Position.ToPointF( ), endPos, .33f,
                                                                      delegate(float percent, object value)
                MainPanel.Layer.Position = (PointF)value;
                SearchPanel.PerformSearch( );

Beispiel #3
        void DismissAnimated(bool didSave, object returnContext)
            // guard against multiple dismiss requests
            if (IsDismissing == false)
                IsDismissing = true;

                // run an animation that will dismiss our view, and then remove
                // ourselves from the hierarchy
                SimpleAnimator_Float alphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float(BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity, .00f, .33f,
                                                                          delegate(float percent, object value)
                    BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity = (float)value;
                }, null);


                // animate OUT the main panel
                PointF endPos = new PointF((float)(View.Bounds.Width - MainPanel.Bounds.Width) / 2, (float)View.Bounds.Height);

                SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF(MainPanel.Layer.Position.ToPointF( ), endPos, .33f,
                                                                          delegate(float percent, object value)
                    MainPanel.Layer.Position = (PointF)value;
                    // hide ourselves
                    View.Hidden = true;

                    IsDismissing = false;

                    KeyboardAdjustManager.Deactivate( );

                    OnCompleteDelegate(didSave, WorkingFamilyId, returnContext);

Beispiel #4
        void PerformCampusIntro( )
            LayoutChanged( View.Frame );

            // Fade OUT the welcome
            SimpleAnimator_Float animDown = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 1.00f, .15f, 2.00f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                    WelcomeLabel.Opacity = (float)value;
                }, null );
            animDown.Start( );

            // Move UP the welcome
            SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( WelcomeLabel.Position, new PointF( WelcomeLabel.Position.X, View.Frame.Height * WelcomeHeightPerc ), 1.75f,
                delegate(float posPercent, object posValue )
                    WelcomeLabel.Position = (PointF) posValue;
                    // once moving up the welcome is done, kick off a timer that will fade in the
                    // campus header.
                    System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
                    timer.Interval = 1000;
                    timer.AutoReset = false;
                    timer.Elapsed += (object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) =>
                            // do this ON the UI thread
                            Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread( delegate
                                    // now fade in the campuses intro.
                                    SimpleAnimator_Float campusAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, 1.50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                                            CampusHeader.Opacity = (float)value;
                                            // do this ON the UI thread
                                            Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread( delegate
                                                    EnterNextState( OOBE_State.SelectCampus );
                                        } );
                                    campusAnim.Start( );
                    timer.Start( );

            posAnim.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseOut );
Beispiel #5
        /*void PerformCampusIntro( )
         * {
         *  LayoutChanged( View.Frame );
         *  // Fade OUT the welcome
         *  SimpleAnimator_Float animDown = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 1.00f, .15f, 2.00f, delegate(float percent, object value )
         *      {
         *          WelcomeLabel.Opacity = (float)value;
         *      }, null );
         *  animDown.Start( );
         *  // Move UP the welcome
         *  SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( WelcomeLabel.Position, new PointF( WelcomeLabel.Position.X, View.Frame.Height * WelcomeHeightPerc ), 1.75f,
         *      delegate(float posPercent, object posValue )
         *      {
         *          WelcomeLabel.Position = (PointF) posValue;
         *      },
         *      delegate
         *      {
         *          // once moving up the welcome is done, kick off a timer that will fade in the
         *          // campus header.
         *          System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
         *          timer.Interval = 1000;
         *          timer.AutoReset = false;
         *          timer.Elapsed += (object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) =>
         *              {
         *                  // do this ON the UI thread
         *                  Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread( delegate
         *                      {
         *                          // now fade in the campuses intro.
         *                          SimpleAnimator_Float campusAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, 1.50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
         *                              {
         *                                  CampusHeader.Opacity = (float)value;
         *                              },
         *                              delegate
         *                              {
         *                                  // do this ON the UI thread
         *                                  Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread( delegate
         *                                      {
         *                                          EnterNextState( OOBE_State.SelectCampus );
         *                                      });
         *                              } );
         *                          campusAnim.Start( );
         *                      });
         *              };
         *          timer.Start( );
         *      });
         *  posAnim.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseOut );
         * }
         * void PerformSelectCampus( )
         * {
         *  // IF THERE IS A COLLISION (i.e. no room) between the CampusHeader and CampusButtons,
         *  // we will fade OUT the header and leave it up for longer.
         *  bool fadeOutHeader  = false;
         *  float animTime = 2.00f;
         *  if ( CampusButtons[ 0 ].Frame.Top <= CampusHeader.Frame.Bottom )
         *  {
         *      fadeOutHeader = true;
         *      animTime = 5.00f;
         *  }
         *  // fade down the campus header and fade up the campuses.
         *  SimpleAnimator_Float animDown = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 1.00f, .00f, animTime, delegate(float percent, object value )
         *      {
         *          // IF THERE IS A COLLISION (i.e. no room) between the CampusHeader and CampusButtons,
         *          // fade down the campus header and fade up the campuses.
         *          if ( fadeOutHeader )
         *          {
         *              CampusHeader.Opacity = (float)value;
         *          }
         *      },
         *      delegate
         *      {
         *          // now fade in the campuses
         *          foreach( PlatformButton campusButton in CampusButtons )
         *          {
         *              SimpleAnimator_Float campusAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
         *                  {
         *                      campusButton.Opacity = (float)value;
         *                  },
         *                  null );
         *              campusAnim.Start( );
         *          }
         *          // do this ON the UI thread
         *          Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread( delegate
         *              {
         *                  // immediately move to the next state (while the campuses are fading in)
         *                  EnterNextState( OOBE_State.WaitForCampus );
         *              });
         *      } );
         *  animDown.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseIn );
         * }*/

        void PerformAccountChoice( )

            // Fade OUT the welcome
            SimpleAnimator_Float animDown = new SimpleAnimator_Float(1.00f, .15f, 2.00f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                WelcomeLabel.Opacity = ( float )value;
            }, null);

            animDown.Start( );

            // Move UP the welcome
            SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF(WelcomeLabel.Position, new PointF(WelcomeLabel.Position.X, View.Frame.Height * WelcomeHeightPerc), 1.75f,
                                                                      delegate(float posPercent, object posValue)
                WelcomeLabel.Position = ( PointF )posValue;
                // once moving up the welcome is done, kick off a timer that will fade in the
                // campus header.
                System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer( );
                timer.Interval            = 1000;
                timer.AutoReset           = false;
                timer.Elapsed            += (object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) =>
                    // do this ON the UI thread
                        // make sure we only begin fading in the account stuff ONCE, and not
                        // for each button animating.

                        // now fade in Register
                        SimpleAnimator_Float regAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float(0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                            RegisterButton.Opacity = ( float )value;
                            // now Login
                            SimpleAnimator_Float loginAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float(0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                                LoginButton.Opacity = ( float )value;
                                // finally skip
                                SimpleAnimator_Float skipAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float(0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                                    SkipButton.Opacity = ( float )value;
                                    AnimateRegSeperator( );
                                skipAnim.Start( );
                            loginAnim.Start( );
                        regAnim.Start( );
                timer.Start( );


            /*SimpleAnimator_Float animDown = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 1.00f, 0.00f, 1.10f, delegate(float percent, object value )
             *  {
             *      // take either the lowered alpha value OR the current opacity. That way if
             *      // the header is already faded out we won't do anything.
             *      CampusHeader.Opacity = Math.Min( (float)value, CampusHeader.Opacity );
             *      foreach ( PlatformButton campusButton in CampusButtons )
             *      {
             *          campusButton.Opacity = (float)value;
             *      }
             *  },
             *  delegate
             *  {
             *      // make sure we only begin fading in the account stuff ONCE, and not
             *      // for each button animating.
             *      if( accountFadeInBegan == false )
             *      {
             *          Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread( delegate
             *              {
             *                  LayoutChanged( View.Frame );
             *              } );
             *          accountFadeInBegan = true;
             *          // now fade in Register
             *          SimpleAnimator_Float regAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
             *              {
             *                  RegisterButton.Opacity = (float)value;
             *              },
             *              delegate
             *              {
             *                  // now Login
             *                  SimpleAnimator_Float loginAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
             *                      {
             *                          LoginButton.Opacity = (float)value;
             *                      },
             *                      delegate
             *                      {
             *                          // finally skip
             *                          SimpleAnimator_Float skipAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
             *                              {
             *                                  SkipButton.Opacity = (float)value;
             *                              },
             *                              delegate
             *                              {
             *                                  EnterNextState( OOBE_State.WaitForAccountChoice );
             *                                  AnimateRegSeperator( );
             *                              });
             *                          skipAnim.Start( );
             *                      });
             *                  loginAnim.Start( );
             *              } );
             *          regAnim.Start( );
             *      }
             *  } );
             * animDown.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseIn );*/
        void SwitchActiveMemberView( BaseMemberPanel memberPanel )
            // don't change if the panel is already active
            if ( ActivePanel != memberPanel )
                // and don't do it if we're animating
                if ( Animating == false )
                    // disable the toggle button until we're done animating
                    AdultChildToggle.Enabled = false;

                    Animating = true;

                    // animate out the current, bring in the new
                    SimpleAnimator_PointF activeOutAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( ScrollView.Layer.Position.ToPointF( ), new PointF( (float)ScrollView.Layer.Position.X, (float)ScrollView.Bounds.Height * .95f ), .33f,
                        delegate(float percent, object value )
                            ScrollView.Layer.Position = (PointF)value;
                            // set the new panel as active, and position it off screen.
                            ActivePanel.GetRootView( ).Hidden = true;

                            // copy the data from the currently active panel to the new one
                            memberPanel.Copy( ActivePanel );

                            // now switch it
                            ActivePanel = memberPanel;
                            ActivePanel.GetRootView( ).Hidden = false;

                            ViewDidLayoutSubviews( );

                            // now kick off the animate IN for the new panel
                            SimpleAnimator_PointF activeInAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( ScrollView.Layer.Position.ToPointF( ), new PointF( (float)ScrollView.Layer.Position.X, 0 ), .33f,
                                delegate(float percent, object value )
                                    ScrollView.Layer.Position = (PointF)value;
                                    // and finally we're done animating.

                                    // re-enable the toggle button, and flag that we're no longer animating
                                    AdultChildToggle.Enabled = true;
                                    Animating = false;

                            activeInAnim.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseIn );
                        } );

                    activeOutAnim.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseOut );
        void DismissAnimated( bool didSave )
            // guard against multiple dismiss requests
            if ( IsDismissing == false )
                IsDismissing = true;

                // run an animation that will dismiss our view, and then remove
                // ourselves from the hierarchy
                SimpleAnimator_Float alphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity, .00f, .33f,
                                                     delegate(float percent, object value )
                        BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity = (float)value;
                    }, null );

                alphaAnim.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseOut );

                // animate OUT the main panel
                PointF endPos = new PointF( (float)( View.Bounds.Width - MainPanel.Bounds.Width ) / 2, (float)View.Bounds.Height );

                SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( MainPanel.Layer.Position.ToPointF( ), endPos, .33f,
                    delegate(float percent, object value )
                        MainPanel.Layer.Position = (PointF)value;
                        // hide ourselves
                        View.Hidden = true;

                        // give the panels a chance to clean up any resources they need to
                        ChildPanel.ViewWillDisappear( );
                        AdultPanel.ViewWillDisappear( );

                        IsDismissing = false;

                        KeyboardAdjustManager.Deactivate( );

                        // if the active panel is the Child, then yes, they should be set as a child.
                        bool isChild = ActivePanel == ChildPanel ? true : false;

                        OnCompleteDelegate( didSave, WorkingFamilyId, isChild, WorkingPerson );
                    } );

                posAnim.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseOut );
        public void PresentAnimated( int workingFamilyId,
                                     string workingFamilyLastName,
                                     Rock.Client.Person workingPerson, 
                                     bool isChild,
                                     Dictionary<string, Rock.Client.AttributeValue> attributeValues, 
                                     NSData profilePicBuffer, 
                                     List<Rock.Client.Family> allowedCheckinList,
                                     FamilyInfoViewController.OnPersonInfoCompleteDelegate onComplete )
            OnCompleteDelegate = onComplete;

            WorkingFamilyId = workingFamilyId;

            KeyboardAdjustManager.Activate( );

            // take the provided person as our working person
            if ( workingPerson == null )
                IsNewPerson = true;
                WorkingPerson = new Rock.Client.Person( );

                // since it's a new person, put the last name of the family in there.
                WorkingPerson.LastName = workingFamilyLastName;
                IsNewPerson = false;
                WorkingPerson = workingPerson;

            // we need to know now what values AREN'T set, so we don't inadvertantly set them to defaults.
            WorkingPhoneNumber = RockActions.TryGetPhoneNumber( WorkingPerson, RockActions.CellPhoneValueId );
            if ( WorkingPhoneNumber == null )
                IsNewPhoneNumber = true;
                WorkingPhoneNumber = new Rock.Client.PhoneNumber();
                IsNewPhoneNumber = false;

            PersonInfoToUI( WorkingPerson, WorkingPhoneNumber, isChild, attributeValues, allowedCheckinList );

            // set their profile picture
            UpdateProfilePic( profilePicBuffer );

            View.Hidden = false;

            // animate the background to dark
            BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity = 0;

            SimpleAnimator_Float alphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity, Settings.DarkenOpacity, .33f,
                delegate(float percent, object value )
                    BackgroundPanel.Layer.Opacity = (float)value;
                }, null );

            alphaAnim.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseOut );

            // update the main panel
            MainPanel.Layer.Position = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint( ( View.Bounds.Width - MainPanel.Bounds.Width ) / 2, View.Bounds.Height );

            // animate UP the main panel
            nfloat visibleHeight = Parent.GetVisibleHeight( );
            PointF endPos = new PointF( (float)( View.Bounds.Width - MainPanel.Bounds.Width ) / 2,
                (float)( visibleHeight - MainPanel.Bounds.Height ) / 2 );

            SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( MainPanel.Layer.Position.ToPointF( ), endPos, .33f,
                delegate(float percent, object value )
                    MainPanel.Layer.Position = (PointF)value;

            posAnim.Start( SimpleAnimator.Style.CurveEaseOut );

            ViewDidLayoutSubviews( );
Beispiel #9
                void AnimateNoteIcon( bool open )
                    if ( Animating == false )
                        Animating = true;

                        SizeF startSize = NoteIcon.Bounds.Size;
                        SizeF endSize;

                        PointF startPos = NoteIcon.Position;
                        PointF endPos = GetNoteIconPos( open );

                        float startTypeSize;
                        float endTypeSize;

                        float animTime = .2f;

                        // the text must always be smaller than the bounding box,
                        // so we'll scale the typeSize anim time to be FASTER when opening
                        // and SLOWER when closing.
                        float sizeAnimTimeScalar;

                        // setup the target values based on whether we're opening or closing
                        if ( open == true )
                            endSize = NoteIconOpenSize;

                            startTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize;
                            endTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize;

                            sizeAnimTimeScalar = .95f;
                            endSize = NoteIconClosedSize;

                            startTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize;
                            endTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize;

                            sizeAnimTimeScalar = 1.05f;

                        // size...
                        SimpleAnimator_SizeF sizeAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF( startSize, endSize, animTime,
                                                                delegate(float percent, object value )
                                SizeF currSize = (SizeF)value;
                                NoteIcon.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, 0, currSize.Width, currSize.Height );
                            }, null );

                        sizeAnimator.Start( );

                        // pos...
                        SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( startPos, endPos, animTime,
                                                                delegate(float percent, object value )
                                NoteIcon.Position = (PointF)value;
                            }, null );
                        posAnimator.Start( );

                        // font typesize...
                        SimpleAnimator_Float floatAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_Float( startTypeSize, endTypeSize, animTime * sizeAnimTimeScalar,
                                                                 delegate(float percent, object value )
                                NoteIcon.SetFont( PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, (float)value );
                            }, delegate { Animating = false; } );
                        floatAnimator.Start( );
Beispiel #10
                void AnimateNoteIcon(bool open)
                    SizeF startSize = NoteIcon.Bounds.Size;
                    SizeF endSize;

                    PointF startPos = NoteIcon.Position;
                    PointF endPos   = GetNoteIconPos(open);

                    float startTypeSize;
                    float endTypeSize;

                    float animTime = .2f;

                    // the text must always be smaller than the bounding box,
                    // so we'll scale the typeSize anim time to be FASTER when opening
                    // and SLOWER when closing.
                    float sizeAnimTimeScalar;

                    // setup the target values based on whether we're opening or closing
                    if (open == true)
                        endSize = NoteIconOpenSize;

                        startTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize;
                        endTypeSize   = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize;

                        sizeAnimTimeScalar = .95f;
                        endSize = NoteIconClosedSize;

                        startTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize;
                        endTypeSize   = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize;

                        sizeAnimTimeScalar = 1.05f;

                    // size...
                    SimpleAnimator_SizeF sizeAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(startSize, endSize, animTime,
                                                                                 delegate(float percent, object value)
                        SizeF currSize  = (SizeF)value;
                        NoteIcon.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, currSize.Width, currSize.Height);
                    }, null);

                    sizeAnimator.Start( );

                    // pos...
                    SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_PointF(startPos, endPos, animTime,
                                                                                  delegate(float percent, object value)
                        NoteIcon.Position = (PointF)value;
                    }, null);

                    posAnimator.Start( );

                    // font typesize...
                    SimpleAnimator_Float floatAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_Float(startTypeSize, endTypeSize, animTime * sizeAnimTimeScalar,
                                                                                  delegate(float percent, object value)
                        NoteIcon.SetFont(PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, (float)value);
                    }, null);

                    floatAnimator.Start( );
Beispiel #11
        void PerformRevealControls( )
            // this will be fun. Chain the animations so they go serially. Start with moving up Welcome
            // now animate it down to a lighter color
            SimpleAnimator_Float animDown = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 1.00f, .15f, 1.10f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                    WelcomeLabel.Opacity = (float)value;
                }, null );
            animDown.Start( );

            SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnim = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( WelcomeLabel.Position, new PointF( WelcomeLabel.Position.X, View.Frame.Height * .25f ), .55f,
                delegate(float posPercent, object posValue )
                    WelcomeLabel.Position = (PointF) posValue;
                    // now fade in Register
                    SimpleAnimator_Float regAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                            RegisterButton.Opacity = (float)value;
                            // now Login
                            SimpleAnimator_Float loginAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                                    LoginButton.Opacity = (float)value;
                                    // finally skip
                                    SimpleAnimator_Float skipAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, .50f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                                            SkipButton.Opacity = (float)value;
                                            EnterNextState( OOBE_State.Done );
                                            AnimateRegSeperator( );
                                    skipAnim.Start( );
                                loginAnim.Start( );
                        } );
                    regAnim.Start( );

            posAnim.Start( );