Beispiel #1
        static void Run(string fileName, int repeats, string type, float invaderStat, int numInvaders, int burnIn, string outputPath)
            Stopwatch Local = new Stopwatch();


            //Prepare data holders
            StringBuilder Output = new StringBuilder();

            Simulations.InvasionData Temp = new Simulations.InvasionData();

            //Get Parameters and run appropriate Simulation
            SimParams Par = new SimParams(reload: true, path: fileName);

            for (int j = 0; j < repeats; j++)
                Temp = Simulations.Invasion(Par, type, invaderStat, numInvaders, burnIn);
                Output.AppendLine(string.Format(",{0}", Temp.TraitAve));

            //Save data
            string Tag = Utils.GetTag(fileName);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath + "/" + Tag + "-" + invaderStat + ".csv", Output.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", fileName, Local.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(String[] args)
            Stopwatch Global = new Stopwatch();

            //do not check the distributions.
            Control.CheckDistributionParameters = false;

            String ParamPath  = "D:/Documents/R/AgentBasedModel/Comparison/";
            String OutputPath = "C:/Users/Karar/Desktop/Output";

            String[] ParamFiles = Utils.GetValidParams(ParamPath);

            //Prepare naming Scheme
            string Tag = Utils.GetTag(ParamFiles[0]);

            SimParams Par  = new SimParams(localBreeding: true);
            WriteData Full = Simulations.Basic(Par);

            /* WriteData Temp;
             * WriteData Full = Simulations.Interval(Par, 200, false);
             * for(int j=1;j<2;j++){
             *  Temp = Simulations.Interval(Par, 200, false);
             *  Full.ConCat(Temp, Par);
             * }*/
            Full.Output(Par, OutputPath, Tag, true);

            Console.WriteLine("All simulations completed.");
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(String[] args)
            Stopwatch Global = new Stopwatch();

            //do not check the distributions.
            Control.CheckDistributionParameters = false;

            String ParamPath  = "D:/Documents/ECK";
            String OutputPath = "D:/Documents/ECK";

            String[] ParamFiles = Utils.GetValidParams(ParamPath);

            //Prepare naming Scheme
            string Tag = Utils.GetTag(ParamFiles[0]);

            SimParams Par = new SimParams(reload: true, path: ParamFiles[0]);
            //int x = 1000000;
            //float[] sampler = new float[6]{.8f,.8f,.9f,.5f,.4f,.2f};
            //int[] lol = Par.RandomSampleUnequal(sampler,x,true);

            WriteData Full = Simulations.Basic(Par);

            /* WriteData Temp;
             * WriteData Full = Simulations.Interval(Par, 200, false);
             * for(int j=1;j<2;j++){
             *  Temp = Simulations.Interval(Par, 200, false);
             *  Full.ConCat(Temp, Par);
             * }*/
            Full.Output(Par, OutputPath, Tag, true);

            Console.WriteLine("All simulations completed.");
Beispiel #4
        protected override void DrawCore(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters)
            EffectPass pass
                = DeviceContext.Effect.GetTechniqueByName(renderContext.StyleAspect.TechniqueName).GetPassByName("P0");


            if (cell != null)
                using (InputLayout layout
                           = new InputLayout(DeviceContext.Device, pass.Description.Signature, new[]
                                             { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0),
                                               new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0) }))
                    float normalizer = 0.8f / (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.R_Cell, true);

                    DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.InputLayout       = layout;
                    DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;

                    DrawCell(renderContext, cell, parameters, normalizer);
                    DrawTubes(renderContext, cell, parameters, normalizer);
                    DrawPoles(renderContext, cell, normalizer);
                    DrawChromosomes(renderContext, cell, parameters, normalizer);
                    DrawSprings(renderContext, cell, parameters, normalizer);
Beispiel #5
        private void DrawCell(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer)
            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh shSphere = Meshes.GetMesh("emptyHalfSphere");

            ConstBuffer.Material = renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <CellStyle>(cell).Cell;

            Vector3 oldPos            = Camera.Position;
            Vector3 oldUp             = Camera.Up;
            Vector4 oldLightDirection = ConstBuffer.LightDirection;

            Camera.Position            = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -oldPos.Length());
            Camera.Up                  = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            ConstBuffer.LightDirection = new Vector4(Camera.Direction, 1.0f);
            ConstBuffer.View           = Matrix.Transpose(Camera.ViewMatrix);

            float  radius     = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.R_Cell, true) * normalizer;
            float  dist       = oldPos.Length();
            float  magicCoeff = dist / (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0.1, dist * dist - radius * radius));
            Matrix transform  = Matrix.Scaling(radius * magicCoeff, radius * magicCoeff, radius * magicCoeff);

            transform *= RotationVectors(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f));

            ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
            SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
            SetAndDrawMesh(device, shSphere);

            Camera.Position            = oldPos;
            Camera.Up                  = oldUp;
            ConstBuffer.LightDirection = oldLightDirection;
            ConstBuffer.View           = Matrix.Transpose(Camera.ViewMatrix);
Beispiel #6
 public LaunchParameters()
     Config        = new SimParams();
     Args          = new CliArgs();
     InitialStates = null;
     PoleCoords    = null;
Beispiel #7
        public void Draw(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters)
            if (renderContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("renderContext");

            Viewport viewPort;

            renderContext.RenderTargetAspect.GetTargets(out _depthStencilView, out _renderTargetView, out viewPort);

            ConstBuffer.View       = Matrix.Transpose(Camera.ViewMatrix);
            ConstBuffer.Projection = Matrix.Transpose(Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(FoV,
                                                                              0.01f, 100.0f));
            ConstBuffer.LightDirection = new Vector4(Camera.Direction, 1.0f);
            //ConstBuffer.CameraPosition = new Vector4(Camera.Position, 1.0f); // WTF? Looks like bugged shader

            DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.OutputMerger.SetTargets(_depthStencilView, _renderTargetView);


            DrawCore(renderContext, cell, parameters);


            _depthStencilView = null;
            _renderTargetView = null;
Beispiel #8
        static void Run(string fileName, int repeats, int frequency, string outputPath,
                        bool repAll, bool matchAll, bool ageAll, bool lrnThrshAll, bool accAll,
                        bool chanForAll, bool chanInvAll)
            Stopwatch Local = new Stopwatch();

            //Get Parameters and run appropriate Simulation
            SimParams Par = new SimParams(reload: true, path: fileName);
            WriteData Temp;
            WriteData Full = Simulations.Interval(Par, frequency, repAll,
                                                  matchAll, ageAll, lrnThrshAll, accAll, chanForAll, chanInvAll);

            for (int j = 1; j < repeats; j++)
                Temp = Simulations.Interval(Par, frequency, repAll,
                                            matchAll, ageAll, lrnThrshAll, accAll, chanForAll, chanInvAll);
                Full.ConCat(Par, Temp);

            //Save data
            string Tag = Utils.GetTag(fileName);

            Full.Output(Par, outputPath, Tag, true);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", fileName, Local.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        static void Main(String[] args) //do not change this line!
        //Starts a timer.  You can omit this.
            Stopwatch Global = new Stopwatch();

            //warns that the simulation has started.  You can omit this.

            //prevents checks on the distributions; delete if you are changing the library, otherwise leave it alone.
            //I have internal checks to ensure distributions have appropriate boundaries, so this just wastes time.
            Control.CheckDistributionParameters = false;

            //assign arguments that are passed in the console into the right data types.
            //Add more arguments and assignments or deleted unwanted ones as needed.

            String ParamPath  = args[0];                                               //Required argument!
            String OutputPath = args[1];                                               //Required argument!
            int    Optional   = args.Length > 2 ? System.Convert.ToInt32(args[2]) : 4; //optional argument with a default!

            //get the .SEMP files

            //Use the next two lines if you want to change the params here rather than load .SEMPs,
            //and comment out the following three lines.
            //SimParams Par = new SimParams();
            //string Tag = 'new';

            String[] ParamFiles = Utils.GetValidParams(ParamPath);
            //for(int i = 0; i < ParamFiles.length; i++){
            SimParams Par = new SimParams(reload: true, path: ParamFiles[0]); //i instead of 0
            string    Tag = Utils.GetTag(ParamFiles[0]);                      //i instead of 0

            //Basic is not the only simulation option, but should cover most of your needs
            WriteData Full = Simulations.Basic(Par);

            //Writes the data files (.SEMP and .csvs)
            Full.Output(Par, OutputPath, Tag, true);

            //Note that this code will only run one parameter file.  To do all .SEMPS in a folder,
            //uncomment the for loop and its end bracket and change marked the 0's to i.
            //Also notice that parallelization is absent.  See the IntervalSim program an example of code that parallelizes.

            //Warns how much time has ellasped and that the simulation is over.  you can omit this.
            Console.WriteLine("All simulations completed.");
Beispiel #10
        private void DrawSprings(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer)
            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh tube = parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Int.Spring_Type) == 0
            ? Meshes.GetMesh("rod") : Meshes.GetMesh("spring");

            SetMesh(device, tube);

            var prevMode = DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology;

            PrimitiveTopology[] modes = { PrimitiveTopology.LineList, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList };

            for (int j = 0; j < modes.Length; j++)
                DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = modes[j];

                foreach (ChromosomePair pair in cell.ChromosomePairs)
                    Spring spring = pair.Spring;
                    if (spring != null)
                        SpringStyle springStyle = renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <SpringStyle>(spring);
                        ConstBuffer.Material = springStyle.Spring;
                        float  scale     = (float)spring.Length * normalizer;
                        Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling((float)springStyle.Width, (float)springStyle.Width, scale);

                        transform *= RotationVectors(new Vector3(0, 0, -1),
                                                     new Vector3((float)(spring.RightJoint.X - spring.LeftJoint.X),
                                                                 (float)(spring.RightJoint.Y - spring.LeftJoint.Y),
                                                                 (float)(spring.RightJoint.Z - spring.LeftJoint.Z)));
                        transform *= Matrix.Translation((float)spring.LeftJoint.X * normalizer,
                                                        (float)spring.LeftJoint.Y * normalizer,
                                                        (float)spring.LeftJoint.Z * normalizer);

                        ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
                        SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
                        DrawMesh(device, tube);
            DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = prevMode;
Beispiel #11
        private static Tuple <SimParams, String> CreateConfig(int n)
            // Some default config as template
            var config = new SimParams();

            config[SimParameter.Int.N_MT_Total]            = 1500;
            config[SimParameter.Int.N_Cr_Total]            = 1;
            config[SimParameter.Int.Spring_Brake_Type]     = 1;
            config[SimParameter.Int.Spring_Brake_MTs]      = 1000;
            config[SimParameter.Int.Spring_Type]           = 1;
            config[SimParameter.Double.Spring_Length]      = 0.1;
            config[SimParameter.Double.Spring_K]           = 13000;
            config[SimParameter.Double.L_Poles]            = 10;
            config[SimParameter.Double.R_Cell]             = 6;
            config[SimParameter.Double.Spring_Brake_Force] = 7000.0;
            config[SimParameter.Double.K_On]            = 10.0;
            config[SimParameter.Double.K_Off]           = 0.002;
            config[SimParameter.Double.Cr_L]            = 3.0;
            config[SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_D]        = 0.3;
            config[SimParameter.Double.Dt]              = 0.1;
            config[SimParameter.Double.T_End]           = 7200.0;
            config[SimParameter.Double.Save_Freq_Macro] = 0.5;

            // Tune it for the current case
            switch (n)
            case 0:
                return(new Tuple <SimParams, String>(config, "Default"));

            case 1:
            case 2:
                config[SimParameter.Int.N_MT_Total] = (n % 2 == 1) ? 1000 : 2000;
                return(new Tuple <SimParams, String>(config, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "N_MT_Total={0}", config[SimParameter.Int.N_MT_Total])));

            // Append here your cases

Beispiel #12
        private void DrawChromosomes(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer)
            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh halfCylinder             = Meshes.GetMesh("halfCylinder");

            SetMesh(device, halfCylinder);

            float kinScaleX  = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_D, true) / 2 * normalizer;
            float kinScaleY  = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true) * normalizer;
            float handScaleX = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Hand_D, true) / 2 * normalizer;
            float handScaleY = (float)(parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_L, true) -
                                       parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true)) / 2 * normalizer;
            float handOffsetY1 = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true) / 2 * normalizer + handScaleY;
            float handOffsetY2 = -(float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true) / 2 * normalizer;

            float[] scaleX  = { kinScaleX, handScaleX, handScaleX };
            float[] scaleY  = { kinScaleY, handScaleY, handScaleY };
            float[] offsetY = { kinScaleY / 2, handOffsetY1, handOffsetY2 };
            Func <ChromosomeStyle, Material>[] materialSelectors = { style => style.Kinetohore, style => style.Hand, style => style.Hand };

            foreach (var chr in cell.Chromosomes)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    ConstBuffer.Material = materialSelectors[i](renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <ChromosomeStyle>(chr));
                    Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling(scaleX[i], scaleY[i], scaleX[i]);
                    transform *= Matrix.Translation(0.0f, offsetY[i], 0.0f);

                    transform *= FromMatrix3x3(chr.Orientation);

                    transform *= Matrix.Translation((float)chr.Position.X * normalizer,
                                                    (float)chr.Position.Y * normalizer,
                                                    (float)chr.Position.Z * normalizer);

                    ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
                    SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
                    DrawMesh(device, halfCylinder);
Beispiel #13
        static void Run(string fileName, int repeats, int frequency, string outputPath,
                        bool repAll, bool matchAll, bool ageAll, bool lrnThrshAll, bool accAll,
                        bool chanForAll, bool chanInvAll)
            Stopwatch Local = new Stopwatch();

            Console.WriteLine("Begin-{0}", fileName);
            //Get Parameters and run appropriate Simulation
            SimParams Par  = new SimParams(reload: true, path: fileName);
            WriteData Full = new WriteData();
            WriteData Temp;
            int       Success = 0;

            while (Success == 0)
                    Full = Simulations.Interval(Par, frequency, repAll,
                                                matchAll, ageAll, lrnThrshAll, accAll, chanForAll, chanInvAll);
                    Success += 1;
                }catch { Console.WriteLine("Fail-{0}, {1}", fileName, Success); }
            while (Success < repeats)
                    Temp = Simulations.Interval(Par, frequency, repAll,
                                                matchAll, ageAll, lrnThrshAll, accAll, chanForAll, chanInvAll);
                    Full.ConCat(Par, Temp);
                    Success += 1;
                }catch { Console.WriteLine("Fail-{0}, {1}", fileName, Success); }

            //Save data
            string Tag = Utils.GetTag(fileName);

            Full.Output(Par, outputPath, Tag, true);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", fileName, Local.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Beispiel #14
        private void DrawTubes(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer)
            float kin_d = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_D, true) * normalizer;
            float kin_l = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true) * normalizer;

            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh tube = Meshes.GetMesh("tube");

            SetMesh(device, tube);

            // Sorting tubes.
            List <MT>[] tubes = { new List <MT>(),
                                  new List <MT>(),
                                  new List <MT>(),
                                  new List <MT>() };

            Func <TubeStyle, Material>[] materialSelectors =
                style => style.FreeLeftPoleTube,
                style => style.BoundLeftPoleTube,
                style => style.FreeRightPoleTube,
                style => style.BoundRightPoleTube

            foreach (MT mt in cell.MTs)
                int index = (mt.BoundChromosome == null ? 0 : 1) +
                            (mt.Pole.Type == PoleType.Left ? 0 : 2);

            var prevMode = DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology;

            PrimitiveTopology[] modes = { PrimitiveTopology.LineList, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList };

            for (int j = 0; j < modes.Length; j++)
                DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = modes[j];

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    foreach (MT mt in tubes[i])
                        TubeStyle tubeStyle = renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <TubeStyle>(mt);
                        ConstBuffer.Material = materialSelectors[i](tubeStyle);

                        // Converting anchor points.
                        var _pole = mt.Pole.Position;
                        var pole  = new Vector3((float)_pole.X * normalizer,
                                                (float)_pole.Y * normalizer,
                                                (float)_pole.Z * normalizer);
                        var _force = mt.ForcePoint;
                        var force  = new Vector3((float)_force.X * normalizer,
                                                 (float)_force.Y * normalizer,
                                                 (float)_force.Z * normalizer);
                        var _end = mt.EndPoint;
                        var end  = new Vector3((float)_end.X * normalizer,
                                               (float)_end.Y * normalizer,
                                               (float)_end.Z * normalizer);

                        // Generating list with curve's points.
                        List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>();
                        if (force != end && mt.BoundChromosome != null)
                            // Building new 2D coordinate system.
                            System.Numerics.Vector3 _center = mt.BoundChromosome.Position;
                            Vector3 center = new Vector3(_center.X * normalizer,
                                                         _center.Y * normalizer,
                                                         _center.Z * normalizer);
                            Matrix  orient = FromMatrix3x3(mt.BoundChromosome.Orientation);
                            Vector4 _r1    = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -kin_d / 2), orient);
                            Vector3 r1     = new Vector3(_r1.X, _r1.Y, _r1.Z);
                            Vector4 _r2    = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(kin_d / 2, 0.0f, 0.0f), orient);
                            Vector3 r2     = new Vector3(_r2.X, _r2.Y, _r2.Z);
                            Vector3 ort1   = r1; ort1.Normalize();
                            Vector3 ort2   = r2; ort2.Normalize();
                            Vector4 _ort3  = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), orient);
                            Vector3 ort3   = new Vector3(_ort3.X, _ort3.Y, _ort3.Z);

                            // Building plane for point planting.
                            Func <Vector3, Vector3> normalize
                                = (e =>
                                float dr1 = Vector3.Dot(ort1, e);
                                float dr2 = Vector3.Dot(ort2, e);
                                float l = (float)Math.Sqrt(dr1 * dr1 + dr2 * dr2);
                                return(e * (kin_d / 2 / l));

                            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(end - pole, force - pole);
                            if (normal.Length() < (float)1e-3)
                                normal = ort3;
                            float t = -(normal.X * (center.X - end.X) +
                                        normal.Y * (center.Y - end.Y) +
                                        normal.Z * (center.Z - end.Z)) /
                                      (normal.X * ort3.X + normal.Y * ort3.Y + normal.Z * ort3.Z);
                            Vector3 proj_center = center + ort3 * (float)Math.Min(kin_l / 2, Math.Max(-kin_l / 2, t));

                            // Selection direction - clockwise or not
                            float l1 = 0.0f, l2 = 0.0f;
                                float dx = Vector3.Dot(end - center, ort2), dy = Vector3.Dot(end - center, ort1);
                                float dl     = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                                float angle1 = (float)(Math.PI - Math.Asin(dy / dl));

                                dx = Vector3.Dot(force - center, ort2); dy = Vector3.Dot(force - center, ort1);
                                dl = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                                float angle2 = (float)(Math.PI - Math.Asin(dy / dl));

                                l1 = (float)(Math.Abs(angle2 - angle1) * kin_d / 2);
                                l2 = (float)(Math.Abs(Math.Min(angle1, angle2) - Math.PI / 2) * kin_d / 2 +
                                             Math.Abs(Math.Max(angle1, angle2) - 3 * Math.PI / 2) * kin_d / 2 +
                            if (l1 < l2)
                                // By curve.
                                Vector3 v1 = force - proj_center;
                                Vector3 v5 = end - proj_center;
                                Vector3 v3 = normalize(v1 + v5);
                                Vector3 v2 = normalize(v1 + v3);
                                Vector3 v4 = normalize(v3 + v5);

                                points.Add(proj_center + v2 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v3 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v4 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v5 * 1.02f);
                                // By back plane.
                                Vector3 v2 = Vector3.Dot(force, ort1) > 0.0 ? -r1 : r1;
                                v2 = normalize(v2); //  don't work! Need to be fixed!
                                Vector3 v3 = Vector3.Dot(force, ort1) > 0.0 ? r1 : -r1;
                                v3 = normalize(v3); //  don't work! Need to be fixed!
                                Vector3 v4 = end - proj_center;

                                points.Add(proj_center + v2 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v3 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v4 * 1.02f);

                        // Drawing generated segments.
                        for (int k = 0; k < points.Count - 1; k++)
                            var    dir       = points[k + 1] - points[k];
                            float  scale     = dir.Length();
                            Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling((float)tubeStyle.Width,

                            transform *= RotationVectors(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), dir);
                            transform *= Matrix.Translation(points[k].X,

                            ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
                            SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
                            DrawMesh(device, tube);

            DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = prevMode;
Beispiel #15
 protected abstract void DrawCore(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters);
Beispiel #16
        private static bool movePoles   = true;     // move poles from top to sides

        private static void Simulate(String testID, SimParams config, Random rnd)
            // Prepare directory
            if (Directory.Exists(testID))
                Directory.Delete(testID, true);

            // Cache some values that we are goting to use for configuration
            double R_Cell          = config[SimParameter.Double.R_Cell];
            double L_Poles         = config[SimParameter.Double.L_Poles];
            int    N_MT_Total      = config[SimParameter.Int.N_MT_Total];
            double Dt              = config[SimParameter.Double.Dt];
            double Save_Freq_Macro = config[SimParameter.Double.Save_Freq_Macro];
            double T_End           = config[SimParameter.Double.T_End];
            int    layerCount      = (int)(T_End / Save_Freq_Macro) + 1;

            // Ready to start
            int[]     res_mts    = new int[layerCount * 4 * cellsPerCase];
            double[]  res_angles = new double[layerCount * 2 * cellsPerCase];
            Stopwatch sw         = new Stopwatch();

            int batchSize = Math.Max(1, Environment.ProcessorCount);
            int simN      = 0;

            while (simN < cellsPerCase)
                var parameters = new LaunchParameters();
                var cellCount  = Math.Min(batchSize, cellsPerCase - simN);

                // Say greetings
                if (cellCount == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Cell #" + (simN + 1).ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Cells #{0}...#{1}", simN + 1, simN + cellCount));
                Console.Write("   Simulating ... ");

                // Update config in accordance with our flags
                parameters.Config = config;
                config[SimParameter.Double.D_Trans] = hasDiff ? SimParams.GetDefaultValue(SimParameter.Double.D_Trans, false) : 0.0;
                config[SimParameter.Double.D_Rot]   = hasDiff ? SimParams.GetDefaultValue(SimParameter.Double.D_Rot, false) : 0.0;

                // Set initial state
                parameters.InitialStates = new InitialStates();
                parameters.InitialStates.AddChromosomePair(0.0, 0.0, 1e-6, Math.PI / 2, 0.0, 0.0);
                for (int i = 0; i < N_MT_Total * 2; i++)
                    double alpha = (rnd.NextDouble()) * Math.PI * 2;
                    double dx    = rnd.NextDouble() * (i < N_MT_Total ? 1 : -1);
                    double dy    = Math.Sqrt(1.0 - dx * dx) * Math.Cos(alpha);
                    double dz    = Math.Sqrt(1.0 - dx * dx) * Math.Sin(alpha);
                    parameters.InitialStates.AddMT(i < N_MT_Total ? PoleType.Left : PoleType.Right,
                                                   dx, dy, dz,

                // Set poles
                if (movePoles)
                    parameters.PoleCoords = new PoleCoordinates();

                    double t      = 180.0;
                    double pole_r = L_Poles / 2 * 1e-6;
                    for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
                        double angle = i / (t - 1) * Math.PI / 2;
                                                        -pole_r * Math.Sin(angle), pole_r * Math.Cos(angle), 0.0,
                                                        pole_r * Math.Sin(angle), pole_r * Math.Cos(angle), 0.0);

                // Simulate
                parameters.Args.Mode      = LaunchMode.New;
                parameters.Args.Solver    = new SimulatorConfig(SimulatorType.CPU);
                parameters.Args.CellCount = cellCount;
                parameters.Args.CellFile  = "results.cell";
                using (Launcher ml = new Launcher(".", "../Mitosis.exe", parameters))
                    var res = ml.StartAndWait();
                    if (res.ExitCode != 0 || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(res.Error))
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Simulation failed, error #{0}: {1}, {2}",
                                                                     res.ExitCode, res.Error, res.Output));
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} seconds", (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000));

                // Analyze
                Console.Write("   Counting ... ");
                for (int cellN = simN; cellN < simN + cellCount; cellN++)
                    var ts = TimeStream.Open(cellCount == 1
                                    ? parameters.Args.CellFile
                                    : parameters.Args.CellFile.Replace("results.cell",
                                                                                     cellN - simN)));
                    if (ts.LayerCount != layerCount)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected count of time layers");
                    int layerN = 0;
                    while (ts.MoveNext())
                        var cell = ts.Current.Cell;
                        var chr0 = cell.Chromosomes.ElementAt(0);
                        var chr1 = cell.Chromosomes.ElementAt(1);

                        // Count MTs
                        int c0l = 0, c0r = 0, c1l = 0, c1r = 0;
                        var c0 = chr0.BoundMTs;
                        foreach (var mt in c0)
                            if (mt.Pole.Type == PoleType.Left)
                                c0l += 1;
                                c0r += 1;

                        var c1 = chr1.BoundMTs;
                        foreach (var mt in c1)
                            if (mt.Pole.Type == PoleType.Left)
                                c1l += 1;
                                c1r += 1;

                        int offset = layerCount * 4 * cellN + layerN * 4;
                        res_mts[offset + 0] = c0l;
                        res_mts[offset + 1] = c0r;
                        res_mts[offset + 2] = c1l;
                        res_mts[offset + 3] = c1r;

                        // Count angles
                        if (cell.AreSpringsBroken)
                            throw new ApplicationException("Wrong setup, springs were broken!");
                        Vector3 dp = new Vector3(cell.GetPole(PoleType.Left).Position.X - cell.GetPole(PoleType.Right).Position.X,
                                                 cell.GetPole(PoleType.Left).Position.Y - cell.GetPole(PoleType.Right).Position.Y,
                                                 cell.GetPole(PoleType.Left).Position.Z - cell.GetPole(PoleType.Right).Position.Z);
                        if (dp.Length() == 0.0f)
                            dp = new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                            dp = dp / dp.Length();
                        if (Math.Abs(dp.Y) + Math.Abs(dp.Z) > 1e-9)
                            throw new ApplicationException("Poles must be located symmetrically");

                        Vector3 dc_x = new Vector3((float)-chr0.Orientation[0, 0],
                                                   (float)-chr0.Orientation[1, 0],
                                                   (float)-chr0.Orientation[2, 0]);
                        if (dc_x.Length() == 0.0f)
                            dc_x = new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                            dc_x = dc_x / dc_x.Length();

                        Vector3 dc_y = new Vector3((float)-chr0.Orientation[0, 1],
                                                   (float)-chr0.Orientation[1, 1],
                                                   (float)-chr0.Orientation[2, 1]);
                        if (dc_y.Length() == 0.0f)
                            dc_y = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                            dc_y = dc_y / dc_y.Length();

                        offset = (layerCount * cellN + layerN) * 2;
                        res_angles[offset + 0] = Math.Acos(Math.Min(1.0, Math.Max(-1.0, Vector3.Dot(dp, dc_x))));
                        res_angles[offset + 1] = Math.Acos(Math.Min(1.0, Math.Max(-1.0, Vector3.Dot(dp, dc_y))));

                        layerN += 1;
                } // for cellN

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} seconds", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000));
                simN += cellCount;
            } // while simN < cellsPerCase

            // Save results
            Console.WriteLine("Saving ...");

            // A-results
            using (var csv = File.CreateText("results_A.csv"))
                csv.WriteLine("Connected MTs (pcs)");
                csv.Write("Time (seconds),Averaged,Min,Max");
                for (int i = 0; i < cellsPerCase; i++)
                    csv.Write(",Cell #" + (i + 1).ToString());

                for (int layerN = 0; layerN < layerCount; layerN++)
                    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
                    int           min = Int32.MaxValue, max = Int32.MinValue, avg = 0;
                    for (int cellN = 0; cellN < cellsPerCase; cellN++)
                        int offset = layerN * 4 + layerCount * 4 * cellN;
                        int val    = res_mts[offset] + res_mts[offset + 1] + res_mts[offset + 2] + res_mts[offset + 3];
                        min  = Math.Min(min, val);
                        max  = Math.Max(max, val);
                        avg += val;
                                                (Save_Freq_Macro * layerN).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                ((double)avg / cellsPerCase).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                min, max, str.ToString()));

            // B-results
            using (var csv = File.CreateText("results_B.csv"))
                csv.WriteLine("Kinetochore types (%)");
                csv.WriteLine("Time (seconds),No MTs,Monotelic,Syntelic,Bioriented,Merotelic");

                for (int layerN = 0; layerN < layerCount; layerN++)
                    int noMTs = 0, monotelic = 0, syntelic = 0, bioriented = 0, merotelic = 0;
                    for (int cellN = 0; cellN < cellsPerCase; cellN++)
                        int offset = layerN * 4 + layerCount * 4 * cellN;

                        int c0l    = res_mts[offset + 0];
                        int c0r    = res_mts[offset + 1];
                        int c1l    = res_mts[offset + 2];
                        int c1r    = res_mts[offset + 3];
                        int c0m    = Math.Min(c0l, c0r);
                        int c0nm   = Math.Max(c0l, c0r);
                        int c1m    = Math.Min(c1l, c1r);
                        int c1nm   = Math.Max(c1l, c1r);
                        int c0_sum = c0m + c0nm;
                        int c1_sum = c1m + c1nm;
                        int sum    = c0_sum + c1_sum;

                        if (sum == 0)
                            noMTs += 1;
                        else if (c0m != 0 || c1m != 0)
                            merotelic += 1;
                        else if (c0_sum == 0 || c1_sum == 0)
                            monotelic += 1;
                        else if (Math.Min(c0l, c1l) != 0 || Math.Min(c0r, c1r) != 0)
                            syntelic += 1;
                        else if (c0m == 0 && c0nm != 0 && c1m == 0 && c1nm != 0)
                            bioriented += 1;
                            throw new ApplicationException("Internal error, unknown type of chromosome");
                                                (Save_Freq_Macro * layerN).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                ((double)noMTs / cellsPerCase).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                ((double)monotelic / cellsPerCase).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                ((double)syntelic / cellsPerCase).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                ((double)bioriented / cellsPerCase).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                ((double)merotelic / cellsPerCase).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

            // C-results
            using (var csv = File.CreateText("results_C.csv"))
                csv.WriteLine("Merotelic MTs (pcs)");
                csv.Write("Time (seconds),Averaged,Min,Max");
                for (int i = 0; i < cellsPerCase; i++)
                    csv.Write(",Cell #" + (i + 1).ToString());

                for (int layerN = 0; layerN < layerCount; layerN++)
                    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
                    int           min = Int32.MaxValue, max = Int32.MinValue, avg = 0;
                    for (int cellN = 0; cellN < cellsPerCase; cellN++)
                        int offset = layerN * 4 + layerCount * 4 * cellN;
                        int val    = Math.Min(res_mts[offset + 0], res_mts[offset + 1]) + Math.Min(res_mts[offset + 2], res_mts[offset + 3]);
                        min  = Math.Min(min, val);
                        max  = Math.Max(max, val);
                        avg += val;
                                                (Save_Freq_Macro * layerN).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                ((double)avg / cellsPerCase).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                min, max, str.ToString()));

            // D-results
            using (var csv_x = File.CreateText("results_D_x.csv"))
                using (var csv_y = File.CreateText("results_D_y.csv"))
                    var csvs = new StreamWriter[] { csv_x, csv_y };
                    for (int l = 0; l < csvs.Length; l++)
                        var csv = csvs[l];
                        csv.WriteLine("Angle, degrees");
                        csv.Write("Time (seconds),Averaged,Min,Max");
                        for (int i = 0; i < cellsPerCase; i++)
                            csv.Write(",Cell #" + (i + 1).ToString());

                        for (int layerN = 0; layerN < layerCount; layerN++)
                            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
                            double        min = Double.MaxValue, max = Double.MinValue, avg = 0.0;
                            for (int cellN = 0; cellN < cellsPerCase; cellN++)
                                double angle = res_angles[l + (layerN + layerCount * cellN) * 2];
                                if (angle > Math.PI)
                                    angle = 2 * Math.PI - angle;
                                if (angle > Math.PI / 2)
                                    angle = Math.PI - angle;
                                angle *= 180.0 / Math.PI;
                                str.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:F1}", angle));
                                min  = Math.Min(min, angle);
                                max  = Math.Max(max, angle);
                                avg += angle;

                                                        Save_Freq_Macro * layerN,
                                                        (double)avg / cellsPerCase,
                                                        min, max, str.ToString()));
