Beispiel #1
    void Awake()
        controlBoard = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <SilantroControls> ();
        if (controlBoard == null)
            Debug.LogError("Control Board is missing, Place Control Board in scene and restart!");
        startEngine  = controlBoard.engineStart;
        stopEngine   = controlBoard.engineShutdown;
        throttleUp   = controlBoard.engineThrottleUp;
        throttleDown = controlBoard.engineThrottleDown;
        GameObject brain = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Brain");

        if (brain != null && brain.transform.root == gameObject.transform.root)
            instrumentation = brain.GetComponent <SilantroInstrumentation> ();

        if (instrumentation == null)
            //instrumentation.Store ();
            Debug.LogError("Instrumentation is missing!! If Engine is just for Test, add Instrumentation Prefab to the Scene");
Beispiel #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        aerofoilCollider = (BoxCollider)gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>();
        AirplaneBody     = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
        GameObject brain = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Brain");

        if (brain != null && brain.transform.root == gameObject.transform.root)
            instrumentation = brain.GetComponent <SilantroInstrumentation> ();

        if (instrumentation == null)
            //instrumentation.Store ();
            Debug.LogError("Instrumentation is missing!! If Engine is just for Test, add Instrumentation Prefab to the Scene");
Beispiel #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        aircraft = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
        if (aircraft == null)
            Debug.Log("Add Rigidbody component to airplane body");
        datalog     = aircraft.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SilantroInstrumentation>();
        currentTank = fuelsystem.internalFuelTank;
        if (engineType == AircraftType.TurboFan)
            turbofans = GetComponentsInChildren <SilantroTurboFan> ();
            foreach (SilantroTurboFan turbofan in turbofans)
                turbofan.attachedFuelTank = currentTank;
            AvailableEngines = turbofans.Length;
        else if (engineType == AircraftType.TurboJet)
            turboJet         = GetComponentsInChildren <SilantroTurboJet> ();
            AvailableEngines = turboJet.Length;
            foreach (SilantroTurboJet jet in turboJet)
                jet.attachedFuelTank = currentTank;
        else if (engineType == AircraftType.TurboProp)
            turboprop        = GetComponentsInChildren <SilantroTurboProp> ();
            AvailableEngines = turboprop.Length;
            foreach (SilantroTurboProp turboProp in turboprop)
                turboProp.attachedFuelTank = currentTank;
        wings    = GetComponentsInChildren <SilantroAerofoil>();
        wingArea = 0;
        if (wings.Length > 0)
            foreach (SilantroAerofoil wing in wings)
                wingArea += wing.aerofoilArea;
        GameObject brain = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Brain");

        if (brain.transform.root == gameObject.transform.root)
            cog = brain;
        Collider col = gameObject.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();

        if (col == null)
            Debug.Log("Attach a capsule collider to the airplane and restart!!");
        float r = dragSystem.averagefuselargeDiameter / 2f;

        fuselargeArea = (3.142f * r * r) + (2 * 3.142f * r * dragSystem.averagefuselargeLength);
        if (isDestructible && GetComponent <SilantroHealth> () != null)
            GetComponent <SilantroHealth> ().isDistructible = true;
            SilantroAerofoilHealth[] healths = GetComponentsInChildren <SilantroAerofoilHealth> ();
            foreach (SilantroAerofoilHealth hlt in healths)
                hlt.isDistructible = true;
        else if (!isDestructible && GetComponent <SilantroHealth> () != null)
            GetComponent <SilantroHealth> ().isDistructible = false;
            SilantroAerofoilHealth[] healths = GetComponentsInChildren <SilantroAerofoilHealth> ();
            foreach (SilantroAerofoilHealth hlt in healths)
                hlt.isDistructible = false;
        extraDrags = GetComponentsInChildren <SilantroDragMultiplier>();
        extraDrag  = 0;
        foreach (SilantroDragMultiplier drag in extraDrags)
            if (drag.dragActive)
                extraDrag += drag.dragCoefficient;
        AerodynamicSurfaces = wings.Length.ToString();
        Engines             = AvailableEngines.ToString();
        if (datalog != null)
            InstrumentBoard = "Active";
        if (fuelsystem != null)
            FuelSystem = "Active";
        if (gearHelper != null)
            WheelSystem = "Active";
Beispiel #4
    //StreamWriter streamWriter;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (Aircraft == null)
            Debug.Log("No Aircraft is connected to the Black Box");
        datalog = Aircraft.GetComponentInChildren <SilantroInstrumentation>();       //
        //Property of Oyedoyin Dada
        //cc [email protected]
        if (datalog == null)
            Debug.Log("No instrumentation is connected to the Black Box");

        control = Aircraft.GetComponent <SilantroController> ();
        if (control == null)
            Debug.Log("Controller has not been added to the Airplane");
        if (control.engineType == SilantroController.AircraftType.TurboFan)
            isTurboFan = true;
            jetengines = control.turbofans;
        if (control.engineType == SilantroController.AircraftType.TurboJet)
            isTurbojet   = true;
            turboengines = control.turboJet;
        if (control.engineType == SilantroController.AircraftType.TurboProp)
            isTurboProp = true;
            propengines = control.turboprop;
        if (dataExtension == FileExtension.csv)
            csv = true;
            txt = false;

        else if (dataExtension == FileExtension.txt)
            txt = true;
            csv = false;

        timer = 0.0f;
        if (logRate != 0)
            actualLogRate = 1.0f / logRate;
            actualLogRate = 0.10f;

        aircraftName  =;
        takeoffweight = control.currentWeight;
        noOfEngines   = control.AvailableEngines;
        startFuel     = control.fuelsystem.TotalFuelRemaining;

        //	engines = aircraft.Engines;
        if (dataType == DataType.FlightData)
            if (txt)
                File.WriteAllText(saveLocation + "" + savefileName + ".txt", "Flight Data");
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter writeText = System.IO.File.AppendText(saveLocation + "" + savefileName + ".txt")) {
                    writeText.WriteLine("Aircraft Name: " + aircraftName);
                    writeText.WriteLine("Gross Weight: " + takeoffweight.ToString() + " kg");
                    writeText.WriteLine("No of Engines: " + noOfEngines.ToString());
                    writeText.WriteLine("Available Fuel: " + startFuel.ToString() + " kg");
                    writeText.WriteLine("Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("f"));
                    //writeText.WriteLine ("Current Time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString ("));
                    writeText.WriteLine("Flight Time  " + "Current Speed  " + " Climb Rate  " + "    Heading  " + " Current Altitude  " + " Fuel Remaining  " + " Thrust Generated  " + " Current Health");
            else if (csv)
                //WRITE INITIAL CSV FILE
                string[] dataRowTemp = new string[8];
                dataRowTemp [0] = "Flight Time";
                dataRowTemp [1] = "Current Speed";
                dataRowTemp [2] = "Climb Rate";
                dataRowTemp [3] = "Heading";
                dataRowTemp [4] = "Current Altitude";
                dataRowTemp [5] = "Fuel Remaining";
                dataRowTemp [6] = "Total Thrust Generated";
                dataRowTemp [7] = "Current Health";
    void Awake()
        if (null != EngineStartSound)
            EngineStart              = Thruster.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            EngineStart.clip         = EngineStartSound;
            EngineStart.loop         = false;
            EngineStart.dopplerLevel = 0f;
            EngineStart.spatialBlend = 1f;
            EngineStart.rolloffMode  = AudioRolloffMode.Custom;
            EngineStart.maxDistance  = 650f;
        if (null != EngineIdleSound)
            GameObject soundPoint = new GameObject();
            soundPoint.transform.parent        = this.transform;
            soundPoint.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
   = + " Sound Point";

            EngineRun      = soundPoint.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            EngineRun.clip = EngineIdleSound;
            EngineRun.loop = true;
            engineSoundVolume      = EngineRun.volume * 2f;
            EngineRun.spatialBlend = 1f;
            EngineRun.dopplerLevel = 0f;
            EngineRun.rolloffMode  = AudioRolloffMode.Custom;
            EngineRun.maxDistance  = 600f;
        if (null != EngineShutdownSound)
            EngineShutdown              = Thruster.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            EngineShutdown.clip         = EngineShutdownSound;
            EngineShutdown.loop         = false;
            EngineShutdown.dopplerLevel = 0f;
            EngineShutdown.spatialBlend = 1f;
            EngineShutdown.rolloffMode  = AudioRolloffMode.Custom;
            EngineShutdown.maxDistance  = 650f;

        GameObject brain = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Brain");

        if (brain.transform.root == gameObject.transform.root)
            instrumentation = brain.GetComponent <SilantroInstrumentation> ();
        if (instrumentation == null)
            Debug.LogError("Instrumentation System is Missing!! Add COG to aircraft");
            instrumentation.boom = EngineRun;
        controlBoard  = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <SilantroControls> ();
        panelControls = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PanelControls").GetComponent <PanelControls> ();
        if (controlBoard == null)
            Debug.LogError("Control Board is missing, Place Control Board in scene and restart!");
        startEngine        = controlBoard.engineStart;
        stopEngine         = controlBoard.engineShutdown;
        throttleUp         = controlBoard.engineThrottleUp;
        throttleDown       = controlBoard.engineThrottleDown;
        afterburnerControl = controlBoard.AfterburnerControl;
        LPIdleRPM = LowPressureFanRPM * 0.1f;
        HPIdleRPM = HighPressureFanRPM * 0.09f;
        if (reheatSystem == ReheatSystem.Afterburning)
            canUseAfterburner = true;
        else if (reheatSystem == ReheatSystem.noReheat)
            canUseAfterburner = false;
        AfterburnerOperative = false;