Beispiel #1
        private async Task <bool> HandleEncounter(PK8 pk, bool legends, CancellationToken token)
            Log($"Encounter: {encounterCount}{Environment.NewLine}{ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk)}{Environment.NewLine}");
            if (legends)

            if (DumpSetting.Dump && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DumpSetting.DumpFolder))
                DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, legends ? "legends" : "encounters", pk);

            if (StopConditionSettings.EncounterFound(pk, DesiredMinIVs, DesiredMaxIVs, Hub.Config.StopConditions))
                Log("Result found! Stopping routine execution; restart the bot(s) to search again.");
                if (Hub.Config.StopConditions.CaptureVideoClip)
                    await Task.Delay(Hub.Config.StopConditions.ExtraTimeWaitCaptureVideo, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await PressAndHold(CAPTURE, 2_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public static string GetFormattedShowdownText(PKM pkm)
            var newShowdown = new List <string>();
            var showdown    = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pkm);

            foreach (var line in showdown.Split('\n'))

            int index = newShowdown.FindIndex(z => z.Contains("Nature"));

            if (pkm.Ball > (int)Ball.None && index != -1)
                newShowdown.Insert(newShowdown.FindIndex(z => z.Contains("Nature")), $"\nBall: {(Ball)pkm.Ball} Ball");

            index = newShowdown.FindIndex(x => x.Contains("Shiny: Yes"));
            if (pkm is PK8 && pkm.IsShiny && index != -1)
                if (pkm.ShinyXor == 0 || pkm.FatefulEncounter)
                    newShowdown[index] = "\nShiny: Square\r";
                    newShowdown[index] = "\nShiny: Star\r";

            var extra = new string[] { $"\nOT: {pkm.OT_Name}", $"\nTID: {pkm.DisplayTID}", $"\nSID: {pkm.DisplaySID}", $"\nOTGender: {(Gender)pkm.OT_Gender}", $"\nLanguage: {(LanguageID)pkm.Language}", $"{(pkm.IsEgg ? "\nIsEgg: Yes" : "")}" };

            newShowdown.InsertRange(1, extra);
            return(Format.Code(string.Join("", newShowdown).Trim()));
Beispiel #3
        public static string GetFormattedShowdownText(PKM pkm)
            var newShowdown = new List <string>();
            var showdown    = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pkm);

            foreach (var line in showdown.Split('\n'))

            if (pkm.IsEgg)
                newShowdown.Add("\nPokémon is an egg");
            if (pkm.Ball > (int)Ball.None)
                newShowdown.Insert(newShowdown.FindIndex(z => z.Contains("Nature")), $"Ball: {(Ball)pkm.Ball} Ball");
            if (pkm.IsShiny)
                var index = newShowdown.FindIndex(x => x.Contains("Shiny: Yes"));
                if (pkm.ShinyXor == 0 || pkm.FatefulEncounter)
                    newShowdown[index] = "Shiny: Square\r";
                    newShowdown[index] = "Shiny: Star\r";

            newShowdown.InsertRange(1, new string[] { $"OT: {pkm.OT_Name}", $"TID: {pkm.DisplayTID}", $"SID: {pkm.DisplaySID}", $"OTGender: {(Gender)pkm.OT_Gender}", $"Language: {(LanguageID)pkm.Language}" });
            return(Format.Code(string.Join("\n", newShowdown).TrimEnd()));
        private async Task <bool> LogPKMs(PK8 pk, bool legends, CancellationToken token)
            string text = "";

            if (Hub.Config.StopConditions.StopOnSpecies != 0 && pk.Species == (int)Hub.Config.StopConditions.StopOnSpecies)
                _ = $"Scan {encounterCount}:\n{ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk)}";
                if (pk.IsShiny && pk.ShinyXor == 0)
                    _ = text.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Square");
                else if (pk.IsShiny)
                    _ = text.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Star");
                _ = $"{text}\n{GetRibbonsList(pk)}";
                _ = $"Scan {encounterCount}: {(pk.IsShiny ? "Shiny " : "")}{pk.Nickname}.";

            Log($"Scan: {text}");
            if (legends)

            if (DumpSetting.Dump && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DumpSetting.DumpFolder))
                DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, legends ? "OverworldLegends" : "OverworldEncounters", pk);

            if (StopConditionSettings.EncounterFound(pk, DesiredMinIVs, DesiredMaxIVs, Hub.Config.StopConditions))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Hub.Config.Discord.UserTag))
                    Log($"<@{Hub.Config.Discord.UserTag}> result found! Stopping routine execution; restart the bot(s) to search again.");
                    Log("Result found! Stopping routine execution; restart the bot(s) to search again.");
                if (Hub.Config.StopConditions.CaptureVideoClip)
                    await Task.Delay(Hub.Config.StopConditions.ExtraTimeWaitCaptureVideo, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await PressAndHold(CAPTURE, 2_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #5
        public string GetPrintName(PKM pk)
            var set = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk);

            if (pk is IRibbonIndex r)
                set += GetMarkName(r);
        private async Task <bool> HandleEncounter(PK8 pk, bool legends, CancellationToken token)

            //Star/Square Shiny Recognition
            var showdowntext = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk);

            if (pk.IsShiny && pk.ShinyXor == 0)
                showdowntext = showdowntext.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Square");
            else if (pk.IsShiny)
                showdowntext = showdowntext.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Star");

            Log($"Encounter: {encounterCount}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{showdowntext}{Environment.NewLine}{GetRibbonsList(pk)}{Environment.NewLine}");
            if (legends)

            if (DumpSetting.Dump && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DumpSetting.DumpFolder))
                DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, legends ? "legends" : "encounters", pk);

            if (StopConditionSettings.EncounterFound(pk, DesiredMinIVs, DesiredMaxIVs, Hub.Config.StopConditions))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Hub.Config.Discord.UserTag) && Hub.Config.SWSH_Encounter.EncounteringType != EncounterMode.LiveStatsChecking)
                    Log($"<@{Hub.Config.Discord.UserTag}> result found! Stopping routine execution; restart the bot(s) to search again.");
                else if (Hub.Config.SWSH_Encounter.EncounteringType != EncounterMode.LiveStatsChecking)
                    Log("Result found!");
                if (Hub.Config.StopConditions.CaptureVideoClip)
                    await Task.Delay(Hub.Config.StopConditions.ExtraTimeWaitCaptureVideo, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await PressAndHold(CAPTURE, 2_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #7
        public string GetPrintName(PKM pk)
            var set = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk);

            if (pk is IRibbonIndex r)
                var rstring = GetMarkName(r);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rstring))
                    set += $"\nPokémon found to have **{GetMarkName(r)}**!";
Beispiel #8
        private async void B_ExportShowdownPKM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                await Clipboard.SetTextAsync(ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(VM.Pane)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await UserDialogs.Instance
                .AlertAsync("Set the exported Showdown Set to the device clipboard!")
                await UserDialogs.Instance
                .AlertAsync("Failed to set Showdown Set to Clipboard.")
Beispiel #9
        public QRView(PKM pkm)

            Header.Text    = "PKHeX Mobile!" + Environment.NewLine + $"Data Format: {pkm.GetType().Name}";
            Preview.Source = (SKBitmapImageSource)pkm.Sprite();

            // get high resolution QR with dimensions best suited to the device's dimensions
            // we don't overlay the pkm sprite in this QR since we do it above
            var di    = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;
            var width = Math.Min(di.Height, di.Width);
            var img   = QRBuilder.GetQR(pkm, (int)(width * 0.8));

            QR.Source = (SKBitmapImageSource)img;

            Desc.Text = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pkm);
        public static string GetFormattedShowdownText(PKM pkm)
            int    TID          = (pkm.Gen7 || pkm.Gen8) ? pkm.TrainerID7 : pkm.TID;
            int    SID          = (pkm.Gen7 || pkm.Gen8) ? pkm.TrainerSID7 : pkm.SID;
            string showdowntext = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pkm);

            if (pkm.IsShiny && pkm.ShinyXor == 0)
                showdowntext = showdowntext.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Square");
            else if (pkm.IsShiny)
                showdowntext = showdowntext.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Star");
            string showdown = $"{showdowntext}\nOT: {pkm.OT_Name}\nTID: {TID}\nSID: {SID}";

        private bool HandleEncounter(PK8 pk, bool legends)

            //Star/Square Shiny Recognition
            var showdowntext = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk);

            if (pk.IsShiny && pk.ShinyXor == 0)
                showdowntext = showdowntext.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Square");
            else if (pk.IsShiny)
                showdowntext = showdowntext.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Star");

            Log($"Encounter: {encounterCount}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{showdowntext}{Environment.NewLine}");
            if (legends)

            if (DumpSetting.Dump && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DumpSetting.DumpFolder))
                DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, legends ? "legends" : "encounters", pk);

            if (StopConditionSettings.EncounterFound(pk, DesiredMinIVs, DesiredMaxIVs, Hub.Config.StopConditions))
                if (legends)
                    Log("Result found! Stopping routine execution; restart the bot(s) to search again.");
Beispiel #12
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(SocketCommandContext context, T pk, int code, string trainerName, RequestSignificance sig, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, SocketUser trader, out string msg, int catchID = 0)
            var user   = trader;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName, userID);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <T>(pk, trainer, code, user);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <T>(pk, trainer, notifier, t, code, sig == RequestSignificance.Favored);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <T>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCord <T> .Runner.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sig == RequestSignificance.Owner);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            if (detail.Type == PokeTradeType.TradeCord)
                TradeCordHelper <T> .TradeCordTrades.Add(trader.Id, catchID);

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule <T> .IsStartChannel(context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            var pokeName = "";

            if ((t == PokeTradeType.Specific || t == PokeTradeType.TradeCord || t == PokeTradeType.SupportTrade || t == PokeTradeType.Giveaway) && pk.Species != 0)
                pokeName = $" Receiving: {(t == PokeTradeType.SupportTrade && pk.Species != (int)Species.Ditto && pk.HeldItem != 0 ? $"{(Species)pk.Species} ({ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk).Split('@','\n')[1].Trim()})" : $"{(Species)pk.Species}")}.";
            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}.{pokeName}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $" Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Beispiel #13
        private async Task <PokeTradeResult> PerformLinkCodeTrade(SAV8SWSH sav, PokeTradeDetail <PK8> poke, CancellationToken token)
            // Update Barrier Settings

            if (await CheckIfSoftBanned(token).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await Unban(token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var pkm = poke.TradeData;

            if (pkm.Species != 0)
                await SetBoxPokemon(pkm, InjectBox, InjectSlot, token, sav).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await IsOnOverworld(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


            while (await CheckIfSearchingForLinkTradePartner(token).ConfigureAwait(false))
                Log("Still searching, reset bot position.");
                await ResetTradePosition(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log("Opening Y-Comm Menu");
            await Click(Y, 2_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log("Selecting Link Trade");
            await Click(A, 1_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log("Selecting Link Trade Code");
            await Click(DDOWN, 500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                await Click(A, 1_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // All other languages require an extra A press at this menu.
            if (GameLang != LanguageID.English && GameLang != LanguageID.Spanish)
                await Click(A, 1_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Loading Screen
            if (poke.Type != PokeTradeType.Random)
            await Task.Delay(Hub.Config.Timings.ExtraTimeOpenCodeEntry, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var code = poke.Code;

            Log($"Entering Link Trade Code: {code:0000 0000}...");
            await EnterTradeCode(code, Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Wait for Barrier to trigger all bots simultaneously.
            await Click(PLUS, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Confirming and return to overworld.
            var delay_count = 0;

            while (!await IsOnOverworld(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
                if (delay_count >= 5)
                    await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    await Click(A, 0_800, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await Task.Delay(0_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Wait for a Trainer...
            Log("Waiting for trainer...");
            bool partnerFound = await WaitForPokemonChanged(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, Hub.Config.Trade.TradeWaitTime * 1_000, 0_200, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
            if (!partnerFound)
                await ResetTradePosition(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Select Pokemon
            // pkm already injected to b1s1
            await Task.Delay(5_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false); // necessary delay to get to the box properly

            var TrainerName = await GetTradePartnerName(TradeMethod.LinkTrade, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log($"Found Trading Partner: {TrainerName}...");

            if (!await IsInBox(token).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Confirm Box 1 Slot 1
            if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Specific || poke.Type == PokeTradeType.TradeCord || poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Giveaway)
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    await Click(A, 0_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            poke.SendNotification(this, $"Found Trading Partner: {TrainerName}. Waiting for a Pokémon...");

            if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Dump)
                return(await ProcessDumpTradeAsync(poke, token).ConfigureAwait(false));

            // Wait for User Input...
            var pk = await ReadUntilPresent(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, 25_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var oldEC = await Connection.ReadBytesAsync(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, 4, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (pk == null)
                if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Seed)
                    await ExitSeedCheckTrade(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Seed)
                // Immediately exit, we aren't trading anything.
                return(await EndSeedCheckTradeAsync(poke, pk, token).ConfigureAwait(false));

            SpecialTradeType itemReq = SpecialTradeType.None;

            if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.SpecialRequest)
                itemReq = CheckItemRequest(ref pk, this, poke, TrainerName, sav);
            if (itemReq == SpecialTradeType.FailReturn)
                await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, false, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


            if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.SpecialRequest && itemReq == SpecialTradeType.None)
                // Immediately exit, we aren't trading anything.
                poke.SendNotification(this, "Held item was outside the bounds of the Array, or nothing was held.");
                await ResetTradePosition(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


            if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Random) // distribution
                // Allow the trade partner to do a Ledy swap.
                var trade = Hub.Ledy.GetLedyTrade(pk, Hub.Config.Distribution.LedySpecies);
                if (trade != null)
                    pkm            = trade.Receive;
                    poke.TradeData = pkm;

                    poke.SendNotification(this, "Injecting the requested Pokémon.");
                    await Click(A, 0_800, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await SetBoxPokemon(pkm, InjectBox, InjectSlot, token, sav).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    await Task.Delay(2_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    await Click(A, 0_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
            else if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Clone || itemReq != SpecialTradeType.None)
                // Inject the shown Pokémon.
                var clone = (PK8)pk.Clone();
                if (itemReq != SpecialTradeType.WonderCard)
                    if (Hub.Config.Discord.ReturnPK8s)
                        poke.SendNotification(this, clone, "Here's what you showed me!");

                    var la = new LegalityAnalysis(clone);
                    if (!la.Valid)
                        Log($"Clone request has detected an invalid Pokémon: {(Species)clone.Species}");
                        if (DumpSetting.Dump)
                            DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, "hacked", pk);

                        var report = la.Report();
                        poke.SendNotification(this, "This Pokémon is not legal per PKHeX's legality checks. I am forbidden from cloning this. Exiting trade.");
                        if (itemReq != SpecialTradeType.None)
                            poke.SendNotification(this, "SSRYour request isn't legal. Please try a different Pokémon or request.");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Hub.Config.Web.URIEndpoint))
                                SpecialRequests.AddToPlayerLimit(TrainerName, -1);

                        poke.SendNotification(this, report);

                        await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                    if (Hub.Config.Legality.ResetHOMETracker)
                        clone.Tracker = 0;

                    poke.SendNotification(this, $"**Cloned your {(Species)clone.Species}!**\nNow press B to cancel your offer and trade me a Pokémon you don't want.");
                    Log($"Cloned a {(Species)clone.Species}. Waiting for user to change their Pokémon...");

                if (itemReq != SpecialTradeType.WonderCard)
                    // Separate this out from WaitForPokemonChanged since we compare to old EC from original read.
                    partnerFound = await ReadUntilChanged(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, oldEC, 15_000, 0_200, false, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (!partnerFound)
                        poke.SendNotification(this, "__**Change It Now Or I Am Leaving!**__");
                        // They get one more chance.
                        partnerFound = await ReadUntilChanged(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, oldEC, 15_000, 0_200, false, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var pk2 = await ReadUntilPresent(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, 3_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (!partnerFound || pk2 == null || SearchUtil.HashByDetails(pk2) == SearchUtil.HashByDetails(pk))
                        Log("Trading partner did not change their Pokémon.");
                        await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                await Click(A, 0_800, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await SetBoxPokemon(clone, InjectBox, InjectSlot, token, sav).ConfigureAwait(false);

                pkm = pk;

                if (itemReq == SpecialTradeType.WonderCard)
                    poke.SendNotification(this, "SSRDistribution success!");
                    Log($"{(Species)clone.Species} Distribution Success!");
                else if (itemReq != SpecialTradeType.None && itemReq != SpecialTradeType.Shinify)
                    poke.SendNotification(this, "SSRSpecial request successful!");
                    Log($"{(Species)clone.Species} modification successful!");
                else if (itemReq == SpecialTradeType.Shinify)
                    poke.SendNotification(this, "Shinify success!");
                    Log($"Successfully Shinified a {(Species)clone.Species}!");

                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        await Click(A, 0_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
            else if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.FixOT)
                var clone = (PK8)pk.Clone();
                var adOT  = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(clone.OT_Name, @"(YT$)|(YT\w*$)|(Lab$)|(\.\w*)|(TV$)|(PKHeX)|(FB:)|(SysBot)|(AuSLove)|(ShinyMart)|(Blainette)").Value != "" ||
                            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(clone.Nickname, @"(YT$)|(YT\w*$)|(Lab$)|(\.\w*)|(TV$)|(PKHeX)|(FB:)|(SysBot)|(AuSLove)|(ShinyMart)|(Blainette)").Value != "";

                var extraInfo = $"\nBall: {(Ball)clone.Ball}\nShiny: {(clone.ShinyXor == 0 ? "Square" : clone.ShinyXor <= 16 ? "Star" : "No")}{(clone.FatefulEncounter ? "" : $"\nOT: {TrainerName}")}";
                var laInit    = new LegalityAnalysis(clone);
                if (laInit.Valid && adOT)
                    clone.OT_Name       = clone.FatefulEncounter ? clone.OT_Name : $"{TrainerName}";
                    clone.PKRS_Infected = false;
                    clone.PKRS_Cured    = false;
                    clone.PKRS_Days     = 0;
                    clone.PKRS_Strain   = 0;
                else if (!laInit.Valid)
                    Log($"FixOT request has detected an invalid Pokémon from {poke.Trainer.TrainerName}: {(Species)clone.Species}");
                    if (DumpSetting.Dump)
                        DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, "hacked", clone);

                    poke.SendNotification(this, $"```fix\nShown Pokémon is invalid. Attempting to regenerate... \n{laInit.Report()}```");
                    if (clone.FatefulEncounter)
                        var info = new SimpleTrainerInfo {
                            Gender = clone.OT_Gender, Language = clone.Language, OT = TrainerName, TID = clone.TID, SID = clone.SID
                        var mg = EncounterEvent.GetAllEvents().Where(x => x.Species == clone.Species && x.Form == clone.Form && x.IsShiny == clone.IsShiny && x.OT_Name == clone.OT_Name).ToList();
                        if (mg.Count > 0)
                            clone = TradeExtensions.CherishHandler(mg.First(), info);
                            clone = (PK8)AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo(8).GetLegal(AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(new ShowdownSet(ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(clone) + extraInfo)), out _);
                        clone = (PK8)AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo(8).GetLegal(AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(new ShowdownSet(ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(clone) + extraInfo)), out _);
                    var laRegen = new LegalityAnalysis(clone);
                    if (laRegen.Valid)
                        poke.SendNotification(this, $"```fix\nRegenerated and legalized your {(Species)clone.Species}!```");
                else if (!adOT && laInit.Valid)
                    poke.SendNotification(this, "```fix\nNo ad detected in Nickname or OT, and the Pokémon is legal. Exiting trade.```");
                    await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                clone = (PK8)TradeExtensions.TrashBytes(clone, new LegalityAnalysis(clone));
                var la = new LegalityAnalysis(clone);
                if (!la.Valid)
                    var report = la.Report();
                    poke.SendNotification(this, "This Pokémon is not legal per PKHeX's legality checks. I was unable to fix this. Exiting trade.");
                    poke.SendNotification(this, report);
                    await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                if (Hub.Config.Legality.ResetHOMETracker)
                    clone.Tracker = 0;

                poke.SendNotification(this, $"```fix\nNow confirm the trade!```");
                Log($"{(!laInit.Valid ? "Legalized" : "Fixed Nickname/OT for")} {(Species)clone.Species}!");

                bool changed = await ReadUntilChanged(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, oldEC, 10_000, 0_200, false, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (changed)
                    Log($"{poke.Trainer.TrainerName} changed the shown Pokémon ({(Species)clone.Species})");
                    poke.SendNotification(this, $"```fix\nSend away the originally shown Pokémon, please.```");
                    changed = !await ReadUntilChanged(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, oldEC, 15_000, 0_200, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var pk2 = await ReadUntilPresent(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, 3_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (changed || pk2 == null || SearchUtil.HashByDetails(pk2) != SearchUtil.HashByDetails(pk))
                    Log("Trading partner did not wish to send away their ad-mon.");
                    await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                await Click(A, 0_800, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await SetBoxPokemon(clone, InjectBox, InjectSlot, token, sav).ConfigureAwait(false);

                pkm = clone;

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    await Click(A, 0_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
            else if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Clone)
                // Inject the shown Pokémon.
                var clone = (PK8)pk.Clone();

                if (Hub.Config.Discord.ReturnPK8s)
                    poke.SendNotification(this, clone, "Here's what you showed me!");

                var la = new LegalityAnalysis(clone);
                if (!la.Valid)
                    Log($"Clone request (from {poke.Trainer.TrainerName}) has detected an invalid Pokémon: {(Species)clone.Species}.");
                    if (DumpSetting.Dump)
                        DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, "hacked", clone);

                    var report = la.Report();
                    poke.SendNotification(this, "This Pokémon is not legal per PKHeX's legality checks. I am forbidden from cloning this. Exiting trade.");
                    poke.SendNotification(this, report);

                    await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                if (Hub.Config.Legality.ResetHOMETracker)
                    clone.Tracker = 0;

                poke.SendNotification(this, $"**Cloned your {(Species)clone.Species}!**\nNow press B to cancel your offer and trade me a Pokémon you don't want.");
                Log($"Cloned a {(Species)clone.Species}. Waiting for user to change their Pokémon...");

                // Separate this out from WaitForPokemonChanged since we compare to old EC from original read.
                partnerFound = await ReadUntilChanged(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, oldEC, 15_000, 0_200, false, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!partnerFound)
                    poke.SendNotification(this, "**HEY CHANGE IT NOW OR I AM LEAVING!!!**");
                    // They get one more chance.
                    partnerFound = await ReadUntilChanged(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, oldEC, 15_000, 0_200, false, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var pk2 = await ReadUntilPresent(LinkTradePartnerPokemonOffset, 3_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!partnerFound || pk2 == null || SearchUtil.HashByDetails(pk2) == SearchUtil.HashByDetails(pk))
                    Log("Trading partner did not change their Pokémon.");
                    await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, true, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                await Click(A, 0_800, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await SetBoxPokemon(clone, InjectBox, InjectSlot, token, sav).ConfigureAwait(false);

                pkm = clone;

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    await Click(A, 0_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await Click(A, 3_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                await Click(A, 1_500, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            delay_count = 0;
            while (!await IsInBox(token).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await Click(A, 3_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (delay_count >= 50)
                if (await IsOnOverworld(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false)) // In case we are in a Trade Evolution/PokeDex Entry and the Trade Partner quits we land on the Overworld

            await Task.Delay(1_000 + Util.Rand.Next(0_700, 1_000), token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await ExitTrade(Hub.Config, false, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log("Exited Trade!");

            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

            // Trade was Successful!
            var traded = await ReadBoxPokemon(InjectBox, InjectSlot, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Pokémon in b1s1 is same as the one they were supposed to receive (was never sent).
            if (poke.Type != PokeTradeType.FixOT && SearchUtil.HashByDetails(traded) == SearchUtil.HashByDetails(pkm))
                Log("User did not complete the trade.");
                // As long as we got rid of our inject in b1s1, assume the trade went through.
                Log("User completed the trade.");
                poke.TradeFinished(this, traded);

                // Only log if we completed the trade.
                var counts = Hub.Counts;
                if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Random)
                else if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Clone)
                else if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.FixOT)
                else if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.SpecialRequest)
                else if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.TradeCord)
                else if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Giveaway)

                if (DumpSetting.Dump && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DumpSetting.DumpFolder))
                    var subfolder = poke.Type.ToString().ToLower();
                    DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, subfolder, traded); // received
                    if (poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Specific || poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Clone || poke.Type == PokeTradeType.FixOT || poke.Type == PokeTradeType.TradeCord || poke.Type == PokeTradeType.Giveaway)
                        DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, "traded", pkm); // sent to partner

        public override async Task MainLoop(CancellationToken token)
            Log("Identifying trainer data of the host console.");
            await IdentifyTrainer(token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log("Checking item counts...");
            var pouchData = await Connection.ReadBytesAsync(ItemTreasureAddress, 80, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var counts      = FossilCount.GetFossilCounts(pouchData);
            int reviveCount = counts.PossibleRevives(Hub.Config.Fossil.Species);

            if (reviveCount == 0)
                Log("Insufficient fossil pieces. Please obtain at least one of each required fossil piece first.");


            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested && Config.NextRoutineType == PokeRoutineType.FossilBot)
                await ReviveFossil(counts, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Log("Fossil revived. Checking details...");

                var pk = await ReadUntilPresent(await ParsePointer(giftpoke, token), 2_000, 0_200, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (pk == null)
                    Log("RAM probably shifted.");


                string showdowntext = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk);
                if (pk.IsShiny && pk.ShinyXor == 0)
                    showdowntext = showdowntext.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Square");
                else if (pk.IsShiny)
                    showdowntext = showdowntext.Replace("Shiny: Yes", "Shiny: Star");

                Log($"Encounter: {encounterCount}:{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{showdowntext}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}");
                if (DumpSetting.Dump)
                    DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, "fossil", pk);


                if (StopConditionSettings.EncounterFound(pk, DesiredIVs, Hub.Config.StopConditions))
                    if (Hub.Config.StopConditions.CaptureVideoClip)
                        await Task.Delay(Hub.Config.StopConditions.ExtraTimeWaitCaptureVideo, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        await PressAndHold(CAPTURE, 2_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Hub.Config.Discord.UserTag))
                        Log($"<@{Hub.Config.Discord.UserTag}> Result found! Stopping routine execution; restart the bot(s) to search again.");
                        Log("Result found! Stopping routine execution; restart the bot(s) to search again.");

                    await DetachController(token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    await CloseGame(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await StartGame(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #15
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(this SocketCommandContext Context, PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, RequestSignificance sig, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, SocketUser trader, out string msg)
            var user   = trader;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, user, Context);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, t, code: code, sig == RequestSignificance.Favored);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sig == RequestSignificance.Sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule.IsStartChannel(Context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            var pokeName = "";

            if (t == PokeTradeType.Specific || t == PokeTradeType.TradeCord && pk8.Species != 0)
                pokeName = $" Receiving: {(hub.Config.Trade.ItemMuleSpecies == (Species)pk8.Species && pk8.HeldItem != 0 ? $"{(Species)pk8.Species} ({ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk8).Split('@','\n')[1].Trim()})" : $"{(Species)pk8.Species}")}.";
            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}.{pokeName}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $" Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Beispiel #16
        public override async Task MainLoop(CancellationToken token)
            Log("Identifying trainer data of the host console.");
            await IdentifyTrainer(token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log("Checking item counts...");
            var pouchData = await Connection.ReadBytesAsync(ItemTreasureAddress, 80, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var counts      = FossilCount.GetFossilCounts(pouchData);
            int reviveCount = counts.PossibleRevives(Hub.Config.SWSH_Fossil.Species);

            if (reviveCount == 0)
                Log("Insufficient fossil pieces. Please obtain at least one of each required fossil piece first.");

            Log("Starting main FossilBot loop.");
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested && Config.NextRoutineType == PokeRoutineType.SWSH_FossilBot)
                if (encounterCount != 0 && encounterCount % reviveCount == 0)
                    Log($"Ran out of fossils to revive {Hub.Config.SWSH_Fossil.Species}.");
                    Log("Restarting the game to restore the puch data.");
                    await CloseGame(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await StartGame(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await ReviveFossil(counts, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Log("Fossil revived. Checking details...");

                var pk = await ReadUntilPresent(await ParsePointer(PokeGift, token), 2_000, 0_200, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (pk == null)
                    Log("RAM may be shifted, please restart the game and the bot.");
                    Log($"Encounter: {encounterCount}:{Environment.NewLine}{ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk)}{Environment.NewLine}");
                    if (DumpSetting.Dump)
                        DumpPokemon(DumpSetting.DumpFolder, "fossil", pk);


                    if (StopConditionSettings.EncounterFound(pk, DesiredMinIVs, DesiredMaxIVs, Hub.Config.StopConditions))
                        if (Hub.Config.StopConditions.CaptureVideoClip)
                            await Task.Delay(Hub.Config.StopConditions.ExtraTimeWaitCaptureVideo, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            await PressAndHold(CAPTURE, 2_000, 1_000, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        Log("Result found! Stopping routine execution; restart the bot(s) to search again.");
                        await DetachController(token).ConfigureAwait(false);


                    while (!await IsOnOverworld(Hub.Config, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        await Click(B, 0_200, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #17
        public static string GetFormattedShowdownText(PKM pkm)
            var showdown = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pkm);
