void ShowButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e, string showId)
            Program           app               = Program.GetInstance();
            ShowService       showService       = app.GetService <ShowService>("shows");
            ReservationCreate reservationScreen = app.GetScreen <ReservationCreate>("reservationCreate");

            // Get show and redirect to screen
            List <Show> shows = showService.GetShowsByMovie(movie);
            List <Show> list  = shows.Where(i => i.startTime > DateTime.Now).OrderBy(i => i.startTime).ToList();
            Show        show  = list[int.Parse(showId)];

Beispiel #2
        public override void OnShow()
            Program      app          = Program.GetInstance();
            ChairService chairService = app.GetService <ChairService>("chairs");
            RoomService  roomService  = app.GetService <RoomService>("rooms");
            MovieService movieservice = app.GetService <MovieService>("movies");
            ShowService  showService  = app.GetService <ShowService>("shows");


            title.Text            = movie.name;
            descriptionInput.Text = movie.description;
            durationLabel.Text    = "Speeltijd     " + movie.duration + " Minuten";
            genreLabel.Text       = "Genre         " + movie.genre;
            imagePreview.Image    = movie.GetImage();

            // Clear grid

            // Prepare list
            int rowCount    = 15;
            int columnCount = 5;

            container.ColumnCount = columnCount;
            container.RowCount    = rowCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                container.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100 / columnCount));

            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                container.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100 / rowCount));

            // Build list
            List <Show> shows = showService.GetShowsByMovie(movie);
            List <Show> list  = shows.Where(i => i.startTime > DateTime.Now).OrderBy(i => i.startTime).Take(rowCount * columnCount).ToList();

            int rowIndex    = 0;
            int columnIndex = 0;

            foreach (Show show in list)
                Button button = new Button();

                button.Text      = show.startTime.ToString(Program.DATETIME_FORMAT);
                button.Name      = "" + show.id;
                button.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(193, 193, 193);
                button.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;

                button.Click += (sender, e) => {
                    ShowButton_Click(sender, e, show.id);

                container.Controls.Add(button, rowIndex, columnIndex);

                columnIndex += 1;

                if (columnIndex >= columnCount)
                    columnIndex = 0;
                    rowIndex   += 1;
        public override void OnShow()
            Program      app          = Program.GetInstance();
            ChairService chairService = app.GetService <ChairService>("chairs");
            RoomService  roomService  = app.GetService <RoomService>("rooms");
            MovieService movieservice = app.GetService <MovieService>("movies");
            ShowService  showService  = app.GetService <ShowService>("shows");

            title.Text            = movie.name;
            descriptionInput.Text = movie.description;
            durationLabel.Text    = "Speeltijd =" + movie.duration + " Minuten";
            genreLabel.Text       = "Genre = " + movie.genre;
            imagePreview.Image    = movie.GetImage();

            // Clear grid

            // Print shows
            List <Show> shows       = showService.GetShowsByMovie(movie);
            List <Show> list        = shows.Where(i => i.startTime > DateTime.Now).OrderBy(i => i.startTime).ToList();
            int         maximum     = list.Count;
            int         rowCount    = 15;
            int         columnCount = 5;
            int         showIndex   = 0;

            container.ColumnCount = columnCount;
            container.RowCount    = rowCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                container.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100 / columnCount));

            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                container.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100 / rowCount));

            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount && showIndex < list.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columnCount && showIndex < list.Count; j++)
                    Button button = new Button();
                    Show   show   = list[showIndex];

                    button.Text = show.startTime.ToString(Program.DATETIME_FORMAT);
                    button.Name = "" + showIndex;
                    button.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

                    button.Click += (sender, e) => {
                        ShowButton_Click(sender, e, button.Name);

                    container.Controls.Add(button, j, i);
                    showIndex += 1;