/// <summary>
        /// Добавит новую вкладку с WebControl(ом) и с Uri на который кликнули
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">e, объект класса ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs</param>
        public void AddPage_ClickReference(ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            WebControl webControl = new_WebControl();

            webControl.Source = e.TargetURL;

 void OnShowCreatedWebView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
     // no support for multiple browser instances/tabs/windows, so open external links in the same window
     //if (e.Url.Length > 0)
     //	this.Control.Web.LoadURL(e.Url);
 // Token: 0x0601587E RID: 88190 RVA: 0x0057BCF4 File Offset: 0x00579EF4
 protected override void OnShowCreatedWebView(WebUIComponent sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
     e.Cancel = true;
     if (e.TargetURL != null && string.Compare(e.TargetURL.Host, sender.Source.Host, true) == 0)
         global::Debug.Log(string.Format("Navigating to: {0}", e.TargetURL));
         base.webUI.Source = e.TargetURL;
        private void OnShowNewView( object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e )
            if ( !webControl.IsLive )

            // Let the new view be destroyed. It is important to set Cancel to true
            // if you are not wrapping the new view, to avoid keeping it alive along
            // with a reference to its parent.
            e.Cancel = true;

            // Load the url to the existing view.
            webControl.LoadURL( e.TargetURL );
        public static void ShowCreatedWebView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if (e.TargetURL == null) return;
            var file = e.TargetURL.ToString();
            if (file.StartsWith(LocalRequestUrlBase))
                file = GetResourceFileName(file.Replace(LocalRequestUrlBase, "")) ?? "";
                if (!File.Exists(file)) return;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file)) return;

        private void OnShowNewView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if ((webView == null) || !webView.IsLive)

            if (e.IsPopup)
                // Create a WebView wrapping the view created by Awesomium.
                WebView view = new WebView(e.NewViewInstance);
                // ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs.InitialPos indicates screen coordinates.
                Rectangle screenRect = e.Specs.InitialPosition.ToRectangle();
                // Create a new WebForm to render the new view and size it.
                WebForm childForm = new WebForm(view, screenRect.Width, screenRect.Height)
                    ShowInTaskbar   = false,
                    FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow,
                    ClientSize      = screenRect.Size != Size.Empty ? screenRect.Size : new Size(640, 480)

                // Show the form.

                if (screenRect.Location != Point.Empty)
                    // Move it to the specified coordinates.
                    childForm.DesktopLocation = screenRect.Location;
            else if (e.IsWindowOpen || e.IsPost)
                // Create a WebView wrapping the view created by Awesomium.
                WebView view = new WebView(e.NewViewInstance);
                // Create a new WebForm to render the new view and size it.
                WebForm childForm = new WebForm(view, 640, 480);
                // Show the form.
                // Let the new view be destroyed. It is important to set Cancel to true
                // if you are not wrapping the new view, to avoid keeping it alive along
                // with a reference to its parent.
                e.Cancel = true;

                // Load the url to the existing view.
                webView.Source = e.TargetURL;
Beispiel #7
    // We do not need to handle IWebView.ShowCreatedWebView. WebUIScript handles this and
    // we can simply override OnShowCreatedWebView.
    protected override void OnShowCreatedWebView( WebUIComponent sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e )
        // Note that, if you do not override OnShowCreatedWebView,
        // IWebView.ShowCreatedWebView will be canceled by default.
        e.Cancel = true;

        // For this sample, we simply load the page to the same view,
        // if the target URL is from the same domain.
        if ( ( e.TargetURL != null ) && ( String.Compare( e.TargetURL.Host, sender.Source.Host, true ) == 0 ) )
            Debug.Log( String.Format( "Navigating to: {0}", e.TargetURL ) );
            webUI.Source = e.TargetURL;
        private void OnShowNewView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if ((webView == null) || !webView.IsLive)

            if (e.IsPopup && !e.IsUserSpecsOnly)
                // Create a WebView wrapping the view created by Awesomium.
                WebView view = new WebView(e.NewViewInstance);
                // ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs.InitialPos indicates screen coordinates.
                Rectangle screenRect = e.Specs.InitialPosition.ToRectangle();
                // Create a new WebForm to render the new view and size it.
                WebForm childForm = new WebForm(view, screenRect.Width, screenRect.Height)
                    ShowInTaskbar   = false,
                    FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow,
                    ClientSize      = screenRect.Size

                // Show the form.
                // Move it to the specified coordinates.
                childForm.DesktopLocation = screenRect.Location;
            else if (e.IsWindowOpen || e.IsPost)
                // Still window.open or an HTML form with target="_blank" and method="post"
                // but not a popup which means that no specs have been specified to a
                // window.open call.

                // Create a WebView wrapping the view created by Awesomium.
                WebView view = new WebView(e.NewViewInstance);
                // Create a new WebForm to render the new view and size it.
                WebForm childForm = new WebForm(view, 640, 480);
                // Show the form.
                // Let the new view be destroyed. It is important to set Cancel to true
                // if you are not wrapping the new view, to avoid keeping it alive along
                // with a reference to its parent.
                e.Cancel = true;

                // Load the url to the existing view.
                webView.Source = e.TargetURL;
Beispiel #9
        internal static void OnShowCreatedWebView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            IWebView view = sender as IWebView;

            if (null == view)
            if (!view.IsLive)

            frmMain mainForm = Application.OpenForms.OfType <frmMain>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (null == mainForm)

            if (e.IsPopup && !e.IsUserSpecsOnly)
                Rectangle screenRect = e.Specs.InitialPosition.ToRectangle();
                frmChild  newWindow  = new frmChild(e.NewViewInstance)
                    ShowInTaskbar = true,
                    ClientSize    = screenRect.Size != Size.Empty ? screenRect.Size : new Size(640, 480)
                if (0 < screenRect.Width && 0 < screenRect.Height)
                    newWindow.Width  = screenRect.Width;
                    newWindow.Height = screenRect.Height;
                if (Point.Empty != screenRect.Location)
                    newWindow.DesktopLocation = screenRect.Location;
            else if (e.IsWindowOpen || e.IsPost)
                frmChild doc = new frmChild(e.NewViewInstance);
                e.Cancel = true;
                frmChild doc = new frmChild(e.TargetURL);
        private void OnShowNewView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if (!webControl.IsLive)

            // Let the new view be destroyed. It is important to set Cancel to true
            // if you are not wrapping the new view, to avoid keeping it alive along
            // with a reference to its parent.
            e.Cancel = true;

            // Load the url to the existing view.
Beispiel #11
        public static void ShowCreatedWebView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if (e.TargetURL == null)
            var file = e.TargetURL.ToString();

            if (file.StartsWith(LocalRequestUrlBase))
                file = GetResourceFileName(file.Replace(LocalRequestUrlBase, "")) ?? "";
                if (!File.Exists(file))

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))

Beispiel #12
 internal static void OnShowNewView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e) {
     Debug.Write("\n " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #13
        private void webControl_ShowCreatedWebView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if (webControl == null)

            if (!webControl.IsLive)

            // An instance of our application's web window,
            // that will host the new view instance, either
            // we wrap the created child view, or we let the
            // WebControl create a new underlying web-view.
            BrowserView newWindow;

            // Treat popups differently. If IsPopup is true,
            // the event is always the result of 'window.open'
            // (IsWindowOpen is also true, so no need to check it).
            // Our application does not recognize user defined,
            // non-standard specs. Therefore child views opened
            // with non-standard specs, will not be presented as
            // popups but as regular new windows (still wrapping
            // the child view however -- see below).
            if (e.IsPopup && !e.IsUserSpecsOnly)
                // JSWindowOpenSpecs.InitialPosition indicates screen coordinates.
                Int32Rect screenRect = e.Specs.InitialPosition.GetInt32Rect();

                // Set the created native view as the underlying view of the
                // WebControl. This will maintain the relationship between
                // the parent view and the child, usually required when the
                // new view is the result of 'window.open' (JS can access
                // the parent window through 'window.opener'; the parent window
                // can manipulate the child through the 'window' object returned
                // from the 'window.open' call).
                newWindow = new BrowserView(new BrowserViewModel(), e.NewViewInstance);
                // Do not show in the taskbar.
                newWindow.ShowInTaskbar = false;
                // Set a border-style to indicate a popup.
                newWindow.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None;
                // Set resizing mode depending on the indicated specs.
                newWindow.ResizeMode = e.Specs.Resizable ? ResizeMode.CanResizeWithGrip : ResizeMode.NoResize;

                // If the caller has not indicated a valid size for the
                // new popup window, let it be opened with the default
                // size specified at design time.
                if ((screenRect.Width > 0) && (screenRect.Height > 0))
                    // The indicated size, is client size.
                    double horizontalBorderHeight = SystemParameters.ResizeFrameHorizontalBorderHeight;
                    double verticalBorderWidth = SystemParameters.ResizeFrameVerticalBorderWidth;
                    double captionHeight = SystemParameters.CaptionHeight;

                    // Set the indicated size.
                    newWindow.Width = screenRect.Width + (verticalBorderWidth * 2);
                    newWindow.Height = screenRect.Height + captionHeight + (horizontalBorderHeight * 2);

                // Show the window.

                // If the caller has not indicated a valid position for
                // the new popup window, let it be opened in the default
                // position specified at design time.
                if ((screenRect.Y > 0) && (screenRect.X > 0))
                    // Move it to the indicated coordinates.
                    newWindow.Top = screenRect.Y;
                    newWindow.Left = screenRect.X;
            else if (e.IsWindowOpen || e.IsPost)
                // No specs or only non-standard specs were specified,
                // but the event is still the result of 'window.open'
                // or of an HTML form with tagret="_blank" and method="post".
                // We will open a normal window but we will still wrap
                // the new native child view, maintaining its relationship
                // with the parent window.
                newWindow = new BrowserView(new BrowserViewModel(), e.NewViewInstance);
                // Show the window.
                // The event is not the result of 'window.open' or of an
                // HTML form with tagret="_blank" and method="post".,
                // therefore it's most probably the result of a link with
                // target='_blank'. We will not be wrapping the created view;
                // we let the WebControl hosted in MainWindow create its own
                // underlying view. Setting Cancel to true tells the core
                // to destroy the created child view.
                // Why don't we always wrap the native view passed to
                // ShowCreatedWebView?
                // - In order to maintain the relationship with their parent
                // view, child views execute and render under the same process
                // (awesomium_process) as their parent view. If for any reason
                // this child process crashes, all views related to it will be
                // affected. When maintaining a parent-child relationship is not
                // important, we prefer taking advantage of the isolated process
                // architecture of Awesomium and let each view be rendered in
                // a separate process.
                e.Cancel = true;
                // Note that we only explicitly navigate to the target URL,
                // when a new view is about to be created, not when we wrap the
                // created child view. This is because navigation to the target
                // URL (if any), is already queued on created child views.
                // We must not interrupt this navigation as we would still be
                // breaking the parent-child relationship.
                newWindow = new BrowserView(new BrowserViewModel(), e.TargetURL);
                // Show the window.
Beispiel #14
        // Common handler of all ShowCreatedWebView events.
        internal static void OnShowNewView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            IWebView view = sender as IWebView;

            if (view == null)

            if (!view.IsLive)

            MainForm mainForm = Application.OpenForms.OfType <MainForm>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (mainForm == null)

            // Treat popups differently. If IsPopup is true, the event is always
            // the result of 'window.open' (IsWindowOpen is also true, so no need to check it).
            // Our application does not recognize user defined, non-standard specs.
            // Therefore child views opened with non-standard specs, will not be presented as
            // popups but as regular new windows (still wrapping the child view however -- see below).
            if (e.IsPopup && !e.IsUserSpecsOnly)
                // JSWindowOpenSpecs.InitialPosition indicates screen coordinates.
                Rectangle screenRect = e.Specs.InitialPosition.ToRectangle();

                // Set the created native view as the underlying view of the
                // WebControl. This will maintain the relationship between
                // the parent view and the child, usually required when the new view
                // is the result of 'window.open' (JS can access the parent window through
                // 'window.opener'; the parent window can manipulate the child through the 'window'
                // object returned from the 'window.open' call).
                WebDocument newWindow = new WebDocument(e.NewViewInstance)
                    ShowInTaskbar = false,
                    ClientSize    = screenRect.Size != Size.Empty ? screenRect.Size : new Size(640, 480)

                // If the caller has not indicated a valid size for the new popup window,
                // let it be opened with the default size specified at design time.
                if ((screenRect.Width > 0) && (screenRect.Height > 0))
                    // Assign the indicated size.
                    newWindow.Width  = screenRect.Width;
                    newWindow.Height = screenRect.Height;

                // Show the window.

                // If the caller has not indicated a valid position for the new popup window,
                // let it be opened in the default position specified at design time.
                if (screenRect.Location != Point.Empty)
                    // Move it to the specified coordinates.
                    newWindow.DesktopLocation = screenRect.Location;
            else if (e.IsWindowOpen || e.IsPost)
                // No specs or only non-standard specs were specified, but the event is still
                // the result of 'window.open' or of an HTML form with target="_blank" and method="post".
                // We will open a normal window but we will still wrap the new native child view,
                // maintaining its relationship with the parent window.
                WebDocument doc = new WebDocument(e.NewViewInstance);
                // The event is not the result of 'window.open' or of an HTML form with target="_blank"
                // and method="post"., therefore it's most probably the result of a link with target='_blank'.
                // We will not be wrapping the created view; we let the WebControl hosted in ChildWindow
                // create its own underlying view. Setting Cancel to true tells the core to destroy the
                // created child view.
                // Why don't we always wrap the native view passed to ShowCreatedWebView?
                // - In order to maintain the relationship with their parent view,
                // child views execute and render under the same process (awesomium_process)
                // as their parent view. If for any reason this child process crashes,
                // all views related to it will be affected. When maintaining a parent-child
                // relationship is not important, we prefer taking advantage of the isolated process
                // architecture of Awesomium and let each view be rendered in a separate process.
                e.Cancel = true;
                // Note that we only explicitly navigate to the target URL, when a new view is
                // about to be created, not when we wrap the created child view. This is because
                // navigation to the target URL (if any), is already queued on created child views.
                // We must not interrupt this navigation as we would still be breaking the parent-child
                // relationship.
                WebDocument doc = new WebDocument(e.TargetURL);
Beispiel #15
        // --------------------------------------------------
        // OnShowCreatedWebView
        // --------------------------------------------------
        public void OnShowCreatedWebView(Object sender,  ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            log.Info("New Web View");

            // Wrap the view and add to children to prevent garbage collection
            childViews.Add(new Browser(new WebView(e.NewViewInstance)) {
                log = log,
                postScripts = postScripts,
 /// <summary>
 /// Метод для события webControl.ShowCreatedWebView. При клике по ссылке, создает новую вкладку с WebControl(ом) и с Uri, на который кликнули
 /// </summary>
 private void webControl_ShowCreatedWebView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
        private void webControl_ShowCreatedWebView(object sender,
    ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if (webControl == null)

            if (!webControl.IsLive)

            MainWindow newWindow;

            if (e.IsPopup && !e.IsUserSpecsOnly)
                Int32Rect screenRect = e.Specs.InitialPosition.GetInt32Rect();
                newWindow = new MainWindow(e.NewViewInstance);
                newWindow.ShowInTaskbar = false;
                newWindow.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.ToolWindow;
                newWindow.ResizeMode = e.Specs.Resizable ?
                    ResizeMode.CanResizeWithGrip :
                if ((screenRect.Width > 0) && (screenRect.Height > 0))
                    double horizontalBorderHeight =
                    double verticalBorderWidth =
                    double captionHeight =
                    newWindow.Width = screenRect.Width +
                        (verticalBorderWidth * 2);
                    newWindow.Height = screenRect.Height +
                        captionHeight +
                        (horizontalBorderHeight * 2);
                if ((screenRect.Y > 0) && (screenRect.X > 0))
                    newWindow.Top = screenRect.Y;
                    newWindow.Left = screenRect.X;
            else if (e.IsWindowOpen || e.IsPost)
                newWindow = new MainWindow(e.NewViewInstance);
                e.Cancel = true;
                newWindow = new MainWindow(e.TargetURL);
 //Browser code
 protected void webBrower_ShowCreatedWebView(Object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
     if (e.TargetURL != null)
         BuildBrowserInScatterView(e.TargetURL.ToString(), ((CustomBrowser)sender).scatter);
Beispiel #19
        private void OnShowNewView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if ((_aweWebView == null) || !_aweWebView.IsLive)

            if (e.IsPopup)
                // Create a WebView wrapping the view created by Awesomium.
                var view = new WebView(e.NewViewInstance);
                // ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs.InitialPos indicates screen coordinates.
                var screenRect = e.InitialPos.ToRectangle();
                // Create a new WebForm to render the new view and size it.
                var childForm = new ChildForm(view, screenRect.Width, screenRect.Height)
                                        ShowInTaskbar = false,
                                        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow,
                                        ClientSize = screenRect.Size

                // Show the form.
                // Move it to the specified coordinates.
                childForm.DesktopLocation = screenRect.Location;
                // Let the new view be destroyed. It is important to set Cancel to true
                // if you are not wrapping the new view, to avoid keeping it alive along
                // with a reference to its parent.
                e.Cancel = true;

                // Load the url to the existing view.
                _aweWebView.Source = e.TargetURL;
Beispiel #20
 private static void OnWebControlShowCreatedWebView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
     // Nada ...
Beispiel #21
        private void webControl_ShowCreatedWebView(object sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
            if (webControl == null)

            if (!webControl.IsLive)

            // An instance of our application's web window, that will
            // host the new view instance, either we wrap the created child view,
            // or we let the WebControl create a new underlying web-view.
            MainWindow newWindow;

            // Treat popups differently. If IsPopup is true, the event is always
            // the result of 'window.open' (IsWindowOpen is also true, so no need to check it).
            // Our application does not recognize user defined, non-standard specs.
            // Therefore child views opened with non-standard specs, will not be presented as
            // popups but as regular new windows (still wrapping the child view however -- see below).
            if (e.IsPopup && !e.IsUserSpecsOnly)
                // JSWindowOpenSpecs.InitialPosition indicates screen coordinates.
                var screenRect = e.Specs.InitialPosition.GetInt32Rect();

                // Set the created native view as the underlying view of the
                // WebControl. This will maintain the relationship between
                // the parent view and the child, usually required when the new view
                // is the result of 'window.open' (JS can access the parent window through
                // 'window.opener'; the parent window can manipulate the child through the 'window'
                // object returned from the 'window.open' call).
                newWindow = new MainWindow(e.NewViewInstance);
                // Do not show in the taskbar.
                newWindow.ShowInTaskbar = false;
                newWindow.Topmost       = true;
                // Set a border-style to indicate a popup.
                newWindow.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.ToolWindow;
                // Set resizing mode depending on the indicated specs.
                newWindow.ResizeMode = e.Specs.Resizable ? ResizeMode.CanResizeWithGrip : ResizeMode.NoResize;

                // If the caller has not indicated a valid size for the new popup window,
                // let it be opened with the default size specified at design time.
                if ((screenRect.Width > 0) && (screenRect.Height > 0))
                    // The indicated size, is client size.
                    var horizontalBorderHeight = SystemParameters.ResizeFrameHorizontalBorderHeight;
                    var verticalBorderWidth    = SystemParameters.ResizeFrameVerticalBorderWidth;
                    var captionHeight          = SystemParameters.CaptionHeight;

                    // Set the indicated size.
                    newWindow.Width  = screenRect.Width + verticalBorderWidth * 2;
                    newWindow.Height = screenRect.Height + captionHeight + horizontalBorderHeight * 2;

                // Show the window.

                // If the caller has not indicated a valid position for the new popup window,
                // let it be opened in the default position specified at design time.
                if ((screenRect.Y >= 0) && (screenRect.X >= 0))
                    // Move it to the indicated coordinates.
                    newWindow.Top  = screenRect.Y;
                    newWindow.Left = screenRect.X;
            else if (e.IsWindowOpen || e.IsPost)
                // No specs or only non-standard specs were specified, but the event is still
                // the result of 'window.open' or of an HTML form with target="_blank" and method="post".
                // We will open a normal window but we will still wrap the new native child view,
                // maintaining its relationship with the parent window.
                newWindow = new MainWindow(e.NewViewInstance);
                // Show the window.
                // The event is not the result of 'window.open' or of an HTML form with target="_blank"
                // and method="post"., therefore it's most probably the result of a link with target='_blank'.
                // We will not be wrapping the created view; we let the WebControl hosted in ChildWindow
                // create its own underlying view. Setting Cancel to true tells the core to destroy the
                // created child view.
                // Why don't we always wrap the native view passed to ShowCreatedWebView?
                // - In order to maintain the relationship with their parent view,
                // child views execute and render under the same process (awesomium_process)
                // as their parent view. If for any reason this child process crashes,
                // all views related to it will be affected. When maintaining a parent-child
                // relationship is not important, we prefer taking advantage of the isolated process
                // architecture of Awesomium and let each view be rendered in a separate process.
                e.Cancel = true;
                // Note that we only explicitly navigate to the target URL, when a new view is
                // about to be created, not when we wrap the created child view. This is because
                // navigation to the target URL (if any), is already queued on created child views.
                // We must not interrupt this navigation as we would still be breaking the parent-child
                // relationship.
                newWindow = new MainWindow(e.TargetURL);
                // Show the window.
Beispiel #22
 // We do not need to handle IWebView.ShowCreatedWebView. WebUIScript handles this and
 // we can simply override OnShowCreatedWebView.
 protected override void OnShowCreatedWebView( WebUIComponent sender, ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e )
     // Bars do not contain links and do not open popups.
     e.Cancel = true;