public int SubmitShippingBilling(ShippingBilling shippingBilling)
            int savetype = 0;

            savetype = DataAccess.DBAccess.SaveShippingBilling(shippingBilling);

Beispiel #2
        public void ChangeShippingBillingInformation(ShippingBilling input, string id)
            if (ContainsShippingBilling(id))
                input.Id = ContainingId(id);

Beispiel #3
        public static int SaveShippingBilling(ShippingBilling shippingBilling)
            int    savetype = 0;
            string content  = string.Empty;

            using (DBKOMPDataContext db = new DBKOMPDataContext())
                var countUser = (from w in db.ShippingBillings where w.RequestId == shippingBilling.RequestId select w).Count();
                if (countUser == 0)
                    savetype = shippingBilling.Id;
                    savetype = (from w in db.ShippingBillings where w.RequestId == shippingBilling.RequestId select w).First().Id;

Beispiel #4
        public void ChangeShippingBillingInfo(ShippingBillingInputModel input, string id)
            ShippingBilling write = new ShippingBilling()
                UserId              = id,
                ShippingFirstName   = input.ShippingFirstName,
                ShippingLastName    = input.ShippingLastName,
                ShippingStreetName  = input.ShippingStreetName,
                ShippingHouseNumber = input.ShippingHouseNumber,
                ShippingCity        = input.ShippingCity,
                ShippingZipCode     = input.ShippingCity,
                ShippingCountry     = input.ShippingCountry,

                BillingFirstName   = input.BillingFirstName,
                BillingLastName    = input.BillingLastName,
                BillingStreetName  = input.BillingStreetName,
                BillingHouseNumber = input.BillingHouseNumber,
                BillingCity        = input.BillingCity,
                BillingZipCode     = input.BillingCity,
                BillingCounry      = input.BillingCountry

            _userRepo.ChangeShippingBillingInformation(write, id);
        //public static int SaveOrder(OrderList orders)
        //    //Now taking it from session. instead of perameter.
        //    if (HttpContext.Current.Session["OrderList"] != null)
        //    {
        //        orders = (OrderList)HttpContext.Current.Session["OrderList"];
        //    }

        //    using (DBKOMPDataContext db = new DBKOMPDataContext())
        //    {
        //        int customerId = 0;
        //        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["USER"] != null)
        //        {
        //            customerId = ((User)HttpContext.Current.Session["USER"]).UserId;
        //        }

        //        Request objRequest = new Request();
        //        objRequest.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
        //        objRequest.UserId = customerId;
        //        objRequest.CreatedBy = customerId;

        //        //create a request id
        //        db.Requests.InsertOnSubmit(objRequest);
        //        db.SubmitChanges();

        //        foreach(var order in orders.orders)
        //        {
        //            order.Order.RequestId = objRequest.Id;
        //            order.Order.CustomerId = customerId;
        //            order.Order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
        //            db.Orders.InsertOnSubmit(order.Order);
        //            db.SubmitChanges();

        //            order.payment.OrderId = order.Order.Id;
        //            db.Payments.InsertOnSubmit(order.payment);

        //            foreach (var apt in order.OrderDetailList)
        //            {
        //                apt.OrderId = order.Order.Id;
        //            }

        //            db.OrderDetails.InsertAllOnSubmit(order.OrderDetailList);
        //        }

        //        db.SubmitChanges();

        //        //#region Send Mail
        //        //if (HttpContext.Current.Session["USER"] != null)
        //        //{
        //        //    var objtblUser = (User)HttpContext.Current.Session["USER"];

        //        //    string content = string.Empty;

        //        //    string filepath = "~/Email/Post.htm";
        //        //    //New user
        //        //    StringBuilder sbContent = new StringBuilder();
        //        //    StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(filepath));
        //        //    string strLine = "";
        //        //    while (strLine != null)
        //        //    {
        //        //        strLine = rdr.ReadLine();
        //        //        if ((strLine != null) && (strLine != ""))
        //        //        {
        //        //            sbContent.Append("\n" + strLine);
        //        //        }
        //        //    }
        //        //    rdr.Close();

        //        //    string site = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteName"].ToString();
        //        //    content = sbContent.ToString();
        //        //    //content = content.Replace("$REQ$", PostType);
        //        //    //content = content.Replace("$ID$", ID);
        //        //    content = content.Replace("$NAME$", objtblUser.FirstName + " " + objtblUser.LastName);
        //        //    content = content.Replace("$SITE$", site);

        //        //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
        //        //    {
        //        //        MailHelper.SendMailMessage("",, string.Empty, string.Empty, "Thanks for Posting", content);
        //        //       // AutoServices.SendeMailToUs("Copy:Thanks for Posting", content);

        //        //    }
        //        //}
        //        //#endregion

        //       // HttpContext.Current.Session["OrderList"] = orders;

        //        return objRequest.Id;// orderDTO.Order.Id;
        //    }

        public static int SavePayemt(int requestId, int paymentStatus, int paymentMode, string cardNum, string trnNo, string NameOnCard)
            using (DBKOMPDataContext db = new DBKOMPDataContext())
                var objtblUser = CommanAction.GetSession();//for yourguyonly
                var orders     = (from w in db.Orders where w.RequestId == requestId select w).ToList();

                var SipBilObj = new ShippingBilling();

                string locationOfPinCode = string.Empty;
                if (orders.Count > 0)
                    locationOfPinCode = (from w in db.tblLocations where w.pincode.Value == orders[0].pincode select w).First().Location;

                //Variable is using to add 25 rs only one time
                bool IsCashPickup25Added = false;
                foreach (var ord in orders)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SipBilObj.Pincode))
                        SipBilObj = DBAccess.GetShippingBillingByUserId(objtblUser.UserId, ord.pincode ?? 0);//for yourguyonly

                    if (requestId > 0)
                        var payment = (from w in db.Payments where w.OrderId == ord.Id select w).First();
                        //paymentObj.Amount = 200;
                        payment.CardNumber    = cardNum;
                        payment.Mode          = paymentMode; //NET BANKING-1, credit card-2, debit card - 3, cash card - 4, mobile payment-5
                        payment.NameOnCard    = NameOnCard;
                        payment.TransactionNo = trnNo;
                        payment.IsActive      = (paymentStatus == 1) ? 1 : 0;
                        payment.PaymentDate   = DateTime.Now;

                        //Settign for offline casehpickup
                        if (paymentMode == 14 && !IsCashPickup25Added)
                            var config = DBAccess.GetConfig();
                            //order.payment.TrnChrg = Convert.ToDecimal(Caspikup + CaspikupPer * (order.payment.Amount + order.payment.DeliveryChrg) / 100);
                            payment.TrnChrg = Convert.ToDecimal(config.CashPickUpPercent * (payment.Amount + payment.DeliveryChrg) / 100) + config.CashPickUp ?? 0;

                            payment.TrnChrg = Convert.ToDecimal(String.Format("{0:.00}", payment.TrnChrg));

                            //payment.TrnChrg = Convert.ToInt32(payment.TrnChrg + config.CashPickUp ?? 0);
                            IsCashPickup25Added = true;

                        ord.PaymentDone = paymentStatus;    //SUCCESS -1 , failure - 0 , invalid =3, abort = 4 ---  paymentMode != 5 ? 1 : 0; //5 means offline
                        ord.IsActive    = (paymentStatus == 1)?1:0;

                        if (paymentStatus == 1 && (paymentMode != 11 && paymentMode != 12 && paymentMode != 13 && paymentMode != 14))     //Not offline and not cash pickup
                            var orderDetails = (from w in db.OrderDetails where w.OrderId == ord.Id select w);

                            //Yourguy  productid
                            var prodcId = "0";
                            //Your guy DateColletion
                            List <string> lstDeliveryDate = new List <string>();
                            //Your guy time
                            string Deliverytime = ord.IsLunch == 1 ? "2015-01-01T12:15:02Z" : "2015-01-01T20:15:02Z";
                            string time         = ord.IsLunch == 1 ? "12:16:06Z" : "20:16:06Z";
                            string PickUptime   = ord.IsLunch == 1 ? "2015-01-01T10:16:06Z" : "2015-01-01T18:16:06Z";

                            foreach (var od in orderDetails)
                                prodcId = "0";    // od.SubProductId.ToString();
                                lstDeliveryDate.Add(od.DeliverDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddT") + time);

                                od.IsActive = 1;
                                //od.YourguyOrderId = YourGuy(od.Id.ToString(), ord.Id.ToString(), SipBilObj, od.DeliverDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddT") + time);

                            //Yourguy service TODO: UNDO ONCE READY BY YOUR GUY
                            //ord.YourguyOrderId = CallYourGuy(prodcId, ord.Id.ToString(), SipBilObj, Deliverytime, PickUptime, lstDeliveryDate, locationOfPinCode);

                    //    //ord.PaymentDone = 3; //Payment Failed
                    //    //ord.IsActive = 1;
                    //    //db.SubmitChanges();

Beispiel #6
        private int InsertAddress()
            //Start Insert Address
            //Note use last name as emaiid
            var shippingBilling = new ShippingBilling();

            shippingBilling.Id = 0;

            shippingBilling.UserId = loggiedIn;

            shippingBilling.RequestId = requestId;

            shippingBilling.FirstName = delivery_name.Value.Trim(); //Trim(document.getElementById("delivery_name").value);

            shippingBilling.LastName    = txtLastName.Value;        // Trim(document.getElementById("txtLastName").value);
        = delivery_tel.Value;       // Trim(document.getElementById("delivery_tel").value);
            shippingBilling.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Value;     //Trim(document.getElementById("txtCompanyName").value);

            //Create address

            // delivery_address.Value = txtFlat.Value + ", " + txtBuilding.Value + ", " + txtStreet.Value + ", ";// +txtLocation.Items[txtLocation.SelectedIndex].Text;

            shippingBilling.Address = txtFlat.Value + "$" + txtBuilding.Value + ", " + txtStreet.Value + "$";// +txtLocation.Items[txtLocation.SelectedIndex].Text;
            //shippingBilling.Address = Trim($("#txtFlat").val()) + "$" + Trim($("#txtBuilding").val()) + "$" + Trim($("#txtStreet").val() + "$" + $("#txtLocation option:selected").html()); // Trim(document.getElementById("delivery_address").value);
            shippingBilling.City     = delivery_city.Value.Trim();
            shippingBilling.State    = delivery_state.Value.Trim();
            shippingBilling.LandMark = txtLandMark.Value.Trim();
            shippingBilling.Pincode  = delivery_zip.Value;

            if (chkSamAsShipping.Checked)// $("#chkSamAsShipping").is(':checked'))
                //Need to set control value too for ccavenu posting -start
                //billing_name.Value = delivery_name.Value;
                //txtLastNameB.Value = txtLastName.Value;
                //billing_tel.Value = delivery_tel.Value;
                //txtCompanyNameB.Value = txtCompanyName.Value;
                //billing_address.Value = delivery_address.Value;
                //txtFlat.Value = txtFlatB.Value;
                //txtBuilding.Value = txtBuildingB.Value;
                //txtStreet.Value = txtStreetB.Value;
                //billing_city.Value = delivery_city.Value;
                //billing_state.Value = delivery_state.Value;
                //txtLandMarkB.Value = txtLandMark.Value;
                //billing_zip.Value = delivery_zip.Value;
                //Need to set control value too for ccavenu posting -end

                shippingBilling.FirstNameB   = delivery_name.Value;
                shippingBilling.LastNameB    = txtLastName.Value;
                shippingBilling.mobileB      = delivery_tel.Value;
                shippingBilling.CompanyNameB = txtCompanyName.Value;
                //shippingBilling.AddressB = Trim($("#txtFlat").val()) + "$" + Trim($("#txtBuilding").val()) + "$" + $("#txtLocation option:selected").html(); // Trim(document.getElementById("delivery_address").value);
                shippingBilling.AddressB  = txtFlat.Value + "$" + txtBuilding.Value + "$";// +txtLocation.Items[txtLocation.SelectedIndex].Text; // Trim(document.getElementById("delivery_address").value);
                shippingBilling.CityB     = delivery_city.Value;
                shippingBilling.StateB    = delivery_state.Value;
                shippingBilling.LandMarkB = txtLandMark.Value;
                shippingBilling.PincodeB  = delivery_zip.Value;

                shippingBilling.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                shippingBilling.FirstNameB   = billing_name.Value;
                shippingBilling.LastNameB    = txtLastNameB.Value;
                shippingBilling.mobileB      = billing_tel.Value;
                shippingBilling.CompanyNameB = txtCompanyNameB.Value;

                //document.getElementById("billing_address").value = Trim($("#txtFlatB").val()) + ", " + Trim($("#txtBuildingB").val()) + ", " + Trim($("#txtStreetB").val());
                // billing_address.Value = txtFlatB.Value.Trim() + ", " + txtBuildingB.Value.Trim() + ", " + txtStreetB.Value.Trim();

                shippingBilling.AddressB = txtFlatB.Value.Trim() + "$" + txtBuildingB.Value.Trim() + "$" + txtStreetB.Value.Trim();
                //shippingBilling.AddressB = Trim($("#txtFlatB").val()) + "$" + Trim($("#txtBuildingB").val()) + "$" + Trim($("#txtStreetB").val()+"$"+$("#txtLocationB").val()); // Trim(document.getElementById("billing_address").value);
                shippingBilling.CityB       = billing_city.Value;
                shippingBilling.StateB      = billing_state.Value;
                shippingBilling.LandMarkB   = txtLandMarkB.Value.Trim();
                shippingBilling.PincodeB    = billing_zip.Value.Trim();
                shippingBilling.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

            int shipinid = DataAccess.DBAccess.SaveShippingBilling(shippingBilling);

            //end Insert Address
        public int SavePayementDetails(Payment objPaymentHistory)
            SqlTransaction transaction = null;

                if (objPaymentHistory.OrderId == 0)
                    //throw (new Exception("Please retrieve Customer ID"));

                if (objPaymentHistory.Amount == 0)
                    //throw (new Exception("Please retrieve Customer ID"));

                con = new SqlConnection(cs);
                transaction = con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

                String cbt = "select TotalPayment from [Order] where Id= '" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + "'";
                cmd             = new SqlCommand(cbt);
                cmd.Connection  = con;
                cmd.Transaction = transaction;
                decimal amt = Convert.ToDecimal(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

                int paymenStatus = 2;
                if (objPaymentHistory.Amount >= amt)
                    paymenStatus = 1; //Paid

                //string invoiceno = "INV-" + GetUniqueKey(8);
                //String cb = "update [Order] set IsActive='1', PaymentDone='" + paymenStatus + "',TotalPayment = TotalPayment + " + objPaymentHistory.Amount + " where Id= '" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + "'";
                String cb = "update [Order] set IsActive='1', PaymentDone='" + paymenStatus + "',TotalPayment = " + objPaymentHistory.Amount + " where Id= '" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + "'";
                //string cb = "insert Into Sales(InvoiceNo,InvoiceDate,CustomerID,SubTotal,VATPercentage,VATAmount,GrandTotal,TotalPayment,PaymentDue,Remarks) VALUES ('" + invoiceno + "','" + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].InvoiceDate + "','" + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].CustomerID + "'," + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].SubTotal + "," + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].VATPercentage + "," + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].VATAmount + "," + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].GrandTotal + "," + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].TotalPayment + "," + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].PaymentDue + ",'" + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].Remarks + "')";
                cmd             = new SqlCommand(cb);
                cmd.Connection  = con;
                cmd.Transaction = transaction;


                //cb = "update [OrderDetails] set IsActive='1'  where OrderId= '" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + "'";
                //cmd = new SqlCommand(cb);
                //cmd.Connection = con;
                //cmd.Transaction = transaction;


                //if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                //    con.Close();

                //Delete product
                //con = new SqlConnection(cs);
                //string invoiceno = "INV-" + GetUniqueKey(8);
                //String cb1 = "insert from ProductSold where Invoiceno= '" + objInvoiceData.InvoiceItems[0].InvoiceNo + "'";
                string cb1 = "update Payment set PaymentDate='" + objPaymentHistory.PaymentDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().TimeOfDay.ToString().Substring(0, 12) + "', Mode='" + objPaymentHistory.Mode + "',TransactionNo='" + objPaymentHistory.TransactionNo + "',Bank='" + objPaymentHistory.Bank + "',Branch='" + objPaymentHistory.Branch + "',Comments='" + objPaymentHistory.Comments + "', IsActive=1  where Orderid='" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + "'";
                //string cb1 = "update Payment set Amount =Amount  + " + objPaymentHistory.Amount + ",PaymentDate='" + objPaymentHistory.PaymentDate + "', Mode='" + objPaymentHistory.Mode + "',TransactionNo='" + objPaymentHistory.TransactionNo + "',IsActive=1  where Orderid='" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + "'";
                cmd             = new SqlCommand(cb1);
                cmd.Connection  = con;
                cmd.Transaction = transaction;


                if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                //for (int i = 0; i <= objInvoiceData.CartItems.Count - 1; i++)
                //    con = new SqlConnection(cs);
                //    con.Open();
                //    string cb1 = "update stock set Quantity = Quantity - " + objInvoiceData.CartItems[i].Qty + " where ConfigID= " + objInvoiceData.CartItems[i].ConfigID + "";
                //    cmd = new SqlCommand(cb1);
                //    cmd.Connection = con;
                //    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                //    con.Close();
                //for (int i = 0; i <= objInvoiceData.CartItems.Count - 1; i++)
                //    con = new SqlConnection(cs);
                //    con.Open();

                //    string cb2 = "update stock set TotalPrice = Totalprice - '" + objInvoiceData.CartItems[i].TotalAmount + "' where ConfigID= " + objInvoiceData.CartItems[i].ConfigID + "";
                //    cmd = new SqlCommand(cb2);
                //    cmd.Connection = con;
                //    cmd.ExecuteReader();
                //    con.Close();

                String cbt1 = "select RequestId from [Order] where Id= '" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + "'";
                cmd = new SqlCommand(cbt1);
                cmd.Connection = con;
                //cmd.Transaction = transaction;
                int rqst = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)

                #region Calling yourguy api
                // var objtblUser = CommanAction.GetSession();//for yourguyonly

                using (DBKOMPDataContext db = new DBKOMPDataContext())
                    var orders       = (from w in db.Orders where w.Id == objPaymentHistory.OrderId select w).First();
                    var SipBilObj    = DBAccess.GetShippingBillingByUserId(orders.CustomerId ?? 0, orders.pincode ?? 0);//for yourguyonly
                    var orderDetails = (from w in db.OrderDetails where w.OrderId == objPaymentHistory.OrderId select w);
                    //string time = orders.IsLunch == 1 ? "12:16:06Z" : "20:16:06Z";

                    string locationOfPinCode = string.Empty;
                    locationOfPinCode = (from w in db.tblLocations where w.pincode.Value == orders.pincode select w).First().Location;

                    //Yourguy  productid
                    var prodcId = "0";

                    //Your guy DateColletion
                    List <string> lstDeliveryDate = new List <string>();
                    //Your guy time
                    //string time = orders.IsLunch == 1 ? "12:16:06Z" : "20:16:06Z";
                    //Your guy time
                    string Deliverytime = orders.IsLunch == 1 ? "2015-01-01T12:16:06Z" : "2015-01-01T20:16:06Z";
                    string time         = orders.IsLunch == 1 ? "12:16:06Z" : "20:16:06Z";
                    string PickUptime   = orders.IsLunch == 1 ? "2015-01-01T10:16:06Z" : "2015-01-01T18:16:06Z";

                    foreach (var od in orderDetails)
                        prodcId = "0"; //prodcId = od.SubProductId.ToString();
                        lstDeliveryDate.Add(od.DeliverDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddT") + time);

                        od.IsActive = 1;
                        //od.YourguyOrderId = OrderManagement.CallYourGuy(od.Id.ToString(), objPaymentHistory.OrderId.ToString(), SipBilObj, od.DeliverDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddT") + time);

                    //Yourguy service //Yourguy service TODO: UNDO ONCE READY BY YOUR GUY
                    //orders.YourguyOrderId = OrderManagement.CallYourGuy(prodcId, orders.Id.ToString(), SipBilObj, Deliverytime, PickUptime, lstDeliveryDate, locationOfPinCode);


                ShippingBilling objSB = DBAccess.GetShippingBilling(rqst);

                #region Send Mail

                string content = string.Empty;

                string filepath = "~/Email/Post.htm";
                //New user
                StringBuilder sbContent = new StringBuilder();
                StreamReader  rdr       = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(filepath));
                string        strLine   = "";
                while (strLine != null)
                    strLine = rdr.ReadLine();
                    if ((strLine != null) && (strLine != ""))
                        sbContent.Append("\n" + strLine);

                string site = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteName"].ToString();
                content = sbContent.ToString();
                //content = content.Replace("$REQ$", PostType);
                //content = content.Replace("$ID$", ID);
                var sbOff = new StringBuilder();
                //divOff.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sbOff)));
                content = content.Replace("$ORDERSUMMARY$", "Congratulation!! Your Order #" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + " is confirmed!<br/>KOMP has received payment of Rs. " + objPaymentHistory.Amount + " /-");

                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                //divFinal.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb)));
                content = content.Replace("$REQ$", "");
                content = content.Replace("$NAME$", objSB.FirstName);
                content = content.Replace("$SITE$", site);

                content = content.Replace("RobotoBlack", "Arial");
                content = content.Replace("Roboto", "Arial");
                content = content.Replace("RobotoBold", "Arial");
                content = content.Replace("images/rs3.png", "");
                content = content.Replace("class", "style");
                content = content.Replace("page-titleSmallCust", "color:#4b220c; text-transform:uppercase; font-family:'Arial'; font-weight:bold;border-bottom:1px solid #c8c6c6; padding:10px 0 10px 25px ; font-size:25px; margin-top:0px;background:#EEEEEE !important;");
                content = content.Replace("OrderBox", "display:none");
                content = content.Replace("ProcessBox", "width:100%;height:auto;border:1px solid #c8c6c6;padding-bottom:10px;");
                content = content.Replace("ProcesBoxInner", "height:auto; padding:0px 25px 10px 10px;text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-word;");
                content = content.Replace("tbl", "width:100%;height:auto;border:1px solid #c8c6c6;");
                content = content.Replace("divRowHeader", "font-weight:bold; color:Black; font-size:0.85em;");
                content = content.Replace("<table", "<table style='border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0;' ");
                content = content.Replace("price", "font-weight:700; font-size:1.2em; color: #006400;");
                content = content.Replace("priceTotaltxt", "font-weight:700; font-size:24px; color: #006400;");
                content = content.Replace("priceTotal", "font-size:30px; color: #006400; padding-right:25px;");
                content = content.Replace("CUSTBOX", "");
                content = content.Replace("emailH5", "font-size:14px;");
                content = content.Replace(">01<", "");
                content = content.Replace(">03<", "");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objSB.LastName)) //Note : last name is as emailid
                    MailHelper.SendMailMessage("", objSB.LastName, string.Empty, string.Empty, "KOMP : Your order #" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + " is confirmed", content);
                    AutoServices.SendeMailToUs("Copy:KOMP : Your order #" + objPaymentHistory.OrderId + " is confirmed", content);

            catch (Exception exc)
                //throw exc;