Beispiel #1
        [DataRow(1174.66F, 106, DisplayName = "D6")] // Top octave
        public void OutputBinTestSingleValueWithPureSine(float testFreq, int expectedPeak)
            const float BASE_FREQ = 55F; // A2

            ShinNoteFinderDFT NF = new ShinNoteFinderDFT();


            // Fill input.
            float Omega1 = testFreq * MathF.PI * 2 / NF.SampleRate;

            float[] TestWaveform = new float[NF.WindowSize / 2];
            for (uint i = 0; i < TestWaveform.Length; i++)
                TestWaveform[i] = MathF.Sin(i * Omega1);

            // Get output
            float[] Output = NF.Magnitudes;

            // Find peak
            float PeakVal = -1F;
            int   PeakInd = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < Output.Length; i++)
                if (Output[i] > PeakVal)
                    PeakVal = Output[i];
                    PeakInd = i;

            // Make sure peak is correct and large enough
            Assert.IsTrue(PeakVal > 1500F, "Peak was not large enough");
            Assert.IsTrue(PeakInd == expectedPeak, "Peak was in the wrong place");

            // Make sure all far-away bins are small enough
            for (int i = 0; i < Output.Length; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(i - PeakInd) > 3)
                    Assert.IsTrue(Output[i] < (PeakVal / 2), "Other frequencies had content too strong compared to peak");
Beispiel #2
        public void OutputBinTestCompondSineProprotional(float testFreq1, float testFreq2, int expectedPeak1, int expectedPeak2, float ratio)
            const float BASE_FREQ = 55F; // A2

            ShinNoteFinderDFT NF = new ShinNoteFinderDFT();


            // Fill input.
            float Omega1 = testFreq1 * MathF.PI * 2 / NF.SampleRate;
            float Omega2 = testFreq2 * MathF.PI * 2 / NF.SampleRate;

            float[] TestWaveform = new float[NF.WindowSize / 2];
            for (uint i = 0; i < TestWaveform.Length; i++)
                float Wave1 = ratio * MathF.Sin(i * Omega1);
                float Wave2 = (1 - ratio) * MathF.Sin(i * Omega2);
                TestWaveform[i] = Wave1 + Wave2;

            // Get output
            float[] Output = NF.Magnitudes;

            // Find peaks
            float PeakVal1 = -1F;
            float PeakVal2 = -1F;
            int   PeakInd1 = -1;
            int   PeakInd2 = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < Output.Length; i++)
                if (Output[i] > PeakVal1)
                    PeakVal2 = PeakVal1;
                    PeakVal1 = Output[i];
                    PeakInd2 = PeakInd1;
                    PeakInd1 = i;
                else if (Output[i] > PeakVal2)
                    PeakVal2 = Output[i];
                    PeakInd2 = i;

            // Sort the peaks
            if (PeakInd1 > PeakInd2)
                float ValTemp = PeakVal1;
                PeakVal1 = PeakVal2;
                PeakVal2 = ValTemp;
                int IndTemp = PeakInd1;
                PeakInd1 = PeakInd2;
                PeakInd2 = IndTemp;

            // Make sure peaks are correct and large enough
            Assert.IsTrue(PeakVal1 > (1500F * ratio), "Peak 1 was not large enough");
            Assert.IsTrue(PeakVal2 > (1500F * (1 - ratio)), "Peak 2 was not large enough");

            Assert.IsTrue(PeakInd1 == expectedPeak1, "Peak 1 was in the wrong place");
            Assert.IsTrue(PeakInd2 == expectedPeak2, "Peak 2 was in the wrong place");

            // Make sure the ratio is about right
            float Total = PeakVal1 + PeakVal2;

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs((PeakVal1 / Total) - ratio) < 0.05F, "Peak 1 was not balanced to ratio");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs((PeakVal2 / Total) - (1 - ratio)) < 0.05F, "Peak 2 was not balanced to ratio");

            // Make sure all far-away bins are small enough
            for (int i = 0; i < Output.Length; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(i - PeakInd1) > 3 &&
                    Math.Abs(i - PeakInd2) > 3)
                    Assert.IsTrue(Output[i] < (Math.Max(PeakVal1, PeakVal2) / 1.5F), "Too much noise far away from peaks");