Beispiel #1
        public static void Fill(Renderer renderer, SharpDX.DXGI.Adapter adapter)
            RendererInfo ri = new RendererInfo();

            ri.AdapterDesc  = adapter.Description.Description;
            ri.SystemMemory = (UInt64)((IntPtr)adapter.Description.DedicatedSystemMemory).ToPointer();
            ri.VideoMemory  = (UInt64)((IntPtr)adapter.Description.DedicatedVideoMemory).ToPointer();
            ri.SharedMemory = (UInt64)((IntPtr)adapter.Description.SharedSystemMemory).ToPointer();
            ri.Outputs      = adapter.Outputs.Length;

            SharpDX.DXGI.Output output = adapter.Outputs[0];
            var bounds = output.Description.DesktopBounds;

            ri.OutputName   = output.Description.DeviceName;
            ri.ScreenBounds = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(new System.Drawing.Point(bounds.Top, bounds.Left), new System.Drawing.Size(bounds.Right - bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - bounds.Top));
            ri.ScreenWidth  = output.Description.DesktopBounds.Right - output.Description.DesktopBounds.Left;
            ri.ScreenHeight = output.Description.DesktopBounds.Bottom - output.Description.DesktopBounds.Top;

            renderer.Info = ri;
Beispiel #2
        public MyGame()
            Lock = new object();

              // ----- Service Container
              // MyGame uses a ServiceContainer, which is a simple service locator and
              // Inversion of Control (IoC) container. (The ServiceContainer can be
              // replaced by any other container that implements System.IServiceProvider.)
              _serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();
              ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => _serviceContainer);

              _serviceContainer.Register(typeof(MyGame), null, this);

              // ----- Storage
              // Create a "virtual file system" for reading game assets.
              _titleStorage = new TitleStorage("Content");
              _assetsStorage = new ZipStorage(_titleStorage, "");
              _digitalRuneStorage = new ZipStorage(_titleStorage, "");
              _vfsStorage = new VfsStorage();
              _vfsStorage.MountInfos.Add(new VfsMountInfo(_assetsStorage, null));
              _vfsStorage.MountInfos.Add(new VfsMountInfo(_digitalRuneStorage, null));

              // ----- Content
              _contentManager = new StorageContentManager(ServiceLocator.Current, _vfsStorage);
              _serviceContainer.Register(typeof(ContentManager), null, _contentManager);

              // ----- Graphics
              // Create Direct3D 11 device.
              var presentationParameters = new PresentationParameters
            BackBufferWidth = 1,
            BackBufferHeight = 1,
            // Do not associate graphics device with any window.
            DeviceWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero,
              var graphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter, GraphicsProfile.HiDef, presentationParameters);

              // An IGraphicsDeviceService is required by the MonoGame/XNA content manager.
              _serviceContainer.Register(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceService), null, new DummyGraphicsDeviceManager(graphicsDevice));

              // Get DXGIOutput to call WaitForVerticalBlank() in the game loop.
              using (var dxgiFactory = new SharpDX.DXGI.Factory1())
              using (var dxgiAdapter = dxgiFactory.GetAdapter1(0))
            _dxgiOutput = dxgiAdapter.GetOutput(0);

              // Create and register the graphics manager.
              _graphicsManager = new GraphicsManager(graphicsDevice, _contentManager);
              _serviceContainer.Register(typeof(IGraphicsService), null, _graphicsManager);

              // ----- Timing
              // The game loop runs in a parallel thread to keep the UI thread responsive.
              // To measure the time that has passed, we use a HighPrecisionClock.
              _clock = new HighPrecisionClock();
              _gameLoopTask = ThreadPool.RunAsync(GameLoopTaskAction, WorkItemPriority.High, WorkItemOptions.TimeSliced)

              // The FixedStepTimer reads the clock and triggers the game loop at 60 Hz.
              //_timer = new FixedStepTimer(_clock)
              //  StepSize = new TimeSpan(166667), // ~60 Hz
              //  AccumulateTimeSteps = false,

              // The VariableStepTimer reads the clock and triggers the game loop as often as possible.
              _timer = new VariableStepTimer(_clock);

              _timer.TimeChanged += (s, e) => GameLoop(e.DeltaTime);

              CoreApplication.Suspending += OnCoreApplicationSuspending;

              // DirectX buffers only a limit amount of Present calls per frame which is controlled by
              // the MaximumFrameLatency property. The default value is usually 3. If the application
              // uses more SwapChainPresentationTargets we must increase this property.
              //var d3dDevice = (SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device)_graphicsManager.GraphicsDevice.Handle;
              //using (var dxgiDevice2 = d3dDevice.QueryInterface<SharpDX.DXGI.Device2>())
              //  dxgiDevice2.MaximumFrameLatency = numberOfSwapChainPanels;
        private static GraphicsAdapter CreateAdapter(SharpDX.DXGI.Adapter1 device, SharpDX.DXGI.Output monitor)
            var adapter = new GraphicsAdapter();

            adapter._adapter = device;

            adapter.DeviceName    = monitor.Description.DeviceName.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\0' });
            adapter.Description   = device.Description1.Description.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\0' });
            adapter.DeviceId      = device.Description1.DeviceId;
            adapter.Revision      = device.Description1.Revision;
            adapter.VendorId      = device.Description1.VendorId;
            adapter.SubSystemId   = device.Description1.SubsystemId;
            adapter.MonitorHandle = monitor.Description.MonitorHandle;

            var desktopWidth  = monitor.Description.DesktopBounds.Right - monitor.Description.DesktopBounds.Left;
            var desktopHeight = monitor.Description.DesktopBounds.Bottom - monitor.Description.DesktopBounds.Top;

            var modes = new List <DisplayMode>();

            foreach (var formatTranslation in FormatTranslations)
                SharpDX.DXGI.ModeDescription[] displayModes;

                // This can fail on headless machines, so just assume the desktop size
                // is a valid mode and return that... so at least our unit tests work.
                    displayModes = monitor.GetDisplayModeList(formatTranslation.Key, 0);
                catch (SharpDX.SharpDXException)
                    var mode = new DisplayMode(desktopWidth, desktopHeight, SurfaceFormat.Color);
                    adapter._currentDisplayMode = mode;

                foreach (var displayMode in displayModes)
                    var mode = new DisplayMode(displayMode.Width, displayMode.Height, formatTranslation.Value);

                    // Skip duplicate modes with the same width/height/formats.
                    if (modes.Contains(mode))


                    if (adapter._currentDisplayMode == null)
                        if (mode.Width == desktopWidth && mode.Height == desktopHeight && mode.Format == SurfaceFormat.Color)
                            adapter._currentDisplayMode = mode;

            adapter._supportedDisplayModes = new DisplayModeCollection(modes);

            if (adapter._currentDisplayMode == null) //(i.e. desktop mode wasn't found in the available modes)
                adapter._currentDisplayMode = new DisplayMode(desktopWidth, desktopHeight, SurfaceFormat.Color);

Beispiel #4
        private void InitDx()

            SharpDX.DXGI.Factory1 dxgiFactory = null;
            SharpDX.DXGI.Adapter1 adapter     = null;
            SharpDX.DXGI.Output   output      = null;
                dxgiFactory = new SharpDX.DXGI.Factory1();


                //var hMonitor = NativeAPIs.User32.GetMonitorFromRect(this.srcRect);
                //if (hMonitor != IntPtr.Zero)
                //    foreach (var _adapter in dxgiFactory.Adapters1)
                //    {
                //        foreach (var _output in _adapter.Outputs)
                //        {
                //            var descr = _output.Description;
                //            if (descr.MonitorHandle == hMonitor)
                //            {
                //                adapter = _adapter;
                //                output = _output;

                //                break;
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

                if (adapter == null)
                {// первым идет адаптер с которому подключен primary монитор
                    adapter = dxgiFactory.GetAdapter1(0);

                AdapterId = adapter.Description.Luid;

                //logger.Info("Screen source info: " + adapter.Description.Description + " " + output.Description.DeviceName);

                var deviceCreationFlags =
                    //DeviceCreationFlags.Debug |
                    // DeviceCreationFlags.VideoSupport |

                //var feature = FeatureLevel.Level_11_0;

                device = new Device(adapter, deviceCreationFlags);
                using (var multiThread = device.QueryInterface <SharpDX.Direct3D11.Multithread>())

                SharedTexture = new Texture2D(device,
                                              new Texture2DDescription
                    CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.None,
                    BindFlags      = BindFlags.RenderTarget | BindFlags.ShaderResource,
                    Format         = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm,
                    Width          = DestSize.Width,
                    Height         = DestSize.Height,

                    MipLevels         = 1,
                    ArraySize         = 1,
                    SampleDescription = { Count = 1, Quality = 0 },
                    Usage             = ResourceUsage.Default,
                    OptionFlags       = ResourceOptionFlags.Shared,

                gdiTexture = new Texture2D(device,
                                           new Texture2DDescription
                    CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.None,
                    BindFlags      = BindFlags.RenderTarget | BindFlags.ShaderResource,
                    Format         = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm,
                    Width          = SrcRect.Width,  //DestSize.Width,
                    Height         = SrcRect.Height, //DestSize.Height,

                    MipLevels         = 1,
                    ArraySize         = 1,
                    SampleDescription = { Count = 1, Quality = 0 },
                    Usage             = ResourceUsage.Default,
                    OptionFlags       = ResourceOptionFlags.GdiCompatible,

                renderTexture = new Texture2D(device,
                                              new Texture2DDescription
                    CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.None,
                    BindFlags      = BindFlags.RenderTarget | BindFlags.ShaderResource,
                    Format         = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm,

                    Width             = DestSize.Width,
                    Height            = DestSize.Height,
                    MipLevels         = 1,
                    ArraySize         = 1,
                    SampleDescription = { Count = 1, Quality = 0 },
                    Usage             = ResourceUsage.Default,
                    //OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.GdiCompatible//ResourceOptionFlags.None,
                    OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.Shared,

                if (DestSize.Width != SrcRect.Width || DestSize.Height != SrcRect.Height)
                    using (SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory1 factory2D1 = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory1(SharpDX.Direct2D1.FactoryType.MultiThreaded))
                        using (var surf = renderTexture.QueryInterface <SharpDX.DXGI.Surface>())
                            //var pixelFormat = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat(Format.Unknown, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Ignore);

                            var pixelFormat       = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat(SharpDX.DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Premultiplied);
                            var renderTargetProps = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.RenderTargetProperties(pixelFormat);

                            renderTarget = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.RenderTarget(factory2D1, surf, renderTargetProps);

                            //var d2dContext = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.DeviceContext(surface);
                if (adapter != null)
                    adapter = null;

                if (output != null)
                    output = null;

                if (dxgiFactory != null)
                    dxgiFactory = null;
Beispiel #5
        #region Creation & Cleanup

        public MyGame()
            Lock = new object();

            // ----- Service Container
            // MyGame uses a ServiceContainer, which is a simple service locator and
            // Inversion of Control (IoC) container. (The ServiceContainer can be
            // replaced by any other container that implements System.IServiceProvider.)
            _serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();
            ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => _serviceContainer);

            _serviceContainer.Register(typeof(MyGame), null, this);

            // ----- Storage
            // Create a "virtual file system" for reading game assets.
            _titleStorage       = new TitleStorage("Content");
            _assetsStorage      = new ZipStorage(_titleStorage, "");
            _digitalRuneStorage = new ZipStorage(_titleStorage, "");
            _vfsStorage         = new VfsStorage();
            _vfsStorage.MountInfos.Add(new VfsMountInfo(_assetsStorage, null));
            _vfsStorage.MountInfos.Add(new VfsMountInfo(_digitalRuneStorage, null));

            // ----- Content
            _contentManager = new StorageContentManager(ServiceLocator.Current, _vfsStorage);
            _serviceContainer.Register(typeof(ContentManager), null, _contentManager);

            // ----- Graphics
            // Create Direct3D 11 device.
            var presentationParameters = new PresentationParameters
                BackBufferWidth  = 1,
                BackBufferHeight = 1,
                // Do not associate graphics device with any window.
                DeviceWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero,
            var graphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter, GraphicsProfile.HiDef, presentationParameters);

            // An IGraphicsDeviceService is required by the MonoGame/XNA content manager.
            _serviceContainer.Register(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceService), null, new DummyGraphicsDeviceManager(graphicsDevice));

            // Get DXGIOutput to call WaitForVerticalBlank() in the game loop.
            using (var dxgiFactory = new SharpDX.DXGI.Factory1())
                using (var dxgiAdapter = dxgiFactory.GetAdapter1(0))
                    _dxgiOutput = dxgiAdapter.GetOutput(0);

            // Create and register the graphics manager.
            _graphicsManager = new GraphicsManager(graphicsDevice, _contentManager);
            _serviceContainer.Register(typeof(IGraphicsService), null, _graphicsManager);

            // ----- Timing
            // The game loop runs in a parallel thread to keep the UI thread responsive.
            // To measure the time that has passed, we use a HighPrecisionClock.
            _clock = new HighPrecisionClock();
            _gameLoopTask = ThreadPool.RunAsync(GameLoopTaskAction, WorkItemPriority.High, WorkItemOptions.TimeSliced)

            // The FixedStepTimer reads the clock and triggers the game loop at 60 Hz.
            //_timer = new FixedStepTimer(_clock)
            //  StepSize = new TimeSpan(166667), // ~60 Hz
            //  AccumulateTimeSteps = false,

            // The VariableStepTimer reads the clock and triggers the game loop as often as possible.
            _timer = new VariableStepTimer(_clock);

            _timer.TimeChanged += (s, e) => GameLoop(e.DeltaTime);

            CoreApplication.Suspending += OnCoreApplicationSuspending;

            // DirectX buffers only a limit amount of Present calls per frame which is controlled by
            // the MaximumFrameLatency property. The default value is usually 3. If the application
            // uses more SwapChainPresentationTargets we must increase this property.
            //var d3dDevice = (SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device)_graphicsManager.GraphicsDevice.Handle;
            //using (var dxgiDevice2 = d3dDevice.QueryInterface<SharpDX.DXGI.Device2>())
            //  dxgiDevice2.MaximumFrameLatency = numberOfSwapChainPanels;