/// <summary>Returns a deep clone of this DCM. Caller is responsible to choose a unique FilePath</summary>
        public DictionaryConfigurationModel DeepClone()
            var clone = new DictionaryConfigurationModel();

            // Copy everything over at first, importantly handling strings and primitives.
            var properties = typeof(DictionaryConfigurationModel).GetProperties();

            foreach (var property in properties.Where(prop => prop.CanWrite))             // Skip any read-only properties
                var originalValue = property.GetValue(this, null);
                property.SetValue(clone, originalValue, null);

            // Deep-clone SharedItems
            if (SharedItems != null)
                clone.SharedItems = SharedItems.Select(node => node.DeepCloneUnderParent(null, true)).ToList();

            // Deep-clone Parts
            if (Parts != null)
                clone.Parts = Parts.Select(node => node.DeepCloneUnderParent(null, true)).ToList();
                SpecifyParentsAndReferences(clone.Parts, clone.SharedItems);

            // Clone Publications
            if (Publications != null)
                clone.Publications = new List <string>(Publications);
