Beispiel #1
        /// <summary> Fill the contents list window with files's own Icons, given a directory name path </summary>
        private void AddImagesExtsToFileLists(string directoryName)
            //part 2: resetList all subfiles, match the extension and find the icon.
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directoryName))
                var fileAttribs = File.GetAttributes(file);
                if ((fileAttribs & SharedHelper.SyncSettingstoInvisibleFlag()) != 0)
                    continue; //skip the rest if its supposed to be "invisible" based on the mask
                string justName = Path.GetFileName(file);
                SharedHelper.CurrExten = Path.GetExtension(file);
                if ((SharedHelper.CurrExten != ".lnk")) //if its not a shortcut
                    //if not already in the resetList, then add it
                    if (filextlist.FindLastIndex(SharedHelper.FindCurExt) == -1)
                        //call NativeExtractIcon to get the filesystem icon of the filename
                        imageListFiles.Images.Add(SharedHelper.CurrExten, NativeExtractIcon.GetIcon(file, true));
                else //if it is a shortcut, grab icon directly.
                    imageListFiles.Images.Add(justName, NativeExtractIcon.GetIcon(file, true));

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Very long function that does a simple task. Read in the options the user set for the operation, and
        /// Decide on the timestamp it should use, by the end we will have a single object with 3 times.
        /// This will need to be hit with broad strokes if we attempt to do any more work on the program.
        /// </summary>
        internal NameDateObj DecideWhichTimeMode2(string directoryPath)
            var extractlist = new List <string>();

            var timelist = new List <NameDateObj>();

            if (ObtainParseSpecifiedTimeGUIBoxes())
            //Begin checking Conditional for which file is newest oldest etc
            if (!gui.radioGroupBox3UseTimeFrom)
            //decide if they wanted to use time from subfile or subdir
            if (gui.radioButton1_useTimefromFile)
                    // Get List of the subfiles (full path)
                    extractlist.AddRange(from subFile in Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath) let fileAttribs = File.GetAttributes(subFile)
                                                                                                             where (fileAttribs & SharedHelper.SyncSettingstoInvisibleFlag()) == 0 select Path.Combine(directoryPath, subFile));
                } // catch failure of GetAttributes
                catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
                        "Error getting attributes of a file in '" + directoryPath + "': \r\n\r\n" + ex.Message,
                        @"PEBKAC Error ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                }   // catch failure of GetFiles
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                { } //show nothing because this is normal for this method when encountering inaccessible files
            else if (gui.radioButton2_useTimefromSubdir)
                    // Get List of the subdirs (full path)
                    extractlist.AddRange(Directory.GetDirectories(directoryPath).Select(subDirectory => Path.Combine(directoryPath, subDirectory)));
                }   // catch failure from GetDirs
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                { } //show nothing because this is normal for this method when encountering inaccessible dirs

            // ## Exit out early:
            // if the list is empty, theres nothing to do, then return an empty object.?????
            if (extractlist.Count == 0)

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
            // ## MID WAY POINT ##
            // We have our first list and now we apply it to the 3 other CMA lists per all the files
            // And where we actually decide whether to keep our time or use the new time.
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

            foreach (string fullpath in extractlist)
                var decidetemp = new NameDateObj {
                    Name = fullpath
                //grab all 3 times and put them in a decidetemp object
                    decidetemp.Created  = File.GetCreationTime(fullpath); // File Class works on dirs also
                    decidetemp.Modified = File.GetLastWriteTime(fullpath);
                    decidetemp.Accessed = File.GetLastAccessTime(fullpath);
                    //add the temp object to the list of objects
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                { }
            //make 3 new lists, one for each date containing every NameDateObj
            var creationtimelist = new List <DateTime?>();
            var modtimelist      = new List <DateTime?>();
            var accesstimelist   = new List <DateTime?>();

            //populate the new seperated lists with the times from the combinedobject list (timelist)
            foreach (NameDateObj timeobject in timelist)
            //Make a new list of the lists we just made (Collection initializer)
            var threetimelists = new List <List <DateTime?> > {
                creationtimelist, modtimelist, accesstimelist
            //Instantiate 3 new vars as a new class that processes the min and max date from the 3 lists we just made
            var cre = new DateMinMaxNewOld(creationtimelist);
            var mod = new DateMinMaxNewOld(modtimelist);
            var acc = new DateMinMaxNewOld(accesstimelist);

            ////Create 2 lists(min and max), containing the 3 min/max dates.
            //DateTime?[] minarray = { cre.minDate, mod.minDate, acc.minDate };
            //DateTime?[] maxarray = { cre.maxDate, mod.maxDate, acc.maxDate };
            ////Instantiate themin/themax as the new class that calculates the min and max date from the 3 dates above.
            //var themin = new DatesNewestOldest(new List<DateTime?>(minarray));
            //var themax = new DatesNewestOldest(new List<DateTime?>(maxarray));
            ////Keep track of the min/max indexes in this 1,2,3 format too.
            //int[] minindexesarray = { cre.minIndex, mod.minIndex, acc.minIndex };
            //int[] maxindexesarray = { cre.maxIndex, mod.maxIndex, acc.maxIndex };

            string filenameused = "";

            //var dateToUse = new DateTime?();

            //Decide which to use.

            if (gui.radioButton1Oldest)
                //mode a: set ALL attributes to the oldest date of whichever attribute was oldest.
                //                    dateToUse = (DateTime?)minarray[themin.minIndex];
                //                    filenameused = timelist[minindexesarray[themin.minIndex]].Name;
                //                    thingtoreturn.Created = dateToUse;
                //                    thingtoreturn.Modified= dateToUse;
                //                    thingtoreturn.Accessed = dateToUse;

                //mode b: the more desirable mode:
                //set each attribute to OLDest date from EACH attribute
                thingtoreturn.Name     = "Mode 2: Three Different Filenames"; // note to self.
                thingtoreturn.Created  = cre.MinDate;
                thingtoreturn.Modified = mod.MinDate;
                thingtoreturn.Accessed = acc.MinDate;
            //the above comments obviously can apply to newer mode also with a small edit.
            else if (gui.radioButton2Newest)
                //set each attribute to NEWest date from EACH attribute
                thingtoreturn.Name     = "Mode 2: Three Different Filenames"; // note to self.
                thingtoreturn.Created  = cre.MaxDate;
                thingtoreturn.Modified = mod.MaxDate;
                thingtoreturn.Accessed = acc.MaxDate;
            else if (gui.radioButton3Random)
                //Mode A: (old) - removed the following 4 radio buttons
                //pick a subfile/dir at random, then pick an attribute(C,M,A) at random
                //    int randomindex = random.Next(0, timelist.Count);
                //    filenameused = timelist[randomindex].Name;

                //    if (radioButton1_setfromCreation.Checked)
                //        thingtoreturn.Created = (DateTime?)threetimelists[0][randomindex];
                //    if (radioButton2_setfromModified.Checked)
                //        thingtoreturn.Modified = (DateTime?)threetimelists[1][randomindex];
                //    if (radioButton3_setfromAccessed.Checked)
                //        thingtoreturn.Accessed = (DateTime?)threetimelists[2][randomindex];
                //    if (radioButton4_setfromRandom.Checked)
                //    {
                //        int cmarandomize = random.Next(0, 3);
                //        dateToUse = (DateTime?)threetimelists[cmarandomize][randomindex];

                //        if (cmarandomize == 0)
                //            thingtoreturn.Created = dateToUse;
                //        else if (cmarandomize == 1)
                //            thingtoreturn.Modified = dateToUse;
                //        else if (cmarandomize == 2)
                //            thingtoreturn.Accessed = dateToUse;
                //    }
                //Mode B: (current)
                //Pick a subfile/dir at random, copy all 3 attributes from it, to the return object.
                int randomindex = random.Next(0, timelist.Count);
                filenameused           = timelist[randomindex].Name;
                thingtoreturn.Created  = threetimelists[0][randomindex];
                thingtoreturn.Modified = threetimelists[1][randomindex];
                thingtoreturn.Accessed = threetimelists[2][randomindex];
            //Set the thingtoReturn Name to what we just determined.
            thingtoreturn.Name = filenameused;