Beispiel #1
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
 protected override void ServiceInit(Configuration conf)
     if (this.scmAddress == null)
         this.scmAddress = GetScmAddress(conf);
     this.conf     = conf;
     this.checksum = SharedCacheChecksumFactory.GetChecksum(conf);
Beispiel #2
 /// <param name="resource">the local resource that contains the original remote path</param>
 /// <param name="localPath">
 /// the path in the local filesystem where the resource is
 /// localized
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="fs">the filesystem of the shared cache</param>
 /// <param name="localFs">the local filesystem</param>
 public SharedCacheUploader(LocalResource resource, Path localPath, string user, Configuration
                            conf, SCMUploaderProtocol scmClient, FileSystem fs, FileSystem localFs)
     this.resource           = resource;
     this.localPath          = localPath;
     this.user               = user;
     this.conf               = conf;
     this.scmClient          = scmClient;
     this.fs                 = fs;
     this.sharedCacheRootDir = conf.Get(YarnConfiguration.SharedCacheRoot, YarnConfiguration
     this.nestedLevel   = SharedCacheUtil.GetCacheDepth(conf);
     this.checksum      = SharedCacheChecksumFactory.GetChecksum(conf);
     this.localFs       = localFs;
     this.recordFactory = RecordFactoryProvider.GetRecordFactory(null);