Beispiel #1
        private byte[] GenerateValidUnusedShaderBytes(ShaderStages stage)
            switch (stage)
            case ShaderStages.Vertex:
                var vertexCode = @"
                        #version 450
                        layout(location = 0) in vec2 Position;
                        layout(location = 1) in vec4 Color;
                        layout(location = 0) out vec4 fsin_Color;
                        void main()
                            gl_Position = vec4(Position, 0, 1);
                            fsin_Color = Color;

            case ShaderStages.Fragment:
                var fragmentCode = @"
                        #version 450
                        layout(location = 0) in vec4 fsin_Color;
                        layout(location = 0) out vec4 fsout_Color;
                        void main()
                            fsout_Color = fsin_Color;

 public static IUniform <T> Create(string name,
                                   BufferUsage bufferUsage,
                                   ShaderStages shaderStages,
                                   ResourceLayoutElementOptions options = ResourceLayoutElementOptions.None)
     return(new Uniform <T>(name, bufferUsage, shaderStages, options));
 public ResourceBindingInfo(uint slot, ShaderStages stages, ResourceKind kind, bool dynamicBuffer)
     Slot          = slot;
     Stages        = stages;
     Kind          = kind;
     DynamicBuffer = dynamicBuffer;
 public ShaderResourceDescription(string name, ShaderResourceType type, int dataSizeInBytes, ShaderStages stages = ShaderStages.All)
     Name            = name;
     Type            = type;
     DataSizeInBytes = dataSizeInBytes;
     Stages          = stages;
Beispiel #5
        internal static unsafe SpirvCompilationResult CompileGlslToSpirv(
            uint sourceLength,
            byte *sourceTextPtr,
            string fileName,
            ShaderStages stage,
            bool debug,
            uint macroCount,
            NativeMacroDefinition *macros)
            GlslCompileInfo info;

            info.Kind       = GetShadercKind(stage);
            info.SourceText = new InteropArray(sourceLength, sourceTextPtr);
            info.Debug      = debug;
            info.Macros     = new InteropArray(macroCount, macros);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                fileName = "<veldrid-spirv-input>";
            int   fileNameAsciiCount = Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(fileName);
            byte *fileNameAsciiPtr   = stackalloc byte[fileNameAsciiCount];

            if (fileNameAsciiCount > 0)
                fixed(char *fileNameTextPtr = fileName)
                    Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileNameTextPtr, fileName.Length, fileNameAsciiPtr, fileNameAsciiCount);
            info.FileName = new InteropArray((uint)fileNameAsciiCount, fileNameAsciiPtr);

            CompilationResult *result = null;

                result = VeldridSpirvNative.CompileGlslToSpirv(&info);
                if (!result->Succeeded)
                    throw new SpirvCompilationException(
                              "Compilation failed: " + Util.GetString((byte *)result->GetData(0), result->GetLength(0)));

                uint   length     = result->GetLength(0);
                byte[] spirvBytes = new byte[(int)length];
                fixed(byte *spirvBytesPtr = &spirvBytes[0])
                    Buffer.MemoryCopy(result->GetData(0), spirvBytesPtr, length, length);

                return(new SpirvCompilationResult(spirvBytes));
                if (result != null)
Beispiel #6
        public void SetGLSL(string sourceText, ShaderStages stage, bool debug = true)
            var bytes = Veldrid.SPIRV.SpirvCompilation.CompileGlslToSpirv(sourceText, "shader.spv", stage,
                                                                          new GlslCompileOptions(debug));

            Script.Script = ShaderScriptConverter.Convert(new ShaderReflection(Shader.Parse(bytes.SpirvBytes)));
Beispiel #7
        private byte[] LoadEmbeddedShaderCode(ResourceFactory factory, string name, ShaderStages stage)
            switch (factory.BackendType)
            case GraphicsBackend.Direct3D11:
                string resourceName = name + ".hlsl.bytes";

            case GraphicsBackend.OpenGL:
                string resourceName = name + ".glsl";

            case GraphicsBackend.Vulkan:
                string resourceName = name + ".spv";

            case GraphicsBackend.Metal:
                string resourceName = name + ".metallib";

                throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #8
        public Shader LoadShader(string name, AssetSourceEnum assetTypes, ShaderStages stage, bool useSpirvCompile = false)
            //Input path should be '/' folder delimited. It is changed to '.' delimited for embedded resources

            var shaderFileInfo = GetShaderFileInfo(name, _systemComponents.Device, useSpirvCompile);

            var shaderBytes = new byte[] { };

            switch (assetTypes)
            case AssetSourceEnum.File:
                shaderBytes = TryLoadShaderBytesFromFile(shaderFileInfo);

            case AssetSourceEnum.Embedded:
                shaderFileInfo.Directory = shaderFileInfo.Directory.Replace('/', '.');
                shaderBytes = TryLoadShaderBytesFromEmbeddedResource(shaderFileInfo);

            if (shaderBytes.Length == 0)
                _frameworkMessenger.Report(string.Concat("Unable to load shader file: ",
                                                         shaderFileInfo.Directory, "| ", shaderFileInfo.Name, " | ", shaderFileInfo.Extension,
                                                         ", of type --> ", assetTypes.ToString()));

            return(useSpirvCompile ?
                   _systemComponents.Factory.CreateShaderCompileFromSpirv(new ShaderDescription(stage, shaderBytes, shaderFileInfo.EntryPointMethod, true)):
                   _systemComponents.Factory.CreateShader(new ShaderDescription(stage, shaderBytes, shaderFileInfo.EntryPointMethod, true)));
 public static string GetPath(string setName, ShaderStages stage)
                $"{setName}.{stage.ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Substring(0, 4)}"));
Beispiel #10
        public static Shader LoadShader(ResourceFactory factory, string setName, ShaderStages stage, string entryPoint)
            Shader shader = factory.CreateShader(new ShaderDescription(stage, LoadBytecode(factory, setName, stage), entryPoint));

            shader.Name = $"{setName}-{stage.ToString()}";
Beispiel #11
        private static byte[] LoadBytes(string name, ShaderStages stage)
            string extension = string.Empty;

            switch (stage)
            case ShaderStages.Vertex:
                extension = ".vert.spv";

            case ShaderStages.Fragment:
                extension = ".frag.spv";

            case ShaderStages.Compute:
                extension = ".comp.spv";

                throw new VxException("Invalid stage: " + stage);
            string fullPath = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "Shaders", name + extension);

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new ShaderDescription.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stage">The shader stage to create.</param>
 /// <param name="shaderBytes">An array containing the raw shader bytes.</param>
 /// <param name="entryPoint">The name of the entry point function in the shader module to be used in this stage.</param>
 public ShaderDescription(ShaderStages stage, byte[] shaderBytes, string entryPoint)
     Stage       = stage;
     ShaderBytes = shaderBytes;
     EntryPoint  = entryPoint;
     Debug       = false;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles the given GLSL source code into SPIR-V.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceText">The shader source code.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">A descriptive name for the shader. May be null.</param>
        /// <param name="stage">The <see cref="ShaderStages"/> which the shader is used in.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Parameters for the GLSL compiler.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="SpirvCompilationResult"/> containing the compiled SPIR-V bytecode.</returns>
        public static unsafe SpirvCompilationResult CompileGlslToSpirv(
            string sourceText,
            string fileName,
            ShaderStages stage,
            GlslCompileOptions options)
            int   sourceAsciiCount = Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(sourceText);
            byte *sourceAsciiPtr   = stackalloc byte[sourceAsciiCount];

            fixed(char *sourceTextPtr = sourceText)
                Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sourceTextPtr, sourceText.Length, sourceAsciiPtr, sourceAsciiCount);

            int macroCount = options.Macros.Length;
            NativeMacroDefinition *macros = stackalloc NativeMacroDefinition[(int)macroCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < macroCount; i++)
                macros[i] = new NativeMacroDefinition(options.Macros[i]);

Beispiel #14
        internal static ShaderType VdToGLShaderType(ShaderStages stage)
            switch (stage)
            case ShaderStages.Vertex:

            case ShaderStages.Geometry:

            case ShaderStages.TessellationControl:

            case ShaderStages.TessellationEvaluation:

            case ShaderStages.Fragment:

            case ShaderStages.Compute:

                throw Illegal.Value <ShaderStages>();
Beispiel #15
        internal static VkShaderStageFlags VdToVkShaderStages(ShaderStages stage)
            VkShaderStageFlags ret = VkShaderStageFlags.None;

            if ((stage & ShaderStages.Vertex) == ShaderStages.Vertex)
                ret |= VkShaderStageFlags.Vertex;

            if ((stage & ShaderStages.Geometry) == ShaderStages.Geometry)
                ret |= VkShaderStageFlags.Geometry;

            if ((stage & ShaderStages.TessellationControl) == ShaderStages.TessellationControl)
                ret |= VkShaderStageFlags.TessellationControl;

            if ((stage & ShaderStages.TessellationEvaluation) == ShaderStages.TessellationEvaluation)
                ret |= VkShaderStageFlags.TessellationEvaluation;

            if ((stage & ShaderStages.Fragment) == ShaderStages.Fragment)
                ret |= VkShaderStageFlags.Fragment;

        private Shader LoadShader(ShaderStages stage)
            string extension = null;

            switch (GraphicsDevice.BackendType)
            case GraphicsBackend.Direct3D11:
                extension = "hlsl.bytes";

            case GraphicsBackend.Vulkan:
                extension = "spv";

            case GraphicsBackend.OpenGL:
                extension = "glsl";

            case GraphicsBackend.Metal:
                extension = "metallib";

            default: throw new System.InvalidOperationException();

            string entryPoint = stage == ShaderStages.Vertex ? "VS" : "FS";
            string path       = Path.Combine(System.AppContext.BaseDirectory, "Shaders", $"{stage.ToString()}.{extension}");

            byte[] shaderBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            return(GraphicsDevice.ResourceFactory.CreateShader(new ShaderDescription(stage, shaderBytes, entryPoint)));
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stage"></param>
        /// <param name="embedName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Shader LoadEmbbedShader(ShaderStages stage, string embedName)
            byte[] shaderBytes = ReadEmbeddedAssetBytes(embedName);
            string entryPoint  = stage == ShaderStages.Vertex ? "VS" : "FS";

            return(GraphicsDevice.ResourceFactory.CreateShader(new ShaderDescription(stage, shaderBytes, entryPoint)));
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new ResourceLayoutElementDescription.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the element.</param>
 /// <param name="kind">The kind of resource.</param>
 /// <param name="stages">The <see cref="ShaderStages"/> in which this element is used.</param>
 public ResourceLayoutElementDescription(string name, ResourceKind kind, ShaderStages stages)
     Name    = name;
     Kind    = kind;
     Stages  = stages;
     Options = ResourceLayoutElementOptions.None;
Beispiel #19
        private void BindStorageBufferView(D3D11Buffer storageBufferRO, int slot, ShaderStages stages)
            _context.ComputeShader.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, null);

            ShaderResourceView srv = storageBufferRO.ShaderResourceView;

            if ((stages & ShaderStages.Vertex) == ShaderStages.Vertex)
                _context.VertexShader.SetShaderResource(slot, srv);
            if ((stages & ShaderStages.Geometry) == ShaderStages.Geometry)
                _context.GeometryShader.SetShaderResource(slot, srv);
            if ((stages & ShaderStages.TessellationControl) == ShaderStages.TessellationControl)
                _context.HullShader.SetShaderResource(slot, srv);
            if ((stages & ShaderStages.TessellationEvaluation) == ShaderStages.TessellationEvaluation)
                _context.DomainShader.SetShaderResource(slot, srv);
            if ((stages & ShaderStages.Fragment) == ShaderStages.Fragment)
                _context.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(slot, srv);
            if ((stages & ShaderStages.Compute) == ShaderStages.Compute)
                _context.ComputeShader.SetShaderResource(slot, srv);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new ShaderDescription.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stage">The shader stage to create.</param>
 /// <param name="shaderBytes">An array containing the raw shader bytes.</param>
 /// <param name="entryPoint">The name of the entry point function in the shader module to be used in this stage.</param>
 /// <param name="debug">Indicates whether the shader should be debuggable. This flag only has an effect if
 /// <paramref name="shaderBytes"/> contains shader code that will be compiled.</param>
 public ShaderDescription(ShaderStages stage, byte[] shaderBytes, string entryPoint, bool debug)
     Stage       = stage;
     ShaderBytes = shaderBytes;
     EntryPoint  = entryPoint;
     Debug       = debug;
Beispiel #21
 private void BindUniformBuffer(D3D11Buffer ub, int slot, ShaderStages stages)
     if ((stages & ShaderStages.Vertex) == ShaderStages.Vertex)
         bool bind = false;
         if (slot < MaxCachedUniformBuffers)
             if (_vertexBoundUniformBuffers[slot] != ub)
                 _vertexBoundUniformBuffers[slot] = ub;
                 bind = true;
             bind = true;
         if (bind)
             _context.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(slot, ub.Buffer);
     if ((stages & ShaderStages.Geometry) == ShaderStages.Geometry)
         _context.GeometryShader.SetConstantBuffer(slot, ub.Buffer);
     if ((stages & ShaderStages.TessellationControl) == ShaderStages.TessellationControl)
         _context.HullShader.SetConstantBuffer(slot, ub.Buffer);
     if ((stages & ShaderStages.TessellationEvaluation) == ShaderStages.TessellationEvaluation)
         _context.DomainShader.SetConstantBuffer(slot, ub.Buffer);
     if ((stages & ShaderStages.Fragment) == ShaderStages.Fragment)
         bool bind = false;
         if (slot < MaxCachedUniformBuffers)
             if (_fragmentBoundUniformBuffers[slot] != ub)
                 _fragmentBoundUniformBuffers[slot] = ub;
                 bind = true;
             bind = true;
         if (bind)
             _context.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(slot, ub.Buffer);
     if ((stages & ShaderStages.Compute) == ShaderStages.Compute)
         _context.ComputeShader.SetConstantBuffer(slot, ub.Buffer);
        public ShadersBuilder AddShader(ShaderStages stage, string entryPoint, string fileName)
            _shaderDescriptions.Add(new ShaderDescription(stage, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_readShaderFile(fileName)), entryPoint));


Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new ResourceLayoutElementDescription.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the element.</param>
 /// <param name="kind">The kind of resource.</param>
 /// <param name="stages">The <see cref="ShaderStages"/> in which this element is used.</param>
 /// <param name="descCount">The number of descriptors to use.</param>
 public ResourceLayoutElementDescription(string name, ResourceKind kind, ShaderStages stages, uint descCount)
     Name            = name;
     Kind            = kind;
     Stages          = stages;
     Options         = ResourceLayoutElementOptions.None;
     DescriptorCount = descCount;
        public void EmitInternal(Variable vrbl, uint loc, ShaderStages stage)
            var access = (vrbl.ReadStages.HasFlag(stage) ? "in" : "") + (vrbl.WriteStages.HasFlag(stage) ? "out" : "");
            var ct     = vrbl.Type.GetComponentType();
            var interp = (vrbl.IsFlat || ct == ShaderType.Int || ct == ShaderType.UInt) ? "flat" : "";

            _localSources[stage].AppendLine($"layout(location = {loc}) {access} {interp} {vrbl.GetGLSLDecl(stage)};");
Beispiel #25
 public Binding(uint slot, ShaderStages smask, BindingType type, TexelFormat tfmt)
     Slot        = slot;
     StageMask   = smask;
     Type        = type;
     StructSize  = 0;                // Overridden by TexelFormat
     TexelFormat = tfmt;
Beispiel #26
 public Binding(uint slot, ShaderStages smask, BindingType type, uint ssize)
     Slot        = slot;
     StageMask   = smask;
     Type        = type;
     TexelFormat = default;                 // Overridden by StructSize
     StructSize  = ssize;
 public Shader(ShaderStages stage, string entryPoint, IShaderResource glslShader, IShaderResource metalShader, IShaderResource hlslShader, IShaderResource spirvShader)
     Stage       = stage;
     EntryPoint  = entryPoint;
     GlslShader  = glslShader;
     MetalShader = metalShader;
     HlslShader  = hlslShader;
     SpirvShader = spirvShader;
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DescriptorSetLayoutBinding"/> structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="binding">
 /// The binding number of this entry and corresponds to a resource of the same binding number
 /// in the shader stages.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="descriptorType">
 /// Specifies which type of resource descriptors are used for this binding.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="descriptorCount">
 /// The number of descriptors contained in the binding, accessed in a shader as an array. If
 /// <see cref="DescriptorCount"/> is zero this binding entry is reserved and the resource
 /// must not be accessed from any stage via this binding within any pipeline using the set layout.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="stageFlags">
 /// Specifies which pipeline shader stages can access a resource for this binding. <see
 /// cref="ShaderStages.All"/> is a shorthand specifying that all defined shader stages,
 /// including any additional stages defined by extensions, can access the resource.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="immutableSamplers">
 /// Affects initialization of samplers. If <see cref="DescriptorType"/> specifies a <see
 /// cref="VulkanCore.DescriptorType.Sampler"/> or <see
 /// cref="VulkanCore.DescriptorType.CombinedImageSampler"/> type descriptor, then <see
 /// cref="ImmutableSamplers"/> can be used to initialize a set of immutable samplers.
 /// Immutable samplers are permanently bound into the set layout; later binding a sampler
 /// into an immutable sampler slot in a descriptor set is not allowed. If <see
 /// cref="ImmutableSamplers"/> is not <c>null</c>, then it is considered to be an array of
 /// sampler handles that will be consumed by the set layout and used for the corresponding
 /// binding. If <see cref="ImmutableSamplers"/> is <c>null</c>, then the sampler slots are
 /// dynamic and sampler handles must be bound into descriptor sets using this layout. If <see
 /// cref="DescriptorType"/> is not one of these descriptor types, then <see
 /// cref="ImmutableSamplers"/> is ignored.
 /// </param>
 public DescriptorSetLayoutBinding(int binding, DescriptorType descriptorType, int descriptorCount,
                                   ShaderStages stageFlags = ShaderStages.All, Sampler[] immutableSamplers = null)
     Binding           = binding;
     DescriptorType    = descriptorType;
     DescriptorCount   = descriptorCount;
     StageFlags        = stageFlags;
     ImmutableSamplers = immutableSamplers?.ToHandleArray();
        public static Shader LoadShader(ResourceFactory factory, string set, ShaderStages stage, string entryPoint)
            string path = Path.Combine(

            return(factory.CreateShader(new ShaderDescription(stage, File.ReadAllBytes(path), entryPoint)));
Beispiel #30
        public VkShaderBytecode(ShaderStages type, string shaderCode, string entryPoint)
            if (!GlslangValidatorTool.IsAvailable())
                throw new VeldridException("glslangValidator is not available to compile GLSL to SPIR-V.");

            ShaderBytes = GlslangValidatorTool.CompileBytecode(type, shaderCode, entryPoint);