Beispiel #1
    protected virtual void Update()
        Pitch = Mathf.Clamp(Pitch, -89.9f, 89.9f);

        var sensitivity = Sensitivity;

        var camera = Camera;

        if (camera == null)
            camera = Camera.main;

        if (camera != null && camera.orthographic == false)
            sensitivity *= camera.fieldOfView / 60.0f;

        if (Require == KeyCode.None || Input.GetKey(Require) == true)
            Pitch -= Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y") * sensitivity;
            Yaw   += Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X") * sensitivity;

        currentPitch = SgtHelper.Dampen(currentPitch, Pitch, Dampening, Time.deltaTime, 0.1f);
        currentYaw   = SgtHelper.Dampen(currentYaw, Yaw, Dampening, Time.deltaTime, 0.1f);

        var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(currentPitch, currentYaw, 0.0f);

        SgtHelper.SetLocalRotation(transform, rotation);
Beispiel #2
    protected virtual void Update()
        if (Thruster != null)
            if (Application.isPlaying == true)
                FlickerOffset += FlickerSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            if (points == null)
                points = new float[128];

                for (var i = points.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    points[i] = Random.value;

            var noise  = Mathf.Repeat(FlickerOffset, points.Length);
            var index  = (int)noise;
            var frac   = noise % 1.0f;
            var pointA = points[index];
            var pointB = points[(index + 1) % points.Length];
            var pointC = points[(index + 2) % points.Length];
            var pointD = points[(index + 3) % points.Length];
            var f      = 1.0f - SgtHelper.CubicInterpolate(pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD, frac) * Flicker;

            throttle = SgtHelper.Dampen(throttle, Thruster.Throttle, Dampening, Time.deltaTime);

            transform.localScale = BaseScale + ThrottleScale * throttle * f;
Beispiel #3
    protected virtual void Update()
        var camera = Camera;

        if (camera == null)
            camera = Camera.main;

        if (camera != null)
            if (currentZoom == 0.0f)
                if (camera.orthographic == true)
                    currentZoom = camera.orthographicSize;
                    currentZoom = camera.fieldOfView;

                Zoom = currentZoom;

            if (Require == KeyCode.None || Input.GetKey(Require) == true)
                var scroll = Input.mouseScrollDelta.y;

                if (scroll > 0.0f)
                    Zoom *= 1.0f - Sensitivity;

                if (scroll < 0.0f)
                    Zoom *= 1.0f + Sensitivity;

            Zoom        = Mathf.Clamp(Zoom, ZoomMin, ZoomMax);
            currentZoom = SgtHelper.Dampen(currentZoom, Zoom, Dampening, Time.deltaTime, 0.1f);

            if (camera.orthographic == true)
                camera.orthographicSize = currentZoom;
                camera.fieldOfView = currentZoom;
        public void RotateFun(Transform rotatething, Vector3 pos)
            Yaw   = Mathf.Clamp(Yaw, MinmaxX.x, MinmaxX.y);
            Pitch = Mathf.Clamp(Pitch, MinmaxY.x, MinmaxY.y);

            Yaw   += pos.x * Sensitivity;
            Pitch -= pos.y * Sensitivity;

            currentYaw   = SgtHelper.Dampen(currentYaw, Yaw, Dampening, Time.deltaTime * 0.2f, 0.1f);
            currentPitch = SgtHelper.Dampen(currentPitch, Pitch, Dampening, Time.deltaTime * 0.2f, 0.1f);

            var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(currentPitch, currentYaw, 0);

            SgtHelper.SetRotation(rotatething, rotation);
    protected virtual void Update()
        TargetPitch = Mathf.Clamp(TargetPitch, -89.9f, 89.9f);

        if (Require == KeyCode.None || Input.GetKey(Require) == true)
            TargetPitch -= Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y") * Sensitivity;

            TargetYaw += Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X") * Sensitivity;

        currentPitch = SgtHelper.Dampen(currentPitch, TargetPitch, Dampening, Time.deltaTime, 0.1f);
        currentYaw   = SgtHelper.Dampen(currentYaw, TargetYaw, Dampening, Time.deltaTime, 0.1f);

        var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(currentPitch, currentYaw, 0.0f);

        SgtHelper.SetLocalRotation(transform, rotation);
Beispiel #6
    private void CameraPreCull(Camera camera)
        if (Thruster != null)
            var visibility = GetThrusterVisibility(camera);
            var rotation   = camera.transform.rotation;            // * observer.RollQuataternion;

            // Resize
            visibility.Scale = SgtHelper.Dampen(visibility.Scale, visibility.Visible == true ? 1.0f : 0.0f, Dampening, Time.unscaledDeltaTime, 0.1f);

            // Point flare at camera
            if (tempSet == false)
                tempSet      = true;
                tempRotation = transform.rotation;
                tempScale    = transform.localScale;

            transform.rotation   = rotation;
            transform.localScale = finalScale * visibility.Scale;
Beispiel #7
    // This static method will rotate the transform to the surface of the terrain below
    public static void SnapTransformRotation(SgtTerrain terrain, Transform transform, float rightDistance = 1.0f, float forwardDistance = 1.0f, float dampening = 0.0f)
        if (terrain != null && transform != null)
            var newNormal = default(Vector3);

            // Rotate to surface normal?
            if (rightDistance != 0.0f && forwardDistance != 0.0f)
                var worldRight   = transform.right * rightDistance;
                var worldForward = transform.forward * forwardDistance;

                newNormal = terrain.GetWorldNormal(transform.position, worldRight, worldForward);
            // Rotate to planet center?
                newNormal = terrain.GetWorldNormal(transform.position);

            var oldRotation = transform.rotation;
            var newRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, newNormal) * oldRotation;

            //if (oldRotation != newRotation)
                if (dampening > 0.0f)
                    transform.rotation = SgtHelper.Dampen(transform.rotation, newRotation, dampening, Time.deltaTime);
                    transform.rotation = newRotation;
Beispiel #8
    protected virtual void Update()
        if (Follower == null)
            ClearDebris(); return;

        var followerPosition = Follower.position;
        var followerDensity  = GetDensity(followerPosition);

        if (followerDensity > 0.0f)
            var debrisCount = Debris != null ? Debris.Count : 0;

            if (debrisCount < SpawnLimit)
                spawnCooldown -= Time.deltaTime;

                while (spawnCooldown <= 0.0f)
                    spawnCooldown += Random.Range(SpawnRateMin, SpawnRateMax);


                    debrisCount += 1;

                    if (debrisCount >= SpawnLimit)

        if (Debris != null)
            var distanceRange = HideDistance - ShowDistance;

            for (var i = Debris.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var debris = Debris[i];

                if (debris != null)
                    var targetScale = default(float);
                    var distance    = Vector3.Distance(followerPosition, debris.transform.position);

                    // Fade its size in
                    debris.Show = SgtHelper.Dampen(debris.Show, 1.0f, ShowSpeed, Time.deltaTime, 0.1f);

                    if (distance < ShowDistance)
                        targetScale = 1.0f;
                    else if (distance > HideDistance)
                        targetScale = 0.0f;
                        targetScale = 1.0f - SgtHelper.Divide(distance - ShowDistance, distanceRange);

                    debris.transform.localScale = debris.Scale * debris.Show * Mathf.Max(minScale, targetScale);

                    if (targetScale <= 0.0f)
                        Despawn(debris, i);