public Part(Entity e, int PartItem, int Col, int Row) : base(e, PartItem, Col, Row) { Flying = true; Dragging = false; Type = "Part"; curCol = Col; curRow = Row; MyType = PartItem; Attached = true; rotationOffSet = 0; int A = (32 * Col) * (32 * Col); int B = (32 * Row) * (32 * Row); float C = (float)Math.Sqrt(A + B); Distance = C; angle = (float)Math.Atan2(Col, Row) * (180 / (float)Math.PI); PartNum = PartItem; myShip = e as BaseShip; myShip.shipParts.Add(this); if (PartItem == 1) { EquipSfx.Play(); Image Hull = new Image(Library.GetTexture("MetalPlating.png")); aPart = Hull; AddGraphic(aPart); SetHitboxTo(aPart); totalHealth = health = 150; } else if (PartItem == 2) { EquipSfx.Play(); Image Thruster = new Image(Library.GetTexture("Thruster.png")); aPart = Thruster; AddGraphic(aPart); SetHitboxTo(aPart); totalHealth = health = 100; } else if (PartItem == 3) { EquipSfx.Play(); Image Turret = new Image(Library.GetTexture("Turret.png")); aPart = Turret; totalHealth = health = 50; AddGraphic(aPart); SetHitboxTo(aPart); } X = 100; Y = 100; }
IEnumerator Message(bool accessGranted, bool loopForever) { showingMessage = true; mainScreen.SetActive(false); GameObject m = (accessGranted) ? granted : denied; int i = 3; while (i > 0 || loopForever) { i--; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.2f)); m.SetActive(true); if (!accessGranted) { Sfx.Play(deniedAudio, Mathf.Lerp(.8f, .3f, 1 - i / 3f)); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.5f)); m.SetActive(false); } if (!accessGranted) { hintsUI.text += "\n" + fullHintsTxt.Split('\n')[3 - attemptsRemaining]; } m.SetActive(false); mainScreen.SetActive(true); showingMessage = false; }
public void TakeAir() { canTakeAir = false; HasTookAir = true; (Sprite as AnimatedSprite).Change("TakeAir"); Sfx.Play("pegar_ar"); }
IEnumerator RestartSequence(float delay) { Sfx.Play(restartAudio); numRestarts++; FindObjectOfType <Stan>().OnTaskFail(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); float p = 0; bool hasResetGame = false; while (p < 1) { p += Time.deltaTime * .75f; // float brightnessPercent = Mathf.Clamp01(restartBrightnessCurve.Evaluate(p)); float brightnessPercent = Mathf.Clamp01(-(p * 2 - 1) * (p * 2 - 1) + 1); //print(p+" " + brightnessPercent); monitor.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.white * brightnessPercent * 3); //screenOverlayMat.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, p); screenOverlay.material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, brightnessPercent); if (p >= .5f && !hasResetGame) { Destroy(currentTask.gameObject); hasResetGame = true; } yield return(null); } screenOverlay.material.color = Color.clear; OnRestartComplete(); }
public void PlayTaskFailSfx(int i) { if (taskFailSfx != null && i < taskFailSfx.Length) { Sfx.Play(taskFailSfx[i]); } }
protected override IEnumerator OnDeath(Object killer) { yield return(base.OnDeath(killer)); StartCoroutine(Bgm.Stop(0.5f)); Sfx.Play(DeathSfxId); ChangeSprite("entity.player.drown"); var targetY = transform.position.y + 300; charaGravityScale = 0; UpdateUI(); for (int y = (int)transform.position.y; y < targetY; y += 4) { transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * 180 * Time.deltaTime); transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, y, transform.position.z); yield return(null); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.5f)); Wyte.Initalize(); }
void Eat(GameObject food) { if (!dead) { if (OnEat != null) { OnEat(); } Sfx.Play(eatSfx[Random.Range(0, eatSfx.Length)], .75f); Destroy(food); //GrowSnake(); for (int i = 0; i < numToGrowByPerFood; i++) { if (visIndex < maxLength) { snake[visIndex].SetVisible(true); growingParts.Add(snake[visIndex].t); snake[visIndex].t.localScale =; snake[visIndex].t.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>().enabled = false; } visIndex++; } numEaten++; } }
public void MouseEnter() { if (!Disabled) { Sfx.Play(Sfx.ID.BUTTON_MOUSEOVER); } }
IEnumerator StartUpRoutine() { while (Time.time < fadeTime) { float fadePercent = Time.time / fadeTime; fadePlane.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.clear, fadePercent); yield return(null); } readyToSkip = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.5f)); while (titleAnimIndex < titleAnim.Length) { title.text = titleAnim[titleAnimIndex].text; titleAnimIndex++; Sfx.Play(keyAudio[Random.Range(0, keyAudio.Length)]); if (titleAnimIndex < titleAnim.Length) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(titleAnim[titleAnimIndex].delay)); } } textRoutine = StartCoroutine(ShowExtraText()); }
private void PlaceEquipment() { Item item = null; if (!this._billboardRotate) { InventoryItemView inventoryItemView = LocalPlayer.Inventory.IsRightHandEmpty() ? null : LocalPlayer.Inventory.RightHand; if (inventoryItemView != null) { item = inventoryItemView.ItemCache; } } else { item = ItemDatabase.Items[this._currentAddItem]; } if (item != null && this.IsValidItem(item)) { if (LocalPlayer.Inventory.IsRightHandEmpty() || LocalPlayer.Inventory.RightHand._itemId != item._id || LocalPlayer.Inventory.IsSlotLocked(Item.EquipmentSlot.RightHand)) { if (!LocalPlayer.Inventory.RemoveItem(item._id, 1, false, true)) { return; } } else if (!LocalPlayer.Inventory.ShuffleRemoveRightHandItem()) { return; } if (BoltNetwork.isRunning && !this.hellDoorSlot) { RackAdd rackAdd = RackAdd.Create(GlobalTargets.OnlyServer); rackAdd.Slot = base.GetComponentInParent <CoopRack>().GetSlotIndex(this); rackAdd.Rack = base.GetComponentInParent <BoltEntity>(); rackAdd.ItemId = item._id; rackAdd.Send(); } else { if (this.hellDoorSlot) { this.Removed = false; this.Added = true; } this._storedItemId = item._id; this.SpawnItemView(); } Sfx.Play(SfxInfo.SfxTypes.AddItem, base.transform, true); this._addIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (!this._offsetIcons) { this._addIcon.transform.parent.position = base.transform.position; } else { this._takeIcon.transform.parent.position = base.transform.position + this.IconsOffset; } } }
void OnCorrectPassword() { Sfx.Play(acceptedAudio); StartCoroutine(Message(true, true)); TaskCompleted(); FindObjectOfType <Sequencer>().GameWin(); StartCoroutine(ShowWin()); }
public void MusicPlay() { screenOverlay.material.color = Color.clear; musicSource.clip = music; musicSource.volume = 1; musicSource.Play(); Sfx.Play(keySlam); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire")) { weapon.Fire(transform.parent.position, transform.parent.rotation); sfx.Play(); } }
private void StickContentUpdate(ref MultiHolder.ContentTypes showAddIcon) { bool flag = true; bool takeIcon = false; if ((!BoltNetwork.isRunning && this._contentActual > 0) || (BoltNetwork.isRunning && this._contentActual > 0 && flag)) { takeIcon = true; if (TheForest.Utils.Input.GetButtonDown("Take")) { if (BoltNetwork.isRunning) { ItemHolderTakeItem itemHolderTakeItem = ItemHolderTakeItem.Create(GlobalTargets.OnlyServer); itemHolderTakeItem.ContentType = (int)this._contentTypeActual; itemHolderTakeItem.Target = base.entity; itemHolderTakeItem.Player = LocalPlayer.Entity; itemHolderTakeItem.Send(); } else if (LocalPlayer.Inventory.AddItem(this.StickItemId, 1, false, false, null) || LocalPlayer.Inventory.FakeDrop(this.StickItemId, null)) { this.StickRender[this._contentActual - 1].SetActive(false); this._contentActual--; if (this._contentActual == 0) { takeIcon = false; this._contentTypeActual = MultiHolder.ContentTypes.None; } this.RefreshMassAndDrag(); } } } if (this._contentActual < this.StickRender.Length && LocalPlayer.Inventory.Owns(this.StickItemId, true) && flag && (this._content == MultiHolder.ContentTypes.Stick || this._addingContentType == MultiHolder.ContentTypes.Stick)) { showAddIcon = MultiHolder.ContentTypes.Stick; if (TheForest.Utils.Input.GetButtonDown("Craft")) { LocalPlayer.Inventory.RemoveItem(this.StickItemId, 1, false, true); Sfx.Play(SfxInfo.SfxTypes.AddLog, this.StickRender[this._contentActual].transform, true); if (BoltNetwork.isRunning) { ItemHolderAddItem itemHolderAddItem = ItemHolderAddItem.Create(GlobalTargets.OnlyServer); itemHolderAddItem.ContentType = 4; itemHolderAddItem.Target = base.entity; itemHolderAddItem.Send(); } else { this._contentTypeActual = MultiHolder.ContentTypes.Stick; this._contentActual++; this.StickRender[this._contentActual - 1].SetActive(true); this.RefreshMassAndDrag(); } } } Scene.HudGui.HolderWidgets[0].Show(takeIcon, this._contentTypeActual == MultiHolder.ContentTypes.Stick && showAddIcon == MultiHolder.ContentTypes.Stick, this.TakeIcon.transform); }
public void Show() { if (IsVisible) { return; } Sfx.Play(""); Wyte.IsNotFreezed = false; IsVisible = true; }
public void Hide() { if (!IsVisible) { return; } Sfx.Play(""); Wyte.IsNotFreezed = true; IsVisible = false; }
/// <summary> /// ジャンプした時 /// </summary> public virtual void Jump() { if (IsGrounded()) { var nowVec = Velocity; Velocity = new Vector3(nowVec.x, charaJumpScale); IsJumping = true; Sfx.Play(JumpSfxId); } }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) { Health playerHealth = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Health>(); Sfx playerHurtSfx = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Sfx>(); playerHurtSfx.Play(); playerHealth.Damage(stats.attack); healthKeeper.UpdateText(); } }
IEnumerator GameLoseSequence() { Sfx.Play(gameOverSirens); float endDuration = gameOverSirens.length; float speed = (1 / .7f); Color themeCol =; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.2f)); bool s = false; float t = 0; bool hasPlayedBeep = false; while (t < endDuration) { if (t > 1 && !readyForGameReload) { readyForGameReload = true; } if (t > 8 && !s) { s = true; FindObjectOfType <Stan>().SayWithText("press any key to return to menu", null); } float p = Mathf.Repeat(t * speed, 1); t += Time.deltaTime; float brightnessPercent = Mathf.Clamp01(-(p * 2 - 1) * (p * 2 - 1) + 1); //print(p+" " + brightnessPercent); monitor.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", themeCol * brightnessPercent * 3); //screenOverlayMat.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, p); screenOverlay.material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, brightnessPercent); if (p > .3f && !hasPlayedBeep) { Sfx.Play(endBeepAudio); hasPlayedBeep = true; } if (p < .3f) { hasPlayedBeep = false; } if (t + 3 > endDuration) { float fadePercent = Mathf.InverseLerp(endDuration - 3, endDuration, t); fadePlane.color = Color.Lerp(Color.clear,, fadePercent); } yield return(null); } UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene(0); }
static void PlayKilledSound(NPC n) { if (n.P_SoundOnDeath as SfxRef != null) { var r = (SfxRef)n.P_SoundOnDeath; Sfx.Play(r.Resolve(), n.position, r.VariantID); } else if (n.soundKilled > 0) { Sfx.Play(VanillaSfxes.NpcKilled, n.position, n.soundKilled); } }
void Start() { anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); int[] failIndices = new int[numFailAnims]; for (int i = 0; i < numFailAnims; i++) { failIndices[i] = i; } Utility.Shuffle(failIndices); failAnimIndexQueue = new Queue <int>(failIndices); Sfx.Play(chairRoll); }
static void PlayUseSound(Item i, Player p) { if (i.P_UseSound as SfxRef != null) { var r = (SfxRef)i.P_UseSound; Sfx.Play(r.Resolve(), p.position, r.VariantID); } else if (i.useSound > 0) { Sfx.Play(VanillaSfxes.UseItem, p.position, i.useSound); } }
static void PlayHitSound(NPC n) { if (n.P_SoundOnHit as SfxRef != null) { var r = (SfxRef)n.P_SoundOnHit; Sfx.Play(r.Resolve(), n.position, r.VariantID); } else if (n.soundHit > 0) { Sfx.Play(VanillaSfxes.NpcHit, n.position, n.soundHit); } }
void OnWordSucceeded(string w) { numLettersTyped += w.Length; totalTypeTime += (Time.time - wordStartTime); recordingWordTime = false; // print(TypeSpeed); spawnedFirst = false; spawnedSecond = false; numWordsDone++; requestedVoice = false; Sfx.Play(wordCompleteAudio, .2f); inputString = ""; }
public IEnumerator Say(string sprite, params string[] args) { var messageSource = I18n[NovelHelper.CombineAll(args)]; var voice = "system.saying"; // 話者がいる場合は表示 // hack 今後もっとUIをよくする buffer = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sprite) ? "" : sprite + " : "; messageSource = TextUtility.RemoveTags(messageSource); TextElement[] mes; try { mes = new TextComponent(messageSource).Elements; } catch (FormatException ex) { mes = new TextComponent(string.Format(I18n["fts.error"], TextUtility.ToSafeString(ex.Message))).Elements; } foreach (var c in mes) { if (c.WaitTime > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(c.WaitTime)); } if (c.Nod) { yield return(Nod()); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.Voice)) { voice = c.Voice; } buffer += c.ToString(); if (!quickEnabled && c.Speed != 0) { Sfx.Play(voice); // タッチ時は早くする yield return(new WaitForSeconds(speed / Mathf.Abs(c.Speed) / (IsTouched ? 2 : 1))); } } yield return(Nod()); buffer = ""; }
IEnumerator ShowExtraText() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); string targetString = subtitle.text; subtitle.text = ""; subtitle.gameObject.SetActive(true); for (int i = 0; i < targetString.Length; i++) { Sfx.Play(keyAudio[Random.Range(0, keyAudio.Length)], .4f); subtitle.text += targetString[i]; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(.025f, .035f))); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); //targetString= instruction.text; //instruction.text = ""; instruction.gameObject.SetActive(true); /* * for (int i = 0; i < targetString.Length; i++) * { * instruction.text += targetString[i]; * yield return new WaitForSeconds(.03f); * } */ while (!keyPressed) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.2f)); instruction.text += "."; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.4f)); instruction.text = instruction.text.Substring(0, instruction.text.Length - 3); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.4f)); } }
void OnDeath() { if (!dead) { if (OnDeathEvent != null) { OnDeathEvent(); } Sfx.Play(deathSfx, .2f); dead = true; for (int i = 0; i < visIndex; i++) { if (i < snake.Count) { snake[i].t.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color =; } } } }
public virtual void Move(float rightSpeed, bool hold = true) { Velocity = new Vector2(rightSpeed, Velocity.y); Direction = (int)rightSpeed < 0 ? SpriteDirection.Left : (int)rightSpeed > 0 ? SpriteDirection.Right : Direction; // 着地音 if ((IsCeiling() && !prevIsCeiling) || (IsGrounded() && !prevIsGrounded)) { Sfx.Play(LandSfxId); } if (IsJumping && hold) { Velocity -= new Vector2(0, GravityScale * 0.05f); } if (IsCeiling() && Velocity.y > 0) { Velocity = new Vector2(Velocity.x, charaCeilingBouness); } }
/// <summary> /// ジャンプした時 /// </summary> public virtual void Jump() { if (IsGrounded()) { var nowVec = rigid.velocity; rigid.velocity = new Vector3(nowVec.x, charaJumpScale); IsJumping = true; Sfx.Play(JumpSfxId); } /*else if (CanKickLeft()) * { * rigid * } * else if (CanKickRight()) * { * rigid.AddForce((Vector2.left + Vector2.up) * 3000); * }*/ //TODO: プレイヤーの左右移動に加速度を取り入れ、外部からの圧力を無視しないようにする }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); if (IsAmbushed) { return; } input.Update(); if (input.UpJustPressed() && Ground != null && ForceApplied >= 0) { Sfx.Play("pulo"); Ground = null; ForceApplied = jumpForce * -Scale; } if (!canTakeAir) { takeAirElapsedTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (HasTookAir && takeAirElapsedTime >= takeAirTime) { HasTookAir = false; (Sprite as AnimatedSprite).Change("Run"); (Sprite as AnimatedSprite).JumpToFrame(2); } if (takeAirElapsedTime >= takeAirCooldown) { takeAirElapsedTime = 0; canTakeAir = true; } } if (input.SpaceJustPressed() && canTakeAir) { TakeAir(); } }