Beispiel #1
 private string GetCellValue(int rowIdx, string colName) => SfDataGridHelper.GetCellValue(sfDataGrid1, rowIdx, colName);
Beispiel #2
         * Getting a clicked cell's content
         * this.sfDataGrid.CellClick += OnSfDataGridCellClick;
         * private void OnSfDataGridCellClick(object sender, CellClickEventArgs e)
         * {
         *  // Get the row index value
         *  var rowIndex = e.DataRow.RowIndex;
         *  //Get the column index value
         *  var columnIndex = e.DataColumn.ColumnIndex;
         *  //Get the cell value
         *  var cellValue = this.sfDataGrid.View.GetPropertyAccessProvider().GetValue(e.DataRow.RowData, e.DataColumn.GridColumn.MappingName);
         *  MessageBox.Show("Cell Value \t:    " + cellValue + "\n" + "Row Index \t:    " + rowIndex + "\n" + "Column Index \t:    " + columnIndex, "Cell Value");
         * }

        private string GetCellValue(int rowIdx, int colIdx) => SfDataGridHelper.GetCellValue(sfDataGrid1, rowIdx, colIdx);