Beispiel #1
    public void addRock(int x, int y)
        SetupTileScript placeTile = tiles[x, y].GetComponent <SetupTileScript>();

        placeTile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript> ().occupied = true;
        GameObject rock = (GameObject)Instantiate(Rock,
                                                  new Vector3(placeTile.transform.position.x, 5, placeTile.transform.position.z),
                                                  new Quaternion());

        rock.transform.parent      = placeTile.transform;
        rock.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(1.25f, 12.5f, 1.25f);
        rock.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(4.5f, 0, 0f);
Beispiel #2
    void Start()
        gp            = GameObject.Find("GameProcess").GetComponent <GameProcess> ();
        boardCapacity = 8;
        maxUnitCount  = 14;

        //Tile Creation
        tiles = new GameObject[xTiles, yTiles];
        for (int i = 0; i < xTiles; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < yTiles; j++)
                Vector3 position = new Vector3((10 * i), 0, (10 * j));                //each square is 10 points away from each other
                //-60 offsets all these tiles to appear below the game board along the z direction
                GameObject newtile = (GameObject)Instantiate(tile,
                                                             new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));

                newtile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().tt = SetupTileScript.TileType.ONFIELD;
                tiles[i, j] = newtile;
                newtile.transform.parent = this.transform;

        //loop through the array of tiles and assign neighbors accordingly
        for (int i = 0; i < xTiles; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < yTiles; j++)
                if (tiles[i, j] != null)
                    SetupTileScript script = tiles[i, j].GetComponent <SetupTileScript>();

                    //set tile id e.g. 5,2
                    script.x = i;
                    script.y = j;

                    if (i != 0)
                        script.down = tiles[i - 1, j];
                    if (i != xTiles - 1)
                        script.up = tiles[i + 1, j];
                    if (j != 0)
                        script.right = tiles[i, j - 1];
                    if (j != yTiles - 1)
                        script.left = tiles[i, j + 1];

        //_________Create the unit_storage_tiles's tiles:_________

        //Tile Creation
        unit_storage_tiles = new GameObject[xStorage_Tiles, yStorage_Tiles];
        for (int i = 0; i < xStorage_Tiles; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < yStorage_Tiles; j++)
                Vector3 position = new Vector3((10 * i), 0, (10 * j) - 25);              //each square is 10 points away from each other
                //-20 offsets all these tiles to appear below the game board along the z direction

                //NOTICE how a global variable ("public GameObject tile" in this case) has to have prefab attached to it in editor
                //THEN, to create a game object of that prefab, you must use the following syntax below:
                GameObject newtile = (GameObject)Instantiate(storage_tile,
                                                             new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));

                newtile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().tt = SetupTileScript.TileType.OFFFIELD;
                unit_storage_tiles[i, j] = newtile;
                newtile.transform.parent = this.transform;

        //loop through the array of tiles and assign neighbors accordingly
        for (int i = 0; i < xStorage_Tiles; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < yStorage_Tiles; j++)
                SetupTileScript script = unit_storage_tiles[i, j].GetComponent <SetupTileScript>();

                //set tile id e.g. 5,2
                script.x = i;
                script.y = j;

                if (i != 0)
                    script.down = unit_storage_tiles[i - 1, j];
                if (i != xStorage_Tiles - 1)
                    script.up = unit_storage_tiles[i + 1, j];
                if (j != 0)
                    script.right = unit_storage_tiles[i, j - 1];
                if (j != yStorage_Tiles - 1)
                    script.left = unit_storage_tiles[i, j + 1];

        //Create five page objects for storing unit positions
        pages = new Page[5];
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            pages[i] = new Page();

        //The stupd screen defaults to the first page (index "0" in the pages array, "1" on the server)
        activePage = 0;
        gp.returnSocket().SendTCPPacket("getBoardData\\1\\" + gp.playerName);

        addRock(0, 0);
        addRock(8, 0);
Beispiel #3
    void OnMouseUp()
        currentTile.renderer.material.shader = Shader.Find("Toon/Basic");
        trackMouse  = false;
        pieceMoved  = false;
        isTouched   = false;
        oldScript   = this.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <SetupTileScript> ();
        nearestTile = findNearestTile();

        //if the tile closest to where the piece was dropped exists and is unoccupied
        if (nearestTile != null && !nearestTile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().occupied)
            //guardian and soulstone must be kept on the field
            if (gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>().unitType == 10 || gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>().unitType == 11)
                if (nearestTile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().tt == SetupTileScript.TileType.ONFIELD)
                    pieceMoved = true;
                    onField    = true;
                    if (gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>().unitType == 10)
                        showErrorMessage("Guardian must be on the field");
                    else if (gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>().unitType == 11)
                        showErrorMessage("Soulstone must be on the field");

            //if there is room on the board for units...
            else if (playerSetup.pages[playerSetup.activePage].onBoardPieces.Count < playerSetup.boardCapacity)
                //...and the unit is being placed on the field...
                if (nearestTile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().tt == SetupTileScript.TileType.ONFIELD)
                    //...only add the unit if it is not already on the board
                    if (!playerSetup.pages[playerSetup.activePage].onBoardPieces.Contains(this.gameObject))

                    pieceMoved = true;
                    onField    = true;

                else                 //unit is being placed off the field
                    //if the unit is being moved off the field (rather than being adjusted off the board)
                    if (playerSetup.pages[playerSetup.activePage].onBoardPieces.Contains(gameObject))
                    pieceMoved = true;
                    onField    = false;
            else             //board is at max capacity
                if (nearestTile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().tt == SetupTileScript.TileType.ONFIELD)
                    //the piece can only be moved in the case that it is already on the board and is being adjusted
                    if (playerSetup.pages[playerSetup.activePage].onBoardPieces.Contains(gameObject))
                        pieceMoved = true;
                        onField    = true;
                        showErrorMessage("Board at maximum capacity");

                else                 //offfield - player is moving a piece when the board is full
                    //the piece being moved off the field
                    if (playerSetup.pages[playerSetup.activePage].onBoardPieces.Contains(gameObject))

                    pieceMoved = true;
                    onField    = false;

        //if a piece was moved to a new valid tile (i.e. didn't snap back to old position)...
        if (pieceMoved)
            int oldX = oldScript.x;
            int oldY = oldScript.y;

            int newX = nearestTile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().x;
            int newY = nearestTile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().y;

            int unitType = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>().unitType;

            bool oldOnField = == SetupTileScript.TileType.ONFIELD ? true : false;

            //send the server movePiece\\playerName\\activePageNumber\\unitType\\oldX\\oldY\\newX\\newY\\onOrOffField
            gp.returnSocket().SendTCPPacket("movePiece\\" + gp.playerName + "\\" + (playerSetup.activePage + 1) + "\\"
                                            + unitType + "\\" + oldX + "\\" + oldY + "\\" + newX + "\\" + newY + "\\"
                                            + oldOnField + "\\" + onField);

            //set the current tile to unoccupied (the piece is moving away from this tile)
            this.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <SetupTileScript>().occupied = false;

            //attach the new tile's transform to be the parent of the unit
            this.gameObject.transform.parent = nearestTile.transform;

            //move the unit to it's new tile and set that tile to occupied
            transform.position = new Vector3(nearestTile.transform.position.x, 5.0f, nearestTile.transform.position.z);
            nearestTile.GetComponent <SetupTileScript>().occupied = true;

        //this happens if the piece move attempt was illegal/not valid, the piece is returned to it's original position
            transform.position = playerSetup.prevPosition;