public void Update()
            SetupOption option = new SetupOption("", "", navigate);

            labelName.Content = folder.Name;

            BitmapSource bitmap = folder.LoadIcon();

            imageIcon.Source = bitmap;
            imageIcon.Width  = Math.Min(68, bitmap.PixelWidth);
            imageIcon.Height = Math.Min(68, bitmap.PixelHeight);
        public TerrariaSetupFolder(SetupFolder folder, bool isParent, Action navigate)

            folder.Entry  = this;
            this.navigate = navigate;
            this.folder   = folder;
            SetupOption option = new SetupOption("", "", navigate);

            if (isParent)
                option.Tooltip       = "Go back to the parent folder";
                option.Icon          = "FolderLeave";
                labelName.Content    = "Go Back";
                labelEntries.Content = "Parent: " + folder.Name;
                option.Tooltip       = "Open the subfolder";
                option.Icon          = "FolderEnter";
                labelName.Content    = folder.Name;
                labelEntries.Content = "Folder: " + folder.Entries.Count + " Entries";

                TerrariaSetupOptionButton button2 = new TerrariaSetupOptionButton(option);

                option = new SetupOption("Edit Folder", "Gear", folder.EditFolder);

            TerrariaSetupOptionButton button = new TerrariaSetupOptionButton(option);


            BitmapSource bitmap = folder.LoadIcon();

            imageIcon.Source = bitmap;
            imageIcon.Width  = Math.Min(68, bitmap.PixelWidth);
            imageIcon.Height = Math.Min(68, bitmap.PixelHeight);