public IEnumerator <ITask> SetVolumeHandler(SetVolume setVolume) { // Use try/catch to respond with meaningful error in case of an exception try { SetVolume(setVolume.Body.Volume); } catch (ArgumentException e) { setVolume.ResponsePort.Post( Fault.FromCodeSubcodeReason( W3C.Soap.FaultCodes.Receiver, DsspFaultCodes.OperationFailed, e.Message ) ); yield break; } SaveState(_state); // Notify subscribers of state change Replace replace = new Replace(); replace.Body = _state; SendNotification <Replace>(_subMgrPort, replace); setVolume.ResponsePort.Post(DefaultUpdateResponseType.Instance); yield break; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { menuManager = FindObjectOfType <MenuManager>(); setVolume = FindObjectOfType <SetVolume>(); pauseController = FindObjectOfType <PauseController>(); HighlightElement(1); }
private void frmPatcher_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { listBoxLog.Log(ListBoxLog.Level.Info, string.Format("Welcome to {0}", this.Text)); listBoxLog.Log(ListBoxLog.Level.Info, string.Format("Press \"{0}\" to patch your driver.", btnPatch.Text)); byte[] dat = Properties.Resources.ufmod; DynamicDllLoader loader = new DynamicDllLoader(); // Load DLL bool loaded = loader.LoadLibrary(dat); if (!loaded) { listBoxLog.Log(ListBoxLog.Level.Warning, "Could not load uFMOD to play chiptune."); return; } // Get method Address uint addrSetVolume = loader.GetProcAddress("uFMOD_SetVolume"); uint addrPlaySong = loader.GetProcAddress("uFMOD_PlaySong"); using (UnmanagedMemoryStream xm = (UnmanagedMemoryStream)Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("DifferentSLIAuto.plastic.xm")) { if (xm == null) { listBoxLog.Log(ListBoxLog.Level.Warning, "Could not load XM resource to play chiptune."); return; } SetVolume invokeSetVolume = (SetVolume)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)addrSetVolume, typeof(SetVolume)); PlaySong invokePlaySong = (PlaySong)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)addrPlaySong, typeof(PlaySong)); unsafe { invokeSetVolume(19); invokePlaySong((IntPtr)xm.PositionPointer, (int)xm.Length, uFMOD_Flags.XM_MEMORY); } } }
public void SetVolumeTest() { SetVolume request = new SetVolume(80); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <KodiJSON.Application.Response.SetVolumeResponse>(ExecuteTest.GetResponse(request)); }
void Awake() { setVolume = GetComponent <SetVolume>(); input = new Controls(); }
public IEnumerator <ITask> HttpPostHandler(HttpPost httpPost) { ReadFormData readForm = new ReadFormData(httpPost); _utilities.Post(readForm); PortSet <NameValueCollection, Exception> readFormResponsePort = readForm.ResultPort; yield return((Choice)readFormResponsePort); Exception exception = (Exception)readFormResponsePort; if (exception != null) { LogError(exception); httpPost.ResponsePort.Post(Fault.FromException(exception)); yield break; } NameValueCollection collection = (NameValueCollection)readFormResponsePort; string voice = collection["Voice"]; string rate = collection["Rate"]; string volume = collection["Volume"]; string speechText = collection["SpeechText"]; PortSet <DefaultUpdateResponseType, Fault> responsePort = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(voice)) { SetVoice setVoice = new SetVoice(new SetVoiceRequest(voice)); SpawnIterator(setVoice, SetVoiceHandler); responsePort = setVoice.ResponsePort; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rate)) { int rateInt; if (int.TryParse(rate, out rateInt)) { SetRate setRate = new SetRate(); setRate.Body.Rate = rateInt; SpawnIterator(setRate, SetRateHandler); responsePort = setRate.ResponsePort; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(volume)) { int volumeInt; if (int.TryParse(volume, out volumeInt)) { SetVolume setVolume = new SetVolume(); setVolume.Body.Volume = volumeInt; SpawnIterator(setVolume, SetVolumeHandler); responsePort = setVolume.ResponsePort; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(speechText)) { SayText sayText = new SayText(new SayTextRequest(speechText)); SpawnIterator(sayText, SayTextHandler); responsePort = sayText.ResponsePort; } if (responsePort != null) { yield return((Choice)responsePort); Fault fault = (Fault)responsePort; if (fault != null) { LogError("Unable to perform post operation", fault); httpPost.ResponsePort.Post(fault); yield break; } } httpPost.ResponsePort.Post(new HttpResponseType( HttpStatusCode.OK, _state, base.StateTransformPath // Use the transform declared on the State )); yield break; }
public void CallSetVolumeOnIMediaPlayer([Frozen] IMediaPlayer mediaPlayer, Stream outStream, SetVolume message, RequestService sut) { sut.CanHandleMessage(mediaPlayer, message, outStream); mediaPlayer.Received(1).SetVolume(message.Volume); }
public void Start() { SliderScript = GetComponent <SetVolume>(); menuState = new int[2]; fillMenuArray("mainMenu"); indexController = 0; Screen.SetResolution(1920, 1080, Screen.fullScreen); Screen.fullScreen = false; QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(0, true); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GraphicQuality") == 0) { QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(0, true); MyToggleUltra.isOn = true; MyToggleStandard.isOn = false; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GraphicQuality") == 1) { QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(1, true); MyToggleUltra.isOn = false; MyToggleStandard.isOn = true; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode") == 0) { setFullscreen(true); MyToggleFullscreen.isOn = true; } else { setFullscreen(false); MyToggleFullscreen.isOn = false; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ResolutionQuality") == 0) { myDropdown.value = 0; IndexResolution = 0; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ResolutionQuality") == 1) { myDropdown.value = 1; IndexResolution = 1; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ResolutionQuality") == 2) { myDropdown.value = 2; IndexResolution = 2; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ResolutionQuality") == 3) { myDropdown.value = 3; IndexResolution = 3; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ResolutionQuality") == 4) { myDropdown.value = 4; IndexResolution = 4; } else { myDropdown.value = 4; IndexResolution = 4; } setResolution(0); }