Beispiel #1
        public void GetUserBySession_NoUserSession()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <RegistrationContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var RSCxt = new RegistrationContext(options);
            IRSUserRepository    userRepository    = new UserRepository(RSCxt);
            IRSCourseRepository  courseRepository  = new CourseRepository(RSCxt);
            IRSSessionRepository sessionRepository = new SessionRepository(RSCxt);

            var Teacher = new UserTO()
                Name  = "Max",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Role  = UserRole.Teacher
            var Jack = new UserTO()
                Name  = "Jack Jack",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Role  = UserRole.Attendee
            var John = new UserTO()
                Name  = "John",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Role  = UserRole.Attendee

            var AddedUser0 = userRepository.Add(Teacher);
            var AddedUser1 = userRepository.Add(Jack);
            var AddedUser2 = userRepository.Add(John);


            var SQLCourse = new CourseTO()
                Name = "SQL"

            var AddedCourse = courseRepository.Add(SQLCourse);


            var SQLSession = new SessionTO()
                Attendees = new List <UserTO>()
                Course  = AddedCourse,
                Teacher = null

            var AddedSession = sessionRepository.Add(SQLSession);


            Assert.ThrowsException <NullReferenceException>(() => userRepository.GetUsersBySession(AddedSession));
Beispiel #2
 public IEnumerable <UserTO> GetBySession(SessionTO session)
            .Where(x => x.SessionId == session.Id)
            .Select(x => x.User.ToTransfertObject())
Beispiel #3
        public SessionTO Update(SessionTO session)
            if (session == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (!registrationContext.Sessions.Any(x => x.Id == session.Id))
                throw new ArgumentException("The session you are trying to update doesn't exists");

            var entity = registrationContext.Sessions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == session.Id);

            if (entity != default)
                if (registrationContext.Courses.Any(x => x.Id == session.Course.Id))
                    entity.Course = registrationContext.Courses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == session.Course.Id);

                UpdateUserSessions(session, entity);

Beispiel #4
        public void GetForm_ReturnsRequestedFormTO_WhenAllValuesProvidedAreValid_FinalForm(int deltaDay1, int deltaDay2, int deltaDay3, int expectedFormId)
            //ARRANGE - DATA INPUTS
            var TrainingDay1 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(deltaDay1);
            var TrainingDay2 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(deltaDay2);
            var TrainingDay3 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(deltaDay3);

            //ARRANGE - MOCKS IESUnitOfWork
            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IESUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.SubmissionRepository.IsAlreadySubmitted(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>()))
            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.FormRepository.GetById(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns((int id) => new FormTO()
                Id = id, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Form1", "Form1", "Form1")
            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.QuestionRepository.GetAllOfForm(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns(new List <QuestionTO> {
                new QuestionTO()
                    Id = 1, Libelle = new MultiLanguageString("Q1", "Q1", "Q1"), Position = 1, Type = QuestionType.Open

            //ARRANGE - MOCKS IRSServiceRole
            var mockRSServiceRole     = new Mock <IRSServiceRole>();
            var SessionToForRSService = new SessionTO
                Id        = 1,
                Attendees = new List <UserTO>()
                    new UserTO {
                        Id = 1
                SessionDays = new List <SessionDayTO>()
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = TrainingDay1
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 2, Date = TrainingDay2
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 3, Date = TrainingDay3

            mockRSServiceRole.Setup(x => x.GetSession(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(SessionToForRSService);

            var attendee      = new ESAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object, mockRSServiceRole.Object);
            var returnedValue = attendee.GetActiveForm(1, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFormId, returnedValue.Id);
Beispiel #5
        private void UpdateUserSessions(SessionTO session, SessionEF entity)
            registrationContext.RemoveRange(registrationContext.UserSessions.Where(x => x.SessionId == session.Id));

            foreach (var user in session.Attendees)
                var userSession = new UserSessionEF()
                    Session   = entity,
                    SessionId = entity.Id,
                    User      = registrationContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == user.Id),
                    UserId    = user.Id

            if (session.Teacher != null)
                var teacherSession = new UserSessionEF()
                    Session   = entity,
                    SessionId = entity.Id,
                    User      = registrationContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == session.Teacher.Id),
                    UserId    = session.Teacher.Id
        public void Should_Insert_Session_Without_Teacher_And_Users()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <RegistrationContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using (var context = new RegistrationContext(options))
                IRSSessionRepository sessionRepository = new SessionRepository(context);
                IRSCourseRepository  courseRepository  = new CourseRepository(context);

                var hugeCourse = new CourseTO()
                    Name = "Huge COurse"

                var addedCourse = courseRepository.Add(hugeCourse);

                var hugeSession = new SessionTO()
                    Course = addedCourse

                var addedSession = sessionRepository.Add(hugeSession);


                Assert.AreEqual(1, sessionRepository.GetAll().Count());
Beispiel #7
        public void GetForm_ThrowsSessionIsNotHeldToday_WhenValidUserValidSessionIsProvidedAndSessionDaysIsNotToday()
            //ESAttendeeRole(IESUnitOfWork iESUnitOfWork, IRSServiceRole iRSServiceRole)
            var mockUnitOfWork        = new Mock <IESUnitOfWork>();
            var mockRSServiceRole     = new Mock <IRSServiceRole>();
            var SessionToForRSService = new SessionTO
                Id        = 1,
                Attendees = new List <UserTO>()
                    new UserTO {
                        Id = 1
                SessionDays = new List <SessionDayTO>()
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(+1)

            mockRSServiceRole.Setup(x => x.GetSession(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(SessionToForRSService);

            var attendee = new ESAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object, mockRSServiceRole.Object);

            Assert.ThrowsException <LoggedException>(() => attendee.GetActiveForm(1, 1));
Beispiel #8
        public SessionTO Add(SessionTO session)
            if (session is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(session));

            if (session.Id != 0)

            if (session.Course.IsArchived)
                throw new ArgumentException("Course can not be archived");

            var entity = session.ToEF();

            entity.Course = registrationContext.Courses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == session.Course.Id);

            entity.UserSessions = new List <UserSessionEF>();
            entity = registrationContext.Sessions.Add(entity).Entity;

            UpdateUserSessions(session, entity);

        public void Should_Have_One_UserSessions()
            #region TOInitialization

            UserTO student = new UserTO()
                Id    = 1,
                Name  = "Jacky Fringant",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Role  = UserRole.Attendee,

            UserTO teacher = new UserTO()
                Id    = 2,
                Name  = "Johnny Begood",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Role  = UserRole.Teacher

            CourseTO sql = new CourseTO()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "SQL"

            SessionTO sessionTO = new SessionTO()
                Id          = 1,
                Teacher     = teacher,
                Course      = sql,
                SessionDays = new List <SessionDayTO>()
                    new SessionDayTO()
                        Id = 1, Date = new DateTime(2020, 2, 3), PresenceType = SessionPresenceType.MorningAfternoon
                    new SessionDayTO()
                        Id = 2, Date = new DateTime(2020, 2, 4), PresenceType = SessionPresenceType.MorningAfternoon
                    new SessionDayTO()
                        Id = 3, Date = new DateTime(2020, 2, 5), PresenceType = SessionPresenceType.MorningAfternoon

                Attendees = new List <UserTO>()

            #endregion TOInitialization

            SessionEF sessionConverted = sessionTO.ToEF();
        public void Should_Throw_Exception_When_Course_IsArchived()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <RegistrationContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using (var context = new RegistrationContext(options))
                IRSUserRepository    userRepository    = new UserRepository(context);
                IRSSessionRepository sessionRepository = new SessionRepository(context);
                IRSCourseRepository  courseRepository  = new CourseRepository(context);

                var Teacher = new UserTO()
                    //Id = 420,
                    Name  = "Christian",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Role  = UserRole.Teacher

                var Michou = new UserTO()
                    //Id = 45,
                    Name  = "Michou Miraisin",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Role  = UserRole.Attendee

                var AddedTeacher  = userRepository.Add(Teacher);
                var AddedAttendee = userRepository.Add(Michou);

                var SQLCourse = new CourseTO()
                    //Id = 28,
                    Name       = "SQL",
                    IsArchived = true

                var AddedCourse = courseRepository.Add(SQLCourse);

                var SQLSession = new SessionTO()
                    //Id = 1,
                    Attendees = new List <UserTO>()
                    Course  = AddedCourse,
                    Teacher = AddedTeacher,

                Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => sessionRepository.Add(SQLSession));
Beispiel #11
 public static Session ToDomain(this SessionTO sessionTO)
     return(new Session
         ID = sessionTO.ID,
         Course = sessionTO.Course.ToDoamin(),
         Teacher = sessionTO.TeacherName.ToDomain(),
         Attendee = sessionTO.Attendee.ToDomain(),
Beispiel #12
 public static Session ToDomain(this SessionTO sessionTO)
     return(new Session
         Id = sessionTO.Id,
         Course = sessionTO.Course.ToDomain(),
         Teacher = sessionTO.TeacherName.ToDomain(),
         Attendees = sessionTO.Attendees?.Select(x => x.ToDomain()).ToList()
        public void AddSession_ThrowException_WhenSessionIDisDiferentThanZero()
            var assistant    = new RSAssistantRole(new Mock <IRSUnitOfWork>().Object);
            var sessionToAdd = new SessionTO {
                Id = 1, Course = null, Teacher = null

            Assert.ThrowsException <Exception>(() => assistant.AddSession(sessionToAdd));
Beispiel #14
        public bool IsInSession(UserTO user, SessionTO session)
            var returnValue = false;
            var sessionList = GetUsersBySession(session);

            if (sessionList.Contains(user))
                returnValue = true;
        public void UpdateSession_ThrowException_WhenSessionIdIsZero()
            var sessionIdZero = new SessionTO {
                Id = 0, Course = null
            var assistant = new RSAssistantRole(MockUofW.Object);

            Assert.ThrowsException <Exception>(() => assistant.UpdateSession(sessionIdZero));
Beispiel #16
        public static SessionEF ToEF(this SessionTO session)
            if (session is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(session));

            var result = new SessionEF()
                Id     = session.Id,
                Course = session.Course.ToEF(),
                Dates  = session.SessionDays?.Select(x => x.ToEF()).ToList()

            if (session.Attendees == null)

            result.UserSessions = new List <UserSessionEF>();

            foreach (var user in session.Attendees)
                var userSession = new UserSessionEF()
                    SessionId = session.Id,
                    Session   = result,
                    UserId    = user.Id,
                    User      = user.ToEF()

            var teacherEF = new UserSessionEF()
                SessionId = session.Id,
                Session   = result,
                UserId    = session.Teacher.Id,
                User      = session.Teacher.ToEF()


            //foreach (UserSessionEF item in result.UserSessions)
            //    item.User.UserSessions.Add(item);

Beispiel #17
        public void RemoveSession_ReturnsTrue_WhenSessionIsProvidedAndRemovedFromDB_Test()
            MockSessionRepository.Setup(x => x.Remove(It.IsAny <SessionTO>()));
            MockUofW.Setup(x => x.SessionRepository).Returns(MockSessionRepository.Object);

            var assistant       = new RSAssistantRole(MockUofW.Object);
            var sessionToRemove = new SessionTO {
                Id = 1, Course = course, Teacher = teacher

        public void UpdateSession_ReturnsTrue_WhenAValidSessionIsProvidedAndUpdatedInDB()
            MockSessionRepository.Setup(x => x.Update(It.IsAny <SessionTO>()));
            MockUofW.Setup(x => x.SessionRepository).Returns(MockSessionRepository.Object);

            var assistant = new RSAssistantRole(MockUofW.Object);
            var user      = new SessionTO {
                Id = 1, Course = course, Teacher = teacher

        public void UpdateSession_UserRepositoryIsCalledOnce_WhenAValidSessionIsProvidedAndUpdatedInDB()
            MockSessionRepository.Setup(x => x.Update(It.IsAny <SessionTO>()));
            MockUofW.Setup(x => x.SessionRepository).Returns(MockSessionRepository.Object);

            var ass          = new RSAssistantRole(MockUofW.Object);
            var userToUpdate = new SessionTO {
                Id = 1, Course = course, Teacher = teacher

            MockSessionRepository.Verify(x => x.Update(It.IsAny <SessionTO>()), Times.Once);
Beispiel #20
 public IEnumerable <UserTO> GetUsersBySession(SessionTO session)
     if (session is null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(session));
     if ((session.Attendees == null || session.Attendees.Count() == 0) && session.Teacher == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException();
            .Where(x => x.SessionId == session.Id)
            .Select(x => x.User.ToTransfertObject())
        public static Session ToDomain(this SessionTO session)
            if (session == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(session));

            return(new Session
                Id = session.Id,
                Course = session.Course.ToDomain(),
                Teacher = session.Teacher.ToDomain(),
                Attendees = session.Attendees?.Select(x => x.ToDomain()).ToList(),
                Dates = session.SessionDays?.Select(x => x.ToDomain()).ToList()
        public void AddSession_NewSession_Test()
            var newSession = new SessionTO {
                Id = 0, Course = course, Teacher = teacher, Attendees = null

            MockSessionRepository.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <SessionTO>()));
            var mockUofW = new Mock <IRSUnitOfWork>();

            mockUofW.Setup(x => x.SessionRepository).Returns(MockSessionRepository.Object);

            var assistant = new RSAssistantRole(mockUofW.Object);

Beispiel #23
        public SessionTO Add(SessionTO Entity)
            if (Entity is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Entity));

            if (Entity.Id != 0)

            var sessionEF = Entity.ToEF();

            sessionEF.Course = registrationContext.Courses.First(x => x.Id == Entity.Course.Id);

            // => registrationContext.Add(Entity.ToEF()).Entity.ToTransfertObject();
        public static SessionTO ToTransfertObject(this SessionEF session)
            var sessionTO = new SessionTO()
                Id     = session.Id,
                Course = session.Course?.ToTransfertObject(),
                //SessionDays = session.Dates.Select(x => x.ToTransfertObject()).ToList(),

            if (session.UserSessions.Any(x => x.User.Role == UserRole.Teacher))
                sessionTO.Teacher = session.UserSessions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.User.Role == UserRole.Teacher).User.ToTransfertObject();

            if (session.UserSessions.Any(x => x.User.Role == UserRole.Attendee))
                sessionTO.Attendees = session.UserSessions.Where(x => x.User.Role == UserRole.Attendee).Select(x => x.User.ToTransfertObject()).ToList();
Beispiel #25
        public bool UpdateSession(SessionTO sessionTO)
            if (sessionTO is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException((nameof(sessionTO)));

            if (sessionTO.Id == 0)
                throw new Exception("User does not exist");

            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #26
        public void GetForm_ThrowExceptionFormAlreadySubmitted_WhenTodaHasAnActiveFormNotSubmmittedButSubmittedDay2Previously_day1()
            //ESAttendeeRole(IESUnitOfWork iESUnitOfWork, IRSServiceRole iRSServiceRole)
            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IESUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.SetupSequence(x => x.SubmissionRepository.IsAlreadySubmitted(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns(false)     //Form 1 not submitted
            .Returns(true);     //Form 2 submitted

            var mockRSServiceRole     = new Mock <IRSServiceRole>();
            var SessionToForRSService = new SessionTO
                Id        = 1,
                Attendees = new List <UserTO>()
                    new UserTO {
                        Id = 1
                SessionDays = new List <SessionDayTO>()
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(+1)
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(+2)

            mockRSServiceRole.Setup(x => x.GetSession(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(SessionToForRSService);

            var attendee = new ESAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object, mockRSServiceRole.Object);

            Assert.ThrowsException <LoggedException>(() => attendee.GetActiveForm(1, 1));
Beispiel #27
        public void GetForm_ThrowsSessionUserNotInSession_WhenValidUserIsProvidedButNotInSession()
            //ESAttendeeRole(IESUnitOfWork iESUnitOfWork, IRSServiceRole iRSServiceRole)
            var mockUnitOfWork        = new Mock <IESUnitOfWork>();
            var mockRSServiceRole     = new Mock <IRSServiceRole>();
            var SessionToForRSService = new SessionTO
                Id        = 1,
                Attendees = new List <UserTO>()
                    new UserTO {
                        Id = 1

            mockRSServiceRole.Setup(x => x.GetSession(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(SessionToForRSService);

            var attendee = new ESAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object, mockRSServiceRole.Object);

            Assert.ThrowsException <LoggedException>(() => attendee.GetActiveForm(1, 4));
Beispiel #28
        public bool AddSession(SessionTO sessionTO)
            if (sessionTO is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sessionTO));

            if (sessionTO.Id != 0)
                throw new Exception("Existing Session");


            catch (Exception)
        public static SessionEF ToEF(this SessionTO session)
            if (session is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(session));

            var result = new SessionEF()
                Id     = session.Id,
                Course = session.Course.ToEF(),
                Dates  = session.SessionDays?.Select(x => x.ToEF()).ToList()

            if (session.Attendees == null)

            result.UserSessions = new List <UserSessionEF>();

Beispiel #30
        public void GetForm_ReturnsNULL_WhenTodayIsDoesNotHaveAnActiveForm()
            //ESAttendeeRole(IESUnitOfWork iESUnitOfWork, IRSServiceRole iRSServiceRole)
            var mockUnitOfWork        = new Mock <IESUnitOfWork>();
            var mockRSServiceRole     = new Mock <IRSServiceRole>();
            var SessionToForRSService = new SessionTO
                Id        = 1,
                Attendees = new List <UserTO>()
                    new UserTO {
                        Id = 1
                SessionDays = new List <SessionDayTO>()
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now
                    new SessionDayTO {
                        Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(+1)

            mockRSServiceRole.Setup(x => x.GetSession(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(SessionToForRSService);

            var attendee = new ESAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object, mockRSServiceRole.Object);

            var returnedValue = attendee.GetActiveForm(1, 1);
