public async Task UploadAndDownloadTest()
            //Get a sample file from your local path.
            var filePath  = @"C:\Temp\bird.jpg";
            var fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);

            var fileService = new Services.FileService(appSettings);

            //Add this crazy folder structure to file name
            var fileNameInFolder = $"accounts/1007/citations/1000002/8b568379-4d35-4a5c-9717-65bfc1d09a4c.jpg";

            //Upload the file
            var result = await fileService.UploadFile(fileBytes, fileNameInFolder, appSettings.Value.AWSAccessKeyID, appSettings.Value.AWSSecretKey);

            //Read the file and copy it to the temp directory
            var cityAppFile = await fileService.ReadFile(fileNameInFolder, appSettings.Value.AWSAccessKeyID, appSettings.Value.AWSSecretKey, appSettings.Value.AmazonS3Bucket);

            //Now test the downloading of this file.
            var fileName = "TestUpload" + new Random().Next(1, 99) + ".png";
            var newFile  = $"c:\\temp\\{fileName}";

            using (var fileStream = File.Create(newFile))
                cityAppFile.FileStream.Position = 0;

            Assert.IsTrue(File.ReadAllBytes(newFile).Length > 0);