Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Aborts execution of a running service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instanceID"></param>
        void IServiceExecutionHost.AbortService(Guid instanceID)
            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = Get(instanceID);

            lock (runtimeInfo.ExecutionSync)
Beispiel #2
        void DomainUnload(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the service instance ID of the appdomain
            AppDomain appDomain = (AppDomain)sender;
            Guid      instanceID;

            if (!_serviceByAppDomain.TryGetValue(appDomain.Id, out instanceID))

            // Get the runtime in the appdomain
            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = Get(instanceID, throwex: false);

            if (runtimeInfo == null)

            // Remove the service
            lock (_services)
        void IServiceExecutionHost.Connect(Guid instanceID, Guid connectionGuid, string usageName)

            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo;

            // Check if instance ID exists
            lock (_services)
                if (!_services.TryGetValue(instanceID, out runtimeInfo))
                    runtimeInfo = new ServiceRuntimeInfo(instanceID);
                    _services.Add(instanceID, runtimeInfo);

            lock (runtimeInfo.Connections)
                runtimeInfo.Connections.Add(connectionGuid, new ServiceConnectionInfo()
                    ConnectionGuid = connectionGuid,
                    InstanceId     = instanceID,
                    UsageName      = usageName,
                    Callback       = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel <IServiceConnection>()
        void IServiceExecutionHost.ResumeService(Guid instanceID)

            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = Get(instanceID);

            lock (runtimeInfo.ExecutionSync)
                try { runtimeInfo.ServiceRef.Resume(); }
                catch (AppDomainUnloadedException)
                    HostLog("Service was killed while trying to resume.", null, LogMessageType.Warning);
Beispiel #5
        void IServiceExecutionHost.Connect(Guid instanceID, Guid connectionGuid)
            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo;

            // Check if instance ID exists
            lock (_services)
                if (!_services.TryGetValue(instanceID, out runtimeInfo))
                    runtimeInfo = new ServiceRuntimeInfo(instanceID);
                    _services.Add(instanceID, runtimeInfo);

            runtimeInfo.Connections.Add(connectionGuid, OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel <IServiceConnection>());
        void DomainUnload(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the service instance ID of the appdomain
            AppDomain appDomain = (AppDomain)sender;
            Guid      instanceID;

            if (!_serviceByAppDomain.TryGetValue(appDomain.Id, out instanceID))

            // Get the runtime in the appdomain
            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = Get(instanceID, throwex: false);

            if (runtimeInfo == null)

            // Remove the service
            lock (_services)

            #region Probably not necessary - TBD

            // Dispose of open channels

             * lock (runtimeInfo.Connections)
             * {
             *      foreach (IServiceConnection connection in runtimeInfo.Connections.Values)
             *      {
             *              try { connection.Dispose(); }
             *              catch (Exception ex)
             *              {
             *                      HostLog("Forcing the connection to close caused an exception.", ex, LogMessageType.Warning);
             *              }
             *      }
             * }
        internal void InstanceLog(Guid instanceID, Guid profileID, string serviceName, string contextInfo, string message, Exception ex, LogMessageType messageType)
            // Get the runtime in the appdomain
            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = Get(instanceID, throwex: false);

            var entry = new LogMessage(
                source: serviceName,
                contextInfo: contextInfo,
                message: message,
                ex: ex,
                messageType: messageType
                ServiceInstanceID = instanceID,
                ServiceProfileID  = profileID

        /// <summary>
        /// Aborts execution of a running service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instanceID"></param>
        void IServiceExecutionHost.AbortService(Guid instanceID)

            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = Get(instanceID);

            lock (runtimeInfo.ExecutionSync)
                if (runtimeInfo.StateInfo == null)
                    // Special case to notify connections (ServiceInstance objects) that a service has been canceled and will never run
                    lock (runtimeInfo.Connections)
                        foreach (IServiceConnection connection in runtimeInfo.Connections.Values)
                            connection.ReceiveState(new ServiceStateInfo()
                                State = ServiceState.Ended, Outcome = ServiceOutcome.Canceled

                        // candidate for DeadLock
                        lock (_services)
                    // Abort a running service
                    catch (AppDomainUnloadedException)
                        HostLog("Service was killed while trying to abort.", null, LogMessageType.Warning);
Beispiel #9
        void IServiceExecutionHost.InitializeService(ServiceConfiguration config, SchedulingInfo schedulingInfo, Guid instanceID, Guid parentInstanceID, Guid connectionGuid)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ServiceClass))
                throw new ServiceException("ServiceConfiguration.ServiceClass cannot be empty.");

            ServiceRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = Get(instanceID);

            lock (runtimeInfo.ExecutionSync)
                if (runtimeInfo.StateInfo != null && runtimeInfo.StateInfo.Value.State != ServiceState.Uninitialized)
                    throw new ServiceException("Service is already initialized.");

                // Save init data for later
                runtimeInfo.ParentInstanceID = parentInstanceID;
                runtimeInfo.Configuration    = config;
                runtimeInfo.SchedulingInfo   = schedulingInfo;
                UpdateState(instanceID, new ServiceStateInfo()
                    State = ServiceState.Initializing

                // Load the app domain, and attach to its events
                AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(
                    String.Format("Edge service - {0} ({1})", config.ServiceName, instanceID)
                domain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(DomainUnload);

                // Instantiate the service type in the new domain
                Service serviceRef;
                if (config.AssemblyPath == null)
                    Type serviceType = Type.GetType(config.ServiceClass, false);

                    if (serviceType == null)
                        serviceType = Type.GetType(String.Format("Edge.Core.Services.{0}.{0}Service", config.ServiceClass), false);

                    if (serviceType == null)
                        throw new ServiceException(String.Format("Service type '{0}' could not be found. Please specify AssemblyPath if the service is not in the host directory.", config.ServiceClass));

                    serviceRef = (Service)domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(serviceType.Assembly.FullName, serviceType.FullName);
                    // A 3rd party service
                    serviceRef = (Service)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(

                runtimeInfo.ServiceRef = serviceRef;
                runtimeInfo.AppDomain  = domain;

                lock (_serviceByAppDomain)
                    _serviceByAppDomain.Add(domain.Id, runtimeInfo.InstanceID);

                // Give the service ref its properties
                serviceRef.Init(this, this.Environment.EnvironmentConfiguration, config, schedulingInfo, instanceID, parentInstanceID);