Beispiel #1
        private void AddResult(string strError)
            if (strError == "")
                oOnDemand.UpdateStepDoneServer(intServer, intStep, oOnDemand.GetStep(intStep, "done"), 0, false, false);
                oEventLog.AddEvent(strName, strSerial, strError, LoggingType.Error);
                //Functions oFunction = new Functions(0, dsn, intEnvironment);
                //Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment);
                oOnDemand.UpdateStepDoneServer(intServer, intStep, strError, 1, false, false);

                // Generic Error Request
                Services        oService                    = new Services(0, dsn);
                ResourceRequest oResourceRequest            = new ResourceRequest(0, dsn);
                ServiceRequests oServiceRequest             = new ServiceRequests(0, dsn);
                int             intProvisioningErrorService = intService;
                int             intProvisioningErrorItem    = oService.GetItemId(intProvisioningErrorService);
                int             intProvisioningErrorNumber  = oResourceRequest.GetNumber(intRequest, intProvisioningErrorItem);
                int             intError                    = oServer.AddError(intRequest, intProvisioningErrorItem, intProvisioningErrorNumber, intServer, intStep, strError);
                int             intProvisioningError        = oResourceRequest.Add(intRequest, intProvisioningErrorItem, intProvisioningErrorService, intProvisioningErrorNumber, "Provisioning Error (" + strName + ")", 1, 0.00, 2, 1, 1, 1);
                if (oServiceRequest.NotifyApproval(intProvisioningError, intResourceRequestApprove, intEnvironment, "", dsnServiceEditor) == false)
                    oServiceRequest.NotifyTeamLead(intProvisioningErrorItem, intProvisioningError, intAssignPage, intViewPage, intEnvironment, "", dsnServiceEditor, dsnAsset, dsnIP, 0);
                if (boolEmailError == true)
                    oFunction.SendEmail("Auto-Provisioning ERROR: " + strName, strTo, strCC, "", "Auto-Provisioning ERROR: " + strName, "<p><b>This message is to inform you that the server " + strName + " has encountered an error and has been stopped!</b><p><p>Serial Number: " + strSerial.ToUpper() + "<br/>Asset Tag: " + strAsset.ToUpper() + "<br/>Model: " + strModel.ToUpper() + "<br/>Step #: " + intStep.ToString() + "<br/>Error: " + strError + "<br/>ILO: <a href=\"https://" + strILO + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + strILO + "</a></p><p>When this issue has been resolved, <a href=\"" + oVariable.URL() + "/admin/errors_server.aspx?id=" + intServer.ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> to clear this error and continue with the build.</p>", true, false);
Beispiel #2
        private void AddResult(string strResult, string strError, int intAuditIDError)
            if (strError == "")
                if (boolMIS == false)
                    //oOnDemand.UpdateStepDoneServer(intServer, intStep, strResult, 0, false, false);

                    // Update to prevent it being kicked off again
                    oServer.UpdateStep(intServer, intStep + 1);
                    // Set the done status
                    oOnDemand.UpdateStepDoneServer(intServer, intStep, strResult, 0, false, false);
                    // Go back to current step
                    oServer.UpdateStep(intServer, intStep);
                    // Push through to next step
                    oServer.UpdateMISAudits(intServer, DateTime.Now.ToString());
                oLog.AddEvent(strName, strSerial, strError, LoggingType.Error);
                if (boolMIS == false)
                    oOnDemand.UpdateStepDoneServer(intServer, intStep, strError, 1, false, false);
                    oServer.UpdateMISAudits(intServer, DateTime.Now.ToString());

                // Generic Error Request
                Services        oService                   = new Services(0, dsn);
                ResourceRequest oResourceRequest           = new ResourceRequest(0, dsn);
                ServiceRequests oServiceRequest            = new ServiceRequests(0, dsn);
                int             intServerAuditErrorService = intService;
                int             intServerAuditErrorItem    = oService.GetItemId(intServerAuditErrorService);
                int             intServerAuditErrorNumber  = oResourceRequest.GetNumber(intRequest, intServerAuditErrorItem);
                oAudit.AddError(intRequest, intServerAuditErrorService, intServerAuditErrorNumber, intAuditIDError, intStep, boolMIS);
                int intError            = oServer.AddError(intRequest, intServerAuditErrorItem, intServerAuditErrorNumber, intServer, intStep, strError);
                int intServerAuditError = oResourceRequest.Add(intRequest, intServerAuditErrorItem, intServerAuditErrorService, intServerAuditErrorNumber, "Server Audit Exception (" + strName + ")", 1, 0.00, 2, 1, 1, 1);
                if (oServiceRequest.NotifyApproval(intServerAuditError, intResourceRequestApprove, intEnvironment, "", dsnServiceEditor) == false)
                    oServiceRequest.NotifyTeamLead(intServerAuditErrorItem, intServerAuditError, intAssignPage, intViewPage, intEnvironment, "", dsnServiceEditor, dsnAsset, dsnIP, 0);
Beispiel #3
        public void Backups(int EnvironmentID)
            // Setup Classes
            Servers            oServer             = new Servers(0, dsn);
            AvamarRegistration oAvamarRegistration = new AvamarRegistration(0, dsn);
            Log       oLog      = new Log(0, dsn);
            Variables oVariable = new Variables(EnvironmentID);

            // Setup Webservice for querying via SSH
            System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentialsDNS = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain());
            ClearViewWebServices         oWebService     = new ClearViewWebServices();

            oWebService.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL();

            DataSet dsBackups = oServer.GetAvamarBackups();

            if (dsBackups.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                oLog.AddEvent("", "", "Get avamar backups (" + dsBackups.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString() + ")", LoggingType.Debug);
                foreach (DataRow drBackup in dsBackups.Tables[0].Rows)

                    int      intServer  = Int32.Parse(drBackup["id"].ToString());
                    DateTime datCreated = DateTime.Parse(drBackup["created"].ToString());
                    int      intAnswer  = Int32.Parse(drBackup["answerid"].ToString());
                    string   strName    = drBackup["servername"].ToString();
                    string   strGrid    = drBackup["grid"].ToString();
                    string   strDomain  = drBackup["domain"].ToString();
                    string   strGroup   = drBackup["group"].ToString();

                    oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Starting automated Avamar backup validation", LoggingType.Debug);
                    string strError = "";

                    // Initiate backup for client
                    AvamarReturnType backup = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.GetAvamarBackup(strGrid, strDomain, strName));
                    if (backup.Error == false)
                        oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "There are " + backup.Nodes.Count.ToString() + " backup(s).", LoggingType.Information);
                        if (backup.Nodes.Count > 0)
                            oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Backup has been validated", LoggingType.Information);
                            oServer.UpdateAvamarBackupCompleted(intServer, backup.Nodes[0].InnerXml, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0);
                            // Check to see if a certain amount of time has passed and if so, throw error.
                            TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now.Subtract(datCreated);
                            if (span.TotalMinutes > 90)
                                // It's been an hour and a half.  Throw error.
                                strError = "The backup has still not completed after 90 minutes on grid " + strGrid;
                        strError = backup.Message + " (" + backup.Code + ")";

                    if (strError != "")
                        oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", strError, LoggingType.Error);
                        oServer.UpdateAvamarBackupCompleted(intServer, strError, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 1);
                        oServer.AddError(0, 0, 0, intServer, 906, strError);
Beispiel #4
        public void SystemError(int _serverid, int _workstationid, int _stepid, string _error, int _assetid, int _modelid, bool _is_vmware, VMWare _vmware, int _environment, string _dsn_asset)
            int intError = 0;

            if (_stepid > 0)
                string   strName   = "";
                string   strType   = "";
                int      intID     = 0;
                OnDemand oOnDemand = new OnDemand(0, dsn);
                if (_serverid > 0)
                    oOnDemand.UpdateStepDoneServer(_serverid, _stepid, _error, 1, false, false);
                    Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn);
                    intError = oServer.AddError(0, 0, 0, _serverid, _stepid, _error);
                    strName  = oServer.GetName(_serverid, true);
                    strType  = "server";
                    intID    = _serverid;
                if (_workstationid > 0)
                    oOnDemand.UpdateStepDoneWorkstation(_workstationid, _stepid, _error, 1, false, false);
                    Workstations oWorkstation = new Workstations(0, dsn);
                    intError = oWorkstation.AddVirtualError(0, 0, 0, _workstationid, _stepid, _error);
                    int intName = 0;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(oWorkstation.GetVirtual(_workstationid, "nameid"), out intName) == true)
                        strName = oWorkstation.GetName(intName);
                    strType = "workstation";
                    intID   = _workstationid;
                if (_serverid > 0 || _workstationid > 0)
                    ModelsProperties oModelsProperties = new ModelsProperties(0, dsn);
                    Functions        oFunction         = new Functions(0, dsn, _environment);
                    Variables        oVariable         = new Variables(_environment);
                    Asset            oAsset            = new Asset(0, _dsn_asset);

                    int     intType = oModelsProperties.GetType(_modelid);
                    DataSet dsSteps = oOnDemand.GetSteps(intType, 1);
                    string  strStep = "N / A";
                    if (dsSteps.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        strStep = dsSteps.Tables[0].Rows[_stepid - 1]["name"].ToString();
                    string strEMailIdsBCC = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_PROVISIONING_SUPPORT");
                        if (_is_vmware == true)
                            oFunction.SendEmail("Auto-Provisioning FATAL ERROR: " + strName, strEMailIdsBCC, "", "", "Auto-Provisioning FATAL ERROR: " + strName, "<p><b>This message is to inform you that the " + strType + " " + strName + " has encountered a FATAL error and has been stopped!</b><p><p>Serial Number: " + oAsset.Get(_assetid, "serial").ToUpper() + "<br/>Asset Tag: " + oAsset.Get(_assetid, "asset").ToUpper() + "<br/>Model: " + oModelsProperties.Get(_modelid, "name").ToUpper() + "<br/>Step #: " + _stepid.ToString() + "<br/>Step: " + strStep + "<br/>Error: " + _error + "<br/>DataCenter: " + _vmware.DataCenter() + "<br/>Virtual Center: " + _vmware.VirtualCenter() + "</p><p>When this issue has been resolved, <a href=\"" + oVariable.URL() + "/admin/errors_" + strType + ".aspx?id=" + intID.ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> to clear this error and continue with the build.</p>", true, false);
                            oFunction.SendEmail("Auto-Provisioning FATAL ERROR: " + strName, strEMailIdsBCC, "", "", "Auto-Provisioning FATAL ERROR: " + strName, "<p><b>This message is to inform you that the " + strType + " " + strName + " has encountered a FATAL error and has been stopped!</b><p><p>Serial Number: " + oAsset.Get(_assetid, "serial").ToUpper() + "<br/>Asset Tag: " + oAsset.Get(_assetid, "asset").ToUpper() + "<br/>Model: " + oModelsProperties.Get(_modelid, "name").ToUpper() + "<br/>Step #: " + _stepid.ToString() + "<br/>Step: " + strStep + "<br/>Error: " + _error + "<br/>ILO: <a href=\"https://" + oAsset.GetServerOrBlade(_assetid, "ilo") + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + oAsset.GetServerOrBlade(_assetid, "ilo") + "</a></p><p>When this issue has been resolved, <a href=\"" + oVariable.URL() + "/admin/errors_" + strType + ".aspx?id=" + intID.ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> to clear this error and continue with the build.</p>", true, false);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        oFunction.SendEmail("Auto-Provisioning FATAL ERROR: " + strName, strEMailIdsBCC, "", "", "Auto-Provisioning FATAL ERROR: " + strName, "<p><b>This message is to inform you that the " + strType + " " + strName + " has encountered a FATAL error and has been stopped!</b><p><p>Serial Number: " + oAsset.Get(_assetid, "serial").ToUpper() + "<br/>Asset Tag: " + oAsset.Get(_assetid, "asset").ToUpper() + "<br/>Model: " + oModelsProperties.Get(_modelid, "name").ToUpper() + "<br/>Step #: " + _stepid.ToString() + "<br/>Step: " + strStep + "<br/>Error: " + _error + "<br/>Notification Error: (Error Message: " + ex.Message + ") (Source: " + ex.Source + ") (Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace + ")</p><p>When this issue has been resolved, <a href=\"" + oVariable.URL() + "/admin/errors_" + strType + ".aspx?id=" + intID.ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> to clear this error and continue with the build.</p>", true, false);
Beispiel #5
        public void Activations(int EnvironmentID)
            // Setup Classes
            Servers            oServer             = new Servers(0, dsn);
            AvamarRegistration oAvamarRegistration = new AvamarRegistration(0, dsn);
            Log       oLog      = new Log(0, dsn);
            Variables oVariable = new Variables(EnvironmentID);

            // Setup Webservice for querying via SSH
            System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentialsDNS = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain());
            ClearViewWebServices         oWebService     = new ClearViewWebServices();

            oWebService.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL();

            DataSet dsActivations = oServer.GetAvamarActivations();

            if (dsActivations.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                oLog.AddEvent("", "", "Get avamar activations (" + dsActivations.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString() + ")", LoggingType.Debug);
                foreach (DataRow drActivation in dsActivations.Tables[0].Rows)

                    int intServer = Int32.Parse(drActivation["id"].ToString());
                    oServer.UpdateAvamarActivationStarted(intServer, DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    int    intAnswer = Int32.Parse(drActivation["answerid"].ToString());
                    string strName   = drActivation["servername"].ToString();
                    string strGrid   = drActivation["grid"].ToString();
                    string strDomain = drActivation["domain"].ToString();
                    string strGroup1 = drActivation["group1"].ToString();
                    string strGroup2 = drActivation["group2"].ToString();
                    string strGroup3 = drActivation["group3"].ToString();

                    oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Starting automated Avamar activation", LoggingType.Information);
                    string strError   = "";
                    string strSuccess = "";

                        // Activate client
                        AvamarReturnType activate = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.ActivateAvamarClient(strGrid, strDomain, strName));
                        if (activate.Error == false)
                            strSuccess = activate.Message;
                            // Wait 1/2 minute for synchronization
                            oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Activation script complete = " + activate.Message + ".", LoggingType.Information);
                            bool HasActivated = false;
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < 10 && HasActivated == false; ii++)
                                int activateCount = ii + 1;
                                oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Checking activation status (" + activateCount.ToString() + " of 10)...", LoggingType.Debug);
                                AvamarReturnType activated = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.GetAvamarClient(strGrid, strDomain, strName));
                                if (activated.Error == false)
                                    foreach (XmlNode node in activated.Nodes)
                                        if (node["Attribute"].InnerText == "Activated")
                                            if (node["Value"].InnerText.Trim().ToUpper() == "YES")
                                                HasActivated = true;
                                                oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Client has activated!", LoggingType.Information);
                                                oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Client is not active. Waiting 30 seconds before retrying...", LoggingType.Debug);
                                    strError = "Error while activating - " + activated.Message;

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strError))
                                if (HasActivated)
                                    // Initiate backup
                                    oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Initiating backup...", LoggingType.Information);
                                    AvamarReturnType start = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.StartAvamarBackup(strGrid, strDomain, strGroup1, strName));
                                    if (start.Error)
                                        strError = start.Message + " (" + start.Code + ")";
                                    else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strGroup2) == false)
                                        oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Backup for " + strGroup1 + " started = " + start.Message, LoggingType.Information);
                                        AvamarReturnType start2 = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.StartAvamarBackup(strGrid, strDomain, strGroup2, strName));
                                        if (start2.Error)
                                            strError = start2.Message + " (" + start2.Code + ")";
                                        else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strGroup3) == false)
                                            oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Backup for " + strGroup2 + " started = " + start2.Message, LoggingType.Information);
                                            AvamarReturnType start3 = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.StartAvamarBackup(strGrid, strDomain, strGroup3, strName));
                                            if (start3.Error)
                                                strError = start3.Message + " (" + start3.Code + ")";
                                                oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Backup for " + strGroup3 + " started = " + start3.Message, LoggingType.Information);
                                    strError = "Client has not activated after 5 minutes";
                            strError = activate.Message + " (" + activate.Code + ")";
                    catch (Exception exError)
                        strError = exError.Message;
                        if (exError.InnerException != null)
                            strError += " ~ " + exError.InnerException.Message;

                    if (strError != "")
                        oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", strError, LoggingType.Error);
                        oServer.UpdateAvamarActivationCompleted(intServer, "", strError, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 1);
                        oServer.AddError(0, 0, 0, intServer, 906, strError);
                        oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Activation completed and backup initiated", LoggingType.Information);
                        oServer.UpdateAvamarActivationCompleted(intServer, "", strSuccess, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0);
                        oServer.AddAvamarBackup(intServer, strName, strGrid, strDomain, strGroup1);
Beispiel #6
        public void NonShared()
            //// Initiate Timer
            //int intTimeout = 10;    // minutes for all registrations
            //if (Debug)
            //    oEventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("Starting Avamar Registration Thread."), EventLogEntryType.Information);
            //Timeout timeout = new Timeout(TimeoutType.Minutes, intTimeout, oEventLog, Debug);
            //ThreadStart tTimeoutStart = new ThreadStart(timeout.Begin);
            //Thread tTimeout = new Thread(tTimeoutStart);

                this.Starter.NonSharedStorage = true;

                // Setup Classes
                Servers          oServer          = new Servers(0, dsn);
                OperatingSystems oOperatingSystem = new OperatingSystems(0, dsn);
                Log oLog = new Log(0, dsn);

                DataSet dsNew = oServer.GetStorageConfigured();
                if (dsNew.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow drNew in dsNew.Tables[0].Rows)
                        int    intServer = Int32.Parse(drNew["id"].ToString());
                        int    intOS     = Int32.Parse(drNew["osid"].ToString());
                        int    intAnswer = Int32.Parse(drNew["answerid"].ToString());
                        int    intNumber = Int32.Parse(drNew["number"].ToString());
                        string Name      = drNew["servername"].ToString();
                        string IP        = drNew["ipaddress"].ToString();

                        if (oOperatingSystem.IsWindows(intOS) || oOperatingSystem.IsWindows2008(intOS))
                            // First, check to make sure it's available (pinging) in DNS
                            //bool InDNS = false;
                            //Ping Ping = new Ping();
                            //string PingStatus = "";
                            //    PingReply Reply = Ping.Send(Name);
                            //    PingStatus = Reply.Status.ToString().ToUpper();
                            //    if (PingStatus == "SUCCESS")
                            //    {
                            //        InDNS = true;
                            //        break;
                            //    }
                            //catch { }

                            //if (InDNS)
                            // Serverprocessing.ps1 -AnswerID 26622 -ServerNumber 1 –Environment "Albert_Dev" –IPAddressToConnect  "" – ConfigureNonSharedStorage -Log
                            string command = "Serverprocessing.ps1 -AnswerID " + intAnswer.ToString() + " -ServerNumber " + intNumber.ToString() + " –Environment \"" + this.Starter.ScriptEnvironment + "\" –IPAddressToConnect  \"" + IP + "\" – ConfigureNonSharedStorage -Log";
                            oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "Non-shared storage", "Starting automated script (" + command + ")...", LoggingType.Debug);

                            string error = "";
                                List <PowershellParameter> powershell = new List <PowershellParameter>();
                                Powershell oPowershell = new Powershell();
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("AnswerID", intAnswer.ToString()));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("ServerNumber", intNumber.ToString()));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("Environment", this.Starter.ScriptEnvironment));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("IPAddressToConnect", IP));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("ConfigureNonSharedStorage", null));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("Log", null));
                                List <PowershellParameter> results = oPowershell.Execute(this.Starter.strScripts + "\\Serverprocessing.ps1", powershell, oLog, Name);
                                oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "Non-shared storage", "Powershell script completed!", LoggingType.Debug);
                                bool PowerShellError = false;
                                foreach (PowershellParameter result in results)
                                    oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "Non-shared storage", "PSOBJECT: " + result.Name + " = " + result.Value, LoggingType.Information);
                                    if (result.Name == "ResultCode" && result.Value.ToString() != "0")
                                        PowerShellError = true;
                                    else if (result.Name == "Message" && PowerShellError)
                                        error = result.Value.ToString();
                            catch (Exception exPowershell)
                                error = exPowershell.Message;

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                                oServer.UpdateStorageConfigured(intServer, DateTime.Now.ToString());
                                oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "", error, LoggingType.Error);
                                oServer.AddError(0, 0, 0, intServer, 99991, error);
                            //    oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "Non-shared storage", "DNS is not registered yet...", LoggingType.Debug);
                            oServer.UpdateStorageConfigured(intServer, DateTime.Now.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message + " ~ (Source: " + ex.Source + ") (Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace + ")";
                oEventLog.WriteEntry(error, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                this.Starter.NonSharedStorage = false;
                //timeout.StopIt = true;  // Kill timeout thread.