protected async Task<List<Place>> ProcessPlacesInNewContent(ICollection<Place> places, ApplicationUser currentUser, List<Place> finalPlaces = null)
            // Go through the creation's Places, adding them to the database if necessary
            if (finalPlaces == null)
                finalPlaces = new List<Place>();
                // avoiding creating new, which seems to cause conflicts

            if (places == null) return finalPlaces;

            for (int i = 0; i < places.Count; i++)
                Place thisPlace = places.ElementAt(i);
                Place existing = await db.Places.Where(p => p.GooglePlaceId == thisPlace.GooglePlaceId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
                if (existing != null)
                    Common.Models.GMapsResult result;

                    using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                        string reqUrl = string.Format("{0}&key={1}",
                            thisPlace.GooglePlaceId, Common.ConfidentialData.mapsk);
                        var response = await client.GetStringAsync(reqUrl);
                        result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Common.Models.GMapsResult>(response);
                    if (result.status == "OK")
                        double lat =;
                        double lon = result.result.geometry.location.lng;

                        Place finalPlace = new Place
                            GooglePlaceId = result.result.place_id,
                            Latitude = new decimal(lat),
                            Longitude = new decimal(lon),
                            Location = ServerUtils.CreatePoint(lat, lon),
                            Name =,
                            CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            AddedBy = currentUser

                        // Check for parent locality
                        PlaceLocality locality = await LocationLogic.GetLocality(lat, lon);
                        if (locality != null)
                            PlaceLocality existingLocality = await db.PlaceLocalities
                                .Where(p => p.GooglePlaceId == locality.GooglePlaceId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
                            if (existingLocality == null)
                                finalPlace.Locality = db.PlaceLocalities.Add(locality);
                                await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                                finalPlace.Locality = existingLocality;



            return finalPlaces;
        // GET: api/LearningActivities
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetFeed(double lat = 0, double lon = 0)
            ApplicationUser thisUser = await GetUser();

            if (thisUser == null)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Please log in"));

            // Researcher accounts privvy to all uploaded activities
            bool isResearcher = Common.ConfidentialData.TestEmails.Contains(thisUser.Email);

            List <Common.Models.FeedSection> feed = new List <Common.Models.FeedSection>();

            if (!lat.AlmostEquals(0, 0.0001) || !lon.AlmostEquals(0, 0.0001))
                DbGeography thisLoc = ServerUtils.CreatePoint(lat, lon);

                IEnumerable <Place> places = db.Places.Where(pl => pl.Location.Distance(thisLoc) <= 2500).OrderBy(pl => pl.Location.Distance(thisLoc));

                foreach (Place pl in places)
                    // Get collections near the user's position, which have been approved and still
                    // contain at least one activity
                    List <Common.Models.ActivityCollection> collectionsHere = GetAllCollectionsWhere(c =>
                                                                                                     !c.SoftDeleted &&
                                                                                                     c.Places.Any(l => l.Id == pl.Id) &&
                                                                                                     (c.Approved || thisUser.Trusted) &&
                                                                                                     c.Activities.Any(a => a.SoftDeleted == false) &&
                                                                                                     (isResearcher || c.IsPublic)).ToList();

                    // Get activities which are near the user's position, public and approved
                    List <Common.Models.LearningActivity> actsHere = GetAllActivitiesWhere(a =>
                                                                                           !a.SoftDeleted &&
                                                                                           a.Places.Any(l => l.Id == pl.Id) &&
                                                                                           (a.Approved || thisUser.Trusted) &&
                                                                                           (isResearcher || a.IsPublic)).ToList();

                    if (actsHere.Count > 0 || collectionsHere.Count > 0)
                        feed.Add(new Common.Models.FeedSection
                            Title       = $"Creations at {pl.Name}",
                            Description =
                                $"Here are some things to do near {pl.Name}",
                            Activities  = actsHere,
                            Collections = collectionsHere

            feed.Add(new Common.Models.FeedSection
                Title       = "Recently Uploaded",
                Description = "Here are some of the latest creations that have been uploaded",
                // Get the most recent activities which are public and approved, or made by the current user
                Activities = GetAllActivitiesWhere(a => !a.SoftDeleted && (((isResearcher || a.IsPublic) && (a.Approved || thisUser.Trusted)) || a.Author.Id == thisUser.Id))
                             .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedAt).Take(16).ToList(),
                Collections = GetAllCollectionsWhere(a => !a.SoftDeleted && (((isResearcher || a.IsPublic) && (a.Approved || thisUser.Trusted)) || a.Author.Id == thisUser.Id))
                              .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedAt).Take(16).ToList()

            var resp = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

            resp.Content = new StringContent(
                    new JsonSerializerSettings()
                ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize,
                MaxDepth = 12
            }), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            await MakeLog(new Dictionary <string, string>(){ { "lat", lat.ToString() }, { "lon", lon.ToString() } });
