Beispiel #1
        public async Task <TaskResult> SetDescription(string description, ulong id, ulong userid, string token)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != userid)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            PlanetChatChannel channel = await Context.PlanetChatChannels.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(channel.Planet_Id, Mapper);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.ManageChannels)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            channel.Description = description;

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Successfully set description."));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a role in a planet
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult <PlanetRole> > GetPlanetRole(ulong role_id, string token)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            PlanetRole role = await Context.PlanetRoles.FindAsync(role_id);

            if (authToken == null)
                return(new TaskResult <PlanetRole>(false, "Failed to authorize user.", null));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(role.Planet_Id);

            if (planet == null)
                return(new TaskResult <PlanetRole>(false, $"Could not find planet {role.Planet_Id}", null));

            if (!(await planet.IsMemberAsync(authToken.User_Id)))
                return(new TaskResult <PlanetRole>(false, "Failed to authorize user.", null));

            return(new TaskResult <PlanetRole>(true, $"Retrieved role.", role));
        public async Task <TaskResult <List <PlanetInvite> > > GetInvites(ulong userid, string token, ulong planet_id)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != userid)
                return(new TaskResult <List <PlanetInvite> >(false, "Failed to authorize user.", null));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id, Mapper);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.Invite)))
                return(new TaskResult <List <PlanetInvite> >(false, "You are not authorized to do this.", null));

            List <PlanetInvite> invites = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetInvites.Where(x => x.Planet_Id == planet_id).ToList());

            return(new TaskResult <List <PlanetInvite> >(true, $"Retrieved {invites.Count} invites", invites));
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <TaskResult> SetName(string name, ulong id, ulong user_id, string token)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != user_id)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            PlanetCategory category = await Context.PlanetCategories.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(category.Planet_Id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.ManageCategories)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            category.Name = name;

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await PlanetHub.Current.Clients.Group($"p-{category.Planet_Id}").SendAsync("RefreshChannelList", "");

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Successfully set name."));
        public async Task <TaskResult <PlanetInvite> > CreateInvite(ulong Planet_Id, ulong userid, string token, int hours)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != userid)
                return(new TaskResult <PlanetInvite>(false, "Failed to authorize user.", null));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(Planet_Id, Mapper);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.Invite)))
                return(new TaskResult <PlanetInvite>(false, "You are not authorized to do this.", null));

            PlanetInvite invite = new PlanetInvite()
                Planet_Id = Planet_Id,
                Issuer_Id = userid,
                Time      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Hours     = hours
            Random random = new Random();

            const string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";

            string code = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, 8).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());

            PlanetInvite test = await Context.PlanetInvites.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Code == code);

            while (test != null)
                code = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, 8).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());
                test = await Context.PlanetInvites.Where(x => x.Code == code).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            invite.Code = code;

            if (hours == 0)
                invite.Hours = null;

            await Context.PlanetInvites.AddAsync(invite);

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult <PlanetInvite>(true, $"Successfully created invite", invite));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a server and if successful returns a task result with the created
        /// planet's id
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult <ulong> > CreateChannel(string name, ulong planet_id, ulong user_id, ulong parentid, string token)
            TaskResult nameValid = ValidateName(name);

            if (!nameValid.Success)
                return(new TaskResult <ulong>(false, nameValid.Message, 0));

            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != user_id)
                return(new TaskResult <ulong>(false, "Failed to authorize user.", 0));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.ManageChannels)))
                return(new TaskResult <ulong>(false, "You are not authorized to do this.", 0));

            // User is verified and given channel info is valid by this point

            // Creates the channel channel

            PlanetChatChannel channel = new PlanetChatChannel()
                Id            = IdManager.Generate(),
                Name          = name,
                Planet_Id     = planet_id,
                Parent_Id     = parentid,
                Message_Count = 0,
                Description   = "A chat channel",
                Position      = Convert.ToUInt16(Context.PlanetChatChannels.Count())

            // Add channel to database
            await Context.PlanetChatChannels.AddAsync(channel);

            // Save changes to DB
            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await PlanetHub.Current.Clients.Group($"p-{planet_id}").SendAsync("RefreshChannelList", "");

            // Return success
            return(new TaskResult <ulong>(true, "Successfully created channel.", channel.Id));
Beispiel #7
        public async Task <TaskResult> BanUser(ulong target_id, ulong planet_id, string reason, string token, uint time)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            if (authToken == null)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.Ban)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            ServerPlanetMember member = await Context.PlanetMembers.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == target_id &&
                                                                                        x.Planet_Id == planet_id);

            PlanetBan ban = new PlanetBan()
                Id        = IdManager.Generate(),
                Reason    = reason,
                Planet_Id = planet_id,
                User_Id   = member.User_Id,
                Banner_Id = authToken.User_Id,
                Time      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Permanent = false

            if (time <= 0)
                ban.Permanent = true;
                ban.Minutes = time;

            // Add channel to database
            await Context.PlanetBans.AddAsync(ban);

            List <ServerPlanetRoleMember> roles = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetRoleMembers.Where(x => x.Member_Id == target_id && x.Planet_Id == planet_id).ToList());

            foreach (ServerPlanetRoleMember role in roles)

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult(true, $"Successfully banned user {member.Nickname}"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a planet's primary channel
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult <PlanetChatChannel> > GetPrimaryChannel(ulong planetid, ulong userid, string token)
            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planetid, Mapper);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(userid, token)))
                return(new TaskResult <PlanetChatChannel>(false, "You are not authorized to access this planet.", null));

            return(new TaskResult <PlanetChatChannel>(true, "Successfully retireved channel.", await planet.GetPrimaryChannelAsync()));
Beispiel #9
        public async Task <TaskResult> UpdateOrder([FromBody] Dictionary <ushort, List <ulong> > json, ulong user_id, string token, ulong Planet_Id)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != user_id)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(Planet_Id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.ManageChannels)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            var values = json;//JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<ulong, ulong>>(data);

            foreach (var value in values)
                ushort position = value.Key;
                ulong  id       = value.Value[0];

                //checks if item is a channel
                if (value.Value[1] == 0)
                    PlanetChatChannel channel = await Context.PlanetChatChannels.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                    channel.Position = position;
                if (value.Value[1] == 1)
                    PlanetCategory category = await Context.PlanetCategories.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                    category.Position = position;

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await PlanetHub.Current.Clients.Group($"p-{Planet_Id}").SendAsync("RefreshChannelList", "");

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Updated Order!"));
Beispiel #10
        public async Task <TaskResult <PlanetInvite> > CreateInvite(ulong Planet_Id, string token, int hours)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            if (authToken == null)
                return(new TaskResult <PlanetInvite>(false, "Failed to authorize user.", null));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(Planet_Id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.Invite)))
                return(new TaskResult <PlanetInvite>(false, "You are not authorized to do this.", null));

            PlanetInvite invite = new PlanetInvite()
                Id        = IdManager.Generate(),
                Planet_Id = Planet_Id,
                Issuer_Id = authToken.User_Id,
                Time      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Hours     = hours

            Random random = new Random();

            const string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";

            string code = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, 8).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());

            PlanetInvite test = await Context.PlanetInvites.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Code == code);

            while (test != null)
                code = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, 8).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());
                test = await Context.PlanetInvites.Where(x => x.Code == code).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            invite.Code = code;

            if (hours == 0)
                invite.Hours = null;

            await Context.PlanetInvites.AddAsync(invite);

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult <PlanetInvite>(true, $"Successfully created invite", invite));
Beispiel #11
        public async Task <TaskResult> BanUser(ulong id, ulong Planet_Id, string reason, ulong userid, string token, uint time)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != userid)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(Planet_Id, Mapper);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.Ban)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            PlanetBan ban = new PlanetBan()
                Reason    = reason,
                Planet_Id = Planet_Id,
                User_Id   = id,
                Banner_Id = userid,
                Time      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Permanent = false

            if (time <= 0)
                ban.Permanent = true;
                ban.Minutes = time;

            // Add channel to database
            await Context.PlanetBans.AddAsync(ban);

            PlanetMember member = await Context.PlanetMembers.Where(x => x.User_Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult(true, $"Successfully banned user {id}"));
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a server and if successful returns a task result with the created
        /// planet's id
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult <ulong> > CreateCategory(string name, ulong userid, ulong parentid, ulong planet_id, string token)
            TaskResult nameValid = ValidateName(name);

            if (!nameValid.Success)
                return(new TaskResult <ulong>(false, nameValid.Message, 0));

            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != userid)
                return(new TaskResult <ulong>(false, "Failed to authorize user.", 0));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id, Mapper);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.ManageCategories)))
                return(new TaskResult <ulong>(false, "You are not authorized to do this.", 0));

            // User is verified and given channel info is valid by this point

            // Creates the channel channel

            PlanetCategory category = new PlanetCategory()
                Name      = name,
                Planet_Id = planet_id,
                Parent_Id = parentid

            // Add channel to database
            await Context.PlanetCategories.AddAsync(category);

            // Save changes to DB
            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Return success
            return(new TaskResult <ulong>(true, "Successfully created category.", category.Id));
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the description of a planet
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult> SetPublic(ulong planet_id, bool ispublic, string token)
            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(token, PlanetPermissions.Manage)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to manage this planet."));

            planet.Public = ispublic;

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Changed public value successfully"));
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the description of a planet
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult> SetDescription(ulong planet_id, string description, string token)
            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id, Mapper);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(token, PlanetPermissions.Manage)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to manage this planet."));

            planet.Description = description;

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Changed description successfully"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a planet object (if permitted)
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult <Planet> > GetPlanet(ulong planetid, ulong userid, string token)
            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planetid, Mapper);

            if (planet == null)
                return(new TaskResult <Planet>(false, "The given planet id does not exist.", null));

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(userid, token)))
                return(new TaskResult <Planet>(false, "You are not authorized to access this planet.", null));

            return(new TaskResult <Planet>(true, "Successfully retrieved planet.", planet));
Beispiel #16
        public async Task <TaskResult> Delete(ulong id, ulong user_id, string token)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != user_id)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            PlanetChatChannel channel = await Context.PlanetChatChannels.FindAsync(id);

            if (channel == null)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "That channel does not exist."));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(channel.Planet_Id);

            if (planet == null)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Could not find the planet."));

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.ManageChannels)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            if (channel.Id == planet.Main_Channel_Id)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You can not delete your main channel!"));


            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await PlanetHub.Current.Clients.Group($"p-{channel.Planet_Id}").SendAsync("RefreshChannelList", "");

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Successfully deleted."));
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the planet membership of a user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <TaskResult <List <Planet> > > GetPlanetMembership(ulong user_id, string token)
            if (token == null)
                return(new TaskResult <List <Planet> >(false, "Please supply an authentication token", null));

            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            if (!Permission.HasPermission(authToken.Scope, UserPermissions.Membership))
                return(new TaskResult <List <Planet> >(false, $"The given token does not have membership scope", null));

            User user = await Context.Users.FindAsync(user_id);

            if (user == null)
                return(new TaskResult <List <Planet> >(false, $"Could not find user {user_id}", null));

            List <Planet> membership = new List <Planet>();

            ServerPlanet valourServer = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(735703679107072);

            if (valourServer != null)
                // Remove this after pre-pre-alpha
                if (!(await valourServer.IsMemberAsync(user_id, Context)))
                    await valourServer.AddMemberAsync(user, Context);

            foreach (PlanetMember member in Context.PlanetMembers.Where(x => x.User_Id == user_id))
                Planet planet = await Context.Planets.FindAsync(member.Planet_Id);

                if (planet != null)

            return(new TaskResult <List <Planet> >(true, $"Retrieved {membership.Count} planets", membership));
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a planet object (if permitted)
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult <Planet> > GetPlanet(ulong planet_id, string token)
            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id);

            if (planet == null)
                return(new TaskResult <Planet>(false, "The given planet id does not exist.", null));

            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.View)))
                return(new TaskResult <Planet>(false, "You are not authorized to access this planet.", null));

            return(new TaskResult <Planet>(true, "Successfully retrieved planet.", planet));
Beispiel #19
        public async Task <TaskResult> Delete(ulong id, ulong userid, string token)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != userid)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            PlanetCategory category = await Context.PlanetCategories.FindAsync(id);

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(category.Planet_Id, Mapper);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.ManageCategories)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            List <PlanetCategory> categories = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetCategories.Where(x => x.Parent_Id == id).ToList());

            foreach (PlanetCategory Category in categories)
                Category.Parent_Id = null;
            List <PlanetChatChannel> channels = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetChatChannels.Where(x => x.Parent_Id == id).ToList());

            foreach (PlanetChatChannel channel in channels)


            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Successfully deleted."));
Beispiel #20
        public async Task <TaskResult <List <PlanetInvite> > > GetInvites(ulong user_id, string token, ulong planet_id)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            if (authToken == null)
                return(new TaskResult <List <PlanetInvite> >(false, "Failed to authorize user.", null));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.Invite)))
                return(new TaskResult <List <PlanetInvite> >(false, "You are not authorized to do this.", null));

            List <PlanetInvite> invites = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetInvites.Where(x => x.Planet_Id == planet_id).ToList());

            return(new TaskResult <List <PlanetInvite> >(true, $"Retrieved {invites.Count} invites", invites));
Beispiel #21
        public async Task <TaskResult> Join(string code, string token)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            if (authToken == null)
                return(new TaskResult(false, $"Unable to authorize"));

            ulong user_id = authToken.User_Id;

            PlanetInvite invite = await Context.PlanetInvites.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Code == code);

            if (invite == null)
                return(new TaskResult(false, $"Invite code not found!"));

            if (await Context.PlanetBans.AnyAsync(x => x.User_Id == user_id && x.Planet_Id == invite.Planet_Id))
                return(new TaskResult(false, $"User is banned from this planet!"));

            if (await Context.PlanetMembers.AnyAsync(x => x.User_Id == user_id && x.Planet_Id == invite.Planet_Id))
                return(new TaskResult(false, $"User is already in this planet!"));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(invite.Planet_Id);

            if (!planet.Public)
                return(new TaskResult(false, $"Planet is set to private!"));

            User user = await Context.Users.FindAsync(user_id);

            await planet.AddMemberAsync(user, Context);

            return(new TaskResult(true, $"Successfully joined planet."));
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the name of a planet
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TaskResult> SetName(ulong planet_id, string name, string token)
            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(token, PlanetPermissions.Manage)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to manage this planet."));

            TaskResult validation = ValidateName(name);

            if (!validation.Success)

            planet.Name = name;

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Changed name successfully"));
Beispiel #23
        public async Task <TaskResult> KickUser(ulong target_id, ulong planet_id, string token)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            if (authToken == null)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(planet_id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.Kick)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            ServerPlanetMember member = await Context.PlanetMembers.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == target_id && x.Planet_Id == planet_id);

            if (member == null)
                return(new TaskResult(true, $"Could not find PlanetMember {target_id}"));

            List <ServerPlanetRoleMember> roles = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetRoleMembers.Where(x => x.Member_Id == target_id && x.Planet_Id == planet_id).ToList());

            foreach (ServerPlanetRoleMember role in roles)


            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new TaskResult(true, $"Successfully kicked user {target_id}"));
Beispiel #24
        public async Task <TaskResult> Delete(ulong id, ulong user_id, string token)
            AuthToken authToken = await Context.AuthTokens.FindAsync(token);

            // Return the same if the token is for the wrong user to prevent someone
            // from knowing if they cracked another user's token. This is basically
            // impossible to happen by chance but better safe than sorry in the case that
            // the literal impossible odds occur, more likely someone gets a stolen token
            // but is not aware of the owner but I'll shut up now - Spike
            if (authToken == null || authToken.User_Id != user_id)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "Failed to authorize user."));

            PlanetCategory category = await Context.PlanetCategories.FindAsync(id);

            ServerPlanet planet = await ServerPlanet.FindAsync(category.Planet_Id);

            if (!(await planet.AuthorizedAsync(authToken, PlanetPermissions.ManageCategories)))
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You are not authorized to do this."));

            List <PlanetCategory> cate = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetCategories.Where(x => x.Planet_Id == category.Planet_Id).ToList());

            if (cate.Count == 1)
                return(new TaskResult(false, "You can not delete your last category!"));

            List <PlanetCategory> categories = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetCategories.Where(x => x.Parent_Id == id).ToList());

            List <PlanetChatChannel> channels = await Task.Run(() => Context.PlanetChatChannels.Where(x => x.Parent_Id == id).ToList());

            //Check if any channels in this category are the main channel
            foreach (PlanetChatChannel channel in channels)
                if (channel.Id == planet.Main_Channel_Id)
                    return(new TaskResult(false, "You can not delete your main channel!"));
            //If not, then delete the channels
            foreach (PlanetChatChannel channel in channels)

            foreach (PlanetCategory Category in categories)
                Category.Parent_Id = null;

            ulong parentId = category.Planet_Id;


            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await PlanetHub.Current.Clients.Group($"p-{parentId}").SendAsync("RefreshChannelList", "");

            return(new TaskResult(true, "Successfully deleted."));