Beispiel #1
 public void UpdateThumbnails()
     for (int i = 0; i < serversOnListCount; i++)
         ServerOnList server = serversOnList[i];
         if (server == null)
         if (server.thumbnailFetched)
             //Thumbnail already loaded
         if (!server.thumbnailDownloading)
             //Not started downloading yet
             thumbResponses[i] = new ThumbnailResponseCi();
             menu.p.ThumbnailDownloadAsync(server.ip, server.port, thumbResponses[i]);
             server.thumbnailDownloading = true;
             //Download in progress
             if (thumbResponses[i] != null)
                 if (thumbResponses[i].done)
                     //Request completed. load received bitmap
                     BitmapCi bmp = menu.p.BitmapCreateFromPng(thumbResponses[i].data, thumbResponses[i].dataLength);
                     if (bmp != null)
                         int texture = menu.p.LoadTextureFromBitmap(bmp);
                         menu.textures.Set(menu.p.StringFormat("serverlist_entry_{0}.png", server.hash), texture);
                     server.thumbnailDownloading = false;
                     server.thumbnailFetched     = true;
                 if (thumbResponses[i].error)
                     //Error while trying to download thumbnail
                     server.thumbnailDownloading = false;
                     server.thumbnailError       = true;
                     server.thumbnailFetched     = true;
                 //An error occured. stop trying
                 server.thumbnailDownloading = false;
                 server.thumbnailError       = true;
                 server.thumbnailFetched     = true;
Beispiel #2
    public override void Render(float dt)
        if (!loaded)
            menu.p.WebClientDownloadDataAsync("", serverListAddress);
            loaded = true;
        if (serverListAddress.done)
            serverListAddress.done = false;
            menu.p.WebClientDownloadDataAsync(serverListAddress.GetString(menu.p), serverListCsv);
        if (serverListCsv.done)
            loading            = false;
            serverListCsv.done = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < serversOnListCount; i++)
                serversOnList[i]  = null;
                thumbResponses[i] = null;
            IntRef   serversCount = new IntRef();
            string[] servers      = menu.p.StringSplit(serverListCsv.GetString(menu.p), "\n", serversCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < serversCount.value; i++)
                IntRef   ssCount = new IntRef();
                string[] ss      = menu.p.StringSplit(servers[i], "\t", ssCount);
                if (ssCount.value < 10)
                ServerOnList s = new ServerOnList();
                s.hash           = ss[0];
                 = menu.p.DecodeHTMLEntities(ss[1]);
                s.motd           = menu.p.DecodeHTMLEntities(ss[2]);
                s.port           = menu.p.IntParse(ss[3]);
                s.ip             = ss[4];
                s.version        = ss[5];
                s.users          = menu.p.IntParse(ss[6]);
                s.max            = menu.p.IntParse(ss[7]);
                s.gamemode       = ss[8];
                s.players        = ss[9];
                serversOnList[i] = s;

        GamePlatform p = menu.p;

        float scale = menu.GetScale();

        back.x     = 40 * scale;
        back.y     = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale;
        back.sizex = 256 * scale;
        back.sizey = 64 * scale;

        connect.x     = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 - 300 * scale;
        connect.y     = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale;
        connect.sizex = 256 * scale;
        connect.sizey = 64 * scale;

        connectToIp.x     = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 - 0 * scale;
        connectToIp.y     = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale;
        connectToIp.sizex = 256 * scale;
        connectToIp.sizey = 64 * scale;

        refresh.x     = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 + 350 * scale;
        refresh.y     = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale;
        refresh.sizex = 256 * scale;
        refresh.sizey = 64 * scale;

        pageUp.x     = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 94 * scale;
        pageUp.y     = 100 * scale + (serversPerPage - 1) * 70 * scale;
        pageUp.sizex = 64 * scale;
        pageUp.sizey = 64 * scale;
        pageUp.image = "serverlist_nav_down.png";

        pageDown.x     = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 94 * scale;
        pageDown.y     = 100 * scale;
        pageDown.sizex = 64 * scale;
        pageDown.sizey = 64 * scale;
        pageDown.image = "serverlist_nav_up.png";

        loggedInName.x     = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 228 * scale;
        loggedInName.y     = 32 * scale;
        loggedInName.sizex = 128 * scale;
        loggedInName.sizey = 32 * scale;
        if (loggedInName.text == "")
            if (p.GetPreferences().GetString("Password", "") != "")
                loggedInName.text = p.GetPreferences().GetString("Username", "Invalid");
        logout.visible = loggedInName.text != "";

        logout.x     = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 228 * scale;
        logout.y     = 62 * scale;
        logout.sizex = 128 * scale;
        logout.sizey = 32 * scale;
        logout.text  = "Logout";

        menu.DrawText(title, menu.fontMenuHeading, p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2, 10, TextAlign.Center, TextBaseline.Top);
        menu.DrawText(p.IntToString(page + 1), fontDefault, p.GetCanvasWidth() - 68 * scale, p.GetCanvasHeight() / 2, TextAlign.Center, TextBaseline.Middle);

        if (loading)
            menu.DrawText(menu.lang.Get("MainMenu_MultiplayerLoading"), fontDefault, 100 * scale, 50 * scale, TextAlign.Left, TextBaseline.Top);

        for (int i = 0; i < serverButtonsCount; i++)
            serverButtons[i].visible = false;

        serversPerPage = menu.p.FloatToInt((menu.p.GetCanvasHeight() - (2 * 100 * scale)) / 70 * scale);
        if (serversPerPage <= 0)
            // Do not let this get negative
            serversPerPage = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < serversPerPage; i++)
            int index = i + (serversPerPage * page);
            if (index > serversOnListCount)
                //Reset to first page
                page  = 0;
                index = i + (serversPerPage * page);
            ServerOnList s = serversOnList[index];
            if (s == null)
            string t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{1}", menu.p.IntToString(index),;
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}\n{1}", t, s.motd);
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}\n{1}", t, s.gamemode);
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}\n{1}", t, menu.p.IntToString(s.users));
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}/{1}", t, menu.p.IntToString(s.max));
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}\n{1}", t, s.version);

            serverButtons[i].text        = t;
            serverButtons[i].x           = 100 * scale;
            serverButtons[i].y           = 100 * scale + i * 70 * scale;
            serverButtons[i].sizex       = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 200 * scale;
            serverButtons[i].sizey       = 64 * scale;
            serverButtons[i].visible     = true;
            serverButtons[i].buttonStyle = ButtonStyle.ServerEntry;
            if (s.thumbnailError)
                //Server did not respond to ServerQuery. Maybe not reachable?
                serverButtons[i].description = "Server did not respond to query!";
                serverButtons[i].description = null;
            if (s.thumbnailFetched && !s.thumbnailError)
                serverButtons[i].image = menu.p.StringFormat("serverlist_entry_{0}.png", s.hash);
                serverButtons[i].image = "serverlist_entry_noimage.png";
Beispiel #3
    public ScreenMultiplayer()
        WidgetCount            = 64 + serverButtonsCount;
        widgets                = new MenuWidget[WidgetCount];
        back                   = new MenuWidget();
        back.text              = "Back";
        back.type              = WidgetType.Button;
        back.nextWidget        = 1;
        connect                = new MenuWidget();
        connect.text           = "Connect";
        connect.type           = WidgetType.Button;
        connect.nextWidget     = 3;
        connectToIp            = new MenuWidget();
        connectToIp.text       = "Connect to IP";
        connectToIp.type       = WidgetType.Button;
        connectToIp.nextWidget = 2;
        refresh                = new MenuWidget();
        refresh.text           = "Refresh";
        refresh.type           = WidgetType.Button;
        refresh.nextWidget     = 0;

        page                 = 0;
        pageUp               = new MenuWidget();
        pageUp.text          = "";
        pageUp.type          = WidgetType.Button;
        pageUp.buttonStyle   = ButtonStyle.Text;
        pageUp.visible       = false;
        pageDown             = new MenuWidget();
        pageDown.text        = "";
        pageDown.type        = WidgetType.Button;
        pageDown.buttonStyle = ButtonStyle.Text;
        pageDown.visible     = false;

        loggedInName             = new MenuWidget();
        loggedInName.text        = "";
        loggedInName.type        = WidgetType.Button;
        loggedInName.buttonStyle = ButtonStyle.Text;

        logout      = new MenuWidget();
        logout.text = "";
        logout.type = WidgetType.Button;
        //logout.image = "serverlist_entry_background.png";
        logout.buttonStyle = ButtonStyle.Button;

        title = "Multiplayer";

        fontServerHeading       = new FontCi(); = 1;
        fontServerHeading.size  = 14;
        fontServerDescription   = new FontCi();
        fontDefault             = new FontCi();
        fontDefault.size        = 14;

        widgets[0] = back;
        widgets[1] = connect;
        widgets[2] = refresh;
        widgets[3] = connectToIp;
        widgets[4] = pageUp;
        widgets[5] = pageDown;
        widgets[6] = loggedInName;
        widgets[7] = logout;

        serverListAddress = new HttpResponseCi();
        serverListCsv     = new HttpResponseCi();
        serversOnList     = new ServerOnList[serversOnListCount];
        thumbResponses    = new ThumbnailResponseCi[serversOnListCount];

        serverButtons = new MenuWidget[serverButtonsCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < serverButtonsCount; i++)
            MenuWidget b = new MenuWidget();
            b                = new MenuWidget();
            b.text           = "Invalid";
            b.type           = WidgetType.Button;
            b.visible        = false;
            b.image          = "serverlist_entry_noimage.png";
            serverButtons[i] = b;
            widgets[8 + i]   = b;
        loading = true;
    public override void Render(float dt)
        if (!loaded)
            menu.p.WebClientDownloadDataAsync("", serverListAddress);
            loaded = true;
        if (serverListAddress.done)
            serverListAddress.done = false;
            menu.p.WebClientDownloadDataAsync(serverListAddress.GetString(menu.p), serverListCsv);
        if (serverListCsv.done)
            loading = false;
            serverListCsv.done = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < serversOnListCount; i++)
                serversOnList[i] = null;
                thumbResponses[i] = null;
            IntRef serversCount = new IntRef();
            string[] servers = menu.p.StringSplit(serverListCsv.GetString(menu.p), "\n", serversCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < serversCount.value; i++)
                IntRef ssCount = new IntRef();
                string[] ss = menu.p.StringSplit(servers[i], "\t", ssCount);
                if (ssCount.value < 10)
                ServerOnList s = new ServerOnList();
                s.hash = ss[0];
       = menu.p.DecodeHTMLEntities(ss[1]);
                s.motd = menu.p.DecodeHTMLEntities(ss[2]);
                s.port = menu.p.IntParse(ss[3]);
                s.ip = ss[4];
                s.version = ss[5];
                s.users = menu.p.IntParse(ss[6]);
                s.max = menu.p.IntParse(ss[7]);
                s.gamemode = ss[8];
                s.players = ss[9];
                serversOnList[i] = s;

        GamePlatform p = menu.p;

        float scale = menu.GetScale();

        back.x = 40 * scale;
        back.y = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale;
        back.sizex = 256 * scale;
        back.sizey = 64 * scale;
        back.fontSize = 14 * scale;

        connect.x = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 - 300 * scale;
        connect.y = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale;
        connect.sizex = 256 * scale;
        connect.sizey = 64 * scale;
        connect.fontSize = 14 * scale;

        connectToIp.x = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 - 0 * scale;
        connectToIp.y = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale;
        connectToIp.sizex = 256 * scale;
        connectToIp.sizey = 64 * scale;
        connectToIp.fontSize = 14 * scale;

        refresh.x = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 + 350 * scale;
        refresh.y = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale;
        refresh.sizex = 256 * scale;
        refresh.sizey = 64 * scale;
        refresh.fontSize = 14 * scale;

        pageUp.x = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 94 * scale;
        pageUp.y = 100 * scale + (serversPerPage - 1) * 70 * scale;
        pageUp.sizex = 64 * scale;
        pageUp.sizey = 64 * scale;
        pageUp.image = "serverlist_nav_down.png";

        pageDown.x = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 94 * scale;
        pageDown.y = 100 * scale;
        pageDown.sizex = 64 * scale;
        pageDown.sizey = 64 * scale;
        pageDown.image = "serverlist_nav_up.png";

        loggedInName.x = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 228 * scale;
        loggedInName.y = 32 * scale;
        loggedInName.sizex = 128 * scale;
        loggedInName.sizey = 32 * scale;
        loggedInName.fontSize = 12 * scale;
        if (loggedInName.text == "")
            if (p.GetPreferences().GetString("Password", "") != "")
                loggedInName.text = p.GetPreferences().GetString("Username", "Invalid");
        logout.visible = loggedInName.text != "";

        logout.x = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 228 * scale;
        logout.y = 62 * scale;
        logout.sizex = 128 * scale;
        logout.sizey = 32 * scale;
        logout.fontSize = 12 * scale;
        logout.text = "Logout";

        menu.DrawText(title, 20 * scale, p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2, 10, TextAlign.Center, TextBaseline.Top);
        menu.DrawText(p.IntToString(page + 1), 14 * scale, p.GetCanvasWidth() - 68 * scale, p.GetCanvasHeight() / 2, TextAlign.Center, TextBaseline.Middle);

        if (loading)
            menu.DrawText(menu.lang.Get("MainMenu_MultiplayerLoading"), 14 * scale, 100 * scale, 50 * scale, TextAlign.Left, TextBaseline.Top);

        for (int i = 0; i < serverButtonsCount; i++)
            serverButtons[i].visible = false;

        serversPerPage = menu.p.FloatToInt((menu.p.GetCanvasHeight() - (2 * 100 * scale)) / 70 * scale);
        if (serversPerPage <= 0)
            // Do not let this get negative
            serversPerPage = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < serversPerPage; i++)
            int index = i + (serversPerPage * page);
            if (index > serversOnListCount)
                //Reset to first page
                page = 0;
                index = i + (serversPerPage * page);
            ServerOnList s = serversOnList[index];
            if (s == null)
            string t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{1}", menu.p.IntToString(index),;
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}\n{1}", t, s.motd);
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}\n{1}", t, s.gamemode);
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}\n{1}", t, menu.p.IntToString(s.users));
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}/{1}", t, menu.p.IntToString(s.max));
            t = menu.p.StringFormat2("{0}\n{1}", t, s.version);

            serverButtons[i].text = t;
            serverButtons[i].x = 100 * scale;
            serverButtons[i].y = 100 * scale + i * 70 * scale;
            serverButtons[i].sizex = p.GetCanvasWidth() - 200 * scale;
            serverButtons[i].sizey = 64 * scale;
            serverButtons[i].visible = true;
            serverButtons[i].buttonStyle = ButtonStyle.ServerEntry;
            if (s.thumbnailError)
                //Server did not respond to ServerQuery. Maybe not reachable?
                serverButtons[i].description = "Server did not respond to query!";
                serverButtons[i].description = null;
            if (s.thumbnailFetched && !s.thumbnailError)
                serverButtons[i].image = menu.p.StringFormat("serverlist_entry_{0}.png", s.hash);
                serverButtons[i].image = "serverlist_entry_noimage.png";