public async Task OrderStreamUpdatesCount()
            //Need to create delay for the first set of orders to come in
            var statusEvent    = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var isFired        = false;
            var requestedCount = 0;

            //Listen for orders flowing in as json
            connection.ServerJsonReceived += (sender, jsonArgs) =>
                var args = ServerDataReceivedEventArgs <BlotterOrder> .DeserializeMessage(jsonArgs.RawJson);

                Assert.AreEqual(requestedCount, args.Data.Count(), "Count received from the server does not match what was expected.");

                Console.WriteLine($"Count from the server: {args.Data.Count()}, ");
                isFired = true;

            //Listen for orders flowing in as byte arrays
            connection.ServerBytesReceived += (sender, bytesArgs) =>
                var args = ServerDataReceivedEventArgs <BlotterOrder> .DeserializeMessage(bytesArgs.RawData);

                Assert.AreEqual(requestedCount, args.Data.Count(), "Count received from the server does not match what was expected.");

                Console.WriteLine($"Count from the server: {args.Data.Count()}, ");
                isFired = true;

            //Make the call to open the orders stream and wait for the ServerDataReceived event to fire TWICE
            var callname = AppSettings["ordersStreamCall"];

            Assert.IsNotNull(callname, "AppSettings should contain an entry for 'ordersStreamCall'");

            //Call with sorting by price DESC
            requestedCount = 10;
            var call = new ServerCall(1, callname, new List <object> {
                0, requestedCount, "DESC", "price"
            await connection.Send(call);


            Assert.IsTrue(isFired, "ServerDataReceived event should fired.");

            //Call with sorting by price ASC
            requestedCount = 20;
            call           = new ServerCall(1, callname, new List <object> {
                0, requestedCount, "DESC", "price"
            await connection.Send(call);


            Assert.IsTrue(isFired, "ServerDataReceived event should fired.");
        public async Task OrderStreamShouldReturnOrders()
            //Need to create delay for the first set of orders to come in
            var statusEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var isComplete  = false;
            var rowCount    = 10;
            IEnumerable <BlotterOrder> currentData = null;

            //Listen for log messages
            connection.ConnectionLog += (sender, message) => Console.WriteLine(message);

            //Listen for orders flowing in via JSON
            connection.ServerJsonReceived += (sender, jsonArgs) =>
                //Create the args by comparing to prior (if any)
                var args = ServerDataReceivedEventArgs <BlotterOrder> .DeserializeMessage(jsonArgs.RawJson, currentData);

                currentData = args.Data.ToList();

                //The count increment has been processed at the server
                if (currentData.Count() == 100)
                    //Second event should have a comparison result
                    Assert.IsNotNull(args.PriorComparisonResult, "Order PriorComparisonResult object should not be null.");
                    isComplete = true;

                //Clear the event status
                Assert.IsNotNull(currentData, "Order Data object should not be null.");
                Assert.IsTrue(currentData.Any(), "Order Data object in Event handler args parameter should have objects.");

            //Listen for orders flowing in vis Protobuf
            connection.ServerBytesReceived += (sender, bytesArgs) =>
                //Create the args by comparing to prior (if any)
                var args = ServerDataReceivedEventArgs <BlotterOrder> .DeserializeMessage(bytesArgs.RawData, currentData);

                currentData = args.Data.ToList();

                //The count increment has been processed at the server
                if (currentData.Count() == 100)
                    //Second event should have a comparison result
                    Assert.IsNotNull(args.PriorComparisonResult, "Order PriorComparisonResult object should not be null.");
                    isComplete = true;

                //Clear the event status
                Assert.IsNotNull(currentData, "Order Data object should not be null.");
                Assert.IsTrue(currentData.Any(), "Order Data object in Event handler args parameter should have objects.");

            //Make the call to open the orders stream and wait for the ServerDataReceived event to fire TWICE
            var callname = AppSettings["ordersStreamCall"];

            Assert.IsNotNull(callname, "AppSettings should contain an entry for 'ordersStreamCall'");

            await connection.Send(new ServerCall(1, callname, new List <object> {
                0, rowCount


            //Change the count
            rowCount = 100;
            await connection.Send(new ServerCall(1, callname, new List <object> {
                0, rowCount


            //Make sure the event fired
            Assert.IsTrue(isComplete, "ServerDataReceived event should fired.");
        public async Task OrderStreamConvertsToGrid()
            //Need to create delay for the first set of orders to come in
            var statusEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var isFired     = false;

            //Listen for orders flowing in as json
            connection.ServerJsonReceived += (sender, jsonArgs) =>
                var args = ServerDataReceivedEventArgs <BlotterOrder> .DeserializeMessage(jsonArgs.RawJson);

                var grid = new FastWindowGridModel <BlotterOrder>(10);

                //Make sure data matches
                var props = typeof(BlotterOrder).GetProperties();
                Assert.AreEqual(props.Length, grid.ColumnCount, "Grid column count should match the number of public properties in BlotterOrders");

                for (var r = 0; r < grid.RowCount; r++)
                    for (var c = 0; c < grid.ColumnCount; c++)
                        var cellstr = grid.GetCellText(r, c).ToLower();
                        var propval = props[c].GetValue(args.Data.ElementAt(r));

                        if (propval is DateTime)
                            var cellval = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cellstr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).DateTime;
                            Console.WriteLine($"({r},{c}): {propval} = {cellval}: {(DateTime)propval == cellval}");
                            Assert.AreEqual(propval, cellval);
                            var propstr = propval?.ToString().ToLower() ?? string.Empty;
                            Console.WriteLine($"({r},{c}): {propstr} = {cellstr}: {propstr == cellstr}");
                            Assert.AreEqual(propstr, cellstr);

                Console.WriteLine("Property match completed successfully.");
                isFired = true;

            //Listen for orders flowing in as byte arrays
            connection.ServerBytesReceived += (sender, bytesArgs) =>
                var args = ServerDataReceivedEventArgs <BlotterOrder> .DeserializeMessage(bytesArgs.RawData);

                var grid = new FastWindowGridModel <BlotterOrder>(10);

                //Make sure data matches
                var props = typeof(BlotterOrder).GetProperties();
                Assert.AreEqual(props.Length, grid.ColumnCount, "Grid column count should match the number of public properties in BlotterOrders");

                for (var r = 0; r < grid.RowCount; r++)
                    for (var c = 0; c < grid.ColumnCount; c++)
                        var cellstr = (grid.GetCellText(r, c) ?? "").ToLower();
                        var propval = props[c].GetValue(args.Data.ElementAt(r));

                        if (propval is DateTime)
                            var cellval = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cellstr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).DateTime;
                            Console.WriteLine($"({r},{c}): {propval} = {cellval}: {(DateTime)propval == cellval}");
                            Assert.AreEqual(propval, cellval);
                            var propstr = propval?.ToString().ToLower() ?? string.Empty;
                            Console.WriteLine($"({r},{c}): {propstr} = {cellstr}: {propstr == cellstr}");
                            Assert.AreEqual(propstr, cellstr);

                Console.WriteLine("Property match completed successfully.");
                isFired = true;

            //Make the call to open the orders stream and wait for the ServerDataReceived event to fire TWICE
            var callname = AppSettings["ordersStreamCall"];

            Assert.IsNotNull(callname, "AppSettings should contain an entry for 'ordersStreamCall'");

            //Call with sorting by price DESC
            var call = new ServerCall(1, callname, new List <object> {
                0, 10, "DESC", "price"
            await connection.Send(call);


            Assert.IsTrue(isFired, "ServerDataReceived event should fired.");
        public async Task OrderStreamUpdatesSorting()
            //Need to create delay for the first set of orders to come in
            var statusEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var isFired     = false;
            var count       = 0;

            //Listen for orders flowing in as json
            connection.ServerJsonReceived += (sender, jsonArgs) =>
                var args = ServerDataReceivedEventArgs <BlotterOrder> .DeserializeMessage(jsonArgs.RawJson);

                switch (count)
                case 1:
                    var prices = args.Data
                                 .Select(order => order.Price)

                    Console.WriteLine(prices.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (sb, p) => sb.Append($"{p}, ")));

                    for (var i = 1; i < prices.Count; i++)
                        Assert.IsTrue(prices[i] <= prices[i - 1], "Prices should be in descending order.");

                    count   = 0;
                    isFired = true;

                case 2:
                    var prices = args.Data
                                 .Select(order => order.Price)

                    Console.WriteLine(prices.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (sb, p) => sb.Append($"{p}, ")));

                    for (var i = 1; i < prices.Count; i++)
                        Assert.IsTrue(prices[i] >= prices[i - 1], "Prices should be in ascending order.");

                    count   = 0;
                    isFired = true;

            //Listen for orders flowing in as byte arrays
            connection.ServerBytesReceived += (sender, bytesArgs) =>
                var args = ServerDataReceivedEventArgs <BlotterOrder> .DeserializeMessage(bytesArgs.RawData);

                switch (count)
                case 1:
                    var prices = args.Data
                                 .Select(order => order.Price)

                    Console.WriteLine(prices.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (sb, p) => sb.Append($"{p}, ")));

                    for (var i = 1; i < prices.Count; i++)
                        Assert.IsTrue(prices[i] <= prices[i - 1], "Prices should be in descending order.");

                    count   = 0;
                    isFired = true;

                case 2:
                    var prices = args.Data
                                 .Select(order => order.Price)

                    Console.WriteLine(prices.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (sb, p) => sb.Append($"{p}, ")));

                    for (var i = 1; i < prices.Count; i++)
                        Assert.IsTrue(prices[i] >= prices[i - 1], "Prices should be in ascending order.");

                    count   = 0;
                    isFired = true;

            //Make the call to open the orders stream and wait for the ServerDataReceived event to fire TWICE
            var callname = AppSettings["ordersStreamCall"];

            Assert.IsNotNull(callname, "AppSettings should contain an entry for 'ordersStreamCall'");

            //Call with sorting by price DESC
            var call = new ServerCall(1, callname, new List <object> {
                0, 10, "DESC", "price"

            count = 1;
            await connection.Send(call);


            Assert.IsTrue(isFired, "ServerDataReceived event should fired.");

            //Call with sorting by price ASC
            call = new ServerCall(1, callname, new List <object> {
                0, 10, "ASC", "price"
            count = 2;
            await connection.Send(call);


            Assert.IsTrue(isFired, "ServerDataReceived event should fired.");