public void CreateServer()
            int vcore             = 4;
            int CoresPerProcessor = 2;
            var servers           = client.Servers.Get();

            if (servers.Any(ser => ser.Name == randomName))
            var appliances = client.ServerAppliances.Get().Where(app => app.OsFamily == OSFamliyType.Windows && app.AutomaticInstallation == true);
            ServerAppliancesResponse appliance = null;

            if (appliances == null || appliances.Count() == 0)
                appliance = client.ServerAppliances.Get().FirstOrDefault();
                appliance = appliances.FirstOrDefault();
            var publicIP = client.PublicIPs.Get().FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.State == "ACTIVE" && ip.AssignedTo == null);
            var result   = client.Servers.Create(new POCO.Requests.Servers.CreateServerRequest()
                ApplianceId = appliance != null ? appliance.Id : null,
                Name        = randomName,
                Description = "Example" + randomName,
                Hardware    = new POCO.Requests.Servers.HardwareReqeust()
                    CoresPerProcessor = CoresPerProcessor,
                    Hdds = new List <POCO.Requests.Servers.HddRequest>()
                        { new POCO.Requests.Servers.HddRequest()
                              IsMain = true,
                              Size   = appliance.MinHddSize,
                          } }
                    Ram   = 4,
                    Vcore = vcore
                PowerOn  = true,
                Password = "******",
                IpId     = publicIP != null ? publicIP.Id : null

Beispiel #2
        static void CreateServers()
            string firewallPolicyName = "test firewall policy .net";
            string loadBalancerName   = "Test loadBalancer .net";
            string serverName         = "Example Server .net";

            //create a firewall policy
            //define the required rules
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Firewall Policy with name " + firewallPolicyName);
            var newRules = new System.Collections.Generic.List <POCO.Requests.FirewallPolicies.CreateFirewallPocliyRule>();

            newRules.Add(new POCO.Requests.FirewallPolicies.CreateFirewallPocliyRule()
                PortTo   = 80,
                PortFrom = 80,
                Protocol = RuleProtocol.TCP,
                Source   = ""
            newRules.Add(new POCO.Requests.FirewallPolicies.CreateFirewallPocliyRule()
                PortTo   = 443,
                PortFrom = 443,
                Protocol = RuleProtocol.TCP,
                Source   = ""
            newRules.Add(new POCO.Requests.FirewallPolicies.CreateFirewallPocliyRule()
                PortTo   = 8447,
                PortFrom = 8447,
                Protocol = RuleProtocol.TCP,
                Source   = ""
            newRules.Add(new POCO.Requests.FirewallPolicies.CreateFirewallPocliyRule()
                PortTo   = 3389,
                PortFrom = 3389,

                Protocol = RuleProtocol.TCP,
                Source   = ""
            newRules.Add(new POCO.Requests.FirewallPolicies.CreateFirewallPocliyRule()
                PortTo   = 8443,
                PortFrom = 8443,
                Protocol = RuleProtocol.TCP,
                Source   = ""
            var firewallPolicyResult = client.FirewallPolicies.Create(new POCO.Requests.FirewallPolicies.CreateFirewallPolicyRequest()
                Description = "test firewall policy with 80,443,8447,3389 and 8443 ports open",
                Name        = firewallPolicyName,
                Rules       = newRules

            Console.WriteLine("Creating LoadBalancer with name " + loadBalancerName);
            //create a loadbalancer
            var loadbalancerResult = client.LoadBalancer.Create(new POCO.Requests.LoadBalancer.CreateLoadBalancerRequest()
                Name                = loadBalancerName,
                Description         = "LB with a round robin method and works on port 80",
                HealthCheckInterval = 1,
                Persistence         = true,
                PersistenceTime     = 30,
                HealthCheckTest     = HealthCheckTestTypes.NONE,
                Method              = LoadBalancerMethod.ROUND_ROBIN,
                Rules               = new System.Collections.Generic.List <POCO.Requests.LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerRuleRequest>()
                    { new POCO.Requests.LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerRuleRequest()
                          PortBalancer = 80,
                          Protocol     = LBRuleProtocol.TCP,
                          Source       = "",
                          PortServer   = 80
                      } }
            //create a public IP and use it for the server creation
            var publicIp = client.PublicIPs.Create(new POCO.Requests.PublicIPs.CreatePublicIPRequest()
                Type = IPType.IPV4,

            Console.WriteLine("Creating Server with name 'Example Server .net'");
            //define the number of cores to give the server
            int vcore = 4;
            //number of cores per processor
            int CoresPerProcessor = 2;
            //get server appliance with OS family type Windows
            var appliances = client.ServerAppliances.Get().Where(app => app.OsFamily == OSFamliyType.Windows);
            ServerAppliancesResponse appliance = null;

            if (appliances == null || appliances.Count() == 0)
                appliance = client.ServerAppliances.Get().FirstOrDefault();
                appliance = appliances.FirstOrDefault();
            //get an availabe public IP and assign to the server
            //var publicIP = client.PublicIPs.Get().FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.State == "ACTIVE" && ip.AssignedTo == null);
            var result = client.Servers.Create(new POCO.Requests.Servers.CreateServerRequest()
                ApplianceId = appliance != null ? appliance.Id : null,
                Name        = serverName,
                Description = "a windows server with a windows firewall policy and a loadbalancer",
                Hardware    = new POCO.Requests.Servers.HardwareReqeust()
                    CoresPerProcessor = CoresPerProcessor,
                    Hdds = new List <POCO.Requests.Servers.HddRequest>()
                        { new POCO.Requests.Servers.HddRequest()
                              IsMain = true,
                              //assign a HDD size that is larger than the recommended min size for the appliance choosen.
                              Size = appliance != null ?appliance.MinHddSize + 20:40,
                          } }
                    Ram   = 8,
                    Vcore = vcore
                PowerOn  = true,
                Password = "******",
                IpId     = publicIp != null ? publicIp.Id : null

            Console.WriteLine("Server created waiting to be deployed and turned on");
            //check if the server is deployed and ready for further operations
            var testServer = client.Servers.Show(result.Id);

            while (testServer.Status.State != ServerState.POWERED_ON)
                testServer = client.Servers.Show(testServer.Id);
            Console.WriteLine("Server is Powered up and running");
            //attaching a firewall policy to the server after creation:
            //Get a windows firewall policy by sending the query parameter Windows
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Assigning {0} to {1}", firewallPolicyName, serverName));
            var firewallPolicy = client.FirewallPolicies.Get(null, null, null, firewallPolicyName).FirstOrDefault();

            client.ServerIps.UpdateFirewallPolicy(testServer.Id, testServer.Ips[0].Id, firewallPolicy.Id);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Assigning {0} to {1}", loadBalancerName, serverName));
            // attaching a loadbalancer to the server
            var loadBalancer = client.LoadBalancer.Get(null, null, null, loadBalancerName).FirstOrDefault();

            client.ServerIps.CreateLoadBalancer(testServer.Id, testServer.Ips[0].Id, loadBalancer.Id);

            //cleaning up
            Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up all the created test data");
            client.Servers.Delete(testServer.Id, true);