Beispiel #1
 private void Initialize(SerilogInputConfiguration inputConfiguration, IHealthReporter healthReporter)
     this.healthReporter     = healthReporter;
     this.inputConfiguration = inputConfiguration;
     this.subject            = new EventFlowSubject <EventData>();
     this.valueSerializer    = this.inputConfiguration.UseSerilogDepthLevel ? (Func <LogEventPropertyValue, object>) this.ToRawValue : this.ToRawScalar;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="SerilogInput"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputConfiguration">A configuration to be used to configure the input</param>
        /// <param name="healthReporter">A health reporter through which the input can report errors.</param>
        public SerilogInput(SerilogInputConfiguration inputConfiguration, IHealthReporter healthReporter)
            Requires.NotNull(inputConfiguration, nameof(inputConfiguration));
            Requires.NotNull(healthReporter, nameof(healthReporter));

            Initialize(inputConfiguration, healthReporter);
Beispiel #3
        public void ObservesDepthLimitWhileDestructuringNestedArrays()
            var healthReporterMock = new Mock <IHealthReporter>();
            var observer           = new Mock <IObserver <EventData> >();
            IDictionary <string, object> spiedPayload = null;

            observer.Setup(p => p.OnNext(It.IsAny <EventData>()))
            .Callback <EventData>((p) => { spiedPayload = p.Payload; });

            SerilogInputConfiguration configuration = new SerilogInputConfiguration()
                UseSerilogDepthLevel = true

            using (var serilogInput = new SerilogInput(configuration, healthReporterMock.Object))
                using (serilogInput.Subscribe(observer.Object))
                    var logger = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Sink(serilogInput).Destructure.ToMaximumDepth(4).CreateLogger();

                    var structure = new { A = "alpha", B = new[] { new { Y = "yankee", Z = new[] { new { Alpha = "A" } } }, new { Y = "zulu", Z = new[] { new { Alpha = "B" } } } } };
                    logger.Information("Here is {@AStructure}", structure);
            Assert.Equal("alpha", ((IDictionary <string, object>)spiedPayload["AStructure"])["A"]);
            object b = ((IDictionary <string, object>)spiedPayload["AStructure"])["B"];

            Assert.True(b is object[]);
            Assert.Equal(2, ((object[])b).Length);
            var bb = (IDictionary <string, object>)((object[])b)[0];

            Assert.Equal("yankee", bb["Y"]);
            object z = bb["Z"];

            Assert.True(z is object[]);
            Assert.Collection((object[])z, z_el => Assert.Null(z_el));
Beispiel #4
        public void CanSerializeCircularObjectGraphs()
            var charlie = new EntityWithChildren()
                Name = "Charlie"
            var bravo = new EntityWithChildren("Bravo", new EntityWithChildren[] { charlie });
            var alpha = new EntityWithChildren("Alpha", new EntityWithChildren[] { bravo });

            charlie.Children.Add(alpha); // Establish a cycle Alpha -> Bravo -> Charlie -> Alpha

            // Also form a cycle of direct "Sibling" references the other way round, i.e Charlie -> Bravo -> Alpha -> Charlie
            charlie.Sibling = bravo;
            bravo.Sibling   = alpha;
            alpha.Sibling   = charlie;

            var healthReporterMock = new Mock <IHealthReporter>();
            var observer           = new Mock <IObserver <EventData> >();
            IDictionary <string, object> spiedPayload = null;

            observer.Setup(p => p.OnNext(It.IsAny <EventData>()))
            .Callback <EventData>((p) => { spiedPayload = p.Payload; });

            SerilogInputConfiguration configuration = new SerilogInputConfiguration()
                UseSerilogDepthLevel = true

            const int MaxDepth = 10;

            using (var serilogInput = new SerilogInput(configuration, healthReporterMock.Object))
                using (serilogInput.Subscribe(observer.Object))
                    var logger = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Sink(serilogInput).Destructure.ToMaximumDepth(MaxDepth).CreateLogger();

                    logger.Information("Here is an {@entity}", alpha);

            // The fact that the loging of alpha succeeds at all (instead of going into an infinite loop) is already a good sign :-)

            IDictionary <string, object> entity = (IDictionary <string, object>)spiedPayload["entity"];

            object[] children = null;
            int      depth    = 0;

            while (entity != null && entity.ContainsKey("Children"))
                children = entity["Children"] as object[];
                entity   = null;
                if (children != null && children.Length > 0)
                    entity = children[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;


            // Every child increases depth by two because the Children property is and array.
            Assert.Equal(MaxDepth / 2, depth);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a <see cref="SerilogInput"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">A configuration to be used to configure the input</param>
        /// <param name="healthReporter">A health reporter through which the input can report errors.</param>
        public SerilogInput(IConfiguration configuration, IHealthReporter healthReporter)
            Requires.NotNull(configuration, nameof(configuration));
            Requires.NotNull(healthReporter, nameof(healthReporter));

            var inputConfiguration = new SerilogInputConfiguration();

                healthReporter.ReportProblem($"Invalid {nameof(SerilogInputConfiguration)} configuration encountered: '{configuration}'",

            Initialize(inputConfiguration, healthReporter);
Beispiel #6
        public void UsesSerilogMaxDestructuringDepth()
            // Create object structure 5 levels deep
            var bravo = new EntityWithChildren()
                Name = "Bravo"
            var alpha = new EntityWithChildren("Alpha", new EntityWithChildren[] { bravo });

            var healthReporterMock = new Mock <IHealthReporter>();
            var observer           = new Mock <IObserver <EventData> >();
            IDictionary <string, object> spiedPayload = null;

            observer.Setup(p => p.OnNext(It.IsAny <EventData>()))
            .Callback <EventData>((p) => { spiedPayload = p.Payload; });

            SerilogInputConfiguration configuration = new SerilogInputConfiguration()
                UseSerilogDepthLevel = true

            using (var serilogInput = new SerilogInput(configuration, healthReporterMock.Object))
                using (serilogInput.Subscribe(observer.Object))
                    var logger = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Sink(serilogInput).Destructure.ToMaximumDepth(2).CreateLogger();

                    logger.Information("Here is an {@entity}", alpha);

            // At depth 2 there should be no children (only a null child placeholder)
            var e = (IDictionary <string, object>)spiedPayload["entity"];

            Assert.Equal("Alpha", e["Name"]);
            Assert.Collection((object[])e["Children"], c => Assert.Null(c));

            using (var serilogInput = new SerilogInput(configuration, healthReporterMock.Object))
                using (serilogInput.Subscribe(observer.Object))
                    var logger = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Sink(serilogInput).Destructure.ToMaximumDepth(3).CreateLogger();

                    logger.Information("Here is an {@entity}", alpha);

            // At depth 3 there should be one child of Alpha, but all its properties should be blank
            Assert.Equal("Alpha", ((IDictionary <string, object>)spiedPayload["entity"])["Name"]);
            var childrenOfAlpha = ((IDictionary <string, object>)spiedPayload["entity"])["Children"] as object[];

            var b = childrenOfAlpha.First() as IDictionary <string, object>;


            using (var serilogInput = new SerilogInput(configuration, healthReporterMock.Object))
                using (serilogInput.Subscribe(observer.Object))
                    var logger = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Sink(serilogInput).Destructure.ToMaximumDepth(4).CreateLogger();

                    logger.Information("Here is an {@entity}", alpha);

            // At depth 4 the child of Alpha (Bravo) should have its properties set, "Name" in particular.
            Assert.Equal("Alpha", ((IDictionary <string, object>)spiedPayload["entity"])["Name"]);
            childrenOfAlpha = ((IDictionary <string, object>)spiedPayload["entity"])["Children"] as object[];
            b = childrenOfAlpha.First() as IDictionary <string, object>;
            Assert.Equal("Bravo", b["Name"]);