Beispiel #1
        private Frame <string, string> CreateFrame(SymbologySearchResponse response)
            List <KeyValuePair <string, Series <string, string> > > list = new List <KeyValuePair <string, Series <string, string> > >();
            SeriesBuilder <string, string> sb;

            foreach (var symbol in response.mappedSymbols)
                string ric = symbol.symbol;

                sb = new SeriesBuilder <string, string>();
                FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(MappedSymbol).GetFields();
                string      temp   = "";
                foreach (var field in fields)
                    temp = "";
                    if (field.FieldType == typeof(List <string>))
                        List <string> tmpList = (List <string>)field.GetValue(symbol);
                        if (tmpList != null)
                            temp = string.Join(",", tmpList);
                    else if (field.FieldType == typeof(BestMatch))
                        if (symbol.bestMatch != null)
                            // sb = new SeriesBuilder<string, string>();
                            FieldInfo[] bestMatchFields = typeof(BestMatch).GetFields();
                            foreach (var bestMatchField in bestMatchFields)
                                var tmp = bestMatchField.GetValue(symbol.bestMatch)?.ToString();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp))
                                    sb.Add("BestMatch." + bestMatchField.Name, tmp);
                        temp = field.GetValue(symbol)?.ToString();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp) && field.Name != "symbol")
                        sb.Add(field.Name, temp);

                list.Add(KeyValue.Create(ric, sb.Series));
Beispiel #2
 public void GenDeedle()
     var rows = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(i =>
         var sb = new SeriesBuilder <string>();
         sb.Add("Index", i);
         sb.Add("Sin", Math.Sin(i / 100.0));
         sb.Add("Cos", Math.Cos(i / 100.0));
         return(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series));
Beispiel #3
        public Frame <int, string> CreateTermDataFrame(Frame <int, string> frame, string termsColumn, string classifierColumnName)
            var stopWords = _fileManager.ReadFromFile(_appSettings.StopWordsFilePath)
                            .Select(x => x.ToLower())

            var termsByRows = frame.GetColumn <string>(termsColumn).GetAllValues().Select((row, index) =>
                var seriesBuilder = new SeriesBuilder <string, int>();

                var rowWords = Regex.Matches(row.Value, "[a-zA-Z]+('(s|d|t|ve|m))?")
                               .Cast <Match>()
                               .Where(word => !stopWords.Contains(word.Value.ToLower()))
                               .Select(word => word.Value.ToLower())

                foreach (var word in rowWords)
                    seriesBuilder.Add(word, 1);

                return(KeyValue.Create(index, seriesBuilder.Series));

            var termDataFrame = Frame.FromRows(termsByRows).FillMissing(0);

            termDataFrame.AddColumn(classifierColumnName, frame.GetColumn <int>(classifierColumnName));


Beispiel #4
        private Frame <int, string> CreateWordFrame(Series <int, string> rows)
            var wordsByRows = rows.GetAllValues()
                              .Select((x, i) =>
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder <string, int>();

                ISet <string> words = new HashSet <string>(
                    Regex.Matches(x.Value, "[a-zA-Z]+('(s|d|t|ve|m))?")
                    .Cast <Match>()
                    .Select(y => y.Value.ToLower())

                // Encode words appeared in each row with 1
                foreach (string w in words)
                    sb.Add(w, 1);

                return(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series));

            // Create a data frame from the rows we just created
            // And encode missing values with 0
            var wordFrame = Frame.FromRows(wordsByRows)

        private Frame <int, string> CreateFrame(DataResponse response)
            if (response != null)
                var rows = Enumerable.Range(0, =>
                    // Build each row using series builder & return
                    // KeyValue representing row key with row data
                    var sb = new SeriesBuilder <string>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < response.headers.First().Count(); j++)
                        string displayName;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.headers.First()[j].displayName))
                            displayName = "None";
                            displayName = response.headers.First()[j].displayName;


                    return(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series));

                return(Frame.CreateEmpty <int, string>());
Beispiel #6
        private Frame <string, string> CreateBestMatchFrame(SymbologySearchResponse response)
            List <KeyValuePair <string, Series <string, string> > > list = new List <KeyValuePair <string, Series <string, string> > >();

            foreach (var symbol in response.mappedSymbols)
                string ric = symbol.symbol;
                SeriesBuilder <string, string> sb;

                if (symbol.bestMatch != null)
                    sb = new SeriesBuilder <string, string>();
                    FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(BestMatch).GetFields();
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        var tmp = field.GetValue(symbol.bestMatch)?.ToString();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp))
                            sb.Add(field.Name, field.GetValue(symbol.bestMatch).ToString());
                    // sb.Series.Print();
                    list.Add(KeyValue.Create(ric, sb.Series));

Beispiel #7
    /// <summary>
    /// For a frame of type Frame<TRow,TCol> mutate its rows of type TVal and create a new column with the results
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TRow">Row Type</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="TVal">Value Type</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="TCol">Column Type</typeparam>
    /// <param name="myFrame"></param>
    /// <param name="mutatorMethod">delegate for transformation</param>
    /// <returns>Series<K, V></returns>
    public static Series <TRow, TVal> Mutate <TRow, TVal, TCol>(this Frame <TRow, TCol> myFrame, Func <TVal[], TVal> mutatorMethod)
        SeriesBuilder <TRow, TVal> result = new SeriesBuilder <TRow, TVal>();

        foreach (TRow key in myFrame.Rows.Keys)
            TVal colResult = mutatorMethod(myFrame.Rows[key].GetValues <TVal>().ToArray());
            result.Add(key, colResult);
        public void Add(RegularTimeSeriesRawData item)
            var dimensions = new string[_dimensions.Length];
            var attributes = new object[_attributes.Length];

            foreach (var dim in item.Dimensions)
                var dimIndex = _dimensionIdsMap[dim.DimensionId];
                dimensions[dimIndex] = dim.Key;
                attributes[dimIndex] = dim.Name;
                _dimensionKeyMaps[dimIndex][dim.Name] = dim.Key;

            if (item.TimeSeriesAttributes != null)
                foreach (var attr in item.TimeSeriesAttributes)
                    var attrIndex = _attributeIds[attr.Key];
                    attributes[attrIndex] = attr.Value;

            var frequency  = item.Frequency.ToFrequency();
            var rangeTuple = Tuple.Create(item.StartDate, item.EndDate, frequency);
            IReadOnlyList <DateTime> timeRange;

            if (!_timeRangeCache.TryGetValue(rangeTuple, out timeRange))
                timeRange = TimeFormat.InvariantTimeFormat.ExpandRangeSelection(item.StartDate, item.EndDate, frequency);
                _timeRangeCache[rangeTuple] = timeRange;

            var valuesBuilder = new SeriesBuilder <DateTime, double>();
            int valueIndex    = 0;

            foreach (var valueItem in item.Values)
                if (valueItem != null)
                    valuesBuilder.Add(timeRange[valueIndex], Convert.ToDouble(valueItem));

            var values = new TimeSeriesValues(
                new AttributesMap <string>(_dimensions, dimensions),
                new AttributesMap <object>(_attributes, attributes),

            _values[values] = values;
Beispiel #9
        public static MovingAverageResult CalculateMovingAverage(
            List <DataPoint> series,
            int daysMovingAverage,
            DateTime beginDate,
            DateTime endDate,
            MovingAverageType movingAverageType = MovingAverageType.Simple)
            if (daysMovingAverage <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("daysMovingAverage has to be greater than 1");

            series = series.OrderBy(o => o.DateTime)

            List <DataPoint> collapsedSeries = series.GroupBy(g => g.DateTime)
                                               .Select(s => new DataPoint {
                DateTime = s.Key, Value = s.Sum(z => z.Value)

            SeriesBuilder <DateTime, decimal> dateSeries = new SeriesBuilder <DateTime, decimal>();

            foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in collapsedSeries)
                dateSeries.Add(dataPoint.DateTime, dataPoint.Value ?? 0m);

            Series <DateTime, decimal> movingAverage = dateSeries
                                                       .Select(s => s.Value.Mean());

            List <DataPoint> movingAverageSeries = movingAverage
                                                   .Select(s => new DataPoint
                DateTime   = s.Key,
                Value      = s.Value.Value,
                SeriesName = string.Format("{0}-day Moving Average", daysMovingAverage)

            series = series
                     .Where(w => w.DateTime >= beginDate)
                     .Where(w => w.DateTime <= endDate)
                     .OrderBy(o => o.SeriesName)
                     .ThenBy(o => o.DateTime)

            return(new MovingAverageResult(series, movingAverageSeries, movingAverageType));
Beispiel #10
        private static Series <string, double> ColumnWiseSum(Frame <int, string> frame, string exclude)
            var sb = new SeriesBuilder <string, double>();

            foreach (string colname in frame.ColumnKeys)
                double frequency = frame[colname].Sum();
                if (!colname.Equals(exclude))
                    sb.Add(colname, frequency);

        private static Frame <int, string> CreateCategories(Series <int, string> rows, string originalColName)
            var categoriesByRows = rows.GetAllValues().Select((x, i) =>
                // Encode the categories appeared in each row with 1
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder <string, int>();
                sb.Add(String.Format("{0}_{1}", originalColName, x.Value), 1);

                return(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series));

            // Create a data frame from the rows we just created
            // And encode missing values with 0
            var categoriesDF = Frame.FromRows(categoriesByRows).FillMissing(0);

 public static IEnumerable <Series <string, object> > ReadCsv(this string file)
     // NuGet: PM> Install-Package LumenWorksCsvReader
     using (var csv = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(file), true))
         int      fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
         string[] headers    = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
         while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
             var seriesBuilder = new SeriesBuilder <string>();
             for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                 seriesBuilder.Add(headers[i], csv[i]);
             yield return(seriesBuilder.Series);
        public Frame <int, string> CreateLemmaVector(Series <int, string> rows)
            var stanfordCoreNlp = _stanfordCoreNlpFactory.GetStanfordCoreNlp(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma" },
                { "ner.useSUTime", "0" }

            var lemmaByRows = rows.GetAllValues().Select((term, index) =>
                var seriesBuilder = new SeriesBuilder <string, int>();

                var annotation = new Annotation(term.Value);

                var tokens = annotation.get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation));

                var analysedTokens = (tokens as ArrayList)?
                                     .Cast <CoreLabel>()
                                     .Where(token => !_stopWords.Contains(token.lemma().ToLower()))
                                     .Select(token => token.lemma().ToLower())

                if (analysedTokens == null)
                    Console.WriteLine($" Analysed Tokens was null for term: {term.Value}");
                    return(KeyValue.Create(index, seriesBuilder.Series));

                foreach (var token in analysedTokens)
                    seriesBuilder.Add(token, 1);

                return(KeyValue.Create(index, seriesBuilder.Series));

            var lemmaVector = Frame.FromRows(lemmaByRows).FillMissing(0);

Beispiel #14
        private ChartValues <double> AggregateByPeriod(double[] d, bool negative = true,
                                                       TimeGroupers period       = TimeGroupers.Monthly)
            // Using a startdate of "2018-01-01" because it starts on a Monday
            var startDate = new DateTime(2018, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0);

            // Create SeriesBuilder
            var seriesBuilder = new SeriesBuilder <DateTime, double>();

            // Iterate over each element of the array of results & create datetime index incrementally
            for (var i = 0; i < d.Length; i++)
                seriesBuilder.Add(startDate.AddHours(i), d[i]);

            // To Series.
            var series = seriesBuilder.Series;
            Series <DateTime, double> result;

            // Group the series by period
            if (period == TimeGroupers.Monthly)
                result = series.GroupBy(c => new DateTime(2018, c.Key.Month, 01))
                         .Select(g => g.Value.Values.Sum());
                result = series.GroupBy(c => c.Key.Date)
                         .Select(g => g.Value.Values.Sum());

            if (negative)
                result = -result;

        // Allows intialisation code reuse
        private void initFutureSeriesBuilder(List<string> tickers, List<DateTime> daterange, List<DateTime> holidays,
                                             string futuresStaticMoniker, ICarbonClient client, string carbonEnv = "PRD", 
                                             RollMethods rolMthd = RollMethods.FirstNoticeDate,
                                             InterpolationTypes interpType = InterpolationTypes.None,
                                             List<string> contractSortOrder = null ,
                                             Dictionary<string,DateTime> rollmap = null,
                                             SmoothingTypes smoothingType = SmoothingTypes.None)
            // defaults
            dateRange_ = daterange;
            startDate_ = daterange.Min();
            endDate_ = daterange.Max();
            carbonEnv_ = carbonEnv;
            rollMethod_ = rolMthd; //RollMethods.LastTradeDate; //
            holidays_ = holidays;
            futuresStaticMoniker_ = futuresStaticMoniker;
            interpType_ = interpType;
            smoothingType_ = smoothingType;

            if (contractSortOrder == null)
                contractSortOrder_ = new List<string>();
                contractSortOrder_ = contractSortOrder;

            if (rolMthd == RollMethods.Custom && rollmap == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Custom roll dates required for custom rolls!");

            ContractMonthLookupTable_ = new Dictionary<ContractMonths, string>
                {ContractMonths.PrevFrontMonth, "PrevFront"},
                {ContractMonths.FrontMonth, "Front"},
                {ContractMonths.BackMonth, "Back"},
                {ContractMonths.SecondBackMonth, "SecondBack"}

            Tuple<List<Tuple<string, ContractMonths>> /*rootTickers*/, List<string> /*contracts*/> tickerListTuple;

            // Get Static
            FuturesStatic = getFuturesStatic(tickers, futuresStaticMoniker, client, carbonEnv, out tickerListTuple, startDate_, endDate_, contractSortOrder_);

            // Add custom roll if present
            if (rollmap != null)
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string,DateTime>();
                foreach (var kvp in rollmap)
                    sb.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                FuturesStatic.AddColumn("custom_roll", sb.Series);
            inputTickers_           = tickers;
            contractTickers_        = tickerListTuple.Item2;
            RollingContractSpecs_   = tickerListTuple.Item1;
            var contracts = FuturesStatic.RowKeys.ToList(); // get all the tickers (in case no tickers supplied

            // Get prices
            Console.WriteLine("Getting Futures prices");
            RawFuturesPrices = getAllFuturesPricesInDateRange(contracts, startDate_, endDate_, client);

            // Align Futures Prices & interpolate gaps
Beispiel #16
        public async static  Task<Frame<DateTime, string>> GetBondPricesAsync(List<string> bonds, List<DateTime> dates, 
                                                            BondAnalytics.Country eCountry )
            var opMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<DateTime, Series<string, double>>();

            // Let's trigger all the data to start coming back
            ConcurrentDictionary<string, Task<GenericPrice>> asyncTable = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Task<GenericPrice>>();

            List<Tuple<DateTime, string>>  dateBondList = new List<Tuple<DateTime, string>>();

            foreach (var dte in dates)
                foreach (string bond in bonds)
                    dateBondList.Add(new Tuple<DateTime, string>(dte, bond));

            Parallel.ForEach(dateBondList, item =>
                DateTime dte = item.Item1;
                string bond = item.Item2;
                Console.WriteLine("Triggering async for {0}", bond + "_" + dte.ToShortDateString());
                var closeSnapTup = GetCloseSnap(dte, eCountry);

                string closeSnap = closeSnapTup.Item1;
                string source = closeSnapTup.Item2;
                asyncTable[bond + "_" + dte.ToShortDateString()] = GetHistoryPriceAsync(bond, dte, closeSnap, source);

            // Wait for 10 secs to do its thing

            foreach(var dte in dates)
                Console.WriteLine("Getting prices on {0}", dte.ToShortDateString());
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string, double>();
                foreach (var bond in bonds)
                    GenericPrice res = await asyncTable[bond + "_" + dte.ToShortDateString()];

                    if (res == null)
                        sb.Add(bond, double.NaN);
                        sb.Add(bond, res.Price);

                opMap[dte] = sb.Series;

            var df = Frame.FromRows(opMap);
            df = df.SortRowsByKey();
            return df;
Beispiel #17
        // GBP is only currently setup to get spot ASW terms. Will move on to futures only if it becomes necessary.
        public static void run(DateTime start, DateTime end, string samplingFreq, string outputFolderPath)
            Console.WriteLine("Commencing GBP Run");
            // INIT
            BondAnalytics.Country eCountry = BondAnalytics.Country.UK;
            List<string> SwapMeasures = new List<string>() { "MMS", "Spread", "TrueSpread" }; //
            List<string> BondMeasures = new List<string>() { "Price", "Yield"};

            // FIND ALL SECURITIES.
            DateTime fDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(30);
            List<string> rawmlptickers = DataHandler.GetAllSecurities("UKT", "Term", fDate);

            // Remove everything with AuC in it
            List<string> mlptickers = new List<string>();
            foreach (string tic in rawmlptickers)
                if (!tic.ToLower().Contains("auc"))

            Console.WriteLine("Found UKT tickers");

            foreach (string tic in mlptickers)

            // GET THE RIGHT STATICS
            var fcstCfg = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs("UK", bForecastCurve:true);
            var discCfg = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs("UK", bForecastCurve:false);
            var bondStaticMap = new Dictionary<string, BondStatic>();

            foreach (string tic in mlptickers)
                bondStaticMap[tic] = DataHandler.GetBondStatic(tic);

            // GET DATES.
            Console.WriteLine("Setting Dates");
            var res = DataHandler.GetCarbonClient().GetCalendarAsync("GBLO");
            var holsInLocalDate = res.Result.Dates;
            List<DateTime> hols = holsInLocalDate.Select(d => d.ToDateTime()).ToList();

            DateTime startDate =    start.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "").AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "");
            DateTime nextDate =     end.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "").AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "");
            List<DateTime> dateRange = new List<DateTime>();
            if (startDate > nextDate)
                throw new ArgumentException("Start date cannot be after end date");
            var tenor = Tenor.FromString("-" + samplingFreq);
            while (nextDate >= startDate)
                nextDate = BondAnalytics.PrevBusDay(nextDate.AddTenor(tenor, ""), hols);

            // GET ALL PRICES.
            Console.WriteLine("Setting Prices");
            var result = DataHandler.GetBondPricesAsync(mlptickers, dateRange, eCountry);
            Frame<DateTime, string> bondFrame;
            if (result.IsCompleted) bondFrame =  result.Result;
            else throw new ArgumentNullException("No bond prices came back!");

            // GET ALL SWAP CURVES.
            Console.WriteLine("Getting Swap Cruves");
            var fCurves = DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRangeAsync(fcstCfg.SymForecastCurveName, dateRange).Result;
            var dCurves = DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRangeAsync(fcstCfg.SymDiscountCurveName, dateRange).Result;

            // GET ALL MEASURES.
            var output = new Dictionary<string/*measure*/,Frame<DateTime,string>>();
            var configs = new List<SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs>(){fcstCfg, discCfg};

            // Swap measures
            foreach (string measure in SwapMeasures)
                Console.WriteLine("Calculating {0}", measure);
                foreach (var config in configs)
                    Console.WriteLine("Forecast curve ? {0}", config);
                    var valueMap = new Dictionary<string/*id*/, Series<DateTime,double>>();
                    bool bForecast = config.bForecastCurve;

                    foreach (var ticker in mlptickers)
                        var srs = bondFrame.Columns[ticker];
                        var bndStatic = bondStaticMap[ticker];

                        var sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                        foreach (DateTime dte in srs.Keys)
                            // Skip if we're missing data somewhere
                            if (!(dCurves.ContainsKey(dte)  &&

                            if (config.bForecastCurve && !fCurves.ContainsKey(dte)) // only press on if we need forecast curves

                            // Proceed.
                            DiscountCurve discount = dCurves[dte];
                            DiscountCurve forecast = bForecast ? fCurves[dte] : discount;

                            DateTime settle = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dte.Date.AddDays(config.bondSettleLag), hols);
                            double price = srs.TryGetAs<double>(dte).OrDefault(double.NaN);

                            if (double.IsNaN(price)) continue;
                            double value = BondASWCalc.calcMeasure( measure, price, eCountry,
                                                                    dte, settle, discount, forecast, 
                                                                    bndStatic, config, hols);
                            if (double.IsNaN(value)) continue;
                            sb.Add(dte, value);
                        valueMap[ticker] = sb.Series;

                        Console.WriteLine("Completed for  {0}", ticker);

                    var df = Frame.FromColumns(valueMap);
                    string prefix = bForecast ? "L" : "OIS";
                    output[prefix + measure] = df;

                    Console.WriteLine("Swap Measures complete.");

            //Bond Measure
            foreach(string measure in BondMeasures)
                var config = fcstCfg; 

                Console.WriteLine("Calculating {0}", measure);

                var valueMap = new Dictionary<string/*id*/, Series<DateTime, double>>();

                foreach (var ticker in mlptickers)
                    var srs = bondFrame.Columns[ticker];
                    var bndStatic = bondStaticMap[ticker];

                    var sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                    foreach (DateTime dte in srs.Keys)
                        // Skip if we're missing data somewhere
                        if (!srs.ContainsKey(dte))

                        // Proceed.

                        DateTime settle = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dte.Date.AddDays(config.bondSettleLag), hols);
                        double price = srs.TryGetAs<double>(dte).OrDefault(double.NaN);

                        if (double.IsNaN(price)) continue;
                        double value = BondASWCalc.calcMeasure(measure, price, eCountry,
                                                                dte, settle, null, null,
                                                                bndStatic, config, hols);
                        if (double.IsNaN(value)) continue;
                        sb.Add(dte, value);
                    valueMap[ticker] = sb.Series;

                    Console.WriteLine("Completed for  {0}", ticker);

                var df = Frame.FromColumns(valueMap);
                output[ measure] = df;

                Console.WriteLine("Bond Measures complete.");

            // SAVE OUTPUT.
            Console.WriteLine("Saving CSV Files");

            var renameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"LTrueSpread", "LOAS"},
                {"OISTrueSpread", "OISOAS"},
                {"LSpread", "LASW"},
                {"OISSpread", "OISASW"}

            foreach (var kvp in output)
                var measure = kvp.Key;
                var df = convertFrameToString(kvp.Value);

                if (renameMap.ContainsKey(measure))
                    measure = renameMap[measure];

                var fileName = outputFolderPath + "\\" + eCountry.ToString()+ "_" +  measure + ".csv";

                df = df.FillMissing("");


                Console.WriteLine("Saved {0}", fileName);
        public static Frame<DateTime, String> GenerateRollingBondForwardSeries(
            List<string> tickers,
            DateTime start,
            DateTime end,
            string tenor,
            string countryCode,
            string measure,
            string holidayCode,
            bool bOIS = true,
            int optExDivDays = 0,
            bool bSpreadOrRepo = true,
            List<double> reposOrSpreads = null, 
            ICarbonClient client = null)

            // Checks
            if (client == null) 
                throw new ArgumentException("No Carbon Client!");
            #region cache
            string all_tickers = ";";
            foreach (var s in tickers) all_tickers += s;
            string allRepoOis = "";
            if (reposOrSpreads != null)
                foreach (var s in reposOrSpreads) allRepoOis+= s;

            string cacheKey = "GenerateRollingBondForwardSeries" + tickers.ToString() + start.ToString() + end.ToString() +
                              tenor + countryCode + measure + holidayCode + bOIS.ToString() 
                              + optExDivDays.ToString() + bSpreadOrRepo.ToString() + allRepoOis;

            if (TimeSeriesCache.ContainsKey(cacheKey))
                return TimeSeriesCache[cacheKey];
            #region Checks
            if (start >end) throw new ArgumentException("#Error: start date cannot be after end date");

            var settings = new List<Tuple<string/*moniker*/, string/*tickercol*/, string/*pricecol*/>>();

            // Get Configs
            foreach (var ticker in tickers)
                if (ticker.Contains('.')) // it's a CTD series!
                else if (ticker.ToLower().Contains("ct"))
                    settings.Add(MonikerConfigs.getCTMoniker(countryCode, ticker, client));
                    throw new ArgumentException("#Error: Invalid ticker found - " + ticker);

            #region DATA
            bool bHaveEverything    = true;
            var configs             = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(countryCode, !bOIS);
            var spreadConventions   = new SpreadConventions(configs);
            var dateRange           = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetAllDatesInDateime(start, end, configs.calendarcode, client, "1b"); // Force daily sampling
            var fwdDates            = dateRange.Select(dte => dte.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString(tenor))).ToList();
            var holidays            = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetHolidays(holidayCode,client);

            // Parcel input repo rates or spreads
            Series<DateTime, double> inputSrs = null;
            if (reposOrSpreads != null )
                if (reposOrSpreads.Count != dateRange.Count && reposOrSpreads.Count != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("#Error: number of spreads or rates do not much the days in range");
                    var sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                    double scale_factor = bSpreadOrRepo ? 10000 : 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dateRange.Count; ++i)
                        if (reposOrSpreads.Count == 1)
                            sb.Add(dateRange[i], reposOrSpreads[0]/scale_factor);
                            sb.Add(dateRange[i], reposOrSpreads[i]/scale_factor);
                    inputSrs = sb.Series;

            // Swap Curves
            var curves = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetCurvesFromCarbon(dateRange, configs.ccy, client);
            if (curves == null) bHaveEverything = false;

            // Prices and tickers from ad-hoc persistence
            var frames = new Dictionary<string, Frame<DateTime, string>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < tickers.Count; ++i)
                var setting = settings[i];
                var ticker  = tickers[i];
                var moniker = setting.Item1;
                var tickercol = setting.Item2;
                var pricecol = setting.Item3;

                var tmp_df = client.GetFrameAsync<DateTime>(moniker, "AdHocData").Result;
                if (tmp_df == null)
                    bHaveEverything = false;
                    // Extract price and ticker cols only
                    var colsOfInterest = new Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime,object>>();

                    // Filter data to contain date range
                    tmp_df = tmp_df.Where(kvp => (kvp.Key >= start) && (kvp.Key <= end));

                    colsOfInterest["price"] = tmp_df.GetColumn<object>(pricecol);
                    colsOfInterest["isin"] = tmp_df.GetColumn<object>(tickercol);

                    frames[ticker] = Frame.FromColumns(colsOfInterest);

            //Bond static
            var bondIsinSet = new HashSet<string>();
            foreach(var kvp in frames)
                var ticker  = kvp.Key;
                var data    = kvp.Value;

                var isins = data.GetColumn<string>("isin").Values;

                //isins.Select(isin => bondIsinSet.Add(isin));
                foreach (string isin in isins)
            var bondStatics = client.BulkGetBondStaticData( bondIsinSet.ToList());
            if (curves == null || bondStatics == null ) return null;

            #region RepoRegion
            Series<DateTime, double> repoSrs = null;
            if (reposOrSpreads == null)
                // Load default repo-OIS Spread
                double[,] repoRates =
                    client.GetRepoRateFromSavedRepoOisSpread(BondAnalytics.CountryMappings[countryCode], dateRange,
                        fwdDates, holidays);

                // Break out if no data
                if (repoRates == null) return null;

                var repoSrsBlder = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                for (int i = 0; i < dateRange.Count; ++i)
                    repoSrsBlder.Add(dateRange[i], repoRates[i, 1]);
                repoSrs = repoSrsBlder.Series;

                // User-defined repo-OIS Spread or repo rates
                if (bSpreadOrRepo)
                    //Inputs are spreads
                    double[,] repoRates =
                    client.CalcRepoRatesFromOisSpread(inputSrs, BondAnalytics.CountryMappings[countryCode], dateRange, fwdDates, holidays);

                    // Break out if no data
                    if (repoRates == null) return null;

                    var repoSrsBlder = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dateRange.Count; ++i)
                        repoSrsBlder.Add(dateRange[i], repoRates[i, 1]);
                    repoSrs = repoSrsBlder.Series;
                    //Inputs are repo rates
                    repoSrs = inputSrs;


            // Calculation loop
            var forecastCurves = curves.Item1;
            var discountCurves = curves.Item2;

            // Overwrite forecast curve if we want OIS
            if (bOIS)
                forecastCurves = discountCurves;

            var outputs = new Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, double>> ();

            foreach (string ticker in tickers)
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                var df = frames[ticker];

                var idx = df.RowKeys;

                var isins   = df.GetColumn<string>("isin");
                var prices  = df.GetColumn<double>("price");
                foreach (var dte in idx)
                    var tryisin = isins.TryGet(dte);
                    var tryprice = prices.TryGet(dte);
                    var tryrepo = repoSrs.TryGet(dte);

                    if (!tryprice.HasValue || !tryisin.HasValue || !tryrepo.HasValue)

                    var isin    = tryisin.Value;
                    var price   = tryprice.Value;
                    var repo    = tryrepo.Value;
                    var fwddate = dte.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString(tenor));
                    var bondstatic  = bondStatics[isin];
                    double value = double.NaN;

                    if (measure == "Repo")
                        value = repo;
                        var fwdprice = BondAnalytics.CalcBondFwd(, dte, price, bondstatic.EffectiveDate,
                            bondstatic.FirstCouponDate, bondstatic.MaturityDate, bondstatic.Coupon, bondstatic.CpnFreq,
                            fwddate, repo, optExDivDays)[0];

                        if (measure == "Price")
                            value = fwdprice;
                            value = MeasureCalculator.calcFwdBondMeasure(measure, bondstatic, fwdprice, dte, fwddate,
                                spreadConventions, forecastCurves, discountCurves, holidays);


                outputs[ticker] = sb.Series;

            var consolidatedMeasures = Frame.FromColumns(outputs);

            // Cache results
            TimeSeriesCache[cacheKey] = consolidatedMeasures;

            return consolidatedMeasures;
Beispiel #19
        private static Frame<string, string> convertFrameToString(Frame<DateTime, string> input )
            var outputMap = new Dictionary<string, Series<string, double>>();
            foreach (DateTime dte in input.RowKeys)

                var row = input.GetRow<double>(dte);

                var sb  = new SeriesBuilder<string, double>();
                foreach (string id in row.Keys)
                    var value = row.TryGet(id).OrDefault(double.NaN);
                    sb.Add(id, value);
                outputMap[dte.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")] = sb.Series;

            return Frame.FromRows(outputMap);
Beispiel #20
        public static void Samples([CallerFilePath] string file = "")
            var root = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Creating and loading data frames
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [create-records]
            // Create a collection of anonymous types
            var rnd     = new Random();
            var objects = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i =>
                                                         new { Key = "ID_" + i.ToString(), Number = rnd.Next() });

            // Create data frame with properties as column names
            var dfObjects = Frame.FromRecords(objects);

            // [/create-records]

            // [create-rows]
            // Generate collection of rows
            var rows = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(i => {
                // Build each row using series builder & return
                // KeyValue representing row key with row data
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder <string>();
                sb.Add("Index", i);
                sb.Add("Sin", Math.Sin(i / 100.0));
                sb.Add("Cos", Math.Cos(i / 100.0));
                return(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series));

            // Turn sequence of row information into data frame
            var df = Frame.FromRows(rows);
            // [/create-rows]

            // [create-csv]
            // Read MSFT & FB stock prices from a CSV file
            var msftRaw = Frame.ReadCsv(Path.Combine(root, "../data/stocks/msft.csv"));
            var fbRaw   = Frame.ReadCsv(Path.Combine(root, "../data/stocks/fb.csv"));

            // [/create-csv]


            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Working with row and column indices
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [index-date]
            // Get MSFT & FB stock prices indexed by data
            var msft = msftRaw.IndexRows <DateTime>("Date").SortRowsByKey();
            var fb   = fbRaw.IndexRows <DateTime>("Date").SortRowsByKey();

            // And rename columns to avoid overlap
            msft.RenameColumns(s => "Msft" + s);
            fb.RenameColumns(s => "Fb" + s);
            // [/index-date]

            // [index-cols]
            // Read US debt data from a CSV file
            var debt = Frame.ReadCsv(Path.Combine(root, "../data/us-debt.csv"));
            // Index by Year column and
            var debtByYear = debt
                             .IndexRows <int>("Year")
                             .IndexColumnsWith(new[] { "Year", "GDP", "Population", "Debt", "?" });

            // [/index-cols]


            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Joining and aligning data frames
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [join-inout]
            // Inner join (take intersection of dates)
            var joinIn = msft.Join(fb, JoinKind.Inner);
            // Outer join (take union & fill with missing)
            var joinOut = msft.Join(fb, JoinKind.Outer);

            // [/join-inout]


            // [join-lookup]
            // Shift MSFT observations by +1 hour for testing
            var msftShift = msft.SelectRowKeys(k => k.Key.AddHours(1.0));

            // MSFT data are missing because keys do not match
            var joinLeftWrong = fb.Join(msftShift, JoinKind.Left);

            // This works! Find the value for the nearest smaller key
            // (that is, for the nearest earlier time with value)
            var joinLeft = fb.Join(msftShift, JoinKind.Left, Lookup.ExactOrSmaller);

            // [/join-lookup]

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Accessing data and series operations
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [series-get]
            // Get MSFT and FB opening prices and calculate the difference
            var msOpen  = joinIn.GetColumn <double>("MsftOpen");
            var msClose = joinIn.GetColumn <double>("MsftClose");
            var msDiff  = msClose - msOpen;

            // [/series-get]

            // [series-dropadd]
            // Drop series from a data frame
            joinIn.DropColumn("MsftAdj Close");
            joinIn.DropColumn("FbAdj Close");

            // Add new series to a frame
            joinIn.AddColumn("MsftDiff", msDiff);
            // [/series-dropadd]

            // [series-rows]
            // Get row and then look at row properties
            var row  = joinIn.Rows[new DateTime(2013, 1, 4)];
            var msLo = row.GetAs <double>("MsftLow");
            var msHi = row.GetAs <double>("MsftHigh");

            // Get row for the first available value after
            // the specified key (1 January 2013)
            var firstJan = joinIn.Rows.Get(new DateTime(2013, 1, 1),

            // Get value for a specified column & row keys
            var diff = joinIn["MsftDiff", new DateTime(2013, 1, 4)];
            // [/series-rows]

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // LINQ to data frame
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [linq-select]
            // Project rows into a new series using the Select method
            var diffs = joinIn.Rows.Select(kvp =>
                                           kvp.Value.GetAs <double>("MsftOpen") -
                                           kvp.Value.GetAs <double>("FbOpen"));
            // [/linq-select]

            // [linq-where]
            // Filter rows using a specified condition
            var msftGreaterRows = joinIn.Rows.Where(kvp =>
                                                    kvp.Value.GetAs <double>("MsftOpen") >
                                                    kvp.Value.GetAs <double>("FbOpen"));

            // Transform row collection into a new data frame
            var msftGreaterDf = Frame.FromRows(msftGreaterRows);
            // [/linq-where]

            // [ops-returns]
            // Calculate daily returns in percents
            var returns = msft.Diff(1) / msft * 100.0;

            // Transform all numerical series
            // (round the values to 2 fractional digits)
            var round =
                returns.ColumnApply((Series <DateTime, double> numeric) =>
                                    numeric.Select(kvp => Math.Round(kvp.Value, 2)));

            // [/ops-returns]
        public Frame<DateTime, string> interpolateRawPriceFrame(Frame<DateTime, string> df, InterpolationTypes interpType)
            int frameLength = df.RowCount;
            int columnCount = df.ColumnCount;
            var columns = RawFuturesPrices.Columns;

            if (interpType == InterpolationTypes.None) return df;

            Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, double>> resList = new Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, double>>();

            foreach (string colName in RawFuturesPrices.ColumnKeys)
                var srs = columns[colName];
                var idx = df.RowKeys.ToList();
                double prev = double.NaN;


                // Find first non-NaN number
                List<int> startIndices  = new List<int>();
                List<int> endIndices    = new List<int>();
                SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double> sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();

                // Forward pass for start idx
                int validIdx = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < frameLength; ++i)
                    double current = srs.TryGetAs<double>(idx[i]).OrDefault(double.NaN);

                    // Interpolate if missing
                     if (!double.IsNaN(current))
                        validIdx = i;


                // Backward pass for end idx
                validIdx = -1;
                for (int i = frameLength-1; i >= 0; --i)
                    double current = srs.TryGetAs<double>(idx[i]).OrDefault(double.NaN);

                    // Interpolate if missing
                    if (!double.IsNaN(current))
                        validIdx = i;


                // Run over and do interpolation
                for (int i = 0; i < frameLength; ++i)
                    int startidx        = startIndices[i];
                    int endidx          = endIndices[i];
                    double current      = double.NaN;
                    DateTime dte        = idx[i];

                    // Cases for interpolation....
                    if (startidx == -1)
                        // Just take last price if it's there
                        if (endidx == -1) continue;
                            startidx = endidx;

                    if (endidx == -1)
                        endidx = startidx;

                    if (startidx == endidx)
                        current = srs.GetAs<double>(idx[startidx]);
                        switch (interpType)
                            case InterpolationTypes.Linear:
                                DateTime startDate  = idx[startidx];
                                DateTime endDate    = idx[endidx];
                                double startValue   = srs.GetAs<double>(startDate);
                                double endValue     = srs.GetAs<double>(endDate);

                                current = startValue +
                                          (endValue - startValue)*
                                          (dte - startDate).TotalDays / (endDate - startDate).TotalDays;
                            case InterpolationTypes.FlatForward:
                                current  = srs.GetAs<double>(idx[startidx]);

                                throw new ArgumentException("Illegal interpolation type (we shouldn't be here...)");

                    sb.Add(dte, current);
                resList[colName] = sb.Series;

            df = Frame.FromColumns(resList);

            return df;
        private static Frame <int, string> CreateWordVec(Series <int, string> rows, ISet <string> stopWords, bool useLemma = false)
            // Path to the folder with models extracted from `stanford-corenlp-<version>-models.jar`
            var jarRoot = @"<path-to-model-files-dir>";

            // Annotation pipeline configuration
            var props = new Properties();

            props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma");
            props.setProperty("ner.useSUTime", "0");

            // We should change current directory, so StanfordCoreNLP could find all the model files automatically
            var curDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            var pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);


            var wordsByRows = rows.GetAllValues().Select((x, i) =>
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder <string, int>();

                // Annotation
                var annotation = new Annotation(x.Value);

                var tokens          = annotation.get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation));
                ISet <string> terms = new HashSet <string>();

                foreach (CoreLabel token in tokens as ArrayList)
                    string lemma = token.lemma().ToLower();
                    string word  = token.word().ToLower();
                    string tag   = token.tag();
                    //Console.WriteLine("lemma: {0}, word: {1}, tag: {2}", lemma, word, tag);

                    // Filter out stop words and single-charater words
                    if (!stopWords.Contains(lemma) && word.Length > 1)
                        if (!useLemma)

                foreach (string term in terms)
                    sb.Add(term, 1);

                return(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series));

            // Create a data frame from the rows we just created
            // And encode missing values with 0
            var wordVecDF = Frame.FromRows(wordsByRows).FillMissing(0);

            combineFuturesAndBondStatic(Dictionary<string/*isin*/, TimeSeriesBondStatic> bondstatic, 
                                        Frame<string,string> futstatic)

            bool bDeliverable = (bondstatic.Count != 0); // for non deliverable contracts, we don't feed in any bond static info
            var rowList = new List<KeyValuePair<int/*id*/, Series<string, object>/*row*/>>();

            int i = 0;
            foreach (var kvp in bondstatic)
                TimeSeriesBondStatic staticRow = kvp.Value;
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string>();
                sb.Add("ISIN", staticRow.ISIN);
                sb.Add("Maturity", staticRow.Maturity.ToShortDateString());
                sb.Add("EffectiveDate", staticRow.EffectiveDate.ToShortDateString());
                sb.Add("FirstCouponDate", staticRow.FirstCouponDate.ToShortDateString());
                sb.Add("Coupon", staticRow.Coupon);

                rowList.Add(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series));

            var df = Frame.FromRows(rowList);

            var bonddf = df.IsEmpty? null :df.IndexRows<string>("ISIN");

            // Change indexing structure to deal with futures
            Dictionary<string, Series<string, object>>
                      outputRows = new Dictionary<string, Series<string, object>>();

            foreach (string colkey in futstatic.RowKeys)
                var row = futstatic.Rows[colkey];

                string ctdisin = row.GetAs<string>("fut_ctd_isin");

                // Let's check to make sure that all EffectiveDate, FirstCouponDate,Maturity etc are on the table
                // and ignore the bond static if so.
                DateTime maturity = row.TryGetAs<DateTime>("maturity").OrDefault(DateTime.MinValue);
                DateTime effDate  = row.TryGetAs<DateTime>("eff_dt").OrDefault(DateTime.MinValue);
                DateTime firstCpnDate = row.TryGetAs<DateTime>("first_cpn_dt").OrDefault(DateTime.MinValue);
                double coupon = row.TryGetAs<double>("cpn").OrDefault(double.NaN);

                if ( (maturity == DateTime.MinValue || effDate == DateTime.MinValue || firstCpnDate == DateTime.MinValue || double.IsNaN(coupon) ) && bDeliverable) 
                    var bondstaticSrs = bonddf.Rows[ctdisin];
                    outputRows[colkey] = row.Merge(bondstaticSrs);
                    var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string>();
                    sb.Add("ISIN", ctdisin);
                    sb.Add("Maturity", (maturity != DateTime.MinValue)? maturity.ToShortDateString():"-");
                    sb.Add("EffectiveDate", (effDate != DateTime.MinValue)? effDate.Date.ToShortDateString() :"-");
                    sb.Add("FirstCouponDate", (firstCpnDate != DateTime.MinValue) ? firstCpnDate.ToShortDateString():"-");
                    sb.Add("Coupon", coupon);

                    outputRows[colkey] = row.Merge(sb.Series);

            var output = Frame.FromRows(outputRows.AsEnumerable());

            //Log_.InfoFormat("Static Combined");

            return output.IndexRows<string>("ticker", keepColumn:true);
        public static Frame<string, string> sortFrameByInput(Frame<string, string> input, List<string> tickers)
            Frame<string, string> output = input;

            // Make a colums to sort on
            var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string>();
            int i = 0;
            foreach (string ticker in tickers)
                sb.Add(ticker, i.ToString());

            // Format Output
            output.AddColumn("SortOrder", sb.Series);
            var sortDF = output.IndexRows<int>("SortOrder").SortRowsByKey();
            output = sortDF.IndexRows<string>("ticker", keepColumn: true);
            return output;
Beispiel #25
        public static object[,] AggregateBasisRisk(object[,] DataTable, object[,] Filters, object[,] FuturesTable,
            object[,] PriceTable,
            string Country, double dv01Scaling, bool bLiveOrEOD, string Currency, bool bInclSnED)
            // WARNING: This is a very case specific tactical function. Used in the BasisPositionAndRisk sheet to aggregate risk.

                // Init data frames.
                Frame<string, string> dataFrame = MainHelpers.getDeedleFrameFromObjectArray(DataTable);
                Frame<string, string> filtersFrame = MainHelpers.getDeedleFrameFromObjectArray(Filters, hasHeader: false,
                    hasIndex: true);
                Frame<string, string> futuresFrame = MainHelpers.getDeedleFrameFromObjectArray(FuturesTable);
                futuresFrame = futuresFrame.IndexRows<string>("Contract", keepColumn: true);
                Frame<string, string> priceFrame = MainHelpers.getDeedleFrameFromObjectArray(PriceTable);
                priceFrame =
                        kvp =>
                            (kvp.Value.TryGetAs<string>("Bond").ValueOrDefault != null) &&
                            (kvp.Value.TryGetAs<string>("Bond").ValueOrDefault != "ExcelErrorNA"));
                priceFrame = priceFrame.IndexRows<string>("Bond", keepColumn: true);
                Frame<string, string> aggregateFrame;

                #region InputValidation

                // Pull out all column names into sets.
                var dataHeaders = dataFrame.ColumnKeys.ToDictionary(v => v, v => "DataTable");
                // we'll use the values for error handling later
                var filterRows = filtersFrame.RowKeys.ToDictionary(v => v, v => "Filter Rows");
                var futuresHeaders = futuresFrame.ColumnKeys.ToDictionary(v => v, v => "FuturesTable");
                var priceHeaders = priceFrame.ColumnKeys.ToDictionary(v => v, v => "PriceTable");

                // Hardcoded input name requirements, and OT report generated has to conform to this;
                List<string> dataHeaderEssentials = new List<string>()
                    "B:Strategy Type",
                    "B:Strategy Sub Type",
                    "Curve Currency",
                    "Curve Description",
                    "Product Type",
                    "Maturity Date",
                    "Current Notional",
                    "S:Country Of Risk",
                List<string> dataHeaderRenames = new List<string>()
                    "Bond Maturity",
                    "Current Notional",

                List<string> filterRowEssentials = new List<string>()

                List<string> futuresHeaderEssentials = new List<string>()
                    "Future Quotes",
                    "Bond Quotes",
                    "Contract Type",

                List<string> priceHeaderEssentials = new List<string>()

                List<string> validInstruments = new List<string>()
                if (bInclSnED)
                // CHECK KEY HEADERS.
                List<Tuple<List<string>, Dictionary<string, string>>> checkList = new List
                    <Tuple<List<string>, Dictionary<string, string>>>()
                    new Tuple<List<string>, Dictionary<string, string>>(dataHeaderEssentials, dataHeaders),
                    new Tuple<List<string>, Dictionary<string, string>>(futuresHeaderEssentials, futuresHeaders),
                    new Tuple<List<string>, Dictionary<string, string>>(filterRowEssentials, filterRows),
                    new Tuple<List<string>, Dictionary<string, string>>(priceHeaderEssentials, priceHeaders)

                foreach (var test in checkList)
                    List<string> essentials = test.Item1;
                    Dictionary<string, string> header = test.Item2;

                    foreach (string name in essentials)
                        if (!header.ContainsKey(name))
                            //A bit of a hack, but we only needed the keys in the dictionary, and this puts the values to good use too.
                            throw new ArgumentException("#Missing " + name + " in " + header.First().Value);


                #region FrameInitialisaiton

                // Extract Essential Columns.
                dataFrame = dataFrame.Columns[dataHeaderEssentials];
                for (int i = 0; i < dataHeaderEssentials.Count; ++i)
                    dataFrame.RenameColumn(dataHeaderEssentials[i], dataHeaderRenames[i]);

                filtersFrame = filtersFrame.Rows[filterRowEssentials];
                futuresFrame = futuresFrame.Columns[futuresHeaderEssentials];
                priceFrame = priceFrame.Columns[priceHeaderEssentials];

                // Construct the lookup table for filters
                Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> filterMap = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();

                var srsKeys = filtersFrame.RowKeys.ToList();
                foreach (var filterField in srsKeys)
                    string fieldCSVs = filtersFrame.GetRow<string>(filterField).FirstValue();
                    //var tmpKeys = srs.Keys;
                    //var tmpVals = srs.Values;
                    //string filterField  = srsKeys[ int.Parse( srs.Keys.First())];
                    //string fieldCSVs    = srs.Values.First().ToString();   // case insensitive comparisons for filter

                    HashSet<string> values = new HashSet<string>(fieldCSVs.Trim().Split(',').ToList());

                    filterMap[filterField] = values;

                filterMap["ProductType"] = new HashSet<string>() {"Bond", "BondFuture"};
                if (bInclSnED)
                    //Currency is needed if Swap is included
                    filterMap["Currency"] = new HashSet<string>() { Currency.ToUpper() };
                // Function is only compatible with Bonds and future instruments             
                filterMap["CountryOfRisk"] = new HashSet<string>() {Country /*.ToLower()*/};

                // Filter data table
                dataFrame = dataFrame.Where(kvp =>
                    bool bOK = true;
                    var row = kvp.Value;
                    foreach (var keyVal in filterMap)
                        string field = keyVal.Key;
                        HashSet<string> validFields = keyVal.Value;

                        //Country for swap is empty, hence must include ccy into filtering list//this is not safe for EURO swaps!!!
                        if (field == "CountryOfRisk" )
                            var ProdType = row.TryGet("ProductType").ValueOrDefault;
                            if (ProdType != null && (ProdType.ToString() == "Swap" || ProdType.ToString() == "InterestFuture")) continue;
                        var tmpRowEntry = row.TryGet(field).ValueOrDefault;
                        string rowEntry = tmpRowEntry != null ? tmpRowEntry.ToString() : ""; // we stripped spaces while parsing the filters

                        bOK = bOK && rowEntry != null && (validFields.Contains("*") || validFields.Contains(rowEntry));
                    return bOK;


                #region DataAggregation

                if (dataFrame.IsEmpty)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("No data present after applying filters!");
                //Rename Description region for Swap to be date only
                if (bInclSnED)
                    //Loop through each row to update the Description of Swap to expiration only
                    var rowKeyList = dataFrame.RowKeys.ToList();
                    var sbuilder = new SeriesBuilder<string, string>();
                    foreach (var rowIndx in rowKeyList)
                        var currRow = dataFrame.Rows[rowIndx];
                        string newDescription = null;
                        if (currRow.GetAs<string>("ProductType") == "Swap")
                            newDescription = currRow.GetAs<string>("Description");
                            //newDescription = "Swap-"+ newDescription.Substring(newDescription.LastIndexOf(" ")+1);
                            newDescription = "Swap-" + newDescription;
                            newDescription = currRow.GetAs<string>("Description");
                        sbuilder.Add(rowIndx, newDescription);
                    //add Description and drop original description column
                    dataFrame.AddColumn("Description", sbuilder.Series);

                // MLP Alloc Frames
                var fullNotionalSrs = dataFrame.GetColumn<double>("Current Notional");
                var fullDataFrameKeys = dataFrame.Columns["Description"];
                var fullDataFrameEntities = dataFrame.Columns["Entity"];
                var mlpSrs = fullNotionalSrs.Where(kvp => fullDataFrameEntities.GetAs<string>(kvp.Key) == "MLP");
                var mlpnotionals =
                    mlpSrs.GroupBy(kvp => fullDataFrameKeys.GetAs<string>(kvp.Key)).Select(x => x.Value.Sum());

                //Aggregate Notionals and Deltas of position.
                var dataFrameKeys = dataFrame.Columns["Description"];
                var dataFrameEntities = dataFrame.Columns["Entity"];
                var notionalSrs = dataFrame.GetColumn<double>("Current Notional");
                var dv01Srs = dataFrame.GetColumn<double>("Delta");

                var notionals =
                    notionalSrs.GroupBy(kvp => dataFrameKeys.GetAs<string>(kvp.Key)).Select(x => x.Value.Sum()); 
                var dv01s = dv01Srs.GroupBy(kvp => dataFrameKeys.GetAs<string>(kvp.Key)).Select(x => x.Value.Sum());

                SortedDictionary<string, Series<string, object>>
                    uniqueRows = new SortedDictionary<string, Series<string, object>>();

                var rowKeys = dataFrame.RowKeys.ToList();

                foreach (var rowIdx in rowKeys)
                    var row = dataFrame.Rows[rowIdx];
                    object tmp = row.Get("Description");
                    //for swap
                    string prodType = row.GetAs<string>("ProductType");

                    string instrument = tmp == null ? "" : (string) tmp;

                    // Get values out
                    tmp = notionals.TryGet(instrument).ValueOrDefault;
                    double totalNotional = tmp == null ? 0.0 : (double) tmp;
                    tmp = dv01s.TryGet(instrument).ValueOrDefault;
                    double totalDV01 = tmp == null ? 0.0 : (double) tmp*dv01Scaling; // Scale DV01s here
                    tmp = mlpnotionals.TryGet(instrument).ValueOrDefault;
                    double mlpNotional = tmp == null ? 0.0 : (double) tmp;

                    // Create the output row here
                    if (!uniqueRows.ContainsKey(instrument))
                        #region AssignRowValues

                        double bond01 = 0.0;
                        double fut01 = 0.0;
                        double swap01 = 0.0;
                        double ED01 = 0.0;
                        double balancesheet = 0.0;
                        double futNotional = 0.0;
                        double swapNotional = 0.0;
                        double EDNotional = 0.0;
                        double totNotional = 0.0;
                        double MLPAlloc = 0.0;
                        double prevfront = 0.0;
                        double front = 0.0;
                        double back = 0.0;
                        double back2 = 0.0;

                        DateTime bondMaturity;
                        string stmp = row.TryGetAs<string>("Bond Maturity").ValueOrDefault;
                            //try to convert this to datetime direct
                            bondMaturity = DateTime.ParseExact(stmp, "MM/dd/yyyy",
                            //Otherwise, just pull straight
                            bondMaturity = DateTime.FromOADate(row.TryGetAs<Double>("Bond Maturity").ValueOrDefault);


                        var futRow = futuresFrame.TryGetRow<string>(instrument).ValueOrDefault;

                        if (futRow != null)
                            futNotional = totalNotional;
                            fut01 = totalDV01;
                            double dateNum = 0.0;
                            bool parsed = double.TryParse(futRow.TryGet("Maturity").ValueOrDefault, out dateNum);
                            bondMaturity = parsed? DateTime.FromOADate(dateNum) :  DateTime.MinValue;
                        else if(prodType == "Swap")
                            //Duplicated records due to exposure to different curve risk
                            //Not suitable for GBP swaps since GBP swaps can have exposure to 3 curves
                            if (instrument.Contains("IBOR") && !instrument.Contains("FEDFUNDS"))
                                totalNotional = totalNotional / 2;
                                mlpNotional = mlpNotional / 2;
                            swapNotional = totalNotional;
                            swap01 = totalDV01;

                        else if(prodType == "InterestFuture")
                            if (instrument.Contains("Eurodollar") || instrument.Contains("Euribor"))
                                totalNotional = totalNotional / 2;
                                mlpNotional = mlpNotional / 2;
                            if (instrument.Contains("Sterling"))
                                totalNotional = totalNotional / 3;
                                mlpNotional = mlpNotional / 3;
                            EDNotional = totalNotional;
                            ED01 = totalDV01;
                            var isin = priceFrame.Columns["S:ISIN"].GetAs<string>(instrument);
                            var ctdRows =
                                futuresFrame.Where(x => x.Value.GetAs<string>("ISIN") == isin);

                            string priceCol = bLiveOrEOD ? "PositionPrice" : "ClosePrice";
                            double price = priceFrame.Columns[priceCol].TryGetAs<double>(instrument).OrDefault(0.0);

                            if (!ctdRows.IsEmpty)
                                var ctdRow = ctdRows.GetRowAt<string>(0);
                                string ctdMonth = ctdRow.Get("Contract Type");

                                switch (ctdMonth)
                                    case "FM-1":
                                        prevfront = totalDV01;
                                    case "FM1":
                                        front = totalDV01;
                                    case "BM1":
                                        back = totalDV01;
                                    case "BM2":
                                        back2 = totalDV01;
                                        bond01 = totalDV01;
                                            "{0} is CTD, but contract month isn' specified. Defaulting to bond 01",
                                bond01 = totalDV01;
                            balancesheet = price*totalNotional;

                        MLPAlloc = mlpNotional / totalNotional;

                        // Processing data

                        #region BuildRow

                        // Create entry if doesn't exist
                        var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string, object>();
                        string addOn = bLiveOrEOD ? "" : "EOD";
                        sb.Add("CountryOfRisk" + addOn, row.TryGet("CountryOfRisk").ValueOrDefault);
                        if (bInclSnED) sb.Add("Product Type" + addOn, row.TryGet("ProductType").ValueOrDefault);
                        sb.Add("BondMaturity" + addOn, bondMaturity);
                        sb.Add("Description" + addOn, instrument);
                        sb.Add("ISIN" + addOn, row.TryGet("ISIN").ValueOrDefault);
                        sb.Add("Bond DV01" + addOn, bond01);
                        sb.Add("Fut DV01" + addOn, fut01);
                        if (bInclSnED)
                            sb.Add("Swap DV01" + addOn, swap01);
                            sb.Add("Interest Future DV01" + addOn, ED01);
                        sb.Add("Total DV01" + addOn, totalDV01);
                        sb.Add("Bond BalanceSheet" + addOn, balancesheet);
                        sb.Add("Fut Notional" + addOn, futNotional);
                        if (bInclSnED)
                            sb.Add("Swap Notional" + addOn, swapNotional);
                            sb.Add("Interest Future Notional" + addOn, EDNotional);
                        sb.Add("Total Notional" + addOn, totalNotional);
                        sb.Add("MLP Allocation" + addOn, MLPAlloc);
                        sb.Add("FM-1" + addOn, prevfront);
                        sb.Add("FM1" + addOn, front);
                        sb.Add("BM1" + addOn, back);
                        sb.Add("BM2" + addOn, back2);

                        uniqueRows[bondMaturity.ToShortDateString() + "_" + instrument] = sb.Series;



                // Package outputs
                string appendix = bLiveOrEOD ? "" : "EOD";
                aggregateFrame = Frame.FromRows(uniqueRows.AsEnumerable());
                aggregateFrame = FrameExtensions.SortRows(aggregateFrame, "BondMaturity" + appendix);

                var output = MainHelpers.getFrameAsObjArr(aggregateFrame, sortkeys: false);
                output[0, 0] = "ID";
                return output;
            catch (Exception ex)
                SLog.log.ErrorFormat("Error in SymAggregateBasisRiskReportData(): {0}", ex.Message);

                // RETURN HEADERS, to avoid messing pivot charts up
                // Create entry if doesn't exist

                var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string, object>();
                string addOn = bLiveOrEOD ? "" : "EOD";
                sb.Add("CountryOfRisk" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("BondMaturity" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("Description" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("ISIN" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("Bond DV01" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("Fut DV01" + addOn, "#Error");
                if (bInclSnED)
                    sb.Add("Swap DV01" + addOn, "#Error");
                    sb.Add("Interest Future DV01" + addOn, "Error");
                sb.Add("Total DV01" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("Bond BalanceSheet" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("Fut Notional" + addOn, "#Error");
                if (bInclSnED)
                    sb.Add("Swap Notional" + addOn, "#Error");
                    sb.Add("Interest Future Notional" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("Total Notional" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("MLP Allocation" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("FM-1" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("FM1" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("BM1" + addOn, "#Error");
                sb.Add("BM2" + addOn, "#Error");

                SortedDictionary<string, Series<string, object>>
                    uniqueRows = new SortedDictionary<string, Series<string, object>>();

                uniqueRows["Error"] = sb.Series;

                string appendix = bLiveOrEOD ? "" : "EOD";
                Frame<string, string> aggregateFrame = Frame.FromRows(uniqueRows.AsEnumerable());
                aggregateFrame = FrameExtensions.SortRows(aggregateFrame, "BondMaturity" + appendix);

                var output = MainHelpers.getFrameAsObjArr(aggregateFrame, sortkeys: false);
                output[0, 0] = "ID";
                return output;
        public Frame<DateTime, string> computeFuturesSpreads()
            Log_.InfoFormat("Computing spreads...");
            CombinedStatic = SpreadSeriesBuilder.combineFuturesAndBondStatic(BondStatic,FuturesStatic);

            var columns = FuturesPrices.Columns;
            FrameBuilder.Columns<DateTime, string> frameblder = new FrameBuilder.Columns<DateTime, string>();

            // Iterate over columns for prices
            foreach (var col in FuturesPrices.ColumnKeys)
                var series = columns[col].As<double>();
                //series = series.Select(kvp => calcFuturesMeasure(SpreadMetric_, col, kvp.Value, kvp.Key));

                var dte_idx = series.Keys.ToList();
                SeriesBuilder<DateTime,double> sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                Tuple<DateTime, double> prev = null;


                foreach(var dte in dte_idx)
                    var res         = series.TryGet(dte);
                    if (res.HasValue)
                        double price = res.Value;
                        var staticRow = CombinedStatic.Rows.TryGet(col).ValueOrDefault;
                        /* This section is to account for deficiencies in our database. */
                        // Quit if we don't have static 
                        if (staticRow == null)
                            sb.Add(dte, double.NaN);

                        // Quit if we have a bad price
                        if (price == 0.0)
                            sb.Add(dte, double.NaN);

                        // Quit if contract isn't even trading
                        var firstTradeDate = staticRow.GetAs<DateTime>("fut_first_trade_dt");
                        var lastTradeDate = staticRow.GetAs<DateTime>("last_tradeable_dt");

                        if (dte > lastTradeDate || dte < firstTradeDate)
                            sb.Add(dte, double.NaN);
                        // Get price for AUD
                        if (Conv_.Country == BondAnalytics.Country.AU)
                            DateTime maturity = TimeSeriesUtilities.LazySafeTryGetAs(staticRow, "Maturity", DateTime.MinValue);
                            int tenor = (int)Math.Round((maturity - dte).Days / 365.25);
                            price = BondAnalytics.CalcAUDFuturesContractValue(price, tenor);

                        // ASSUMPTION: Our DB seems to front fill by default. Skip days where no data is present
                        /*if (prev != null && price == prev.Item2)
                            sb.Add(dte, double.NaN);
                        } */


                        double metric = calcFuturesMeasure(SpreadMetric_, col, price, dte, previous: prev);

                        prev = new Tuple<DateTime, double>(dte, price);
                        sb.Add(dte, metric);
                        sb.Add(dte, double.NaN);
                frameblder.Add(col, sb.Series);

            var output = frameblder.Frame;

            return output.SortRowsByKey();
Beispiel #27
        public static void Samples([CallerFilePath] string file = "")
            var root = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Creating and loading data frames
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [create-records]
            // Create a collection of anonymous types
            var objects = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(i =>
                new { Group = "g" + (i/10).ToString(), Number = i });

            // Create data frame with properties as column names
            var dfObjects = Frame.FromRecords(objects);
            // [/create-records]

            // [create-rows]
            // Generate collection of rows
            var rows = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(i => {
                // Build each row using series builder & return
                // KeyValue representing row key with row data
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string>();
                sb.Add("Index", i);
                sb.Add("Sin", Math.Sin(i / 100.0));
                sb.Add("Cos", Math.Cos(i / 100.0));
                return KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series);

            // Turn sequence of row information into data frame
            var df = Frame.FromRows(rows);
            // [/create-rows]

            // [create-csv]
            // Read MSFT & FB stock prices from a CSV file
            var msftRaw = Frame.ReadCsv(Path.Combine(root, "../data/stocks/msft.csv"));
            var fbRaw = Frame.ReadCsv(Path.Combine(root, "../data/stocks/fb.csv"));
            // [/create-csv]

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Working with row and column indices
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [index-date]
            // Get MSFT & FB stock prices indexed by data
            var msft = msftRaw.IndexRows<DateTime>("Date").OrderRows();
            var fb = fbRaw.IndexRows<DateTime>("Date").OrderRows();

            // And rename columns to avoid overlap
            msft.RenameSeries(s => "Msft" + s);
            fb.RenameSeries(s => "Fb" + s);
            // [/index-date]

            // [index-cols]
            // Read US debt data from a CSV file
            var debt = Frame.ReadCsv(Path.Combine(root, "../data/us-debt.csv"));
            // Index by Year column and
            var debtByYear = debt
                .IndexColumnsWith(new[] { "Year", "GDP", "Population", "Debt", "?" });
            // [/index-cols]

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Joining and aligning data frames
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [join-inout]
            // Inner join (take intersection of dates)
            var joinIn = msft.Join(fb, JoinKind.Inner);
            // Outer join (take union & fill with missing)
            var joinOut = msft.Join(fb, JoinKind.Outer);
            // [/join-inout]

            // [join-lookup]
            // Shift MSFT observations by +1 hour for testing
            var msftShift = msft.SelectRowKeys(k => k.Key.AddHours(1.0));

            // MSFT data are missing because keys do not match
            var joinLeftWrong = fb.Join(msftShift, JoinKind.Left);

            // This works! Find the value for the nearest smaller key
            // (that is, for the nearest earlier time with value)
            var joinLeft = fb.Join(msftShift, JoinKind.Left, Lookup.NearestSmaller);
            // [/join-lookup]

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Accessing data and series operations
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [series-get]
            // Get MSFT and FB opening prices and calculate the difference
            var msOpen = joinIn.GetSeries<double>("MsftOpen");
            var msClose = joinIn.GetSeries<double>("MsftClose");
            var msDiff = msClose - msOpen;
            // [/series-get]

            // [series-dropadd]
            // Drop series from a data frame
            joinIn.DropSeries("MsftAdj Close");
            joinIn.DropSeries("FbAdj Close");

            // Add new series to a frame
            joinIn.AddSeries("MsftDiff", msDiff);
            // [/series-dropadd]

            // [series-rows]
            // Get row and then look at row properties
            var row = joinIn.Rows[new DateTime(2013, 1, 4)];
            var msLo = row.GetAs<double>("MsftLow");
            var msHi = row.GetAs<double>("MsftHigh");

            // Get value for a specified column & row keys
            var diff = joinIn["MsftDiff", new DateTime(2013, 1, 4)];
            // [/series-rows]

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // LINQ to data frame
            // ------------------------------------------------------------

            // [linq-select]
            // Project rows into a new series using the Select method
            var diffs = joinIn.Rows.Select(kvp =>
                kvp.Value.GetAs<double>("MsftOpen") -
            // [/linq-select]

            // [linq-where]
            // Filter rows using a specified condition
            var msftGreaterRows = joinIn.Rows.Where(kvp =>
                kvp.Value.GetAs<double>("MsftOpen") >

            // Transform row collection into a new data frame
            var msftGreaterDf = Frame.FromRows(msftGreaterRows);
            // [/linq-where]
            getFuturesStatic(List< string> tickers , string futuresStaticMoniker, ICarbonClient client, string carbonEnv,
            out Tuple<List<Tuple<string, ContractMonths>> /*rootTickers*/, List<string> /*contracts*/> tickerSplitTuple,
            DateTime? vStartDate = null, DateTime? vEndDate = null, List<string> contractSortOrder = null )

            // Intialisation
            if (tickers == null)
                tickers = new List<string>();
            DateTime startDate, endDate;
            if (vStartDate == null)
                startDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                startDate = vStartDate.Value;

            if (vStartDate == null)
                endDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
                endDate = vEndDate.Value;
            if (contractSortOrder == null)
                contractSortOrder = new List<string>();

            string cacheKey = getCacheKey(tickers, futuresStaticMoniker, startDate, endDate, contractSortOrder);

            // Divide inputs according to whether they should be used for rolling futures or not
            tickerSplitTuple                                = splitRollingFuturesFromRawTickers(tickers);
            List<string> contractTickers                    = tickerSplitTuple.Item2;
            List<Tuple<string, ContractMonths>> rootTickers = tickerSplitTuple.Item1;

            // Get Static From cache here if we have it, tickersplittuple has been set.
            Frame<string, string> cachedValue;
            if (StaticCache_.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out cachedValue)) return cachedValue;
            // Get all the roots from list
            List< string> rollingFuturesIDs                 = new List<string>();
            foreach (var tup in rootTickers)
            // Get test sets.
            //      This allows us to map back names used in futures static moniker, to our original inputs
            var bbgTickerMap            = processBBGTickerList(contractTickers); 
            HashSet<string> rollingSet  = new HashSet<string>(rollingFuturesIDs);
            HashSet<string> tickerSet   = new HashSet<string>(bbgTickerMap.Keys.AsEnumerable());

            // Processing inputs
            Frame<string, string> output;
            var rowList = new List<KeyValuePair<int/*id*/, Series<string, object>/*row*/>>();

            var df = client.GetDataFrame(futuresStaticMoniker);
            var tmp = df.ToList();
            var col = tmp[0].Value as List<object>;
            var ind = tmp[1].Value as List<object>;
            var dat = tmp[2].Value as List<object>;

            //Find it's first trade date col
            int firstTradeDtCol = 0;
            int futDeliveryDtCol = 0;
            int typeCol = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < col.Count; ++j)
                string heading = col[j].ToString();
                if (heading == "fut_first_trade_dt")
                    firstTradeDtCol = j;
                if (heading == "fut_dlv_dt_last")
                    futDeliveryDtCol = j;
                if(heading == "type")
                    typeCol = j;

            SeriesBuilder<string> sb;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < ind.Count; ++i)
                sb = new SeriesBuilder<string>();
                var data = dat[i] as List<object>;
                var contract = data[typeCol].ToString();
                string index = (string)ind[i];

                if ((tickerSet.IsEmpty() && rollingSet.IsEmpty())
                    || (!tickerSet.Contains(index) && !rollingSet.Contains(contract)))

                DateTime firstTradeDate = DateTime.ParseExact(data[firstTradeDtCol].ToString(), "%dd/%MM/%yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                DateTime futDeliveryDate = DateTime.ParseExact(data[futDeliveryDtCol].ToString(), "%dd/%MM/%yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (rollingSet.Contains(contract) && (futDeliveryDate < startDate || firstTradeDate > endDate))

                if (bbgTickerMap.ContainsKey(index))
                    sb.Add("ticker", bbgTickerMap[index]);
                    sb.Add("ticker", index); // ignores the mappings, in the rolling contract case

                for (int h = 0; h < col.Count; ++h)
                    sb.Add((string)col[h], data[h]);

                rowList.Add(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series)); 

            output = Frame.FromRows(rowList).IndexRows<string>("ticker", keepColumn: true);

            if (rootTickers.IsEmpty())
                output = sortFrameByInput(output, tickers);
                output = sortFrameByNaturalOrder(output, contractSortOrder);

            StaticCache_.TryAdd(cacheKey, output.Clone());

            return output;

        public void setRollingFuturesPrices(string outputfilepath = "")
            Console.WriteLine("Setting Rolling Futures:");

            var clonedPrices = TimeSeriesUtilities.DeepDeedleClone<DateTime, string, double>(RawFuturesPrices);

            double offset = 0.0; // how much to shift the entire series by

            // Compute the differences instead 
            if (smoothingType_ != SmoothingTypes.None)
                clonedPrices = interpolateRawPriceFrame(clonedPrices, InterpolationTypes.FlatForward);  // required to calculate differences correctly
                clonedPrices = clonedPrices.SortRowsByKey();
                clonedPrices = clonedPrices.Diff(1);                                                    // assume we do have all the required dates, as per calendar specified

            // Init
            int i = 0;
            var rowList = new List<KeyValuePair<int/*id*/, Series<string, object>/*row*/>>();

            var contracts = getTypesOfFuturesContracts();

            foreach (string contract in contracts)
                // Get only the statics for a particular type
                var contractSubset = FuturesStatic.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.GetAs<string>("type") == contract);

                // Start adding to builder
                foreach (DateTime dte in dateRange_)
                    var contractsByMonth = getXMonthContracts(dte, contractSubset, rollMethod_); // roll on first notice date

                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: prevFM = {1}, FM = {2}, BM = {3}, BM2 = {4}", dte.ToShortDateString(), contractsByMonth[ContractMonths.PrevFrontMonth], contractsByMonth[ContractMonths.FrontMonth], contractsByMonth[ContractMonths.BackMonth], contractsByMonth[ContractMonths.SecondBackMonth]);

                    // Add an entry for each futures contract month
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<ContractMonths, string/*ticker*/> entry in contractsByMonth)
                        ContractMonths contractMonth = entry.Key;
                        string ticker = entry.Value;

                        if (ticker == "")

                        var priceRow = clonedPrices.TryGetRow<double>(dte).ValueOrDefault;
                        double price = (priceRow == null) ? double.NaN : priceRow.TryGet(ticker).ValueOrDefault;
                        var staticRow = FuturesStatic.GetRow<string>(ticker);

                        // All formats here: 
                        if (price != 0.0 || smoothingType_ != SmoothingTypes.None) // so the flat forward bits get picked up
                            var sb = new SeriesBuilder<string>();
                            sb.Add("date", dte);
                            sb.Add("deliverydate", staticRow.Get(getRollField(RollMethods.DeliveryDate)));
                            sb.Add("rolldate", staticRow.Get(getRollField(rollMethod_)));
                            sb.Add("ticker", ticker);
                            sb.Add("type", staticRow.Get("type"));
                            sb.Add("contractmonth", contractMonth.ToString());
                            sb.Add("price", price);
                            sb.Add("convfact", staticRow.Get("fut_cnvs_factor"));
                            sb.Add("ctdisin", staticRow.Get("fut_ctd_isin"));
                            sb.Add("ctdmaturity", staticRow.Get("maturity"));
                            sb.Add("ctdcoupon", staticRow.Get("cpn"));

                            rowList.Add(KeyValue.Create(i, sb.Series));

            RollingFuturesData = Frame.FromRows(rowList);

            // This needs to be reassembled in a different function
            Console.WriteLine("Rolled Series");

            if (outputfilepath != "")
Beispiel #30
        public static Frame<DateTime, string> SymBondFwdTimeSeries(  string[] BondId,
                                                    DateTime StartDate, 
                                                    DateTime EndDate, 
                                                    String TenorString, 
                                                    DateTime FwdDate, 
                                                    object[,] SpreadOrPrice, 
                                                    String Measure, 
                                                    Boolean bOIS, 
                                                    Boolean bSpread, 
                                                    List<DateTime> Holidays)
            bool bHaveEverything = true;

            CarbonClient cbnClient = DataHandler.GetCarbonClient();

                int nBonds = BondId.GetLength(0);

                //  Holidays can be given as holiday code (string) or as array of dates.

                //  Get Bond static data

                #region Bond Static Data

                object o = null;
                DateTime[] maturity = new DateTime[nBonds],
                    effectiveDate = new DateTime[nBonds],
                    firstCpnDate = new DateTime[nBonds];
                double[] coupon = new double[nBonds];
                bool bEUR = false;
                long bondCpnFreq = 6;
                BondAnalytics.Country eCountry = BondAnalytics.Country.US, prevCountry = BondAnalytics.Country.US;
                for (int i = 0; i < nBonds; i++)
                    var lid = ((String) BondId[i]).Trim().ToLower();

                    BondStatic bndStatic = DataHandler.GetBondStatic(lid);

                    maturity[i] = DateTime.FromOADate(bndStatic.Maturity);
                    effectiveDate[i] = DateTime.FromOADate(bndStatic.EffectiveDate);
                    firstCpnDate[i] = DateTime.FromOADate(bndStatic.FirstCoupon);
                    coupon[i] = bndStatic.Coupon;

                    BondAnalytics.CountryMappings.TryGetValue(((String) BondId[i]).Substring(0, 2), out eCountry);
                    if (i > 0 && eCountry != prevCountry)
                        throw new ArgumentException("#Error! All bonds must be same country!");
                    prevCountry = eCountry;

                // Let's use spreadseries config
                string sCountry = ((String) BondId[0]).Substring(0, 2); // since all countries are the same
                var fcstConfig = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(sCountry, bForecastCurve: true);
                var discConfig = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(sCountry, bForecastCurve: false);

                bEUR = (eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.DE || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.FR ||
                        eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.IT || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.ES ||
                        eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.BE
                    ? true
                    : false);
                bondCpnFreq = fcstConfig.bndCouponFreq;
                    //(eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.US || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.UK || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.JP || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.CA ? 6 : 12);


                //  Build timeseries calendar

                #region DateSeries

                List<DateTime> dateSeries = new List<DateTime>();

                //  Ensure start and end date are good business days. Move dates forward then back to minimise chance of future dates in series.
                DateTime startDate = StartDate.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "")
                    .AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "");
                DateTime nextDate = EndDate.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "").AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "");
                if (startDate > nextDate)
                    throw new ArgumentException("nextDate must be after start date");
                var tenor = Tenor.FromString("-" + TenorString);
                while (nextDate >= startDate)
                    nextDate = BondAnalytics.PrevBusDay(nextDate.AddTenor(tenor, ""), Holidays);
                int M = dateSeries.Count();
                //  Keep a track of pricing errors so that a failure for one bond / date does not have to cause a failure of the whole function.
                Boolean[,] bPricingCheck = new Boolean[M, nBonds];


                //  Need discount curve before calculating repo series.
                #region InterestCurves

                String discCurveName = discConfig.SymDiscountCurveName;
                String fcstCurveName = fcstConfig.SymForecastCurveName;
                String ccy = fcstConfig.ccy;

                // Convert DiscountCurve Object to tuples.
                var DiscCurves = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, Tuple<DateTime, double>[]>();
                var FcstCurves = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, Tuple<DateTime, double>[]>();

                // DISC.
                SortedDictionary<DateTime, DiscountCurve> DiscCurvesRaw =
                    DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRange(discCurveName, dateSeries);
                foreach (var dte in DiscCurvesRaw.Keys)
                    DiscCurves[dte] = DiscCurvesRaw[dte].AsTuples();

                // FCST.
                if (!bOIS && (Measure != "Repo" && Measure != "Yield" && Measure != "Price")) // only get fcst curves here
                    SortedDictionary<DateTime, DiscountCurve> FcstCurvesRaw =
                    DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRange(fcstCurveName, dateSeries);
                    foreach (var dte in FcstCurvesRaw.Keys)
                        FcstCurves[dte] = FcstCurvesRaw[dte].AsTuples();

                #endregion InterestCurves

                //  Get repo spread. Three cases: default is 20 day moving average of GC-OIS, alternatives are input flat rate or interpolation from input table.
                #region RepoHistory
                double[,] fwdPrices = new double[M, nBonds];
                double[,] repoSpread = new double[M, nBonds];
                //  Two column array - dates / spreads. Linear interpolation in date.
                if ((SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == 2 || SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == nBonds + 1) && SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0) > 1)
                    int nRepos = SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0);
                    int nCols = SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1);
                    DateTime[] rDates = new DateTime[nRepos];
                    double[,] rSpreads = new double[nRepos, nBonds];

                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < nRepos; i++)
                            if (SpreadOrPrice[i, 0] is double)
                                rDates[i] = DateTime.FromOADate((double)SpreadOrPrice[i, 0]).Date;
                                if (nCols > 1 + j && SpreadOrPrice[i, 1 + j] is double)
                                    rSpreads[i, j] = (double)SpreadOrPrice[i, 1 + j];
                                else if (1 + j >= nCols)
                                    rSpreads[i, j] = rSpreads[i, j - 1];
                                    // Spread override is not a double, pricing fails. Use -1e8 as an error warning.
                                    rSpreads[i, j] = -1e8;
                                rDates[i] = DateTime.MinValue;
                    //  Not very efficient, but need to identify matching dates when not necessarily in order because of input errors.
                    if (bSpread)
                        int k;
                        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                            for (k = 0; k < nRepos; k++)
                                if (rDates[k].Date == dateSeries[i].Date)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                                        if (rSpreads[i, j] < -1e7)
                                            bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                                            repoSpread[i, j] = rSpreads[i, j] / 10000.0;
                            if (k == nRepos)
                                for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                                    bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                        int k;
                        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                            for (k = 0; k < nRepos; k++)
                                if (rDates[k].Date == dateSeries[i].Date)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                                        if (rSpreads[i, j] < -1e7)
                                            bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                                            fwdPrices[i, j] = rSpreads[i, j];
                            if (k == nRepos)
                                for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                                    bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                //  Cases: Single entry, double then this is the flat spread.
                else if (SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0) == 1 && SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == 1 && SpreadOrPrice[0, 0] is double)
                    if (bSpread)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                                repoSpread[i, j] = (double)SpreadOrPrice[0, 0] / 10000.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                                fwdPrices[i, j] = (double)SpreadOrPrice[0, 0];
                //  Vector, length nBonds
                else if (((SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0) == nBonds && SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == 1) || (SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == nBonds && SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0) == 1)) && SpreadOrPrice[0, 0] is double)
                    bool bRow = SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == 1;
                    if (bSpread)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                                repoSpread[i, j] = (double)(bRow ? SpreadOrPrice[j, 0] : SpreadOrPrice[0, j]) / 10000.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                                fwdPrices[i, j] = (double)(bRow ? SpreadOrPrice[j, 0] : SpreadOrPrice[0, j]);
                //  Otherwise (empty, or not a double or a two column array).
                    bSpread = true;

                    //  Repo spread is 20 day moving average of GC - OIS
                    double[] gcHist = new double[M + 19];
                    double[] oisHist = new double[M + 19];

                    var opGC = DataHandler.GetRepoRates(eCountry, dateSeries);

                    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)

                        // Copy GC values over (we need to extend this later)
                        gcHist[i] = opGC[i];

                        if (DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]))
                            oisHist[i] = Math.Round((1.0 / DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].ElementAt(1).Item2 - 1.0) * 360.0 / (DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].ElementAt(1).Item1 - DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].ElementAt(0).Item1).TotalDays, 5);
                            bHaveEverything = false;
                    //  Dates prior to dateSeries[0]
                    List<DateTime> prevDates = new List<DateTime>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                        prevDates.Add(BondAnalytics.PrevBusDay((i == 0 ? dateSeries[M - 1] : prevDates.Last()).AddDays(-1), Holidays));

                    // Get old curves
                    var PrevDiscCurves = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, Tuple<DateTime, double>[]>();

                    var prevDiscCurvesRaw = DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRange(discCurveName, prevDates);

                    foreach (var kvp in prevDiscCurvesRaw)
                        PrevDiscCurves[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.AsTuples();

                    // Get old rates
                    double[] oldRepoRates = DataHandler.GetRepoRates(eCountry, prevDates);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                        o = oldRepoRates[i];
                        if (o is double)
                            gcHist[M + i] = (double)o / 100.0;
                        else if (i > 0)
                            gcHist[M + i] = gcHist[M + i];
                            gcHist[M + i] = 0.0;

                        if (PrevDiscCurves.ContainsKey(prevDates[i]))
                            oisHist[M + i] = Math.Round((1.0 / PrevDiscCurves[prevDates[i]].ElementAt(1).Item2 - 1.0) * 360.0 / (PrevDiscCurves[prevDates[i]].ElementAt(1).Item1 - PrevDiscCurves[prevDates[i]].ElementAt(0).Item1).TotalDays, 5);
                            bHaveEverything = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                        for (int j = i; j < i + 20; j++)
                            repoSpread[i, 0] += (gcHist[j] - oisHist[j]) / 20.0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                        for (int j = 1; j < nBonds; j++)
                            repoSpread[i, j] = repoSpread[i, 0];

                //  Get Price Data (Clean Prices, Repo rates - i.e. term OIS rates + repo spreads)
                #region GetPricingData
                List<double[]> priceSeries = new List<double[]>();
                List<double[]> repoSeries = new List<double[]>();

                // Let's get price data from symmetry service
                if (bSpread)

                    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                        priceSeries.Add(new double[nBonds]);
                        repoSeries.Add(new double[nBonds]);
                        DateTime settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dateSeries[i].Date.AddDays(1), Holidays);
                        if (eCountry != BondAnalytics.Country.US)
                            settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dateSeries[i].Date.AddDays(2), Holidays);

                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            if (settleDate.Date > FwdDate.Date)
                                bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                            var priceMonikerName = ((String)BondId[j]).ToLower().Trim();
                            var priceMonikerDate = dateSeries[i];
                            var closeTup = DataHandler.GetCloseSnap(priceMonikerDate, eCountry);
                            var priceMonikerClose = closeTup.Item1;
                            var priceMonikerSource = closeTup.Item2;
                                o = DataHandler.GetHistoryPrice(priceMonikerName, priceMonikerDate, priceMonikerClose, priceMonikerSource);

                            if (o is double)
                                priceSeries[i][j] = (double)o;
                            else if (dateSeries[i].Date < effectiveDate[j].Date || !DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]))
                                //  No price information available
                                bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                                bHaveEverything = false;

                        double oisSwap = 0.0;
                        if (DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]))
                            DateTime[] discDfDates = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
                            double[] discDfs = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();

                            oisSwap = settleDate.Date < FwdDate.Date ? BondAnalytics.CalcMMS(settleDate, FwdDate, BondAnalytics.DayCountType.Act360, 12, 12, discDfDates, discDfs, discDfDates, discDfs, Holidays, null, null, null, null, null, DateTime.MinValue, 5) : 0.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            repoSeries[i][j] = oisSwap + repoSpread[i, j];

                //  Calculate measures
                #region CalcMeasures
                List<double[]> outputSeries = new List<double[]>();
                for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                    outputSeries.Add(new double[nBonds + (Measure == "Repo" ? 1 : 0)]);
                    DateTime settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dateSeries[i].Date.AddDays(1), Holidays);
                    if (eCountry != BondAnalytics.Country.US)
                        settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dateSeries[i].Date.AddDays(2), Holidays);
                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                        //  Only attempt to price if there is a chance of success!
                        if (bPricingCheck[i, j])
                        double fwdPrice = bSpread ? BondAnalytics.CalcBondFwd(eCountry, settleDate, priceSeries[i][j], effectiveDate[j], firstCpnDate[j], maturity[j], coupon[j], bondCpnFreq, FwdDate, repoSeries[i][j])[0] : fwdPrices[i, j];
                        switch (Measure)
                            case "Price":
                                    outputSeries[i][j] = fwdPrice;
                            case "Yield":
                                    outputSeries[i][j] = 10000.0 * BondAnalytics.SolveYield(eCountry, FwdDate, fwdPrice, effectiveDate[j], firstCpnDate[j], maturity[j], coupon[j], bondCpnFreq)[0];
                            case "TrueSpread":
                                    if ((bOIS && DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i])) || FcstCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]))
                                        DateTime[] dfDates = (bOIS ? DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray() : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                                        double[] dfs = (bOIS ? DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray() : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());

                                        //  Check. Sometimes (holidays) the first date on the curve can be repeated, which will cause an exception in the pricer.
                                        if (dfDates[0] == dfDates[1])
                                            dfDates = dfDates.GetSubArray(1, dfDates.GetLength(0)).ToArray();
                                            dfs = dfs.GetSubArray(1, dfs.GetLength(0)).ToArray();
                                        outputSeries[i][j] = -10000.0 * BondAnalytics.SolveZSpread(eCountry, FwdDate, fwdPrice, effectiveDate[j], firstCpnDate[j], maturity[j], coupon[j], bondCpnFreq, dfDates, dfs, Holidays);
                                        bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                            case "MMS":
                                    if (DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]) && (bOIS || FcstCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i])))
                                        DateTime[] discDfDates = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
                                        DateTime[] fcstDfDates = (bOIS ? discDfDates : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                                        double[] discDfs = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();
                                        double[] fcstDfs = (bOIS ? discDfs : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());
                                        BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = (bOIS ? BondAnalytics.DayCountType.Act360 : BondAnalytics.DayCountType.E30360);
                                        int fixedFreq = (bEUR || bOIS ? 12 : 6);
                                        int floatFreq = (bOIS ? 12 : (bEUR ? 6 : 3));

                                        double mms = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS(FwdDate, maturity[j], dct, fixedFreq, floatFreq, discDfDates, discDfs, fcstDfDates, fcstDfs, Holidays, null, null, null, null, null, firstCpnDate[j], (bOIS ? 5 : 0));
                                        outputSeries[i][j] = 10000.0 * mms;
                                        bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                            case "Spread":
                                    if (DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]) && (bOIS || FcstCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i])))
                                        DateTime[] discDfDates = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
                                        DateTime[] fcstDfDates = (bOIS ? discDfDates : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                                        double[] discDfs = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();
                                        double[] fcstDfs = (bOIS ? discDfs : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());
                                        BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = (bOIS ? BondAnalytics.DayCountType.Act360 : BondAnalytics.DayCountType.E30360);
                                        int fixedFreq = (bEUR || bOIS ? 12 : 6);
                                        int floatFreq = (bOIS ? 12 : (bEUR ? 6 : 3));

                                        double mms = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS(FwdDate, maturity[j], dct, fixedFreq, floatFreq, discDfDates, discDfs, fcstDfDates, fcstDfs, Holidays, null, null, null, null, null, firstCpnDate[j], (bOIS ? 5 : 0));
                                        double yield = BondAnalytics.SolveYield(eCountry, FwdDate, fwdPrice, effectiveDate[j], firstCpnDate[j], maturity[j], coupon[j], bondCpnFreq)[0];
                                        outputSeries[i][j] = 10000.0 * (mms - yield);
                                        bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                            case "Repo":
                                    if (bSpread)
                                        outputSeries[i][j] = 10000 * repoSpread[i, j];
                                        if (j == 0)
                                            outputSeries[i][nBonds] = 10000 * (repoSeries[i][0] - repoSpread[i, 0]);

                Dictionary<DateTime, Series<string,double>> output = new Dictionary<DateTime, Series<string, double>>(); 

                for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                    SeriesBuilder<string, double> sb = new SeriesBuilder<string, double>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds + (Measure == "Repo" ? 1 : 0); j++)
                        if (j < nBonds && bPricingCheck[i, j])
                            sb.Add(BondId[j], double.NaN); 
                            if (j >= nBonds)
                                sb.Add("Repo", outputSeries[i][j]); 
                                sb.Add(BondId[j], outputSeries[i][j]); 
                    output[dateSeries[i].Date] = sb.Series;

                var result = Frame.FromRows(output);
                return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log_.ErrorFormat("Error in BondASWCalc: {0}", ex.Message);
                throw ex;