Beispiel #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // find script
        mySerialScript = GetComponent <SerialConnect>();

        // find all comm ports
        if (mySerialScript != null)
            // list all comm ports

            for (int i = 0; i < SerialConnect.comPorts.Count; i++)
                // create a button for each comm port
                //GameObject button = (GameObject)Instantiate(buttonPrefab);
                //button.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = SerialConnect.comPorts[i];
                string arg = SerialConnect.comPorts[i]; // pass this string to the lambda function
                MyOpenFunction(arg);                    // connects to the first comport
                //   ) => { MyOpenFunction(arg); }
                //   );
                //button.transform.parent = menuPanel;
Beispiel #2
 void Start()
     serial = SerialConnect.GetInstance();
     serial.AddListener(new BackwardListener());
     if (!serial.IsListening())
Beispiel #3
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     timeDef = timeButton;
     Blocks  = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
     cycle   = true;
     if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Played").Length >= 1)
         Debug.LogWarning("More than one player detected, all blocks need the 'player' tag in the editor, this script will take care of the rest");
     myScript = objectWithSerialConnect.GetComponent <SerialConnect>();
Beispiel #4
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     _serial = SerialConnect.GetInstance();
Beispiel #5
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     myScript = objectWithSerialConnect.GetComponent <SerialConnect>();
     command  = myScript.commandToSend;
Beispiel #6
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     myScript = objectWithSerialConnect.GetComponent <SerialConnect>();
     origRot  = transform.rotation;
Beispiel #7
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     serial = SerialConnect.GetInstance();
Beispiel #8
        public static MyCanvas LoadProject(string filename, TextBox a, TextBox b, TextBox c)
            MyCanvas    FirstElement = null;
            MyCanvas    Curent       = null;
            MyCanvas    PREVIOUS     = null;
            XmlDocument xDoc         = new XmlDocument();

            // получим корневой элемент
            XmlElement xRoot = xDoc.DocumentElement;

            // обход всех узлов в корневом элементе
            if (xRoot.Attributes.Count > 0)
                a.Text = xRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("EXP").Value;
                b.Text = xRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("TIME").Value;
                c.Text = xRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("KOEF").Value;
            foreach (XmlNode xnode in xRoot)
                // получаем атрибут name
                if (xnode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                    XmlNode attr = xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ELTYPE");
                    if (attr.Value == "EMPTY")
                        Curent = new MyCanvas();
                    else if (attr.Value == "PLAIN")
                        Curent = new Plain();
                    else if (attr.Value == "LOADED")
                        Curent = new Loaded();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "UNLOADED")
                        Curent = new Unloaded();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "SLIDINGLOAD")
                        Curent = new SlidingLoaded();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "SLIDINGUNLOAD")
                        Curent = new SlidingUnLoaded();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "MAJOR")
                        Curent = new MajorConnect();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "BRIDGE")
                        Curent = new BridgeConnect();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "BDCGLR")
                        Curent = new BackupDeviceControlGroupsLR();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "SERIAL")
                        Curent = new SerialConnect();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "BACKUP")
                        Curent = new BackupControlType2();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "RMR")
                        Curent = new ReservManageReplacing();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "LIST_")
                        Curent = new List_(null);
                        loadList(xnode, Curent);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(Curent, Convert.ToDouble(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("X").Value));
                    Canvas.SetTop(Curent, Convert.ToDouble(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Y").Value));
                    Curent.lambda        = Convert.ToDouble(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("LAMBDA").Value);
                    Curent.lambda_1      = Convert.ToDouble(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("LAMBDA_1").Value);
                    Curent.ItemsAmount   = Convert.ToInt32(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ITEMS").Value);
                    Curent.ItemsAmount_1 = Convert.ToInt32(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ITEMS_1").Value);
                if (FirstElement == null)
                    FirstElement = Curent;
                Curent.PREVIOUS = PREVIOUS;
                if (PREVIOUS != null)
                    PREVIOUS.NEXT = Curent;
                PREVIOUS = Curent;
                Curent   = Curent.NEXT;
Beispiel #9
        public static void loadElement(XmlNode node, MyCanvas Element)
            MyCanvas Curent = null;

            foreach (XmlNode xnode in node)
                // получаем атрибут name
                if (xnode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                    XmlNode attr = xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ELTYPE");
                    if (attr.Value == "EMPTY")
                        Curent = new MyCanvas();
                    else if (attr.Value == "PLAIN")
                        Curent = new Plain();
                    else if (attr.Value == "LOADED")
                        Curent = new Loaded();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "UNLOADED")
                        Curent = new Unloaded();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "SLIDINGLOAD")
                        Curent = new SlidingLoaded();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "SLIDINGUNLOAD")
                        Curent = new SlidingUnLoaded();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "MAJOR")
                        Curent = new MajorConnect();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "BRIDGE")
                        Curent = new BridgeConnect();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "BDCGLR")
                        Curent = new BackupDeviceControlGroupsLR();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "SERIAL")
                        Curent = new SerialConnect();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "BACKUP")
                        Curent = new BackupControlType2();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "RMR")
                        Curent = new ReservManageReplacing();
                        loadElement(xnode, Curent);
                    else if (attr.Value == "LIST_")
                        Curent = new List_(null);
                        loadList(xnode, Curent);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(Curent, Convert.ToDouble(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("X").Value));
                    Canvas.SetTop(Curent, Convert.ToDouble(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Y").Value));
                    Curent.lambda        = Convert.ToDouble(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("LAMBDA").Value);
                    Curent.lambda_1      = Convert.ToDouble(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("LAMBDA_1").Value);
                    Curent.ItemsAmount   = Convert.ToInt32(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ITEMS").Value);
                    Curent.ItemsAmount_1 = Convert.ToInt32(xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ITEMS_1").Value);
                if (Element.cont == 0)
                    Element.ContainEl = Curent;
                else if (Element.cont == 1)
                    Element.ContainEl_1 = Curent;
                else if (Element.cont == 2)
                    Element.ContainEl_2 = Curent;
                Curent = Curent.NEXT;