// ISymUnmanagedMethod
		public static SequencePoint[] GetSequencePoints(this ISymUnmanagedMethod symMethod, int codesize)
			uint count = symMethod.GetSequencePointCount();
			ISymUnmanagedDocument[] documents = new ISymUnmanagedDocument[count];
			uint[] offsets    = new uint[count];
			uint[] lines      = new uint[count];
			uint[] columns    = new uint[count];
			uint[] endLines   = new uint[count];
			uint[] endColumns = new uint[count];
				out count,
			var sequencePoints = new SequencePoint[count];
			var urls = documents.Distinct().ToDictionary(d => d, d => d.GetURL());
			var sums = documents.Distinct().ToDictionary(d => d, d => d.GetCheckSum());
			uint token = symMethod.GetToken();
			for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				sequencePoints[i] = new SequencePoint() {
					MethodDefToken = token,
					ILRanges = new [] { new ILRange((int)offsets[i], i + 1 < count ? (int)offsets[i + 1] : codesize) },
					Filename = urls[documents[i]],
					FileCheckSum = sums[documents[i]],
					StartLine = (int)lines[i],
					StartColumn = (int)columns[i],
					EndLine = (int)endLines[i],
					EndColumn = (int)endColumns[i]
			return sequencePoints;
Beispiel #2
        private Instruction AddInstrumentationCode(MethodDefinition method, ILProcessor processor, Instruction instruction, SequencePoint sequencePoint)
            if (!_result.Documents.TryGetValue(sequencePoint.Document.Url, out var document))
                document = new Document {
                    Path = sequencePoint.Document.Url
                document.Index = _result.Documents.Count;
                _result.Documents.Add(document.Path, document);

            for (int i = sequencePoint.StartLine; i <= sequencePoint.EndLine; i++)
                if (!document.Lines.ContainsKey(i))
                    document.Lines.Add(i, new Line {
                        Number = i, Class = method.DeclaringType.FullName, Method = method.FullName

            var entry = (false, document.Index, sequencePoint.StartLine, sequencePoint.EndLine);


            return(AddInstrumentationInstructions(method, processor, instruction, _result.HitCandidates.Count - 1));
Beispiel #3
 private ArrayAccessNode(ExpressionNode array, IReadOnlyList <ExpressionNode> indices, SequencePoint point) : base(point)
     Contract.Requires(array.ExpressionReturnType is ArrayType);
     this.array   = array;
     this.indices = indices;
     this.type    = ((ArrayType)array.ExpressionReturnType).ElementType;
Beispiel #4
        private static IndexOperatorAccessNode AsIndexOp(ContextNode context, ExpressionNode array, IReadOnlyList <ExpressionNode> indices, SequencePoint point)
            var itemProperty = AssemblyRegistry.GetIndexerProperty(array.ExpressionReturnType, indices.Select(i => i.ExpressionReturnType).ToArray());

            if (itemProperty != null)
                return(new IndexOperatorAccessNode(context, array, itemProperty, indices, point));
        private Instruction ProcessInstruction(MethodDefinition method, Instruction instruction, SequencePoint sequencePoint)
            if ((instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Call || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt) && instruction.Operand is MethodReference methodRef)
                MethodDefinition resolved = methodRef.Resolve();
                if (resolved == addDataMethod)
                    TypeReference dataType = null;
                    Instruction   back     = instruction.Previous;

                    while (true)
                        if (back == null || back.OpCode == OpCodes.Call || back.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
                            weaver.Error(sequencePoint, $"Can't determine type of {methodRef}.");

                        if (back.OpCode == OpCodes.Newarr)
                            weaver.Error(sequencePoint, "You can't use arrays in custom data.");

                        if (back.OpCode == OpCodes.Newobj || back.OpCode == OpCodes.Box || back.OpCode == OpCodes.Initobj)
                            if (back.Operand is TypeReference type)
                                dataType = type;

                            if (back.Operand is MethodReference ctor && ctor.Name == ".ctor")
                                dataType = ctor.DeclaringType;

                        back = back.Previous;

                    if (dataType == null)
                        weaver.Error(sequencePoint, $"Couldn't find type for {methodRef}.");

                    dataType = module.ImportReference(dataType);

                        module.GetTypeReference(typeof(DictionaryFormatter <,>)).MakeGenericInstanceType(module.GetTypeReference <string>(), dataType),
                        module.GetTypeReference(typeof(Dictionary <,>)).MakeGenericInstanceType(module.GetTypeReference <string>(), dataType));

Beispiel #6
        public bool TryResolveLocation(StackFrameData sfData, SeqPointInfo seqPointInfo)
            if (!assembly.MainModule.HasSymbols)

            TypeDefinition type = null;

            string[] nested;
            if (sfData.TypeFullName.IndexOf('/') >= 0)
                nested = sfData.TypeFullName.Split('/');
                nested = sfData.TypeFullName.Split('+');

            var types = assembly.MainModule.Types;

            foreach (var ntype in nested)
                if (type == null)
                    // Use namespace first time.
                    type = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FullName == ntype);
                    type = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == ntype);

                if (type == null)
                    logger.LogWarning("Could not find type: {0}", ntype);

                types = type.NestedTypes;

            var parensStart      = sfData.MethodSignature.IndexOf('(');
            var methodName       = sfData.MethodSignature.Substring(0, parensStart).TrimEnd();
            var methodParameters = sfData.MethodSignature.Substring(parensStart);
            var methods          = type.Methods.Where(m => CompareName(m, methodName) && CompareParameters(m.Parameters, methodParameters)).ToArray();

            if (methods.Length == 0)
                logger.LogWarning("Could not find method: {0}", methodName);
            if (methods.Length > 1)
                logger.LogWarning("Ambiguous match for method: {0}", sfData.MethodSignature);
            var method = methods [0];

            int ilOffset;

            if (sfData.IsILOffset)
                ilOffset = sfData.Offset;
                if (seqPointInfo == null)

                ilOffset = seqPointInfo.GetILOffset(method.MetadataToken.ToInt32(), sfData.MethodIndex, sfData.Offset);

            if (ilOffset < 0)

            if (!method.DebugInformation.HasSequencePoints)

            SequencePoint prev = null;

            foreach (var sp in method.DebugInformation.SequencePoints.OrderBy(l => l.Offset))
                if (sp.Offset >= ilOffset)
                    sfData.SetLocation(sp.Document.Url, sp.StartLine);

                prev = sp;

            if (prev != null)
                sfData.SetLocation(prev.Document.Url, prev.StartLine);

        public void ControlFlow_Stepping()

            SequencePoint start = this.CurrentStackFrame.NextStatement;

            foreach (bool jmcEnabled in new bool[] { true, true, false })
                ObjectDump("Log", "Starting run with JMC=" + jmcEnabled.ToString());

                this.CurrentStackFrame.SetIP(start.Filename, start.StartLine + 1, start.StartColumn, false);

                process.Options.EnableJustMyCode = jmcEnabled;
                process.Options.StepOverFieldAccessProperties = true;

                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                 // 42.ToString()
                Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);

                if (jmcEnabled)
                    this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                     // StepRoot
                    Assert.AreEqual("StepRight", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                    this.CurrentStackFrame.StepOver();                     // Finish the step out
                    Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                    this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                     // StepRoot
                    Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);

                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                 // Generated default constructor
                Assert.AreEqual("Target", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepOver();                 // Finish the step out
                Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);

                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                 // Property
                Assert.AreNotEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepOver();                 // Finish the step out
                Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);

                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                 // FieldProperty
                Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);

                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                 // CatchExcpetion
                Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);

                if (jmcEnabled)
                    this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                     // ZigZag1
                    Assert.AreEqual("ZigZag2", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("ZigZag2", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, this.CurrentStackFrame.NextStatement.StartColumn);
                    this.CurrentStackFrame.StepOver();                     // Finish the step out
                    Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                    this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                     // ZigZag1
                    Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);

                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepInto();                 // MyEvent
                Assert.AreEqual("Event2", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("Event4", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);
                this.CurrentStackFrame.StepOver();                 // Finish the step out
                Assert.AreEqual("Main", this.CurrentStackFrame.MethodInfo.Name);

            // Restore default state
            process.Options.EnableJustMyCode = true;

Beispiel #8
 public void SetSequencePoints(IEnumerable<ILSequencePoint> ilSequencePoints)
         SequencePoint[] sequencePoints = new SequencePoint[_ilBytes.Length];
         foreach (var point in ilSequencePoints)
             sequencePoints[point.Offset] = new SequencePoint() { Document = point.Document, LineNumber = point.LineNumber };
         _sequencePoints = sequencePoints;
        public void ConstructWithSingleLine()
            // arrange
            const string input  = "single line";
            var          source = new CodeCoverageStringTextSource(input, "");

            // assert
            Assert.True(source.LinesCount == 1);

            // act
            var result = source.GetLine(1); // existing line index

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == input);

            // act
            result = source.GetLine(0); // invalid line index

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == string.Empty);

            // act
            var sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 1, EndLine = 1, EndColumn = 7

            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "single");

            // act with too small StartColumn
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = -1, EndLine = 1, EndColumn = 7
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "single");

            // act with too large StartColumn
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 19, EndLine = 1, EndColumn = 20
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "");

            // act with too small EndColumn
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 1, EndLine = 1, EndColumn = 0
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "");

            // act with too large EndColumn
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 1, EndLine = 1, EndColumn = 20
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "single line");
        public void ConstructWithFiveLines()
            // arrange
            const string input  = "\tfirst line\n \n\tthird line\r\n \r   fifth line\r";
            var          source = new CodeCoverageStringTextSource(input, "");

            // assert
            Assert.True(source.LinesCount == 5);

            // act
            var result = source.GetLine(1); // existing line index

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "\tfirst line\n");

            // act
            result = source.GetLine(2); // existing line index

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == " \n");

            // act
            result = source.GetLine(3); // existing line index

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "\tthird line\r\n");

            // act
            result = source.GetLine(4); // existing line index

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == " \r");

            // act
            result = source.GetLine(5); // existing line index

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "   fifth line\r");

            // act
            result = source.GetLine(9); // invalid line index

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == string.Empty);

            // act third line request
            var sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 3, StartColumn = 8, EndLine = 3, EndColumn = 12

            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "line");

            // act invalid two lines request
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 8, EndLine = 2, EndColumn = 13
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "line\n \n");

            // act valid two lines request
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 8, EndLine = 2, EndColumn = 2
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "line\n ");

            // act three lines request
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 8, EndLine = 3, EndColumn = 12
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "line\n \n\tthird line");
        public void ConstructWithTwoLines()
            // arrange
            const string input  = "\tfirst line\n\tsecond line\r";
            var          source = new CodeCoverageStringTextSource(input, "");

            // assert
            Assert.True(source.LinesCount == 2);

            // act with existing line index
            var result = source.GetLine(1);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "\tfirst line\n");

            // act with existing line index
            result = source.GetLine(2);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "\tsecond line\r");

            // act with invalid line index
            result = source.GetLine(0);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == string.Empty);

            // act
            var sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 2, StartColumn = 9, EndLine = 2, EndColumn = 13

            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "line");

            // act with two lines request
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 8, EndLine = 2, EndColumn = 13
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "line\n\tsecond line");

            // act with extended two lines request
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = -8, EndLine = 2, EndColumn = 30
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "\tfirst line\n\tsecond line\r");

            // act with invalid first line request
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 28, EndLine = 2, EndColumn = 30
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "\tsecond line\r");

            // act with invalid first line and invalid second line request
            sp = new SequencePoint {
                StartLine = 1, StartColumn = 28, EndLine = 2, EndColumn = 0
            result = source.GetText(sp);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result == "");
Beispiel #12
        static MethodBody CreateTestMethodWithLocalScopes(bool padILWithNulls)
            var module = ModuleDefinition.CreateModule("TestILProcessor", ModuleKind.Dll);
            var type   = new TypeDefinition("NS", "TestType", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed, module.ImportReference(typeof(object)));


            var methodBody = CreateTestMethod(OpCodes.Nop, OpCodes.Ldloc_0, OpCodes.Nop, OpCodes.Ldloc_1, OpCodes.Nop, OpCodes.Ldloc_2, OpCodes.Nop);

            if (padILWithNulls)
                methodBody.Instructions.Capacity += 10;

            var method = methodBody.Method;

            method.ReturnType = module.ImportReference(typeof(void));

            methodBody.InitLocals = true;
            var tempVar1 = new VariableDefinition(module.ImportReference(typeof(string)));

            var tempVar2 = new VariableDefinition(module.ImportReference(typeof(string)));


            var debug_info = method.DebugInformation;

            // Must add a sequence point, otherwise the native PDB writer will not actually write the method's debug info
            // into the PDB.
            foreach (var instr in methodBody.Instructions)
                var sequence_point = new SequencePoint(instr, new Document(@"C:\test.cs"))
                    StartLine   = 0,
                    StartColumn = 0,
                    EndLine     = 0,
                    EndColumn   = 4,

            // The method looks like this:
            //            | Scope | Scope.Scopes[0] | Scope.Scopes[1] | Scope.Scopes[1].Scopes[0]
            // #0 Nop     | >     |                 |                 |
            // #1 Ldloc_0 | .     | >               |                 |
            // #2 Nop     | .     | <               |                 |
            // #3 Ldloc_1 | .     |                 | >               |
            // #4 Nop     | .     |                 | .               | >
            // #5 Ldloc_2 | .     |                 | .               | <
            // #6 Nop     | .     |                 | .               |
            // <end of m> | <     |                 | <               |

            var instructions = methodBody.Instructions;

            debug_info.Scope = new ScopeDebugInformation(instructions[0], null)
                Scopes =
                    new ScopeDebugInformation(instructions[1],         instructions[2])
                        Variables = { new VariableDebugInformation(tempVar1,"tempVar1")               }
                    new ScopeDebugInformation(instructions[3],         null)
                        Scopes =
                            new ScopeDebugInformation(instructions[4], instructions[5])
                                Variables = { new VariableDebugInformation(tempVar2,"tempVar2")               }

		void ReadLines (PdbLine line, Document document, IDictionary instructions)
			Instruction instruction = (Instruction) instructions [(int) line.offset];
			if (instruction == null)

			SequencePoint point = new SequencePoint (document);
			point.StartLine = (int) line.lineBegin;
			point.StartColumn = (int) line.colBegin;
			point.EndLine = (int) line.lineEnd;
			point.EndColumn = (int) line.colEnd;

			instruction.SequencePoint = point;
Beispiel #14
 internal void MergeFrom(SequencePoint sequencePoint)
     foreach (var appliedMutant in sequencePoint.AppliedMutants)
         if (AppliedMutants.All(a => a.Description != appliedMutant.Description))
Beispiel #15
 private IEnumerable <RawDependency> AnalyzeInstruction([NotNull] TypeDefinition owner, [NotNull] RawUsingItem usingItem,
                                                        [NotNull] Instruction instruction, [CanBeNull] SequencePoint sequencePoint,
                                                        [NotNull] WorkingGraph readingGraph)
         var methodReference = instruction.Operand as MethodReference;
         // Durch die !IsLinked-Bedingung wird der Test MainTests.Exit0Aspects mit den Calls
         // zwischen Nested-Klassen in NDepCheck.TestAssembly.cs - Klasse Class14.Class13EInner2, Methode SpecialMethodOfInnerClass
         // rot: Weil die Calls zwischen der Class14 und der Nested Class wegen IsLinked==true hier einfach ausgefiltert
         // werden ...
         // WIESO SOLL DAS SO SEIN? - bitte um Erklärung! ==> SIehe nun temporäre Änderung an IsLinked - IST DAS OK?
         if (methodReference != null && !IsLinked(methodReference.DeclaringType, owner))
             foreach (var dependency_ in CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies(usingItem, DOTNETMETHOD,
                                                                         GetMemberMarkers(Resolve(methodReference.DeclaringType), _typeDefinitionMarkers),
                                                                         methodReference.DeclaringType, usage: DotNetUsage._usesmember, sequencePoint: sequencePoint,
                                                                         memberName: methodReference.Name, readingGraph: readingGraph))
                 yield return(dependency_);
             // See comment at Usage._usesmemberoftype on why this is commented out
             //foreach (var dependency_ in CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies(usingItem,
             //            GetMemberMarkers(Resolve(methodReference.ReturnType), _typeDefinitionMarkers),
             //            methodReference.ReturnType, usage: Usage._usesmemberoftype, sequencePoint: sequencePoint, memberName: "")) {
             //    yield return dependency_;
         var field = instruction.Operand as FieldDefinition;
         if (field != null && !IsLinked(field.DeclaringType, owner))
             foreach (var dependency_ in CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies(usingItem, DOTNETFIELD,
                                                                         GetMemberMarkers(field, _fieldDefinitionMarkers), field.FieldType, usage: DotNetUsage._usesmember,
                                                                         sequencePoint: sequencePoint, memberName: field.Name, readingGraph: readingGraph))
                 yield return(dependency_);
             // See comment at Usage._usesmemberoftype on why this is commented out
             //foreach (var dependency_ in CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies(usingItem, GetMemberMarkers(field, _fieldDefinitionMarkers),
             //            field.DeclaringType, usage: Usage._usesmemberoftype, sequencePoint: sequencePoint, memberName: "")) {
             //    yield return dependency_;
         var property = instruction.Operand as PropertyDefinition;
         if (property != null && !IsLinked(property.DeclaringType, owner))
             foreach (var dependency_ in CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies(usingItem, DOTNETPROPERTY,
                                                                         GetMemberMarkers(property, _propertyDefinitionMarkers), property.PropertyType,
                                                                         usage: DotNetUsage._usesmember, sequencePoint: sequencePoint, memberName: property.Name, readingGraph: readingGraph))
                 yield return(dependency_);
             // See comment at Usage._usesmemberoftype on why this is commented out
             //foreach (var dependency_ in CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies(usingItem, GetMemberMarkers(property, _propertyDefinitionMarkers),
             //            property.DeclaringType, usage: Usage._usesmemberoftype, sequencePoint: sequencePoint, memberName: "")) {
             //    yield return dependency_;
         var typeref = instruction.Operand as TypeReference;
         if (typeref != null && !IsLinked(typeref, owner))
             foreach (var dependency_ in CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies(usingItem, DOTNETTYPE,
                                                                         GetMemberMarkers(Resolve(typeref), _typeDefinitionMarkers), typeref,
                                                                         usage: DotNetUsage._usestype, sequencePoint: sequencePoint, memberName: "", readingGraph: readingGraph))
                 yield return(dependency_);
Beispiel #16
 public MethodReference GetReadFunc <T>(SequencePoint sequencePoint) =>
 GetReadFunc(module.ImportReference <T>(), sequencePoint);
 public CompilationMessage(string text, SequencePoint sp)
     Text          = text;
     SequencePoint = sp ?? new SequencePoint(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Nop), new Document(string.Empty));
 public Instruction(SequencePoint sequencePoint)
     this.m_SequencePoint = sequencePoint;
Beispiel #19
        private Instruction AddInstrumentationCode(MethodDefinition method, ILProcessor processor, Instruction instruction, SequencePoint sequencePoint)
            var document = _result.Documents.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Path == sequencePoint.Document.Url);

            if (document == null)
                document = new Document {
                    Path = sequencePoint.Document.Url

            for (int i = sequencePoint.StartLine; i <= sequencePoint.EndLine; i++)
                if (!document.Lines.Exists(l => l.Number == i))
                    document.Lines.Add(new Line {
                        Number = i, Class = method.DeclaringType.FullName, Method = method.FullName

            string marker = $"{document.Path},{sequencePoint.StartLine},{sequencePoint.EndLine}";

            var pathInstr = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, _result.HitsFilePath);
            var markInstr = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, marker);
            var callInstr = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, processor.Body.Method.Module.ImportReference(typeof(CoverageTracker).GetMethod("MarkExecuted")));

            processor.InsertBefore(instruction, callInstr);
            processor.InsertBefore(callInstr, markInstr);
            processor.InsertBefore(markInstr, pathInstr);

Beispiel #20
 public virtual void Visit(SequencePoint node)
        public IList <string> Merge(List <TypeDefinition> subclasses, string applicationClass, bool embed, string bundledWearApplicationName, IEnumerable <string> mergedManifestDocuments)
            string applicationName = ApplicationName;

            var manifest = doc.Root;

            if (manifest == null || manifest.Name != "manifest")
                throw new Exception("Root element must be 'manifest'");

            var manifest_package = (string)manifest.Attribute("package");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest_package))
                PackageName = manifest_package;

            manifest.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + "android", "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android");
            if (manifest.Attribute(androidNs + "versionCode") == null)
                manifest.SetAttributeValue(androidNs + "versionCode", "1");
            if (manifest.Attribute(androidNs + "versionName") == null)
                manifest.SetAttributeValue(androidNs + "versionName", "1.0");

            app = CreateApplicationElement(manifest, applicationClass, subclasses);

            if (app.Attribute(androidNs + "label") == null && applicationName != null)
                app.SetAttributeValue(androidNs + "label", applicationName);

            var existingTypes = new HashSet <string> (
                app.Descendants().Select(a => (string)a.Attribute(attName)).Where(v => v != null));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundledWearApplicationName))
                if (!app.Elements("meta-data").Any(e => e.Attributes(androidNs + "name").Any(a => a.Value == bundledWearApplicationName)))
                    app.Add(new XElement("meta-data", new XAttribute(androidNs + "name", "com.google.android.wearable.beta.app"), new XAttribute(androidNs + "resource", "@xml/wearable_app_desc")));

            // If no <uses-sdk> is specified, add it with both minSdkVersion and
            // targetSdkVersion set to TargetFrameworkVersion
            if (!manifest.Elements("uses-sdk").Any())
                    new XElement("uses-sdk",
                                 new XAttribute(androidNs + "minSdkVersion", SdkVersionName),
                                 new XAttribute(androidNs + "targetSdkVersion", SdkVersionName)));

            // If no minSdkVersion is specified, set it to TargetFrameworkVersion
            var uses = manifest.Element("uses-sdk");

            if (uses.Attribute(androidNs + "minSdkVersion") == null)
                int minSdkVersion;
                if (!int.TryParse(SdkVersionName, out minSdkVersion))
                    minSdkVersion = XABuildConfig.NDKMinimumApiAvailable;
                minSdkVersion = Math.Min(minSdkVersion, XABuildConfig.NDKMinimumApiAvailable);
                uses.SetAttributeValue(androidNs + "minSdkVersion", minSdkVersion.ToString());

            string targetSdkVersion;
            var    tsv = uses.Attribute(androidNs + "targetSdkVersion");

            if (tsv != null)
                targetSdkVersion = tsv.Value;
                targetSdkVersion = SdkVersionName;
                uses.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("suppress UsesMinSdkAttributes"));

            int?tryTargetSdkVersion = MonoAndroidHelper.SupportedVersions.GetApiLevelFromId(targetSdkVersion);

            if (!tryTargetSdkVersion.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The targetSdkVersion ({0}) is not a valid API level", targetSdkVersion));
            int targetSdkVersionValue = tryTargetSdkVersion.Value;

            foreach (var t in subclasses)
                if (t.IsAbstract)

                if (PackageName == null)
                    PackageName = t.Namespace;

                var name       = JavaNativeTypeManager.ToJniName(t).Replace('/', '.');
                var compatName = JavaNativeTypeManager.ToCompatJniName(t).Replace('/', '.');
                if (((string)app.Attribute(attName)) == compatName)
                    app.SetAttributeValue(attName, name);

                Func <TypeDefinition, string, int, XElement> generator = GetGenerator(t);
                if (generator == null)

                try {
                    // activity not present: create a launcher for it IFF it has attribute
                    if (!existingTypes.Contains(name) && !existingTypes.Contains(compatName))
                        XElement fromCode = generator(t, name, targetSdkVersionValue);
                        if (fromCode == null)

                        IEnumerable <MethodDefinition> constructors = t.Methods.Where(m => m.IsConstructor).Cast <MethodDefinition> ();
                        if (!constructors.Any(c => !c.HasParameters && c.IsPublic))
                            string        message        = $"The type '{t.FullName}' must provide a public default constructor";
                            SequencePoint sourceLocation = FindSource(constructors);

                            if (sourceLocation != null && sourceLocation.Document?.Url != null)
                                    subcategory:      String.Empty,
                                    errorCode:        "XA4213",
                                    helpKeyword:      String.Empty,
                                    file:             sourceLocation.Document.Url,
                                    lineNumber:       sourceLocation.StartLine,
                                    columnNumber:     sourceLocation.StartColumn,
                                    endLineNumber:    sourceLocation.EndLine,
                                    endColumnNumber:  sourceLocation.EndColumn,
                                    message:          message);
                                log.LogCodedError("XA4213", message);
                    foreach (var d in app.Descendants().Where(a => ((string)a.Attribute(attName)) == compatName))
                        d.SetAttributeValue(attName, name);
                } catch (InvalidActivityNameException ex) {

            var icon = app.Attribute(androidNs + "icon");

            if (icon == null)
                var activity = app.Element("activity");
                if (activity != null)
                    var activityIcon = activity.Attribute(androidNs + "icon");
                    if (activityIcon != null)
                        app.Add(new XAttribute(androidNs + "icon", activityIcon.Value));

            PackageName = AndroidAppManifest.CanonicalizePackageName(PackageName);

            if (!PackageName.Contains('.'))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("/manifest/@package attribute MUST contain a period ('.').");

            manifest.SetAttributeValue("package", PackageName);

            if (MultiDex)
                app.Add(CreateMonoRuntimeProvider("mono.android.MultiDexLoader", null, initOrder: --AppInitOrder));

            var providerNames = AddMonoRuntimeProviders(app);

            if (Debug && !embed && InstantRunEnabled)
                if (int.TryParse(SdkVersion, out int apiLevel) && apiLevel >= 19)
                    app.Add(CreateMonoRuntimeProvider("mono.android.ResourcePatcher", null, initOrder: --AppInitOrder));
            if (Debug)
                app.Add(new XComment("suppress ExportedReceiver"));
                app.Add(new XElement("receiver",
                                     new XAttribute(androidNs + "name", "mono.android.Seppuku"),
                                     new XElement("intent-filter",
                                                  new XElement("action",
                                                               new XAttribute(androidNs + "name", "mono.android.intent.action.SEPPUKU")),
                                                  new XElement("category",
                                                               new XAttribute(androidNs + "name", "mono.android.intent.category.SEPPUKU." + PackageName)))));
                if (app.Attribute(androidNs + "debuggable") == null)
                    app.Add(new XAttribute(androidNs + "debuggable", "true"));
            if (Debug || NeedsInternet)

            if (!embed)

            // If the manifest has android:installLocation, but we are targeting
            // API 7 or lower, remove it for the user and show a warning
            if (manifest.Attribute(androidNs + "installLocation") != null)
                if (targetSdkVersionValue < 8)
                    manifest.Attribute(androidNs + "installLocation").Remove();
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("monodroid: warning 1 : installLocation cannot be specified for Android versions less than 2.2.  Attribute installLocation ignored.");

            AddInstrumentations(manifest, subclasses, targetSdkVersionValue);


            if (mergedManifestDocuments != null)
                foreach (var mergedManifest in mergedManifestDocuments)
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        log.LogCodedWarning("XA4302", "Unhandled exception merging `AndroidManifest.xml`: {0}", ex);


            SequencePoint FindSource(IEnumerable <MethodDefinition> methods)
                if (methods == null)

                SequencePoint ret = null;

                foreach (MethodDefinition method in methods.Where(m => m != null && m.HasBody && m.DebugInformation != null))
                    foreach (Instruction ins in method.Body.Instructions)
                        SequencePoint seq = method.DebugInformation.GetSequencePoint(ins);
                        if (seq == null)

                        if (ret == null || seq.StartLine < ret.StartLine)
                            ret = seq;

        public static void UpdateDebugInfo(this MethodDefinition method)
            var debugInfo    = method.DebugInformation;
            var instructions = method.Body.Instructions;
            var scope        = debugInfo.Scope;

            if (scope is null || instructions.Count == 0)

            var oldSequencePoints = debugInfo.SequencePoints;
            var newSequencePoints = new Collection <SequencePoint>();

            // Step 1: check if all variables are present
            foreach (var variable in method.Body.Variables)
                var hasVariable = scope.Variables.Any(x => x.Index == variable.Index);
                if (!hasVariable)
                    var variableDebugInfo = new VariableDebugInformation(variable, $"__var_{variable.Index}");

            // Step 2: Make sure the instructions point to the correct items
            foreach (var oldSequencePoint in oldSequencePoints)
                //var isValid = false;

                //// Special cases we need to ignore
                //if (oldSequencePoint.StartLine == AddressToIgnore ||
                //    oldSequencePoint.EndLine == AddressToIgnore)
                //    continue;

                var instructionOffset = (InstructionOffset)SequencePointOffsetFieldInfo.GetValue(oldSequencePoint);
                var offsetInstruction = (Instruction)InstructionOffsetInstructionFieldInfo.GetValue(instructionOffset);

                // Fix offset
                for (var i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++)
                    var instruction = instructions[i];
                    if (instruction == offsetInstruction)
                        var newSequencePoint = new SequencePoint(instruction, oldSequencePoint.Document)
                            StartLine   = oldSequencePoint.StartLine,
                            StartColumn = oldSequencePoint.StartColumn,
                            EndLine     = oldSequencePoint.EndLine,
                            EndColumn   = oldSequencePoint.EndColumn


                        //isValid = true;



            foreach (var newSequencePoint in newSequencePoints)

            // Step 3: update the scopes by setting the indices
            scope.Start = new InstructionOffset(instructions.First());
            scope.End   = new InstructionOffset(instructions.Last());
        private Instruction ProcessInstruction(MethodDefinition md, Instruction instr, SequencePoint sequencePoint)
            if (instr.OpCode == OpCodes.Stfld && instr.Operand is FieldReference opFieldst)
                FieldReference resolved = opFieldst.Resolve();
                if (resolved == null)
                    resolved = opFieldst.DeclaringType.Resolve().GetField(opFieldst.Name);

                // this instruction sets the value of a field. cache the field reference.
                ProcessInstructionSetterField(instr, resolved);

            if (instr.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldfld && instr.Operand is FieldReference opFieldld)
                FieldReference resolved = opFieldld.Resolve();
                if (resolved == null)
                    resolved = opFieldld.DeclaringType.Resolve().GetField(opFieldld.Name);

                // this instruction gets the value of a field. cache the field reference.
                ProcessInstructionGetterField(instr, resolved);

            if (instr.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldflda && instr.Operand is FieldReference opFieldlda)
                FieldReference resolved = opFieldlda.Resolve();
                if (resolved == null)
                    resolved = opFieldlda.DeclaringType.Resolve().GetField(opFieldlda.Name);

                // loading a field by reference,  watch out for initobj instruction
                // see https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/696
                return(ProcessInstructionLoadAddress(md, instr, resolved));

Beispiel #24
        private static ArrayAccessNode AsArray(ContextNode context, ExpressionNode array, IReadOnlyList <ExpressionNode> indices, SequencePoint point)
            var type = array.ExpressionReturnType as ArrayType;

            if (type == null)

            foreach (var index in indices)
                if (!index.ExpressionReturnType.IsAssignableTo(context.Parser.Int32) || index.ExpressionReturnType.IsAssignableTo(context.Parser.UInt32))
                    ErrorCode.InvalidIndexType.ReportAndThrow(index.SequencePoint, "Invalid index, must be an integer");

            if (indices.Count != type.Rank)
                ErrorCode.InvalidIndexCount.ReportAndThrow(point, "Invalid array indexing, rank is {0}, index count is {1}", type.Rank, indices.Count);

            return(new ArrayAccessNode(array, indices, point));
        void AnalyzeMethodBody(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, MethodDefinition caller, Action <CallInfo> onCallFound, Action <ProjectIssue> onIssueFound)
            if (!caller.DebugInformation.HasSequencePoints)


            var callerNode          = new CallTreeNode(caller);
            var perfCriticalContext = IsPerformanceCriticalContext(caller);

            foreach (var inst in caller.Body.Instructions.Where(i => m_OpCodes.Contains(i.OpCode)))
                SequencePoint s = null;
                for (var i = inst; i != null; i = i.Previous)
                    s = caller.DebugInformation.GetSequencePoint(i);
                    if (s != null)

                Location location = null;
                if (s != null)
                    location            = new Location(AssemblyHelper.ResolveAssetPath(assemblyInfo, s.Document.Url), s.StartLine);
                    callerNode.location = location;
                    // sequence point not found. Assuming caller.IsHideBySig == true

                if (inst.OpCode == OpCodes.Call || inst.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
                    onCallFound(new CallInfo
                        callee              = (MethodReference)inst.Operand,
                        caller              = caller,
                        location            = location,
                        perfCriticalContext = perfCriticalContext

                foreach (var analyzer in m_InstructionAnalyzers)
                    if (analyzer.GetOpCodes().Contains(inst.OpCode))
                        var projectIssue = analyzer.Analyze(caller, inst);
                        if (projectIssue != null)
                            projectIssue.dependencies.perfCriticalContext = perfCriticalContext;
                            projectIssue.location = location;
                            projectIssue.SetCustomProperties(new[] { assemblyInfo.name });

Beispiel #26
        private static ArrayCreationNode AsArrayCreation(ContextNode context, ExpressionNode array, IReadOnlyList <ExpressionNode> indices, SequencePoint point)
            var type = array as TypeNode;

            if (type == null)

            return(ArrayCreationNode.Create(context, type.ParsedType, indices, null, point));
Beispiel #27
        private static LiteralNode ParseValue(ProjectParser parser, string value, TypeReference type, SequencePoint point)
                switch (type.MetadataType)
                case MetadataType.String:
                case MetadataType.Boolean:
                    return(new LiteralNode(value, type, point));

                case MetadataType.SByte:
                case MetadataType.Byte:
                case MetadataType.Int16:
                case MetadataType.UInt16:
                case MetadataType.Int32:
                case MetadataType.UInt32:
                case MetadataType.Int64:
                case MetadataType.UInt64:
                    return(ParseInteger(parser, value, type, point));

                case MetadataType.Char:
                    if (value.Length > 1)
                        ErrorCode.MultipleCharacterLiteral.ReportAndThrow(point, "Character literal must not be longer than one character (found: '{0}').", value);

                    return(new LiteralNode(value, type, point));

                case MetadataType.Single:
                case MetadataType.Double:
                    return(ParseRational(parser, value, type, point));


                    ContractsHelper.AssumeUnreachable(String.Format("Unexpected literal type {0}", type.FullName));
                    return(null);   //unreachable
            catch (OverflowException)
                ErrorCode.InvalidStructure.ReportAndThrow(point, "Could not parse {0} as {1}, overflow", value, type.FullName);
            catch (FormatException)
                ErrorCode.InvalidStructure.ReportAndThrow(point, "Could not parse {0} as {1}, format error", value, type.FullName);
Beispiel #28
        public static ExpressionNode Create(ContextNode context, ExpressionNode array, IReadOnlyList <ExpressionNode> indices, SequencePoint point)
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <ExpressionNode>() != null);
            foreach (var index in indices)
                if (!index.IsGettable)
                    ErrorCode.NotAnRValue.ReportAndThrow(index.SequencePoint, "Invalid index, must be a gettable expression");

            if (!array.IsGettable && array.ExpressionType != ExpressionNodeType.ParserInternal)
                ErrorCode.NotAnRValue.ReportAndThrow(point, "Left operand for [] operator must be gettable");

            ExpressionNode result = AsArrayCreation(context, array, indices, point);

            if (result != null)

            result = AsIndexOp(context, array, indices, point);
            if (result != null)

            result = AsArray(context, array, indices, point);
            if (result != null)

            ErrorCode.CannotIndex.ReportAndThrow(point, "Cannot use operator[], not type, array or object with overloaded [] operator");
            return(Utils.Utils.Fail <ExpressionNode>());
Beispiel #29
 private static LiteralNode ParseInteger(ProjectParser parser, string value, TypeReference requestedType, SequencePoint point)
         var parsed = BigInteger.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
         var type   = GetLowestConversion(parser, parsed);
         if (type == null)
             ErrorCode.IntegerOverflow.ReportAndThrow(point, "Cannot fit {0} into an integer, use BigInteger.Parse", value);
             //return what we parsed, if requested type can't fit
             if (type.IsAssignableTo(requestedType))
                 type = requestedType;
         if (parsed.Sign >= 0)
             return(new LiteralNode((ulong)parsed, type, point));
             return(new LiteralNode((long)parsed, type, point));
     catch (FormatException)
         ContractsHelper.AssumeUnreachable("Error parsing {0} as integer", value);
     return(Utils.Utils.Fail <LiteralNode>());
Beispiel #30
        public void CanLoadExistingFileWhenInitialising()
            // arrange
            var moduleHash  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var persistence = new FilePersistance(_mockCommandLine.Object, _mockLogger.Object);

            persistence.Initialise(_filePath, false);
            var point = new SequencePoint()
                        // BranchPoints within SequencePoint shorther than 3 characters will be removed
                StartLine = 1, EndLine = 1, StartColumn = 1, EndColumn = 4
            var branchPoint = new BranchPoint {
                Path = 0, OffsetPoints = new List <int>()
            var branchPoint2 = new BranchPoint {
                Path = 1, OffsetPoints = new List <int> {
                    1, 2
            var file   = new OpenCover.Framework.Model.File();
            var filref = new FileRef()
                UniqueId = file.UniqueId

            persistence.PersistModule(new Module
                Summary = new Summary {
                    NumSequencePoints = 1
                Files      = new[] { file },
                ModuleHash = moduleHash,
                Classes    = new[]
                    new Class
                        Summary = new Summary {
                            NumSequencePoints = 1
                        Files   = new[] { file },
                        Methods = new[]
                            new Method
                                FileRef       = filref,
                                MetadataToken = 1234,
                                Summary       = new Summary {
                                    NumSequencePoints = 1
                                MethodPoint    = point,
                                SequencePoints = new[] { point },
                                BranchPoints   = new[] { branchPoint, branchPoint2 }

            var persistence2 = new FilePersistance(_mockCommandLine.Object, _mockLogger.Object);

            // act
            persistence2.Initialise(_filePath, true);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(moduleHash, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].ModuleHash);
            Assert.AreEqual(point.UniqueSequencePoint, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].SequencePoints[0].UniqueSequencePoint);
            Assert.AreEqual(point.UniqueSequencePoint, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].MethodPoint.UniqueSequencePoint);
            var method = persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0];
            var br1    = persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].BranchPoints[0];
            var br2    = persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].BranchPoints[1];

            Assert.AreEqual(branchPoint.UniqueSequencePoint, br1.UniqueSequencePoint);
            Assert.AreEqual(branchPoint2.UniqueSequencePoint, br2.UniqueSequencePoint);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, br1.OffsetPoints.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, br2.OffsetPoints.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, br2.OffsetPoints[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, br2.OffsetPoints[1]);

            // the method and sequence point if point to same offset need to merge
            Assert.AreSame(method.MethodPoint, method.SequencePoints[0]);

            // the loaded summary object needs to be cleared
            Assert.AreEqual(0, persistence2.CoverageSession.Summary.NumSequencePoints);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Summary.NumSequencePoints);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Summary.NumSequencePoints);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].Summary.NumSequencePoints);
Beispiel #31
        private static LiteralNode ParseRational(ProjectParser parser, string value, TypeReference requestedType, SequencePoint point)
                switch (requestedType.MetadataType)
                case MetadataType.Single:
                    return(new LiteralNode(Convert.ToSingle(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), requestedType, point));

                case MetadataType.Double:
                    return(new LiteralNode(Convert.ToDouble(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), requestedType, point));

                    ContractsHelper.AssertUnreachable("Unexpected type {0} in ParseRational", requestedType.MetadataType);
                    return(Utils.Utils.Fail <LiteralNode>());
            catch (OverflowException)
                ErrorCode.InvalidStructure.ReportAndThrow(point, "Could not parse {0} as {1}, overflow", value, requestedType.FullName);
                return(Utils.Utils.Fail <LiteralNode>());
            catch (FormatException)
                ErrorCode.InvalidStructure.ReportAndThrow(point, "Could not parse {0} as {1}, format error", value, requestedType.FullName);
                return(Utils.Utils.Fail <LiteralNode>());
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a single dependency to the calledType or (if passed) calledType+method.
        /// Create additional dependencies for each generic parameter type of calledType.
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable <RawDependency> CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies([NotNull] RawUsingItem usingItem,
                                                                            [NotNull] ItemType usedItemType, [CanBeNull, ItemNotNull] string[] usedMarkers, [NotNull] TypeReference usedType,
                                                                            DotNetUsage usage, [CanBeNull] SequencePoint sequencePoint, [NotNull] string memberName, WorkingGraph readingGraph)
            if (usedType is TypeSpecification)
                // E.g. the reference type System.int&, which is used for out parameters.
                // or an arraytype?!?
                usedType = ((TypeSpecification)usedType).ElementType;
            if (!(usedType is GenericInstanceType) && !(usedType is GenericParameter))
                // Currently, we do not look at generic type parameters; we would have to
                // untangle the usage of an actual (non-type-parameter) type's member
                // to get a useful Dependency_ for the user.

                RawUsedItem usedItem = CreateUsedItem(usedItemType, usedType, memberName, usedMarkers, readingGraph);

                yield return(new RawDependency(usingItem, usedItem, usage, sequencePoint,
                                               _readerGang.OfType <AbstractDotNetAssemblyDependencyReader>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.AssemblyName == usedItem.AssemblyName)));

            var genericInstanceType = usedType as GenericInstanceType;

            if (genericInstanceType != null)
                foreach (TypeReference genericArgument in genericInstanceType.GenericArguments)
                    foreach (var dependency_ in CreateTypeAndMethodDependencies(usingItem, DOTNETTYPE,
                                                                                GetMemberMarkers(Resolve(genericArgument), _typeDefinitionMarkers), genericArgument,
                                                                                usage: DotNetUsage._usesasgenericargument, sequencePoint: sequencePoint, memberName: genericArgument.Name,
                                                                                readingGraph: readingGraph))
                        yield return(dependency_);
Beispiel #33
 private LiteralNode(IConvertible value, TypeReference type, SequencePoint point)
     : base(point)
     this.type  = type;
     this.Value = new Literal(value);
Beispiel #34
 private SymbolDeclarationNode(VariableDefinition variable, bool isConst, ExpressionNode init, SequencePoint point)
     : base(point)
     this.Variable    = variable;
     this.initializer = init;
     this.IsConst     = isConst;
Beispiel #35
 public static bool IsHidden(this SequencePoint sp)
 => sp.StartLine == 0xFEEFEE &&
 sp.EndLine == 0xFEEFEE &&
 sp.StartColumn == 0 &&
 sp.EndColumn == 0;
Beispiel #36
        private Instruction AddInstrumentationCode(MethodDefinition method, ILProcessor processor, Instruction instruction, SequencePoint sequencePoint)
            if (!_result.Documents.TryGetValue(sequencePoint.Document.Url, out var document))
                document = new Document {
                    Path = sequencePoint.Document.Url
                document.Index = _result.Documents.Count;
                _result.Documents.Add(document.Path, document);

            for (int i = sequencePoint.StartLine; i <= sequencePoint.EndLine; i++)
                if (!document.Lines.ContainsKey(i))
                    document.Lines.Add(i, new Line {
                        Number = i, Class = method.DeclaringType.FullName, Method = method.FullName

            string marker = $"L,{document.Index},{sequencePoint.StartLine},{sequencePoint.EndLine}";

            var pathInstr = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, _result.HitsFilePath);
            var markInstr = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, marker);
            var callInstr = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, processor.Body.Method.Module.ImportReference(_markExecutedMethodLoader.Value));

            processor.InsertBefore(instruction, callInstr);
            processor.InsertBefore(callInstr, markInstr);
            processor.InsertBefore(markInstr, pathInstr);

 void Proc(ProcedureSequence procs)
     StatementSequence statements;
     string name;
     VariableSequence valArgs = new VariableSequence();
     Variable resultArg = null;
     Token ptok = t;
     name = t.val;
     if (la.kind == 7 || la.kind == 8) {
     if (la.kind == 7) {
         Variable v = new Variable(t.val);
         v.IsValueArg = true;
         if (la.kind == 12) {
             Args(valArgs, out resultArg);
     } else {
         resultArg = new Variable(t.val);
         resultArg.IsResultArg = true;
     SequencePoint seq1 = new SequencePoint(ptok.line,ptok.col, t.line,t.col+t.val.Length);
     StmtSeq(out statements);
     SequencePoint seq2 = new SequencePoint(t.line, t.col, t.line, t.col+t.val.Length);
     if (procs.ContainsProcedure(name)) {
     errors.SemErr(ptok.line, ptok.col, "Procedure '" + name + "' is already declared");
     } else {
     Procedure proc = new Procedure(name, valArgs, resultArg, statements);