public void TestReadFlatFile_ClearsSchemaAndData()
            // fill the table with some existing columns, constraints and data
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            DataColumn column = table.Columns.Add("blah", typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("bleh", typeof(string));
            table.Constraints.Add("PK_blah", column, true);
            DataRow row = table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 123, "dopey" });

            const string text = @"id,name,created,avg
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = true };
            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            IReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);
            Assert.Equal(4, table.Columns.Count);
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("id"), "The ID column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("name"), "The name column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("created"), "The created column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("avg"), "The AVG column was not extracted.");
            Assert.Equal(1, table.Rows.Count);
            row = table.Rows[0];
            object[] expected = new object[] { "123", "Bob", "12/31/2012", "3.14159" };
            object[] values = row.ItemArray;
            Assert.Equal(expected, values);
 public void TestReadFlatFile_DataTableNull_Throws()
     DataTable table = null;
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(String.Empty);
     IReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader);
     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => DataTableExtensions.ReadFlatFile(table, parser));
 private static object[] parseValues(string content)
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(content);
     var schema = getSchema();
     SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);
     Assert.True(reader.Read(), "The record could not be read.");
     object[] values = reader.GetValues();
     Assert.False(reader.Read(), "Too many records were read.");
     return values;
 public void TestGetSchema_Extracted_ReturnsColumnNames()
     string text = "a,b,c";
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = true };
     IReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);
     ISchema schema = parser.GetSchema();
     Assert.True(schema.ColumnDefinitions.All(d => d is StringColumn), "Not all of the columns were treated as strings.");
     string[] actual = schema.ColumnDefinitions.Select(d => d.ColumnName).ToArray();
     string[] expected = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
     Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
 private static object[] parseValues(string content)
     byte[] encoded = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(content);
     var schema = getSchema();
     using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(encoded))
     using (SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stream, schema))
         Assert.IsTrue(reader.Read(), "The record could not be read.");
         object[] values = reader.GetValues();
         Assert.IsFalse(reader.Read(), "Too many records were read.");
         return values;
Beispiel #6
        public void TestReadFlatFile_ColumnMissing_InsertsNulls()
            // fill the table with some existing columns, constraints and data
            DataTable  table         = new DataTable();
            DataColumn idColumn      = table.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
            DataColumn nameColumn    = table.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
            DataColumn createdColumn = table.Columns.Add("created", typeof(DateTime));
            DataColumn avgColumn     = table.Columns.Add("avg", typeof(string));

            table.Constraints.Add("PK_blah", idColumn, true);
            DataRow row = table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, "Bob", new DateTime(2018, 07, 16), "12.34" });


            const string          text    = @"id,name,created
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = true
            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            var          schema       = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"));
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"));
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));
            IReader csvReader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);


            Assert.AreEqual(4, table.Columns.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(table.Columns.Contains("id"), "The ID column was not extracted.");
            Assert.IsTrue(table.Columns.Contains("name"), "The name column was not extracted.");
            Assert.IsTrue(table.Columns.Contains("created"), "The created column was not extracted.");
            Assert.IsTrue(table.Columns.Contains("avg"), "The AVG column was not extracted.");

            Assert.AreEqual(3, table.Rows.Count);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new object[] { 1, "Bob", new DateTime(2018, 07, 16), "12.34" }, table.Rows[0].ItemArray);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new object[] { 2, "John", new DateTime(2018, 07, 17), DBNull.Value }, table.Rows[1].ItemArray);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new object[] { 3, "Susan", new DateTime(2018, 07, 18), DBNull.Value }, table.Rows[2].ItemArray);
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_FirstRecordSchema_SkipsFirstRecord()
            const string         text   = @"id,name,created";
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));

            StringReader          stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            SeparatedValueOptions options      = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = true
            IReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);
            ISchema actual = parser.GetSchema();

            Assert.Same(schema, actual);
            Assert.False(parser.Read(), "The schema record was not skipped.");
        public IEnumerable <int[]> GetData(string filePath, string separator = ";")
            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath))
                SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                    IsFirstRecordSchema = false, Separator = separator, Quote = '\''
                SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(streamReader, options);

                List <int[]> values = new List <int[]>();

                while (reader.Read())
                    var actualValues = reader.GetValues();
                    values.Add(Array.ConvertAll(actualValues, x => Convert.ToInt32(x)));
Beispiel #9
        public void TestReadFlatFile_ExtractsSchema_PopulatesTable()
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created")
                InputFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy", OutputFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
            .AddColumn(new DecimalColumn("avg"));
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = true

            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (SeparatedValueWriter builder = new SeparatedValueWriter(stream, schema, options))
                    builder.Write(new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2012, 12, 31), 3.14159m });
                stream.Position = 0;

                DataTable table  = new DataTable();
                IReader   parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stream, options);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, table.Columns.Count, "The wrong number of columns were extracted.");
                Assert.IsTrue(table.Columns.Contains("id"), "The ID column was not extracted.");
                Assert.IsTrue(table.Columns.Contains("name"), "The name column was not extracted.");
                Assert.IsTrue(table.Columns.Contains("created"), "The created column was not extracted.");
                Assert.IsTrue(table.Columns.Contains("avg"), "The AVG column was not extracted.");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, table.Rows.Count, "Not all of the records were extracted.");
                DataRow  row      = table.Rows[0];
                object[] expected = new object[] { "123", "Bob", "12/31/2012", "3.14159" };
                object[] values   = row.ItemArray;
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, values, "The wrong values were extracted");
        public void ShouldPreserveLeadingAndTrailingWhitespaceIfConfigured()
            string               source       = " a ";
            StringReader         stringReader = new StringReader(source);
            SeparatedValueSchema schema       = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("a")
                Trim = false
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = false, PreserveWhiteSpace = true
            SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            object[][] expected = new object[][]
                new object[] { " a " }
            assertRecords(expected, reader);
        public void ShouldPreserveWhiteSpaceIfConfigured_AllWhitespace()
            string               source       = " \t\n\r ";
            StringReader         stringReader = new StringReader(source);
            SeparatedValueSchema schema       = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("a")
                Trim = false, NullFormatter = NullFormatter.ForValue(null)
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = false, RecordSeparator = "\r\n", PreserveWhiteSpace = true
            SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            object[][] expected = new object[][]
                new object[] { " \t\n\r " }
            assertRecords(expected, reader);
        public void ShouldNotStripEmbeddedWhitespace_PreservingWhiteSpace()
            string               source       = " a b ";
            StringReader         stringReader = new StringReader(source);
            SeparatedValueSchema schema       = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("a")
                Trim = false
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = false, PreserveWhiteSpace = true
            SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            object[][] expected = new object[][]
                new object[] { " a b " }
            assertRecords(expected, reader);
Beispiel #13
        public void ShouldIgnoreBadRows()
            const string data         = @"0,2018-02-30
            var          stringReader = new StringReader(data);
            var          schema       = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("Int32"));
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("DateTime"));
            schema.AddColumn(new GuidColumn("Guid"));
            var csvReader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);

            csvReader.RecordError += (sender, e) =>
                Assert.IsNotNull(e.RecordContext, "The record context was null");
                Assert.AreEqual(e.RecordContext.PhysicalRecordNumber, 1);
                Assert.IsNotNull(e.Exception, "The exception was null.");
                e.IsHandled = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(csvReader.Read(), "The second record could not be read.");
            Assert.IsFalse(csvReader.Read(), "Too many records were read -- probably the first record was not skipped.");
Beispiel #14
        public void TestReadWrite_Comments()
            StringWriter         output = new StringWriter();
            SeparatedValueWriter writer = new SeparatedValueWriter(output);

            writer.Write(new[] { "a", "b", "c" });
            writer.WriteRaw("# Hello, world!!!", true);
            writer.Write(new[] { "d", "e", "f" });

            StringReader         input  = new StringReader(output.ToString());
            SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(input);

            reader.RecordRead += (sender, e) =>
                e.IsSkipped = e.Values.Length > 0 && e.Values[0].StartsWith("#");
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "a", "b", "c" }, reader.GetValues());
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "d", "e", "f" }, reader.GetValues());
        public void TestNullableExtensions_AllNull()
            string data         = String.Join(",", typeof(NullableValues).GetProperties().Select(x => (string)null));
            var    schema       = GetSchema();
            var    stringReader = new StringReader(data);
            var    csvReader    = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);
            var    dataReader   = new FlatFileDataReader(csvReader);

            Assert.IsTrue(dataReader.Read(), "A record was not read.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableByte(0), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableInt16(1), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableInt32(2), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableInt64(3), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableFloat(4), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableDouble(5), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableDecimal(6), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableString(7), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableDateTime(8), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableGuid(9), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsNull(dataReader.GetNullableEnum <DayOfWeek>(10), "The byte was not null.");
            Assert.IsFalse(dataReader.Read(), "Too many records were read.");
        public void TestReadFlatFile_ExtractsSchema_PopulatesTable()
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created")
                InputFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy", OutputFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
            .AddColumn(new DecimalColumn("avg"));
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = true

            StringWriter         stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            SeparatedValueWriter builder      = new SeparatedValueWriter(stringWriter, schema, options);

            builder.Write(new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2012, 12, 31), 3.14159m });

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(stringWriter.ToString());
            DataTable    table        = new DataTable();
            IReader      parser       = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);

            Assert.Equal(4, table.Columns.Count);
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("id"), "The ID column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("name"), "The name column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("created"), "The created column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("avg"), "The AVG column was not extracted.");
            Assert.Equal(1, table.Rows.Count);
            DataRow row = table.Rows[0];

            object[] expected = new object[] { "123", "Bob", "12/31/2012", "3.14159" };
            object[] values   = row.ItemArray;
            Assert.Equal(expected, values);
        public void ShouldIncludeSpacesBetweenQuotes()
            string                source       = "' a  '";
            StringReader          stringReader = new StringReader(source);
            SeparatedValueOptions options      = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = false,
                Quote = '\''
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("a")
                Trim = false
            SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            object[][] expected = new object[][]
                new object[] { " a  " }
            assertRecords(expected, reader);
        public void TestRead_InspectRawRecords()
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));

            const string text         = @"123,""Bob Smith"",4/21/2017";
            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            var          reader       = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);

            reader.RecordRead += (sender, e) => {
                Assert.AreEqual(@"123,""Bob Smith"",4/21/2017", e.RecordContext.Record);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "123", "Bob Smith", "4/21/2017" }, e.RecordContext.Values);
            reader.RecordParsed += (sender, e) => {
                Assert.AreEqual(@"123,""Bob Smith"",4/21/2017", e.RecordContext.Record);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "123", "Bob Smith", "4/21/2017" }, e.RecordContext.Values);
        public void TestRead_EmbeddedQuote_ParsesCorrectly()
            var text   = @"123;Todd's Bait Shop;1/17/2014";
            var schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"));
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"));
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));
            var options = new SeparatedValueOptions
                IsFirstRecordSchema = false,
                Separator           = ";"

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            var          reader       = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            var result = reader.Read();

            Assert.True(result, "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = { 123, "Todd's Bait Shop", new DateTime(2014, 1, 17) };
            object[] actual   = reader.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Beispiel #20
        public void ShouldIgnoreRecordSeparatorsWithinQuotes()
            string                source       = @"'John','Smith','123 Playtown Place', 'Grangewood','CA' ,12345,'John likes to travel to far away places.
His favorite travel spots are Tannis, Venice and Chicago.
When he''s not traveling, he''s at home with his lovely wife, children and leather armchair.'
Mary,Smith,'1821 Grover''s Village',West Chattingham,WA,43221,'Likes cats.'";
            StringReader          stringReader = new StringReader(source);
            SeparatedValueOptions options      = new SeparatedValueOptions()
                IsFirstRecordSchema = false,
                Quote = '\''
            SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);

            object[][] expected = new object[][]
                new object[]
                { "John", "Smith", "123 Playtown Place", "Grangewood", "CA", "12345", @"John likes to travel to far away places.
His favorite travel spots are Tannis, Venice and Chicago.
When he's not traveling, he's at home with his lovely wife, children and leather armchair." },
                new object[] { "Mary", "Smith", "1821 Grover's Village", "West Chattingham", "WA", "43221", "Likes cats." }
            assertRecords(expected, reader);
Beispiel #21
        public void ShouldSubstituteBadValues_CSV()
            const string data         = @"ABC,2018-02-30,{1234-5678-9123-000000}";
            var          stringReader = new StringReader(data);
            var          schema       = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("Int32"));
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("DateTime"));
            schema.AddColumn(new GuidColumn("Guid"));
            var csvReader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);

            csvReader.ColumnError += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.ColumnContext.ColumnDefinition.ColumnName == "Int32")
                    e.Substitution = 1;
                    e.IsHandled    = true;
                else if (e.ColumnContext.ColumnDefinition.ColumnName == "DateTime")
                    e.Substitution = new DateTime(2018, 07, 08);
                    e.IsHandled    = true;
                else if (e.ColumnContext.ColumnDefinition.ColumnName == "Guid")
                    e.Substitution = Guid.Empty;
                    e.IsHandled    = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(csvReader.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            var values   = csvReader.GetValues();
            var expected = new object[] { 1, new DateTime(2018, 07, 08), Guid.Empty };

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, values, "The wrong values were substituted.");
            Assert.IsFalse(csvReader.Read(), "Read too many records.");
 public void TestRead_MultipleCallsToValues_ReturnsSameValues()
     string text = "a,b,c";
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)));
     bool canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.IsTrue(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
     string[] expected = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
     object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
     actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The same values were not returned multiple times.");
 public void TestGetSchema_FirstRecordSchema_TooManyColumns_IgnoresTrailing()
     const string text = @"id,name,created
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = true };
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);
     Assert.True(parser.Read(), "The record could not be read.");
     Assert.Equal(parser.GetSchema().ColumnDefinitions.Count, parser.GetValues().Length);
 public void TestGetSchema_FirstRecordSchema_TooFewColumns_Throws()
     const string text = @"id,name,created
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = true };
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);
     Assert.Throws<FlatFileException>(() => parser.Read());
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_ParsesValues_Quoted()
            const string text = "123,\"Bob\",1/19/2013";
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);
            Assert.True(parser.Read(), "The first record was skipped.");
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_WrongNumberOfColumns_Throws()
            const string text = @"123,Bob";
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);
            Assert.Throws<FlatFileException>(() => parser.Read());
 public void TestReader_creativyst_example()
     const string text = @"John,Doe,120 jefferson st.,Riverside, NJ, 08075
     Jack,McGinnis,220 hobo Av.,Phila, PA,09119
     ""John """"Da Man"""""",Repici,120 Jefferson St.,Riverside, NJ,08075
     Stephen,Tyler,""7452 Terrace """"At the Plaza"""" road"",SomeTown,SD, 91234
     ,Blankman,,SomeTown, SD, 00298
     ""Joan """"the bone"""", Anne"",Jet,""9th, at Terrace plc"",Desert City, CO,00123
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader);
     Assert.True(reader.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
     assertValues(reader, "John", "Doe", "120 jefferson st.", "Riverside", "NJ", "08075");
     Assert.True(reader.Read(), "Could not read the second record.");
     assertValues(reader, "Jack", "McGinnis", "220 hobo Av.", "Phila", "PA", "09119");
     Assert.True(reader.Read(), "Could not read the third record.");
     assertValues(reader, "John \"Da Man\"", "Repici", "120 Jefferson St.", "Riverside", "NJ", "08075");
     Assert.True(reader.Read(), "Could not read the fourth record.");
     assertValues(reader, "Stephen", "Tyler", "7452 Terrace \"At the Plaza\" road", "SomeTown", "SD", "91234");
     Assert.True(reader.Read(), "Could not read the fifth record.");
     assertValues(reader, "", "Blankman","", "SomeTown", "SD", "00298");
     Assert.True(reader.Read(), "Could not read the sixth record.");
     assertValues(reader, "Joan \"the bone\", Anne", "Jet", "9th, at Terrace plc", "Desert City", "CO", "00123");
     Assert.False(reader.Read(), "Read too many records.");
 public void TestRead_GetValuesWithoutReading_Throws()
     string text = "a,b,c";
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)));
 public void TestGetSchema_NotExtracted_Throws()
     string text = "a,b,c";
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = false };
     IReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);
     Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => parser.GetSchema());
Beispiel #30
 public SeparatedValueTypedReader(SeparatedValueReader reader, IMapper <TEntity> mapper)
     : base(reader, mapper)
     this.reader = reader;
 public void TestRead_GetValuesWithoutReading_Throws()
     string text = "a,b,c";
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader);
     Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => parser.GetValues());
        public void TestRead_EmbeddedQuote_ParsesCorrectly()
            var text = @"123;Todd's Bait Shop;1/17/2014";
            var schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"));
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"));
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));
            var options = new SeparatedValueOptions
                IsFirstRecordSchema = false,
                Separator = ";"

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            var reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            var result = reader.Read();

            Assert.True(result, "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = { 123, "Todd's Bait Shop", new DateTime(2014, 1, 17) };
            object[] actual = reader.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse an AttractMode DAT and return all found games within
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Name of the file to be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="indexId">Index ID for the DAT</param>
        /// <param name="keep">True if full pathnames are to be kept, false otherwise (default)</param>
        /// <param name="throwOnError">True if the error that is thrown should be thrown back to the caller, false otherwise</param>
        protected override void ParseFile(string filename, int indexId, bool keep, bool throwOnError = false)
            // Open a file reader
            Encoding             enc = FileExtensions.GetEncoding(filename);
            SeparatedValueReader svr = new SeparatedValueReader(FileExtensions.TryOpenRead(filename), enc)
                Header           = true,
                Quotes           = false,
                Separator        = ';',
                VerifyFieldCount = true

            // If we're somehow at the end of the stream already, we can't do anything
            if (svr.EndOfStream)

            // Read in the header

            // Header values should match
            // #Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra;Buttons

            // Loop through all of the data lines
            while (!svr.EndOfStream)
                    // Get the current line, split and parse

                    Rom rom = new Rom
                        Name       = "-",
                        Size       = Constants.SizeZero,
                        CRC        = Constants.CRCZero,
                        MD5        = Constants.MD5Zero,
                        SHA1       = Constants.SHA1Zero,
                        ItemStatus = ItemStatus.None,

                        Machine = new Machine
                            Name         = svr.Line[0],  // #Name
                            Description  = svr.Line[1],  // Title
                            CloneOf      = svr.Line[3],  // CloneOf
                            Year         = svr.Line[4],  // Year
                            Manufacturer = svr.Line[5],  // Manufacturer
                            Category     = svr.Line[6],  // Category
                            Players      = svr.Line[7],  // Players
                            Rotation     = svr.Line[8],  // Rotation
                            Control      = svr.Line[9],  // Control
                            Status       = svr.Line[10], // Status
                            DisplayCount = svr.Line[11], // DisplayCount
                            DisplayType  = svr.Line[12], // DisplayType
                            Comment      = svr.Line[15], // Extra
                            Buttons      = svr.Line[16], // Buttons

                        AltName  = svr.Line[13], // AltRomname
                        AltTitle = svr.Line[14], // AltTitle

                        Source = new Source
                            Index = indexId,
                            Name  = filename,

                    // Now process and add the rom
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string message = $"'{filename}' - There was an error parsing line {svr.LineNumber} '{svr.CurrentLine}'";
                    logger.Error(ex, message);
                    if (throwOnError)
                        throw new Exception(message, ex);

        public void TestReadFlatFile_ExtractsSchema_PopulatesTable()
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
                .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created") { InputFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy", OutputFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy" })
                .AddColumn(new DecimalColumn("avg"));
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = true };

            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            SeparatedValueWriter builder = new SeparatedValueWriter(stringWriter, schema, options);
            builder.Write(new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2012, 12, 31), 3.14159m });

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(stringWriter.ToString());
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            IReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);
            Assert.Equal(4, table.Columns.Count);
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("id"), "The ID column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("name"), "The name column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("created"), "The created column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("avg"), "The AVG column was not extracted.");
            Assert.Equal(1, table.Rows.Count);
            DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
            object[] expected = new object[] { "123", "Bob", "12/31/2012", "3.14159" };
            object[] values = row.ItemArray;
            Assert.Equal(expected, values);
        public void TestReadFlatFile_SchemaProvided_TypesUsed()
            const string text = @"123,Bob,12/31/2012,3.14159";
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"))
                  .AddColumn(new DoubleColumn("avg"));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            IReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);
            Assert.Equal(4, table.Columns.Count);
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("id"), "The ID column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("name"), "The name column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("created"), "The created column was not extracted.");
            Assert.True(table.Columns.Contains("avg"), "The AVG column was not extracted.");
            Assert.Equal(1, table.Rows.Count);
            DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2012, 12, 31), 3.14159 };
            object[] values = row.ItemArray;
            Assert.Equal(expected, values);
        public void TestGetValues_BlankTrailingSection_ReturnsNull()
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = true };
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
                .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created") { InputFormat = "M/d/yyyy", OutputFormat = "M/d/yyyy" })
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("trailing"));
            object[] sources = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19), "" };

            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            SeparatedValueWriter builder = new SeparatedValueWriter(stringWriter, schema, options);

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(stringWriter.ToString());
            SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);
            Assert.True(parser.Read(), "No records were found.");
            object[] values = parser.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(schema.ColumnDefinitions.Count, values.Length);
            Assert.Equal(sources[0], values[0]);
            Assert.Equal(sources[1], values[1]);
            Assert.Equal(sources[2], values[2]);
            Assert.Equal(null, values[3]);
            Assert.False(parser.Read(), "Too many records were found.");
 public void TestRead_SingleRecord_ReturnsTrueOnce()
     const string text = "a,b,c";
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)));
     bool canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.IsTrue(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
     string[] expected = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
     object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
     canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.IsFalse(canRead, "No more records should have been read.");
 private static void assertValues(SeparatedValueReader reader, string firstName, string lastName, string street, string city, string state, string zip)
     object[] values = reader.GetValues();
     Assert.Equal(6, values.Length);
     Assert.Equal(firstName, values[0]);
     Assert.Equal(lastName, values[1]);
     Assert.Equal(street, values[2]);
     Assert.Equal(city, values[3]);
     Assert.Equal(state, values[4]);
     Assert.Equal(zip, values[5]);
 public void TestRead_ValuesAfterEndOfFile_Throws()
     string text = "a,b,c";
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)));
     bool canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.IsTrue(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
     canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.IsFalse(canRead, "We should have reached the end of the file.");
        public void TestRead_RecordWithCP1252Characters_ReturnsCorrectCharacters()
            //---- Arrange -----------------------------------------------------
            // Need to convert the string to target encoding because otherwise a string declared in VS will always be encoded as UTF-8
            var text = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"123;Müller;1/17/2014"));
            var schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id")).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name")).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));
            var options = new SeparatedValueOptions
                IsFirstRecordSchema = false,
                Separator = ";" ,
                Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252)

            var testee = new SeparatedValueReader(new MemoryStream(text), schema, options);

            //---- Act ---------------------------------------------------------
            var result = testee.Read();

            //---- Assert ------------------------------------------------------
            Assert.IsTrue(result, "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = { 123, "Müller", new DateTime(2014, 1, 17) };
            object[] actual = testee.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
Beispiel #41
        public Core.ResultDefinition ValidateFile()
            var schemaData        = string.Empty;
            var schemaParser      = new SchemaParser();
            var validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();
            var validator         = new Validators.FixedLengthValidator();

            if (this.RawSchema == null)
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(this.SchemaFilePath)))
                        schemaData = sr.ReadToEnd();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var errorMsg = String.Format(null, SharedResources.SchemaError, ex.Message);

                this.RawSchema = schemaParser.ParseSchema(schemaData);

            var separatedFileSchemaBuilder = new SeparatedSchemaBuilder();
            var separatedFileSchema        = separatedFileSchemaBuilder.BuildSchema(this.RawSchema);
            var schemas = separatedFileSchema.SeparatedRecordSchemas;
            var count   = 0;
            var options = new SeparatedValueOptions
                Separator          = separatedFileSchema.Delimeter,
                PreserveWhiteSpace = true

            foreach (var inputLine in File.ReadLines(this.FilePath))
                Console.WriteLine($"Started parsing line...{count}");

                if (inputLine != null)
                    SeparatedValueSchema actualSchema;
                    TextReader           stringReader = new StringReader(inputLine);
                    var schema = schemas.FirstOrDefault(x => inputLine.StartsWith(x.RecordIdentifier));
                    var innerResults = new List <ValidationResult>();
                    var line         = inputLine;
                    if (schema != null)
                        var parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema.SeparatedValueSchema, options);

                        if (!inputLine.Contains(options.Separator))
                            var error = new ValidationResult
                                Record        = inputLine,
                                ErrorMessages = new List <string>
                                    $"Column Separator Error: Record could not be parsed as separator {options.Separator} defined in schema is not found.",
                                HasErrors = true,
                                RowNumber = count,


                            actualSchema = parser.GetSchema();
                            var values = parser.GetValues();

                            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                var validationResult = new ValidationResult
                                    Record            = inputLine,
                                    ColumnName        = actualSchema.ColumnDefinitions[i].ColumnName,
                                    ColumnType        = actualSchema.ColumnDefinitions[i].ColumnType.Name,
                                    ActualRowLength   = inputLine.Length,
                                    MaxColumns        = actualSchema.ColumnDefinitions.HandledCount,
                                    ParsedValueLength = (values[i].ToString() ?? string.Empty).Length,
                                    RawValueLength    = (values[i].ToString() ?? string.Empty).Length,
                                    ParsedValue       = values[i].ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                                    RawValue          = values[i].ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                                    RowNumber         = count,
                                    ParsedValuesCount = values.Count()
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var errorMsg = string.Empty;
                            if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.Message != null)
                                errorMsg = ex.InnerException.Message;
                                errorMsg = ex.Message;

                            var error = new ValidationResult
                                RowNumber     = count,
                                Record        = inputLine,
                                ErrorMessages = new List <string>
                                    $"Exception: {errorMsg}"
                                HasErrors = true
                        var error = new ValidationResult
                            RowNumber     = count,
                            Record        = inputLine,
                            ErrorMessages = new List <string>
                                $"Exception: The row does not contain a record identifier that match the schema."
                            HasErrors = true
            var results = new Core.ResultDefinition
                Results             = validationResults,
                TotalLinesProcessed = count,
                FileFormat          = this.RawSchema.FileFormat

        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_FirstRecordSchema_SkipsFirstRecord()
            const string text = @"id,name,created";
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = true };
            IReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema, options);
            ISchema actual = parser.GetSchema();
            Assert.Same(schema, actual);
            Assert.False(parser.Read(), "The schema record was not skipped.");
Beispiel #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse an Everdrive SMDB file and return all found games within
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Name of the file to be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="indexId">Index ID for the DAT</param>
        /// <param name="keep">True if full pathnames are to be kept, false otherwise (default)</param>
        /// <param name="throwOnError">True if the error that is thrown should be thrown back to the caller, false otherwise</param>
        protected override void ParseFile(string filename, int indexId, bool keep, bool throwOnError = false)
            // Open a file reader
            Encoding             enc = FileExtensions.GetEncoding(filename);
            SeparatedValueReader svr = new SeparatedValueReader(FileExtensions.TryOpenRead(filename), enc)
                Header           = false,
                Quotes           = false,
                Separator        = '\t',
                VerifyFieldCount = false,

            while (!svr.EndOfStream)
                    // If we can't read the next line, break
                    if (!svr.ReadNextLine())

                    // If the line returns null somehow, skip
                    if (svr.Line == null)

                     * The gameinfo order is as follows
                     * 0 - SHA-256
                     * 1 - Machine Name/Filename
                     * 2 - SHA-1
                     * 3 - MD5
                     * 4 - CRC32

                    string[] fullname = svr.Line[1].Split('/');

                    Rom rom = new Rom
                        Name       = svr.Line[1].Substring(fullname[0].Length + 1),
                        Size       = null, // No size provided, but we don't want the size being 0
                        CRC        = svr.Line[4],
                        MD5        = svr.Line[3],
                        SHA1       = svr.Line[2],
                        SHA256     = svr.Line[0],
                        ItemStatus = ItemStatus.None,

                        Machine = new Machine
                            Name        = fullname[0],
                            Description = fullname[0],

                        Source = new Source
                            Index = indexId,
                            Name  = filename,

                    // Now process and add the rom
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string message = $"'{filename}' - There was an error parsing line {svr.LineNumber} '{svr.CurrentLine}'";
                    logger.Error(ex, message);
                    if (throwOnError)
                        throw new Exception(message, ex);

        public void TestGetValues_BlankTrailingSection_ReturnsNull()
            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                SeparatedValueOptions options = new SeparatedValueOptions() { IsFirstRecordSchema = true };
                SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
                schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
                    .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
                    .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created") { InputFormat = "M/d/yyyy", OutputFormat = "M/d/yyyy" })
                    .AddColumn(new StringColumn("trailing"));
                object[] sources = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19), "" };
                using (SeparatedValueWriter builder = new SeparatedValueWriter(stream, schema, options))
                stream.Position = 0;

                SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stream, schema, options);
                Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "No records were found.");
                object[] values = parser.GetValues();
                Assert.AreEqual(schema.ColumnDefinitions.Count, values.Length, "The wrong number of values were read.");
                Assert.AreEqual(sources[0], values[0], "The first column was not parsed correctly.");
                Assert.AreEqual(sources[1], values[1], "The second column was not parsed correctly.");
                Assert.AreEqual(sources[2], values[2], "The third column was not parsed correctly.");
                Assert.AreEqual(null, values[3], "The forth column was not interpreted as null.");
                Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "Too many records were found.");
 public void TestRead_MultipleCallsToValues_ReturnsSameValues()
     string text = "a,b,c";
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader);
     bool canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.True(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
     object[] expected = new object[] { "a", "b", "c" };
     object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
     Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
     actual = parser.GetValues();
     Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void TestRead_ZeroLengthColumn()
            //---- Arrange -----------------------------------------------------
            var text = "104\t20\t1000\t00\tLausanne\tLausanne\tVD\t2\t\t0\t130\t5586\t19880301";
            var options = new SeparatedValueOptions { IsFirstRecordSchema = false, Separator = "\t" };
            var schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("OnrpId"))
                .AddColumn(new Int32Column("Type"))
                .AddColumn(new Int32Column("ZipCode"))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("ZipCodeAddOn"))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("TownShortName"))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("TownOfficialName"))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("CantonAbbreviation"))
                .AddColumn(new Int16Column("MainLanguageCode"))
                .AddColumn(new Int16Column("OtherLanguageCode"))
                .AddColumn(new ByteColumn("HasSortfileData"))
                .AddColumn(new Int32Column("LetterServiceOnrpId"))
                .AddColumn(new Int32Column("MunicipalityId"))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("ValidFrom"));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            var testee = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, options);

            //---- Act ---------------------------------------------------------
            var result = testee.Read();

            //---- Assert ------------------------------------------------------
            Assert.Equal(schema.ColumnDefinitions.Count, testee.GetValues().Count());
 public void TestRead_SingleRecord_ReturnsTrueOnce()
     const string text = "a,b,c";
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader);
     bool canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.True(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
     object[] expected = new object[] { "a", "b", "c" };
     object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
     Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
     canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.False(canRead, "No more records should have been read.");
        public void TestRead_SkipRecord_NoParsingError()
            const string text = "a,b,c";
            SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("A"));
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("B"));
            schema.AddColumn(new GuidColumn("C"));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, schema);
            bool canRead = parser.Skip();
            Assert.True(canRead, "Could not skip the record.");
            canRead = parser.Read();
            Assert.False(canRead, "No more records should have been read.");
Beispiel #49
 public MultiplexingSeparatedValueTypedReader(SeparatedValueReader reader, SeparatedValueTypeMapperSelector selector)
     this.reader   = reader;
     this.selector = selector;
 public void TestRead_ValuesAfterEndOfFile_Throws()
     string text = "a,b,c";
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader);
     bool canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.True(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
     canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.False(canRead, "We should have reached the end of the file.");
     Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => parser.GetValues());
Beispiel #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a character-separated value DAT and return all found games and roms within
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Name of the file to be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="indexId">Index ID for the DAT</param>
        /// <param name="keep">True if full pathnames are to be kept, false otherwise (default)</param>
        /// <param name="throwOnError">True if the error that is thrown should be thrown back to the caller, false otherwise</param>
        protected override void ParseFile(string filename, int indexId, bool keep, bool throwOnError = false)
            // Open a file reader
            Encoding             enc = FileExtensions.GetEncoding(filename);
            SeparatedValueReader svr = new SeparatedValueReader(FileExtensions.TryOpenRead(filename), enc)
                Header           = true,
                Quotes           = true,
                Separator        = _delim,
                VerifyFieldCount = true,

            // If we're somehow at the end of the stream already, we can't do anything
            if (svr.EndOfStream)

            // Read in the header

            // Loop through all of the data lines
            while (!svr.EndOfStream)
                    // Get the current line, split and parse

                    // Create mapping dictionary
                    var mappings = new Dictionary <Field, string>();

                    // Now we loop through and get values for everything
                    for (int i = 0; i < svr.HeaderValues.Count; i++)
                        Field  key   = svr.HeaderValues[i].AsField();
                        string value = svr.Line[i];
                        mappings[key] = value;

                    // Set DatHeader fields
                    DatHeader header = new DatHeader();

                    // Set Machine and DatItem fields
                    if (mappings.ContainsKey(Field.DatItem_Type))
                        DatItem datItem = DatItem.Create(mappings[Field.DatItem_Type].AsItemType());
                        datItem.Source = new Source(indexId, filename);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string message = $"'{filename}' - There was an error parsing line {svr.LineNumber} '{svr.CurrentLine}'";
                    logger.Error(ex, message);
                    if (throwOnError)
                        throw new Exception(message, ex);

 public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_WrongNumberOfColumns_Throws()
     const string text = @"123,Bob";
     SeparatedValueSchema schema = new SeparatedValueSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"))
           .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"))
           .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"));
     SeparatedValueReader parser = new SeparatedValueReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);