public ActionResult CreateUser(WebPlastic.Models.User model) { ConnectionDataBase.StoreProcediur data = new ConnectionDataBase.StoreProcediur(); CredencialesDeAcceso access = new CredencialesDeAcceso(); string password = access.CreatePassword(); RijndaelManaged myRijndael = new RijndaelManaged(); myRijndael.GenerateKey(); myRijndael.GenerateIV(); string user = access.CreateUserName(model.Name, model.Last).ToLower(); model.UserName = user; Byte[] contrasenaEncriptada = access.EncryptStringToBytes(password, myRijndael.Key, myRijndael.IV); DataTable dt = data.SaveUser(model, contrasenaEncriptada, myRijndael.Key, myRijndael.IV); DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { SentEmail correoCreacion = new SentEmail(); string bodyCorreo = correoCreacion.EmailForNewUser(model.Name, model.Last, model.UserName, password); correoCreacion.SendEmailForNewUser(model.Email, "Creación de Usuario", "*****@*****.**", bodyCorreo, "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "hola1234", ""); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private void sentEmailToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SentEmail SE = new SentEmail(); SE.Show(); this.Show(); }
public void Send(string address, string message) { var email = new SentEmail { Address = address, Body = message, Sent = DateTime.Now }; _merloXtraContext.SentEmails.Add(email); _merloXtraContext.SaveChanges(); }
public static void Send(string address, string message) { using (var db = new merloXtra()) { var email = new SentEmail { Address = address, Body = message, Sent = DateTime.Now }; db.SentEmails.Add(email); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void InsertSentEmail(MailMessage mail) { SentEmail sentMail = new SentEmail() { Body = mail.Body, Cc = mail.CC.ToString(), SentDate = DateTime.Now, Subject = mail.Subject, To = mail.To.ToString() }; InsertEntity <SentEmail>(sentMail); }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 5; if (progressBar1.Value == 100) { timer1.Enabled = false; progressBar1.Hide(); usersbll.Username = txtUser.Text; usersbll.Password = txtPassword.Text; usersbll.UserType = comboBox1.Text.ToString(); bool success = usersdal.Login(usersbll); if (success == true) { switch (usersbll.UserType) { case "Admin": this.Hide(); AdminPanel ap = new AdminPanel(); ap.Show(); break; case "Student": this.Hide(); AccountPage ap1 = new AccountPage(); ap1.Show(); break; default: MessageBox.Show("--- Please Select one ---"); break; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong ID and Password", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); counter--; if (counter < 0) { SentEmail se = new SentEmail(); se.Show(); } progressBar1.Value = 0; } } }
public IHttpActionResult CreateNewEmail(SentEmail email) { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient(""); mail.From = new MailAddress(email.From); mail.To.Add(email.RecipientEmail); mail.Subject = email.Title; mail.Body = email.Body; SmtpServer.Port = 587; SmtpServer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "theone123456"); SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true; SmtpServer.Send(mail); return(Ok()); }
private SentEmail BuilEmailObject(MessageEntityDto messageDto) { var obj = new SentEmail(); obj.Body = messageDto.MessageDetails; obj.Subject = messageDto.MessageSubject; obj.EmailTo = GetEmailAddress(messageDto.ToMessageDetails); obj.CcAddress = GetEmailAddress(messageDto.CcMessageDetails); obj.Status = 0; obj.MailCreateDate = DateTime.Now; obj.RefId = messageDto.MessageId; obj.TryCount = 0; obj.SentEmailId = 0; obj.Attachment = ""; obj.EmailFrom = ""; obj.MailSendDate = (DateTime?)null; return(obj); }
private async Task SendEmail(ChapterEmailProvider provider, MimeMessage message) { if (message.To.Count == 0) { await _loggingService.LogDebug("Not sending email, no recipients set"); return; } await _loggingService.LogDebug($"Sending email to {string.Join(", ", message.To)}"); try { using SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient { ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true }; await client.ConnectAsync(provider.SmtpServer, provider.SmtpPort, SecureSocketOptions.StartTlsWhenAvailable); client.Authenticate(provider.SmtpLogin, provider.SmtpPassword); await client.SendAsync(message); await client.DisconnectAsync(true); foreach (InternetAddress to in message.To.Union(message.Cc).Union(message.Bcc)) { SentEmail sentEmail = new SentEmail(provider.Id, DateTime.UtcNow, to.ToString(), message.Subject); await _emailRepository.AddSentEmail(sentEmail); } await _loggingService.LogDebug($"Email sent to {string.Join(", ", message.To)}"); } catch (Exception ex) { await _loggingService.LogError(ex, "Error sending email"); throw new OdkServiceException("Error sending email"); } }
protected void SendEmail(int incidentid, int level, int slaid) { SentEmail objEmail = new SentEmail(); #region Sent Mail for Level 1 Escalation if (level == 1) { objLevel1 = objLevel1.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel1 != null) { string varemail = objLevel1.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt32(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId != "") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident != null) { objCheckLevel1 = objCheckLevel1.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel1.Incidentid == 0) { CheckLevel1Escalate obj = new CheckLevel1Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level1escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel1Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion #region Sent Mail for Level 2 Escalation if (level == 2) { objLevel2 = objLevel2.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel2.Slaid != 0) { string varemail = objLevel2.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt32(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId != "") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident != null) { objCheckLevel2 = objCheckLevel2.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel2.Incidentid == 0) { CheckLevel2Escalate obj = new CheckLevel2Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level2escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel2Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards <br/> Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion #region Sent Mail for Level 3 Escalation if (level == 3) { objLevel3 = objLevel3.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel3.Slaid != 0) { string varemail = objLevel3.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt32(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId != "") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident != null) { objCheckLevel3 = objCheckLevel3.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel3.Incidentid == 0) { CheckLevel3Escalate obj = new CheckLevel3Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level3escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel3Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion }
public async Task AddSentEmail(SentEmail sentEmail) { await Context .Insert(sentEmail) .ExecuteAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// Add Sent Email - Async /// </summary> /// <param name="sentEmail">SentEmail</param> public async Task AddSentEmailAsync(SentEmail sentEmail) { await DbContext.SentEmails.AddAsync(sentEmail); }
protected void SendEmail(int incidentid, int level,int slaid) { SentEmail objEmail = new SentEmail(); #region Sent Mail for Level 1 Escalation if (level==1) { objLevel1 = objLevel1.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel1!=null ) { string varemail = objLevel1.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt16(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId!="") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident!=null) { objCheckLevel1 = objCheckLevel1.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel1.Incidentid ==0) { CheckLevel1Escalate obj = new CheckLevel1Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level1escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel1Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion #region Sent Mail for Level 2 Escalation if (level == 2) { objLevel2 = objLevel2.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel2.Slaid != 0) { string varemail = objLevel2.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt16(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId != "") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident != null) { objCheckLevel2 = objCheckLevel2.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel2.Incidentid == 0) { CheckLevel2Escalate obj = new CheckLevel2Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level2escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel2Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards <br/> Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion #region Sent Mail for Level 3 Escalation if (level == 3) { objLevel3 = objLevel3.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel3.Slaid != 0) { string varemail = objLevel3.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt16(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId != "") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident != null) { objCheckLevel3 = objCheckLevel3.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel3.Incidentid == 0) { CheckLevel3Escalate obj = new CheckLevel3Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level3escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel3Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion }
private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { SentEmail em = new SentEmail(); em.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// Add Payment - Async /// </summary> /// <param name="paymentViewModel">New PaymentViewModel</param> /// <returns>Added Payment</returns> public async Task <PaymentViewModel> AddPaymentViewModelAsync(PaymentViewModel paymentViewModel) { using (IDbContextTransaction transaction = await UnitOfWork.BeginTransactionAsync()) { try { // need change // Here we need to check the payment referenece from their api string username = HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; User user = await UnitOfWork.UserRepository.GetUserByUsernameAsync(username); if (user == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid user or user not found."); } PaymentMethod paymentMethod = await UnitOfWork.PaymentMethodRepository.GetPaymentMethodByCodeAsync(paymentViewModel.PaymentMethodCode); if (paymentMethod == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid payment method code."); } Payment payment = Mapper.Map <PaymentViewModel, Payment>(paymentViewModel); // Set Payment's missing parts payment.UserId = user.Id; payment.PaymentMethodId = paymentMethod.Id; await UnitOfWork.PaymentRepository.AddPaymentAsync(payment); //Update user's loyalty points user.LoyaltyPoints += payment.EarnedLoyaltyPoints; string message = $"{ ((user.Gender == Gender.Male) ? "Mr" : "Miss/ Mrs") }. { user.FirstName }, you payed Rs.{ string.Format("{0:0.00}", payment.Amount) } successfully by { paymentMethod.Name } on { payment.PayedDateTime }"; SentEmail sentEmail = new SentEmail() { Subject = "Payment success", Message = message, Payment = payment, UserId = user.Id }; //Do what ever thing in here to send email await UnitOfWork.SentEmailRepository.AddSentEmailAsync(sentEmail); SentMessage sentMessage = new SentMessage() { Message = message, Payment = payment, UserId = user.Id }; //Do what ever thing in here to send sms await UnitOfWork.SentMessageRepository.AddSentMessageAsync(sentMessage); await UnitOfWork.CompleteAsync(); transaction.Commit(); payment.PaymentMethod = paymentMethod; // Create new Payment ViewModel PaymentViewModel addedPaymentViewModel = Mapper.Map <Payment, PaymentViewModel>(payment); addedPaymentViewModel.PaymentMethodCode = paymentMethod.Code; return(addedPaymentViewModel); } catch { transaction.Rollback(); throw; } } }
public IEnumerable<MailerResult> SendMailToGroup(int emailId, int groupId) { IRepository<Email> emailRepo = UnitOfWork.Repository<Email>(); IRepository<GroupSubscription> groupSubscriptionsRepo = UnitOfWork.Repository<GroupSubscription>(); Email emailToSend = emailRepo.FindById(emailId); List<GroupSubscription> groupSubscribers = groupSubscriptionsRepo.Query .Where(gs => gs.GroupId == groupId && !gs.DateLeft.HasValue) .Include(gs => gs.Subscriber) .ToList(); // if email not found or no subscribers to send to, return null if (emailToSend == null || groupSubscribers.Count == 0) { return new[] { new MailerResult(MailerResultStatusEnum.Exception, "Invalid Id's specified!", null) }; } List<MailPigEmail> emailsToDeliver = groupSubscribers .Select(gs => new MailPigEmail( emailId, gs.Id, SenderEmail, gs.Subscriber.Email, emailToSend.Subject, emailToSend.Body)) .ToList(); Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); IEnumerable<MailerResult> results = mailer.SendBulk(emailsToDeliver); IRepository<SentEmail> sentEmailsRepo = UnitOfWork.Repository<SentEmail>(); foreach (MailPigEmail mailPigEmail in emailsToDeliver) { if (mailPigEmail.SentSuccessfully) { SentEmail sentMail = new SentEmail { DateSent = DateTime.Now, EmailId = mailPigEmail.EmailId, RecipientId = mailPigEmail.RecipientId }; sentEmailsRepo.Insert(sentMail); } } return results.ToList(); }