Beispiel #1
        private void ReadAccGyroData(SensorDataRaw rawData, SensorData sensorDataObj)
            byte [] readbuffer = rawData.AccGyroReadbuffer;

            //reverse the array bytes because this data is big endian
            readbuffer = readbuffer.Reverse().ToArray();

            //Populate the data backwards because we reversed the order of the values
            //as well as their internal bytes

            sensorDataObj.GyroDataObject.Pitch = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 32);
            sensorDataObj.GyroDataObject.Yaw   = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 28);
            sensorDataObj.GyroDataObject.Roll  = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 24);

            Vector3 accVectorObject = new Vector3();

            accVectorObject.X = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 20);
            accVectorObject.Y = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 16);
            accVectorObject.Z = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 12);
            sensorDataObj.AccDataObject.DataVector = accVectorObject;

            Vector3 compassVectorObject = new Vector3();

            compassVectorObject.X = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 8);
            compassVectorObject.Y = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 4);
            compassVectorObject.Z = BitConverter.ToSingle(readbuffer, 0);
            sensorDataObj.CompassDataObject.DataVector = compassVectorObject;
Beispiel #2
        private void ReadAccGyroData(SensorDataRaw sensorRawDataObj)
            lock (_dataReadSync)
                int returnDataLength = 39;

                //check to make sure the port is present
                if (_wirelessDongle.Port != null)
                    byte[] writebuffer = new byte[4];
                    writebuffer[0] = 0xf8;                            //command start byte for wireless commands
                    writebuffer[1] = _sensorLogicalID;                //Logical id for the sensor
                    writebuffer[2] = 0x20;                            //command number
                    writebuffer[3] = (byte)(0x20 + _sensorLogicalID); //checksum(sum of all other packet bytes except start byte and checksum
                    _wirelessDongle.Port.Write(writebuffer, 0, 4);

                    //use this bit of code to read back data until we have the required amount
                    int    totalbytes = 0;
                    byte[] readbuffer = new byte[returnDataLength];
                    while (totalbytes != returnDataLength)
                        int nbytes = _wirelessDongle.Port.Read(readbuffer, totalbytes, returnDataLength - totalbytes);
                        totalbytes += nbytes;

                    sensorRawDataObj.AccGyroReadbuffer = readbuffer;
Beispiel #3
        public SensorDataRaw ReadData()
            SensorDataRaw sensorDataObj = new SensorDataRaw();

Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Receives raw JSON data as a string. Converts it to SensorDataRaw (contains variables and lists to store all data acquired from raw JSON) using JsonUtility. Sends converted data to ProcessCurrentData().
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="json"></param>
    public void JsonToObject(string json)
        SensorDataRaw d = JsonUtility.FromJson <SensorDataRaw>(json);

        //currentSensorDataRaw = d;
Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Calls UWBObjectManager to find an object in the scene by address. If the object is found, sends sensor data to it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="data"></param>
    public void SendDataToUWBObject(SensorDataRaw data)
        UWBObject obj = UWBMan.FindObjectByAddress(data.address);

        if (obj != null)
Beispiel #6
        private void SpaceSensorRecordingThread()
            while (_spaceRecordingStatus)
                SensorDataRaw sensor1DataObj = SpaceSensorObject1.ReadData();
                SensorDataRaw sensor2DataObj = SpaceSensorObject2.ReadData();

                SpaceSensorDataEvent(this, new SpaceSensorRecordingDataReceivedEventArgs(sensor1DataObj, sensor2DataObj));

Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes SensorDataRaw object data. If scene doesn't have an object with the received data address (address from tag), then it tells UWBObjectManager to create and add a new one to the scene with that address.
 /// Otherwise calls SendDataToUWBObject() to send the data to the object in scene. After that, removes that data from the data list so that next ones can be processed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentData"></param>
 void ProcessCurrentData(SensorDataRaw currentData)
     // check if there is an object with address
     if (!UWBMan.SceneHasObjectWithAddress(currentData.address))
     //currentSensorDataRaw = null;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes SensorDataRaw object data. If scene doesn't have an object with the received data address (address from tag), then it tells UWBObjectManager to create and add a new one to the scene with that address.
 /// Otherwise calls SendDataToUWBObject() to send the data to the object in scene. After that, removes that data from the data list so that next ones can be processed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentData"></param>
 void ProcessCurrentData(SensorDataRaw currentData)
     // check if there is an object with address
     if (!UWBObjectManager.i.SceneHasObjectWithAddress(currentData.address))
         UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(() => UWBObjectManager.i.CreateNewUWBObject(currentData.address)); // Calling external methods from non-main thread is not allowed, so we need a script that calls them on main thread.
         UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(() => SendDataToUWBObject(currentData)); // Calling external methods from non-main thread is not allowed, so we need a script that calls them on main thread.
     //currentSensorDataRaw = null;
Beispiel #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Replays recorded JSON data in real-time by iterating over the recordingList. Calculates time between each iteration based on data provided by JSON data entry in the list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    IEnumerator Play()
        foreach (string s in recordingList)
            // get the sensor data from current entry in recording list
            SensorDataRaw sensorData = jsonWorker.JsonToObjectReturn(s);
            // get the timestamp for current entry; we know that the data entry is going to start either with the button press or a position change (where we really just need the 1st data), so we just check for those; get timestamp from that data entry;
            foreach (Datastream ds in sensorData.datastreams)
                var val = string.Concat(ds.current_value.Where(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c)));

                if ( == "user_button")
                    currentDataTimestamp =;
                if ( == "posX")
                    currentDataTimestamp =;

            // for the first data entry prevDataTimestamp is going to be empty, so to not get errors we set it to currentDataTimestamp
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(previousDataTimestamp))
                previousDataTimestamp = currentDataTimestamp;

            // convert timestamps for current and previous data from JSON to DateTime objects and get the time between them
            DateTime curTime  = ConvertStringToDateTime(currentDataTimestamp);
            DateTime prevTime = ConvertStringToDateTime(previousDataTimestamp);
            TimeSpan duration = curTime.Subtract(prevTime);

            // convert TimeSpan to floats separately to minutes, seconds and milliseconds and calculate those into seconds to later use in WaitForSeconds
            float minutes         = duration.Minutes;
            float seconds         = duration.Seconds;
            float milliseconds    = duration.Milliseconds;
            float timeBetweenData = (minutes * 60f) + (seconds) + (milliseconds / 1000f);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenData));

            previousDataTimestamp = currentDataTimestamp;
        playRecording = false;
Beispiel #10
    public void ReceiveData(SensorDataRaw _data)
        #region Maybe needed
        //data = _data;

        foreach (Datastream ds in _data.datastreams)
            // Remove any whitespace, we don't need those
            var val = string.Concat(ds.current_value.Where(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c)));

            // If user button is pressed, do something
            // if ( == "user_button") { OnButtonPressed(); break; }

            // goes un Unity X axis
            if ( == "posX")
                if (!m_OverridePositionState[0])
                    print("setting X pos from tag");
                    float.TryParse(val, out position.x);
                    print("setting X pos from override");
                    position.x = m_OverridePosition.x;

            // this goes on Unity z axis
            if ( == "posY")
                if (!m_OverridePositionState[2])
                    print("setting Z pos from tag");
                    float.TryParse(val, out position.z);
                    print("setting Z pos from override");
                    position.z = m_OverridePosition.z;

            // this is height, but it's weird now and doesn't really work, so just set it to static value
            if ( == "posZ")
                if (!m_OverridePositionState[1])
                    float.TryParse(val, out position.y);
                    position.y = m_OverridePosition.y;


            // Create quaternion from string and update rotation with it
            // Need to figure out if sensor quaternions are the same as unity, because rotations seem weird
            if ( == "quaternion" && allowRotation)
                Quaternion rot      = ExtensionMethods.StringToQuaternion(val);
                Vector3    eulerRot = QuaternionToEuler(rot);
            else if ( == "quaternion" && !allowRotation)
                Quaternion rot = Quaternion.identity;
Beispiel #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts raw JSON data to a SensorDataRaw object and returns it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="json"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public SensorDataRaw JsonToObjectReturn(string json)
        SensorDataRaw d = JsonUtility.FromJson <SensorDataRaw>(json);

Beispiel #12
 public SpaceSensorRecordingDataReceivedEventArgs(SensorDataRaw sensor1DataPacket, SensorDataRaw sensor2DataPacket)
     _sensor1DataPacket = sensor1DataPacket;
     _sensor2DataPacket = sensor2DataPacket;