Beispiel #1
 public static void AddSendHandler(object state, SendDataDelegate SendData)
     if (SendHandlers.ContainsKey(state))
         SendHandlers[state] = SendData;
         SendHandlers.Add(state, SendData);
        public EdCustomAdapterCommon(SendDataDelegate sendDataFunc, ReceiveDataDelegate receiveDataFunc,
                                     DiscardInBufferDelegate discardInBufferFunc, ReadInBufferDelegate readInBufferFunc,
                                     int readTimeoutOffsetLong, int readTimeoutOffsetShort, int echoTimeout, bool echoFailureReconnect)
            _readTimeoutOffsetLong  = readTimeoutOffsetLong;
            _readTimeoutOffsetShort = readTimeoutOffsetShort;
            _echoTimeout            = echoTimeout;
            _echoFailureReconnect   = echoFailureReconnect;
            _sendDataFunc           = sendDataFunc;
            _receiveDataFunc        = receiveDataFunc;
            _discardInBufferFunc    = discardInBufferFunc;
            _readInBufferFunc       = readInBufferFunc;

            RawMode           = false;
            CurrentProtocol   = EdInterfaceObd.Protocol.Uart;
            ActiveProtocol    = EdInterfaceObd.Protocol.Uart;
            CurrentBaudRate   = 0;
            ActiveBaudRate    = -1;
            CurrentWordLength = 0;
            ActiveWordLength  = -1;
            CurrentParity     = EdInterfaceObd.SerialParity.None;
            ActiveParity      = EdInterfaceObd.SerialParity.None;
            InterByteTime     = 0;
            CanTxId           = -1;
            CanRxId           = -1;
            CanFlags          = EdInterfaceObd.CanFlags.Empty;
            AdapterType       = -1;
            AdapterVersion    = -1;
            AdapterSerial     = null;
Beispiel #3
        public void TestConsumeBuildStartedEvent()
            bool wentInHandler = false;
            BuildStartedEventArgs buildStarted      = new BuildStartedEventArgs("Start", "Help");
            SendDataDelegate      transportDelegate = delegate(INodePacket packet)
                wentInHandler = true;

            BuildEventArgTransportSink transportSink = new BuildEventArgTransportSink(transportDelegate);

            transportSink.Consume(buildStarted, 0);
            Assert.IsFalse(wentInHandler, "Expected not to go into transport delegate");
Beispiel #4
        public void TestShutDown()
            SendDataDelegate transportDelegate = PacketProcessor;
            var weakTransportDelegateReference = new WeakReference(transportDelegate);
            var transportSink = new BuildEventArgTransportSink(transportDelegate);


            transportDelegate = null;

            // Expected shutdown to null out the sendData delegate, the two garbage collections
            // should have collected the sendDataDelegate causing the weak reference to die.
            Assert.Null(weakTransportDelegateReference.Target);  // " Expected delegate to be dead"
Beispiel #5
        public void TestConsumeMessageBuildEvent()
            bool wentInHandler = false;
            BuildMessageEventArgs messageEvent      = new BuildMessageEventArgs("My message", "Help me keyword", "Sender", MessageImportance.High);
            SendDataDelegate      transportDelegate = delegate(INodePacket packet)
                wentInHandler = true;
                LogMessagePacket loggingPacket = packet as LogMessagePacket;
                BuildMessageEventArgs messageEventFromPacket = loggingPacket.NodeBuildEvent.Value.Value as BuildMessageEventArgs;
                Assert.IsTrue(messageEventFromPacket == messageEvent);

            BuildEventArgTransportSink transportSink = new BuildEventArgTransportSink(transportDelegate);

            transportSink.Consume(messageEvent, 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(wentInHandler, "Expected to go into transport delegate");
Beispiel #6
 public PacketBufferer(SendDataDelegate SendData, object state, int interval)
     _SendData = SendData;
     _state = state;
     ticker = new Timer(ticker_Elapsed, null, interval, interval);
Beispiel #7
 public PacketBufferer(SendDataDelegate SendData, object state)
     : this(SendData, state, 100)
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the sink which will consume a buildEventArg
 /// Create a INodePacket and send it to the transport component
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sendData">A delegate which takes an INodePacket and sends the packet to where it needs to go</param>
 /// <exception cref="InternalErrorException">Send data delegate is null</exception>
 internal BuildEventArgTransportSink(SendDataDelegate sendData)
     ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(sendData != null, "sendData delegate is null");
     _sendDataDelegate = sendData;
 /// <summary>
 /// Dispose of any resources the sink is holding onto.
 /// </summary>
 public void ShutDown()
     _sendDataDelegate = null;
Beispiel #10
 public void SendData(string textData)
     m_SendDataDelegate = new SendDataDelegate(_SendData);
     m_SendDataDelegate.BeginInvoke(textData, new AsyncCallback(_SendDataCompleted), DateTime.Now.ToString());
Beispiel #11
 public void SendData(string textData)
     m_SendDataDelegate = new SendDataDelegate(_SendData);
     m_SendDataDelegate.BeginInvoke(textData, new AsyncCallback(_SendDataCompleted), DateTime.Now.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the sink which will consume a buildEventArg
 /// Create a INodePacket and send it to the transport component
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sendData">A delegate which takes an INodePacket and sends the packet to where it needs to go</param>
 /// <exception cref="InternalErrorException">Send data delegate is null</exception>
 internal BuildEventArgTransportSink(SendDataDelegate sendData)
     ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(sendData != null, "sendData delegate is null");
     _sendDataDelegate = sendData;
 /// <summary>
 /// Dispose of any resources the sink is holding onto.
 /// </summary>
 public void ShutDown()
     _sendDataDelegate = null;