protected override bool InitializeServer(RunFrame frame)
            string baseAddress;
            string port;

            AppDomain sandbox = CreateFullTrustAppDomain();

            frame.SetState(KeySandbox, sandbox);

            // load test assemly into sandbox
            if (sandbox != null && TypeDescriptor.TestAssembly != null)

            // setup security strategy and base address
            port = _portArranger.Reserve();
            SecurityOptionElement securityElem = frame.GetFirstElement <SecurityOptionElement>();

            if (securityElem != null)
                SetupSecureEnvironment(securityElem.Certificate, port);
                baseAddress = string.Format(SecureBaseAddressTemplate, port);
                frame.SetState(KeyIsSecuredServer, true);
                baseAddress = string.Format(NormalBaseAddressTemplate, port);
                frame.SetState(KeyIsSecuredServer, false);

            // looking into the RunFrames and search for TraceElement. if it exists
            // set the tracer's type to the configuration otherwise skip this step
            TraceElement traceElem = frame.GetFirstElement <TraceElement>();
            Type         traceType = null;

            if (traceElem != null)
                traceType = traceElem.TracerType;

            // create initiator in the sandbox
            SelfHostServerInitiator serverInitiator;

            if (sandbox != null)
                serverInitiator = sandbox.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(
                                  as SelfHostServerInitiator;
                serverInitiator = new SelfHostServerInitiator();

            // set up the server
            serverInitiator.Setup(baseAddress, TypeDescriptor.ConfigureMethod, traceType, GetDefaultRouteTemplate());

            frame.SetState(KeyReservedPort, port);
            frame.SetState(KeyBaseAddresss, baseAddress);
            frame.SetState(KeyServerInitiator, serverInitiator);

        protected override bool InitializeServer(RunFrame frame)
            string baseAddress;
            string port;

            AppDomain sandbox = CreateFullTrustAppDomain();
            frame.SetState(KeySandbox, sandbox);

            // load test assemly into sandbox
            if (sandbox != null && TypeDescriptor.TestAssembly != null)

            // setup security strategy and base address
            port = _portArranger.Reserve();
            SecurityOptionElement securityElem = frame.GetFirstElement<SecurityOptionElement>();
            if (securityElem != null)
                SetupSecureEnvironment(securityElem.Certificate, port);
                baseAddress = string.Format(SecureBaseAddressTemplate, port);
                frame.SetState(KeyIsSecuredServer, true);
                baseAddress = string.Format(NormalBaseAddressTemplate, port);
                frame.SetState(KeyIsSecuredServer, false);

            // looking into the RunFrames and search for TraceElement. if it exists
            // set the tracer's type to the configuration otherwise skip this step
            TraceElement traceElem = frame.GetFirstElement<TraceElement>();
            Type traceType = null;
            if (traceElem != null)
                traceType = traceElem.TracerType;

            // create initiator in the sandbox
            SelfHostServerInitiator serverInitiator;
            if (sandbox != null)
                serverInitiator = sandbox.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(
                    as SelfHostServerInitiator;
                serverInitiator = new SelfHostServerInitiator();

            // set up the server
            serverInitiator.Setup(baseAddress, TypeDescriptor.ConfigureMethod, traceType, GetDefaultRouteTemplate());

            frame.SetState(KeyReservedPort, port);
            frame.SetState(KeyBaseAddresss, baseAddress);
            frame.SetState(KeyServerInitiator, serverInitiator);

            return true;