public void ConsecutiveEmptyKevap3()
                var lang  = new SekvapLanguage();
                var parts = new string[]
                    // hello world;Name=;;
                    "hello world",
                    ";", "Name", "=",
                string input  = string.Join(string.Empty, parts);
                var    result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(4, result.Count);
                int i = -1;

                // "Value" == "hello world"
                Assert.Equal("Value", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(parts[0], result[i].Value);

                // "Name" == ";"
                Assert.Equal("Name", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(string.Empty, result[i].Value);

                // "" == null
                Assert.Equal(string.Empty, result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(null, result[i].Value);

                // "" == null
                Assert.Equal(string.Empty, result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(null, result[i].Value);
            public void NullInput()
                var    lang  = new SekvapLanguage();
                string input = null;

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => lang.Parse(input));
            public void ConnectionString1()
                var lang  = new SekvapLanguage();
                var parts = new string[]
                    "Data Source", "=", "myServerAddress", ";",
                    "Initial Catalog", "=", "myDataBase", ";",
                    "Integrated Security", "=", "SSPI", ";",
                    "User ID", "=", "myDomain\\myUsername", ";",
                    "Password", "=", "myPass\\=word", ";",
                string input  = string.Concat(parts);
                var    result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(6, result.Count);
                int i = -1;

                ////Assert.Equal("Value", result[++i].Key); // Value =
                ////Assert.Equal(null, result[i].Value); //       = null
                Assert.Equal(parts[0], result[++i].Key);      // Data Source =
                Assert.Equal(parts[2], result[i].Value);      //             = myServerAddress
                Assert.Equal(parts[4], result[++i].Key);      // Initial Catalog =
                Assert.Equal(parts[6], result[i].Value);      //                 = myDataBase
                Assert.Equal(parts[8], result[++i].Key);      // Integrated Security =
                Assert.Equal(parts[10], result[i].Value);     //                     = SSPI
                Assert.Equal(parts[12], result[++i].Key);     // User ID =
                Assert.Equal(parts[14], result[i].Value);     //         = myDomain\\myUsername
                Assert.Equal(parts[16], result[++i].Key);     // Password =
                Assert.Equal("myPass=word", result[i].Value); //          = myPass=word
                Assert.Equal("", result[++i].Key);            // "" =
                Assert.Equal(null, result[i].Value);          //       = null
            public void NoValues()
                var source = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
                var target = new SekvapLanguage();
                var result = target.Serialize(source);

                Assert.Equal(0, result.Length);
            public void Value()
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                source.Add("Value", "Hello");
                var target = new SekvapLanguage();
                var result = target.Serialize(source);

                Assert.Equal("Hello", result);
            public void NoValue()
                var    lang   = new SekvapLanguage();
                string input  = string.Empty;
                var    result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(1, result.Count);
                Assert.Equal("Value", result[0].Key);
                Assert.Equal(string.Empty, result[0].Value);
            public void Value_Item()
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                source.Add("Value", "Hello");
                source.Add("Foo", "Bar");
                var target = new SekvapLanguage();
                var result = target.Serialize(source.AsEnumerable());

                Assert.Equal("Hello;Foo=Bar", result);
            public void Value_Item_Value()
                var source = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                source.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Value", "Hello"));
                source.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Foo", "Bar"));
                source.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Value", "Yop"));
                var target = new SekvapLanguage();
                var result = target.Serialize(source);

                Assert.Equal("Hello;Foo=Bar;Value=Yop", result);
            public void SimpleValue()
                var lang  = new SekvapLanguage();
                var parts = new string[]
                    "hello world",
                string input  = parts[0];
                var    result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(1, result.Count);
                Assert.Equal("Value", result[0].Key);
                Assert.Equal(parts[0], result[0].Value);
            public void EqualSignInValue0()
                var lang   = new SekvapLanguage();
                var input  = "=8;x=y";
                var result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(2, result.Count);
                int i = -1;

                Assert.Equal("Value", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal("=8", result[i].Value);

                Assert.Equal("x", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal("y", result[i].Value);
            public void EmptyValues1()
                var source = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                source.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(string.Empty, string.Empty));
                var target = new SekvapLanguage();

                var result = target.Serialize(source.AsEnumerable());

                Assert.Equal(0, result.Length);

                target.SkipSerializeEmpty = false;
                var result1 = target.Serialize(source.AsEnumerable());

                Assert.Equal(0, result.Length);
            public void SimpleValueWithEscapedSeparator_Old_Begin()
                var lang = new SekvapLanguage();

                lang.AllowSelfEscape = true;
                var parts = new string[]
                string input  = parts[0];
                var    result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(1, result.Count);

                Assert.Equal("Value", result[0].Key);
                Assert.Equal(";hello", result[0].Value);
            public void SimpleValue_PlusOneEmptyEqualKevap()
                var lang  = new SekvapLanguage();
                var parts = new string[]
                    "hello world",
                    ";", "Name", "=",
                string input  = string.Join(string.Empty, parts);
                var    result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(2, result.Count);
                int i = -1;

                Assert.Equal("Value", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(parts[0], result[i].Value);
                Assert.Equal(parts[2], result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(string.Empty, result[i].Value);
            public void EmptyKey0()
                // a key cannot be empty. so this is a key starting with the equa sign.
                var lang   = new SekvapLanguage();
                var input  = "helo;=b;x=y";
                var result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(3, result.Count);
                int i = -1;

                Assert.Equal("Value", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal("helo", result[i].Value);

                Assert.Equal("=b", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(null, result[i].Value);

                Assert.Equal("x", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal("y", result[i].Value);
            public void SimpleValueWithEscapedSeparator()
                var lang  = new SekvapLanguage();
                var parts = new string[]
                    "hello ;; world",
                string input  = parts[0];
                var    result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(3, result.Count);

                Assert.Equal("Value", result[0].Key);
                Assert.Equal("hello ", result[0].Value);

                Assert.Equal(string.Empty, result[1].Key);
                Assert.Equal(null, result[1].Value);

                Assert.Equal(" world", result[2].Key);
                Assert.Equal(null, result[2].Value);
            public void SimpleValue_PlusTwoKevap()
                var lang  = new SekvapLanguage();
                var parts = new string[]
                    ";", "Name", "=", "John Smith",
                    ";", "Foo", "=", "Bar",
                string input  = string.Join(string.Empty, parts);
                var    result = lang.Parse(input);

                Assert.Equal(3, result.Count);
                int i = -1;

                Assert.Equal("Value", result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(parts[0], result[i].Value);
                Assert.Equal(parts[2], result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(parts[4], result[i].Value);
                Assert.Equal(parts[6], result[++i].Key);
                Assert.Equal(parts[8], result[i].Value);
        public void ParseTests()
            var assembly = typeof(SekvapLanguageTests).Assembly;
            var stream   = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("SrkSekvap.Tests.SekvapLanguage.ParseTests.txt");

            var lines = new List <Test>();

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
                string line, input = null, json = null;
                int    lineNumber = 0;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line.StartsWith("$ "))
                        input = line.Substring(2);
                    else if (line.StartsWith("> "))
                        json = line.Substring(2);
                            var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[, ]>(json);
                            lines.Add(new Test(lineNumber, input, data));
                        catch (JsonReaderException ex)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(ex.Message + " @" + lineNumber + "\r\n" + input + "\r\n" + json);

            var lang = new SekvapLanguage();

            lang.SkipSerializeEmpty = false;
            var full = new StringBuilder();
            var lite = new StringBuilder();
            int errors = 0, oks = 0, localErrors = 0;
            var prevLiteLine = -1;
            var ok           = new Action <Test, int, string>((test1, col1, message1) =>
                full.AppendLine("#" + col1 + ": " + (message1 ?? "OK"));
            var error = new Action <Test, int, string, string>((test1, col1, input, message1) =>
                if (prevLiteLine != test1.lineNumber)
                    if (test1.input == input)
                        lite.AppendLine("TEST @" + test1.lineNumber + "    $ " + test1.input);
                        lite.AppendLine("TEST @" + test1.lineNumber + " ReParse!");
                        lite.AppendLine("$0 " + test1.input);
                        lite.AppendLine("$1 " + input);

                prevLiteLine = test1.lineNumber;
                var message2 = col1 >= 0 ? ("#" + col1 + ": " + message1) : message1;

            var test = new Action <Test, IList <KeyValuePair <string, string> >, string>((test1, result, input) =>
                var line = test1;
                for (int col = 0; col <; col++)
                    if (result.Count >= (col + 1))
                        var key =[col, 0];
                        if (key.Equals(result[col].Key))
                            // key ok
                            var value =[col, 1];
                            if (value == null)
                                if (result[col].Value == null)
                                    // value ok (null)
                                    ok(line, col, null);
                                    error(line, col, input, "Value should be NULL; not '" + result[col].Value + "'. ");
                                if (value.Equals(result[col].Value))
                                    // value ok
                                    ok(line, col, null);
                                    error(line, col, input, "Value should be '" + result[col].Value + "'; not '" + result[col].Value + "'. ");
                            error(line, col, input, "Key should be '" + key + "'; not '" + result[col].Key + "'. ");
                        error(line, col, input, "Column index " + col + " is missing. ");

            var testReparse = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
                var line = lines[i];
                localErrors = 0;
                var result = lang.Parse(line.input);
                full.AppendLine("TEST @" + line.lineNumber + "    $ " + line.input);
                if (result.Count !=
                    error(line, -1, line.input, "Result only has " + result.Count + " columns; " + + " are expected. ");

                test(line, result, line.input);

                if (localErrors == 0 && testReparse)
                    var serialized = lang.Serialize(result);
                    ////if (line.input.Equals(serialized))
                    ////    ok(line, -1, "Serialize OK.");
                    ////    error(line, -1, "Serialized differs. \r\n$ " + line.input + "\r\n& " + serialized);

                    var unserialized = lang.Parse(serialized);
                    test(line, unserialized, serialized);

            var message = "Lines:" + lines.Count + " OK:" + oks + " Errors:" + errors + "\r\n";

            lite.Insert(0, message);
            full.Insert(0, message);
            if (errors > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(errors + " errors\r\n\r\n" + lite.ToString());
            public void Arg0IsNull_Throws()
                var target = new SekvapLanguage();

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => target.Serialize(default(ICollection <KeyValuePair <string, string> >)));