private static bool HandleSimpleSegmentEquation(KnownMeasurementsAggregator known, SegmentEquation theEq)
            if (theEq.GetAtomicity() != Equation.BOTH_ATOMIC)

            Segment unknownSegment = null;
            double  segmentValue   = -1;

            if (theEq.lhs is NumericValue)
                unknownSegment = theEq.rhs as Segment;
                segmentValue   = (theEq.lhs as NumericValue).DoubleValue;
            else if (theEq.rhs is NumericValue)
                unknownSegment = theEq.lhs as Segment;
                segmentValue   = (theEq.rhs as NumericValue).DoubleValue;

            // (7) Add to the list of knowns
            return(known.AddSegmentLength(unknownSegment, segmentValue));
        // (1) Make a copy
        // (2) Collect the equation terms.
        // (3) Are all but one known?
        // (4) Substitute
        // (5) Simplify
        // (6) Acquire the unknown and its value.
        // (7) Add to the list of knowns.
        private static bool HandleSegmentEquation(KnownMeasurementsAggregator known, List <GroundedClause> clauses, SegmentEquation theEq)
            if (theEq.GetAtomicity() == Equation.BOTH_ATOMIC)
                return(HandleSimpleSegmentEquation(known, theEq));

            // CTA: Verify this calls the correct Equation deep copy mechanism.
            // (1) Make a copy
            SegmentEquation copy = (SegmentEquation)theEq.DeepCopy();

            // (2) Collect the equation terms.
            List <GroundedClause> left = copy.lhs.CollectTerms();

            double[] leftVal            = new double[left.Count];
            List <GroundedClause> right = copy.rhs.CollectTerms();

            double[] rightVal = new double[right.Count];

            // (3) Are all but one term known?
            int unknownCount = 0;

            for (int ell = 0; ell < left.Count; ell++)
                if (left[ell] is NumericValue)
                    leftVal[ell] = (left[ell] as NumericValue).DoubleValue;
                    leftVal[ell] = known.GetSegmentLength(left[ell] as Segment);
                    if (leftVal[ell] <= 0)
            for (int r = 0; r < right.Count; r++)
                if (right[r] is NumericValue)
                    rightVal[r] = (right[r] as NumericValue).DoubleValue;
                    rightVal[r] = known.GetSegmentLength(right[r] as Segment);
                    if (rightVal[r] <= 0)

            // We can't solve for more or less than one unknown.
            if (unknownCount != 1)

            // (4) Substitute
            for (int ell = 0; ell < left.Count; ell++)
                if (leftVal[ell] > 0)
                    copy.Substitute(left[ell], new NumericValue(leftVal[ell]));
            for (int r = 0; r < right.Count; r++)
                if (rightVal[r] > 0)
                    copy.Substitute(right[r], new NumericValue(rightVal[r]));

            // (5) Simplify
            SegmentEquation simplified = (SegmentEquation)GenericInstantiator.Simplification.Simplify(copy);

            return(HandleSimpleSegmentEquation(known, simplified));