Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Using StructureMap for IoC.  You can use Ninject, AutoFac, Windsor, or whatever
            // supports the methods you need to override in SeekUHostConfiguration<T>
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration<SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();

            // Configure the host to use SQL to store events and snapshots.  You don't have to use
            // the configuration action - both providers will default to a connection string
            // named "SeekU."  This simply shows how you can configure each provider at runtime.
                // Sample of using configuration actions to set connectionstrings
                .ForEventStore().Use<SqlEventStore>(store => { store.ConnectionStringName = "DemoConnectionString"; })
                // This could be a different connection if necessary
                .ForSnapshotStore().Use<SqlSnapshotStore>(store => { store.ConnectionStringName = "DemoConnectionString"; });

            // Using the default conenction string would look like this (less verbose):

            var bus = host.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));

Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Using StructureMap for IoC.  You can use Ninject, AutoFac, Windsor, or whatever
            // supports the methods you need to override in SeekUHostConfiguration<T>
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration <SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();

            // Configure file-based event storeage
            host.ForEventStore().Use <JsonFileEventStore>()
            // Example of using an optional configuration action.  In this cas it sets the snapshot store's file name
            .ForSnapshotStore().Use <JsonFileSnapshotStore>(store =>
                store.FileName = "snapshot-instance.json";

            var bus = host.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));

Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Using StructureMap for IoC.  You can use Ninject, AutoFac, Windsor, or whatever
            // supports the methods you need to override in SeekUHostConfiguration<T>
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration<SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();

            // Configure file-based event storeage
                // Example of using an optional configuration action.  In this cas it sets the snapshot store's file name
                .ForSnapshotStore().Use<JsonFileSnapshotStore>(store =>
                    store.FileName = "snapshot-instance.json";

            var bus = host.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));

Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Use MongoDB for event and snapshot storage
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration <SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();

            host.ForEventStore().Use <MongoEventStore>()
            .ForSnapshotStore().Use <MongoSnapshotStore>();

            var bus = host.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));

Beispiel #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Using StructureMap for IoC.  You can use Ninject, AutoFac, Windsor, or whatever
            // supports the methods you need to override in SeekUHostConfiguration<T>
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration <SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();

            // Configure the host to use SQL to store events and snapshots.  You don't have to use
            // the configuration action - both providers will default to a connection string
            // named "SeekU."  This simply shows how you can configure each provider at runtime.
            // Sample of using configuration actions to set connectionstrings
            .ForEventStore().Use <SqlEventStore>(store => { store.ConnectionStringName = "DemoConnectionString"; })
            // This could be a different connection if necessary
            .ForSnapshotStore().Use <SqlSnapshotStore>(store => { store.ConnectionStringName = "DemoConnectionString"; });

            // Using the default conenction string would look like this (less verbose):

            var bus = host.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));

Beispiel #6
        private void SendSeekU()
            // Use a custom configuration with our own ICommandBus implementation
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration <NsbStructureMapResolver>();

            // Configure commands to be published via NServiceBus instead of the
            // in-memory bus.
            host.ForCommandBus().Use <NServiceCommandBus>();
            // The NServiceCommandBus requires IBus as a constructor parameter.
            // This tells the resolver what to use for that dependency.
            host.For <IBus>().Use(Bus);

            var seekUBus = host.GetCommandBus();

            var id = Guid.NewGuid();

            Console.WriteLine("Sending create account command");
            seekUBus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));
            Console.WriteLine("Sending debit account command");
            seekUBus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("Sending credit account command");
            seekUBus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            Console.WriteLine("Sending debit account command");
            seekUBus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));
Beispiel #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Using StructureMap for IoC.  You can use Ninject, AutoFac, Windsor, or whatever
            // supports the methods you need to override in SeekUHostConfiguration<T>
            var config = new SeekUHostConfiguration <SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();

            // Normally you'd configure providers here.  This "in memory" sample
            // uses the default providers, so no configuration is necessary.

            var bus = config.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            var newAccountCommand = new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950);
            // Simple validation example.
            var validation = bus.Validate(newAccountCommand);

            Console.WriteLine("CreateNewAccountCommand is valid?  {0}", validation.Success);

            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));

Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Using StructureMap for IoC.  You can use Ninject, AutoFac, Windsor, or whatever
            // supports the methods you need to override in SeekUHostConfiguration<T>
            var config = new SeekUHostConfiguration<SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();

            // Normally you'd configure providers here.  This "in memory" sample
            // uses the default providers, so no configuration is necessary.

            var bus = config.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            var newAccountCommand = new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950);
            // Simple validation example.
            var validation = bus.Validate(newAccountCommand);
            Console.WriteLine("CreateNewAccountCommand is valid?  {0}", validation.Success);

            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));

Beispiel #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Use MongoDB for event and snapshot storage
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration<SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();
            // Update with your connection string
            const string connectionString =
                "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[Your account name];AccountKey[Your account key]";

                .ForEventStore().Use<AzureTableEventStore>(store =>
                    store.TableConnectionString = connectionString;
                .ForSnapshotStore().Use<AzureBlobSnapshotStore>(store =>
                    store.BlobConnectionString = connectionString;

            var bus = host.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 95));
            Console.WriteLine("Azure event created");

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 5));
            Console.WriteLine("Azure event created");

            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 12));
            Console.WriteLine("Azure event created");
            Console.WriteLine("Azure snapshot created");

            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 35));
            Console.WriteLine("Azure event created");

Beispiel #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Use MongoDB for event and snapshot storage
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration <SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();
            // Update with your connection string
            const string connectionString =
                "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[Your account name];AccountKey[Your account key]";

            .ForEventStore().Use <AzureTableEventStore>(store =>
                store.TableConnectionString = connectionString;
            .ForSnapshotStore().Use <AzureBlobSnapshotStore>(store =>
                store.BlobConnectionString = connectionString;

            var bus = host.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 95));
            Console.WriteLine("Azure event created");

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 5));
            Console.WriteLine("Azure event created");

            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 12));
            Console.WriteLine("Azure event created");
            Console.WriteLine("Azure snapshot created");

            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 35));
            Console.WriteLine("Azure event created");

Beispiel #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Use MongoDB for event and snapshot storage
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration<SeekUDemoDependencyResolver>();

            var bus = host.GetCommandBus();

            // I'm not a proponent of Guids for primary keys.  This method returns
            // a sequential Guid to make database sorting behave like integers.
            var id = SequentialGuid.NewId();

            // Create the account
            bus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));

            // Use the account to create a history of events including a snapshot
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            bus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            bus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));

Beispiel #12
        public override void Run()
            Trace.WriteLine("Starting processing of messages");

            _client.OnMessage(message =>
                    Trace.WriteLine("Processing Service Bus message: " + message.SequenceNumber.ToString());

                    // To handle events, use the following:

                    // Handle any message processing specific exceptions here

Beispiel #13
        public void Handle(CreateNewAccountCommand message)
            Console.WriteLine("Create account message received");

Beispiel #14
        private void SendSeekU()
            // Use a custom configuration with our own ICommandBus implementation
            var host = new SeekUHostConfiguration<NsbStructureMapResolver>();
            // Configure commands to be published via NServiceBus instead of the
            // in-memory bus.
            // The NServiceCommandBus requires IBus as a constructor parameter.
            // This tells the resolver what to use for that dependency.

            var seekUBus = host.GetCommandBus();

            var id = Guid.NewGuid();

            Console.WriteLine("Sending create account command");
            seekUBus.Send(new CreateNewAccountCommand(id, 950));
            Console.WriteLine("Sending debit account command");
            seekUBus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("Sending credit account command");
            seekUBus.Send(new CreditAccountCommand(id, 120));
            Console.WriteLine("Sending debit account command");
            seekUBus.Send(new DebitAccountCommand(id, 350));