Beispiel #1
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public SpillRecord(Path indexFileName, JobConf job, Checksum crc, string expectedIndexOwner
            FileSystem        rfs = FileSystem.GetLocal(job).GetRaw();
            FSDataInputStream @in = SecureIOUtils.OpenFSDataInputStream(new FilePath(indexFileName
                                                                                     .ToUri().GetRawPath()), expectedIndexOwner, null);

                long length     = rfs.GetFileStatus(indexFileName).GetLen();
                int  partitions = (int)length / MapTask.MapOutputIndexRecordLength;
                int  size       = partitions * MapTask.MapOutputIndexRecordLength;
                buf = ByteBuffer.Allocate(size);
                if (crc != null)
                    CheckedInputStream chk = new CheckedInputStream(@in, crc);
                    IOUtils.ReadFully(chk, ((byte[])buf.Array()), 0, size);
                    if (chk.GetChecksum().GetValue() != @in.ReadLong())
                        throw new ChecksumException("Checksum error reading spill index: " + indexFileName
                                                    , -1);
                    IOUtils.ReadFully(@in, ((byte[])buf.Array()), 0, size);
                entries = buf.AsLongBuffer();
Beispiel #2
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static TaskLog.LogFileDetail GetLogFileDetail(TaskAttemptID taskid, TaskLog.LogName
                                                              filter, bool isCleanup)
            FilePath       indexFile = GetIndexFile(taskid, isCleanup);
            BufferedReader fis       = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(SecureIOUtils.OpenForRead
                                                                                    (indexFile, ObtainLogDirOwner(taskid), null), Charsets.Utf8));

            //the format of the index file is
            //LOG_DIR: <the dir where the task logs are really stored>
            //stdout:<start-offset in the stdout file> <length>
            //stderr:<start-offset in the stderr file> <length>
            //syslog:<start-offset in the syslog file> <length>
            TaskLog.LogFileDetail l = new TaskLog.LogFileDetail();
            string str = null;

                str = fis.ReadLine();
                if (str == null)
                    // the file doesn't have anything
                    throw new IOException("Index file for the log of " + taskid + " doesn't exist.");
                l.location = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(str, str.IndexOf(TaskLog.LogFileDetail.Location
                                                                        ) + TaskLog.LogFileDetail.Location.Length);
                // special cases are the debugout and profile.out files. They are
                // guaranteed
                // to be associated with each task attempt since jvm reuse is disabled
                // when profiling/debugging is enabled
                if (filter.Equals(TaskLog.LogName.Debugout) || filter.Equals(TaskLog.LogName.Profile
                    l.length = new FilePath(l.location, filter.ToString()).Length();
                    l.start  = 0;
                str = fis.ReadLine();
                while (str != null)
                    // look for the exact line containing the logname
                    if (str.Contains(filter.ToString()))
                        str = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(str, filter.ToString().Length + 1);
                        string[] startAndLen = str.Split(" ");
                        l.start  = long.Parse(startAndLen[0]);
                        l.length = long.Parse(startAndLen[1]);
                    str = fis.ReadLine();
                fis = null;
                IOUtils.Cleanup(Log, fis);
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public static FileInputStream OpenLogFileForRead(string containerIdStr, FilePath
                                                         logFile, Context context)
            ContainerId   containerId   = ConverterUtils.ToContainerId(containerIdStr);
            ApplicationId applicationId = containerId.GetApplicationAttemptId().GetApplicationId
            string user = context.GetApplications()[applicationId].GetUser();

                return(SecureIOUtils.OpenForRead(logFile, user, null));
            catch (IOException e)
                if (e.Message.Contains("did not match expected owner '" + user + "'"))
                    Log.Error("Exception reading log file " + logFile.GetAbsolutePath(), e);
                    throw new IOException("Exception reading log file. Application submitted by '" +
                                          user + "' doesn't own requested log file : " + logFile.GetName(), e);
                    throw new IOException("Exception reading log file. It might be because log " + "file was aggregated : "
                                          + logFile.GetName(), e);
Beispiel #4
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 private static void WriteToIndexFile(string logLocation, bool isCleanup)
     lock (typeof(TaskLog))
         // To ensure atomicity of updates to index file, write to temporary index
         // file first and then rename.
         FilePath             tmpIndexFile = GetTmpIndexFile(currentTaskid, isCleanup);
         BufferedOutputStream bos          = null;
         DataOutputStream     dos          = null;
             bos = new BufferedOutputStream(SecureIOUtils.CreateForWrite(tmpIndexFile, 0x1a4));
             dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
             //the format of the index file is
             //LOG_DIR: <the dir where the task logs are really stored>
             //STDOUT: <start-offset in the stdout file> <length>
             //STDERR: <start-offset in the stderr file> <length>
             //SYSLOG: <start-offset in the syslog file> <length>
             dos.WriteBytes(TaskLog.LogFileDetail.Location + logLocation + "\n" + TaskLog.LogName
                            .Stdout.ToString() + ":");
             dos.WriteBytes(System.Convert.ToString(prevOutLength) + " ");
             dos.WriteBytes(System.Convert.ToString(new FilePath(logLocation, TaskLog.LogName.
                                                                 Stdout.ToString()).Length() - prevOutLength) + "\n" + TaskLog.LogName.Stderr + ":"
             dos.WriteBytes(System.Convert.ToString(prevErrLength) + " ");
             dos.WriteBytes(System.Convert.ToString(new FilePath(logLocation, TaskLog.LogName.
                                                                 Stderr.ToString()).Length() - prevErrLength) + "\n" + TaskLog.LogName.Syslog.ToString
                                () + ":");
             dos.WriteBytes(System.Convert.ToString(prevLogLength) + " ");
             dos.WriteBytes(System.Convert.ToString(new FilePath(logLocation, TaskLog.LogName.
                                                                 Syslog.ToString()).Length() - prevLogLength) + "\n");
             dos = null;
             bos = null;
             IOUtils.Cleanup(Log, dos, bos);
         FilePath indexFile        = GetIndexFile(currentTaskid, isCleanup);
         Path     indexFilePath    = new Path(indexFile.GetAbsolutePath());
         Path     tmpIndexFilePath = new Path(tmpIndexFile.GetAbsolutePath());
         if (localFS == null)
             // set localFS once
             localFS = FileSystem.GetLocal(new Configuration());
         localFS.Rename(tmpIndexFilePath, indexFilePath);
Beispiel #5
			/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
			protected internal virtual ChannelFuture SendMapOutput(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, 
				Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel ch, string user, string mapId, int reduce, ShuffleHandler.Shuffle.MapOutputInfo
				IndexRecord info = mapOutputInfo.indexRecord;
				ShuffleHeader header = new ShuffleHeader(mapId, info.partLength, info.rawLength, 
				DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer();
				ch.Write(ChannelBuffers.WrappedBuffer(dob.GetData(), 0, dob.GetLength()));
				FilePath spillfile = new FilePath(mapOutputInfo.mapOutputFileName.ToString());
				RandomAccessFile spill;
					spill = SecureIOUtils.OpenForRandomRead(spillfile, "r", user, null);
				catch (FileNotFoundException)
					ShuffleHandler.Log.Info(spillfile + " not found");
					return null;
				ChannelFuture writeFuture;
				if (ch.GetPipeline().Get<SslHandler>() == null)
					FadvisedFileRegion partition = new FadvisedFileRegion(spill, info.startOffset, info
						.partLength, this._enclosing.manageOsCache, this._enclosing.readaheadLength, this
						._enclosing.readaheadPool, spillfile.GetAbsolutePath(), this._enclosing.shuffleBufferSize
						, this._enclosing.shuffleTransferToAllowed);
					writeFuture = ch.Write(partition);
					writeFuture.AddListener(new _ChannelFutureListener_1135(partition));
					// TODO error handling; distinguish IO/connection failures,
					//      attribute to appropriate spill output
					// HTTPS cannot be done with zero copy.
					FadvisedChunkedFile chunk = new FadvisedChunkedFile(spill, info.startOffset, info
						.partLength, this._enclosing.sslFileBufferSize, this._enclosing.manageOsCache, this
						._enclosing.readaheadLength, this._enclosing.readaheadPool, spillfile.GetAbsolutePath
					writeFuture = ch.Write(chunk);
				// optimistic
				return writeFuture;
Beispiel #6
            /// <summary>Read a log file from start to end positions.</summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Read a log file from start to end positions. The offsets may be negative,
            /// in which case they are relative to the end of the file. For example,
            /// Reader(taskid, kind, 0, -1) is the entire file and
            /// Reader(taskid, kind, -4197, -1) is the last 4196 bytes.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <param name="taskid">the id of the task to read the log file for</param>
            /// <param name="kind">the kind of log to read</param>
            /// <param name="start">the offset to read from (negative is relative to tail)</param>
            /// <param name="end">the offset to read upto (negative is relative to tail)</param>
            /// <param name="isCleanup">whether the attempt is cleanup attempt or not</param>
            /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
            public Reader(TaskAttemptID taskid, TaskLog.LogName kind, long start, long end, bool
                // find the right log file
                TaskLog.LogFileDetail fileDetail = GetLogFileDetail(taskid, kind, isCleanup);
                // calculate the start and stop
                long size = fileDetail.length;

                if (start < 0)
                    start += size + 1;
                if (end < 0)
                    end += size + 1;
                start          = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(start, size));
                end            = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(end, size));
                start         += fileDetail.start;
                end           += fileDetail.start;
                bytesRemaining = end - start;
                string owner = ObtainLogDirOwner(taskid);

                file = SecureIOUtils.OpenForRead(new FilePath(fileDetail.location, kind.ToString(
                                                                  )), owner, null);
                // skip upto start
                long pos = 0;

                while (pos < start)
                    long result = file.Skip(start - pos);
                    if (result < 0)
                        bytesRemaining = 0;
                    pos += result;
Beispiel #7
 public virtual FileInputStream SecureOpenFile(FilePath logFile)
     return(SecureIOUtils.OpenForRead(logFile, GetUser(), null));